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Making PVE viable again

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> If anyone says to "get gud" than they themselves are part of the problem, the one person that said that player base has a top end limit to their skill level is 100% correct and that is based on what the player can physically do and see. I am a clicker have been since GW1 because that is the way it was played, I can not button push and nor do I try. I do not run META in anything I do and there for I can not do raids because people and groups what META, well META is a joke and as long as the content can be completed than the build is viable.


> Now I never said to make PVE harder I said to give the option to make it harder like they did in GW1


> On the gold 3 gold was an example yes I know you can make more than 3 gold an hour and there are several ways to do that but lets say you make 10 gold from doing fractals and that is what you run every day because the rest of the content makes you want to find the heavies frying pan you have and smash yourself in the face till you pass out. SO you make 10 gold from fractals that is 150 day that you would have to do before you have the gold to get the material you need to make your legendary. 5 month of fractals not spending one gold on anything at all every day. But now that you have the gold to get the stuff you have to go into WVW or PVP to get the clovers because after 5 month of logins you have 25 clover only and you need 77.


> So lets do a little math here sale we: 250 mystic coins 353g 67s 50c

> Clovers 77 needed

> Gift of Condensed Magic x2 needed that is

> Powerful blood 79g 28s

> Potent Blood 14g 10s

> Thick Blood 6g 98s

> Vial of Blood 8g 77s

> That is 109 13 x 2

> for 218g 26s Just for blood alone. Now take that away form the 1500

> That is 1281.74 and 250 mystic coins is 374.92

> that leaves 906.82g and it is my guess just a guess that 906.82 will not be enough to get you the rest of the mats that you need to complete the build.


> On top of this you have to maybe go out and collect 250 of map currancies that you can only get so many of a day Like blood Rubies

> complete a quest like to get whatever it is you may need to make the precurser just so you can now make that legendary that you have bee working on and then you get the satisfaction that you have it, but lets see you have lost a kitten load of gold after doing a kitten load of work and now it is not worth it.


> The simple fact that if they do just these small thing of 1 making a hard mode where drops are increased, 2 having MF work the way it was intended to 3 Getting other ways to gain clovers and coins other than the limited ways they have 4 Hell lets even put legendaries in the drop rotation of enemies. 5. put legendary armour in the fractals I like this one and will steel it.


> But everyone will say do raid as stated above I do not do raids as raid require you to run META most of the time because raids I think are for people who think they are elites and that is just a pure toxic thing.


> Strikes are not any fun and they do not have any good drops so they are not worth doing.


> These are all things that need to be changed. In GW1 you took on a PVE boss ( champion now) you had a higher chance at a good drop, if you soloed that ( champ) the chance of the good drop was higher. This should be the case now, with the number of champs there are out there, there is no way this can not be done to make drops better which in turn makes PVE viable again because it draws players out to try for the drops.


> IF a hard mode option ever made these champs would not be solo able at all and you would require some assistance but base drops would be increased for mats on the hard mode making the collection of mats like the blood above easier instead of hoping to collect enough gold form whatever it is you do for gold and buying it off the TP.




You're telling me in 5 months of fractals you haven't naturally gathered materials as well?!


Edit: Not to mention the daily login rewards, which include both mystic coins and materials and laurels with which to buy t6 mats. PLUS you can BUY mystic clovers outright with using fractal currency.

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> @"Aridon.8362" said:



> There are ways to get mats without having to do content. Also I've never seen anyone get 10g from a fractal, not even a daily t4. Maybe the T4 dailies put together if you infuse and salvage your ascendeds and get lucky.


> --snip--


Actually I invariably get 10-20g just from the junk items out of the encryptions, from doing t4+recommended - no CM, no selling of materials, no selling of matrices, but literally just from the junk items.

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> If anyone says to "get gud" than they themselves are part of the problem, the one person that said that player base has a top end limit to their skill level is 100% correct and that is based on what the player can physically do and see. I am a clicker have been since GW1 because that is the way it was played, I can not button push and nor do I try. I do not run META in anything I do and there for I can not do raids because people and groups what META, well META is a joke and as long as the content can be completed than the build is viable.


I don't understand - if you think you're not very good at the game, then why would you choose not to use hotkeys? Hotkeys make the game easier! They aren't reserved for only the top players, they're there for everyone, and by choosing not to use them you're artificially imposing a higher level of difficulty on yourself.

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I click because that is what I am use to the hotkeys I can not do them because I hit more than one key all the time as I have large hands so hotkeys are out period,


Yes you can get 10-20g from junk in the fractals that is what I was talking about when I did the numbers up


There is NO ZIP ZERO farm that is a viable farm for a mat that you might need, you can not go to an area and farm the same creatures in like an hour or two have a stack of the mat you are looking for. In GW1 this was very much a thing feathers comes to mind and lockpicks


Yes GW1 was built in a bubble we all know that and that is why it was so good to be able to farm what you wanted/needed and with one to jump in. You knew exactly where you had to go and what you had to kill to get that mat to drop. Hard mode could be done it would just be a split like it was in GW1 where you had the central HUB say LA and when you get ready to leave it asks if you would like hard mode or normal, if you are in a party than you need everyone to click the hard mode. They have this already with fractals there is nothing saying they can not introduce this to the maps and it would be easy to do, a little time consuming but easy.


If fractals there are few places where you can harvest so, collecting materials through harvesting is not a thing in fractals, you get a few things here and there from drops and from opening fractal encryptions but in 5 months you will still not have a stack of mats that you would need. Drop rates for pure mats has to be increased to allow for a proper farm to get started.


As I stated earlier Raids are for people that think they are somehow elite. If you do not run exactly what the raid wants you to run good luck getting into one and if you do good luck staying in one. They want META (Which is a joke) and that is all they want they do not care if you can finish they just care about finishing fast and getting onto the next one. That is the issue with raids and putting legendary armour into fractals would allow for players like myself to run fractals and build the armour while not having to worry about being kicked for not running the build they are crying for.


If there are ways of getting mats without doing content that is not just harvesting or buying them off the TP I would like to know what they are, doing content is you going out and killing things that is content, the problem with that is that the content is easy enough but the drop rate sucks and MF DOES NOT HELP. MF should help some of us put a lot of time and effort into getting the max base MF and we are getting nothing more than a slap in the face for it. Either ANET has to do one of 3 things with MF 1 Give it no limit from the luck sources and you can build it as high as you want and even make an acheivment from it where you are given a legendary if you collect 1,000,000 luck points or 1000% luck or something like that 2 Wipe the luck right out and whatever you are sitting at in your luck so for me 304%. However much luck it took to get to this you get back in gold. So if it took 20,000 luck to get to 304% you would get 20K in gold. Or 3 make the number correct so that if you have 304% MF than you have a 304% chance to get better items.....Research was done by players and it had come down to that it would take 1000% luck for you to have a 100% chance at a higher tier level item from a drop. Well guess what the highest you can get with boosts and max base MF is 465% which is not even half of what you need so you do not even have a 50% chance to get the next highest tier.

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I don't understand why you would WANT to farm mats themselves instead of farming the gold and buying the mats.

I could:

spend an hour running around doing the more profitable things I like and buying my t4 mats(those are always always the ones I am short on, always) or

spend hours and hours running around the various maps that drop t4 mats until I have the ones I need. Why?

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If adding hard content or making the current content harder was Anet's ticket to making GW2 more successful ... they would be DOING that. That ALSO applies to making the game easier. Any plea to make the game more of something it isn't now is not recognizing that the game is already serving its **ideal** market after 7 years in existence. Moves in either direction are likely to abandon more players than it would appeal to ... because like it or not, the playerbase is already established.


The proposal by the OP is simply one of someone that isn't willing to do what is necessary to get what they want. The game doesn't cater to individuals, so the proposal doesn't make sense.

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How much gold do you think you can make in a day running around doing all the profit things, the answer is about 20g on average you could get lucking in fractals but just your basic stuff you are looking at 20 gold minimum now from my example 20 gold will get you 1/10 of the gold you need just for the blood. That means that you need to spend 2 weeks just doing that stuff over and over again to get enough gold to buy the blood you need. This is the issue bring drop rates up have the materials you need drop more often. This will bring the prices of legendaries down which will allow for casuals to buy them. Unless you are one of the guilds or members of one of these guilds with all the super rich ass players, who are sercumventing the TP than spending that kind of time just to get one component you need to make another component you need is to much. They need to redo the legendaries and make them easier to get. The time for legendaries are a stats symbol is over, no one care if you get a legendary and the only one that should care is you. But if you want one and cant get one because of these reasons than you know what I am saying. The need to be easier to get either by drops easier to make or cheaper to buy. This again will allow casual players to afford them and it was sink these big ticket rich guilds and players because the horde them as currancy. It needs to be better balanced to all casuals the same chance as the not so casuals and the self proclaimed elites


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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> How much gold do you think you can make in a day running around doing all the profit things, the answer is about 20g on average you could get lucking in fractals but just your basic stuff you are looking at 20 gold minimum now from my example 20 gold will get you 1/10 of the gold you need just for the blood. That means that you need to spend 2 weeks just doing that stuff over and over again to get enough gold to buy the blood you need. This is the issue bring drop rates up have the materials you need drop more often. This will bring the prices of legendaries down which will allow for casuals to buy them. Unless you are one of the guilds or members of one of these guilds with all the super rich kitten players, who are sercumventing the TP than spending that kind of time just to get one component you need to make another component you need is to much. They need to redo the legendaries and make them easier to get. The time for legendaries are a stats symbol is over, no one care if you get a legendary and the only one that should care is you. But if you want one and cant get one because of these reasons than you know what I am saying. The need to be easier to get either by drops easier to make or cheaper to buy. This again will allow casual players to afford them and it was sink these big ticket rich guilds and players because the horde them as currancy. It needs to be better balanced to all casuals the same chance as the not so casuals and the self proclaimed elites



Legendary items aren't meant to be short term goals. They're meant to take a long time and a lot of investment in both time and gold to create. All MMO's need long term goals to keep players playing between content releases. Legendary items are one way that ANet gets players to log in and play between content releases.


I am a casual player. I can afford legendary items. I have made one. Meteorlogicus. I am working on another. Incinerator. I have taken many breaks during the 7 years that I've been playing. I could have made several legendary weapons during that time had I so chosen to do so. But I did not.

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> How much gold do you think you can make in a day running around doing all the profit things, the answer is about 20g on average you could get lucking in fractals but just your basic stuff you are looking at 20 gold minimum now from my example 20 gold will get you 1/10 of the gold you need just for the blood. That means that you need to spend 2 weeks just doing that stuff over and over again to get enough gold to buy the blood you need. This is the issue bring drop rates up have the materials you need drop more often. This will bring the prices of legendaries down which will allow for casuals to buy them. Unless you are one of the guilds or members of one of these guilds with all the super rich kitten players, who are sercumventing the TP than spending that kind of time just to get one component you need to make another component you need is to much. They need to redo the legendaries and make them easier to get. The time for legendaries are a stats symbol is over, no one care if you get a legendary and the only one that should care is you. But if you want one and cant get one because of these reasons than you know what I am saying. The need to be easier to get either by drops easier to make or cheaper to buy. This again will allow casual players to afford them and it was sink these big ticket rich guilds and players because the horde them as currancy. It needs to be better balanced to all casuals the same chance as the not so casuals and the self proclaimed elites



Don’t understand why legendaries should be made cheaper so that casuals can buy them. The point of the game is to allow anyone to get end game rewards by spending as many time as they want/need because it doesn’t make you grind gear/weapons that would become irrelevant with a power creep update like in WoW.

Whether someone gets one legendary in the matter of one month or one year is totally fine. The point is that any post 80 rewards is objectively still valuable because all the game will offer is skins.

In a similar token, I am personally looking forward to craft mawdrey because I never got the time to do so in the past. Other than that, I could also log in to guild wars and try to get my hand on some rare skin/expensive armor that I never bothered to craft when I was actively playing guild wars.


That is the beauty of this franchise.


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My only issue on PvE is when masses of players come together or a lot of discrete game elements are clustered it can bog lower to mid performance system. My old system which was built to GW2 spec requirements would bog to unplayable. My Nitro 5 (I5) gaming laptop will bog somewhat and my Rizen 7 PC handles it with only minor FPS dips. For me the lack of single player option for forced multiplayer instanced content bugs me. I'm ok with multiplayer in open PvE but I find it to annoying to play with random people in things like dungeons, fractals, raids, and strike missions. I like to enjoy the associated story but so many players are focused on hustling for rewards so they don't like anyone that wants to absorb the story at their own pace.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Uuuuh... Are legendaries somehow "non viable", cause they need a lot of time, gold and effort to be made? Working as intended.


Apparently all of PVE is not viable because the OP doesn't want to do what is needed to earn a legendary weapon. That doesn't make any sense, but that's what this thread is about.

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I never said I would not do the work I have done the work I have legendaries and the fact that in GW1 I vanquished 21 maps in 3 days on hard mode should tell you that I am not afraid of the work. The issue is this, and it is very easy to understand when you look at it and stop thinking of legendaries as end game, they are not end game as there is no end to the game.

1 The items you need to make most legendaries come from 2 areas PVE which is the mats and what not and maybe a story line

2 WvW or PVP where you need to get gifts of battle or what not.


Now most not all but most PVE players will not or can not go into WvW or PvP to run reward tracks this is an issue when you need clovers as gambling is not worth losing the clovers you have and it take s mystic coin each time you gamble to try and get a return on the clovers you need. Yes you can get them through log ins we all know this yes you can pick up 2 each day from fractals for the prices of a mystic coin each. So that now makes a loop of you using mystic coins to gamble for clovers and maybe losing them all or using the mystic coins which you need for most if not all legendaries and coins can not be farmed in any format. Yes again you can get it from login and some dailies but you need 250 of them and if you are going to gamble you need a minimum of 77 which means you need 327 coins and have zero mistakes in your gambling to get your clovers and have all the coins you need.


Now if you want to do the reward track for clover, here is how this works, It will take you 8.5 hours of constant play to max out the reward track once. now you get 2 clovers in that reward track that means that you need to run that track. 38.25 times at 8.5 hours each. That comes to 325 hrs of playing in a format that you do not like and that is pure torture to you. Why? is the question, there is no point to it so making them easier to get by allowing drops from enemies to occur in greater numbers and in a hard mode at greater tiers levels is exactly the way to go.


Or they could do this, add reward tracks to PVE and fractals, where you complete content or kill a number of enemies and you gain reward track or even killing champions to reward track progression. This is what I was talking about when I said make it viable again there should never be a need for any PVE player who want to make a legendary to have to go into PvP or WvW at all not a single reason. It is a push that Anet is doing to force players into those areas to make them viable and only specific players like it. The game is PVE based and PVE should be what every player has to play to make legendaries. Right now WvW players and even PvP players can make everything they want and never have to do a damn thing in PVE again the question is why ?


Fix this change this increase drop rates for PVE add reward tracks do something because I am not the only one who feels this way there are many others they are just afraid that anet will come after them. I personally do not care. I want this game to be as great as it can be but right now it is in a bad state and ANET really needs to start listening to the whole community and not just the ones that are well known.

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> I never said I would not do the work I have done the work I have legendaries and the fact that in GW1 I vanquished 21 maps in 3 days on hard mode should tell you that I am not afraid of the work. The issue is this, and it is very easy to understand when you look at it and stop thinking of legendaries as end game, they are not end game as there is no end to the game.

> 1 The items you need to make most legendaries come from 2 areas PVE which is the mats and what not and maybe a story line

> 2 WvW or PVP where you need to get gifts of battle or what not.


> Now most not all but most PVE players will not or can not go into WvW or PvP to run reward tracks this is an issue when you need clovers as gambling is not worth losing the clovers you have and it take s mystic coin each time you gamble to try and get a return on the clovers you need. Yes you can get them through log ins we all know this yes you can pick up 2 each day from fractals for the prices of a mystic coin each. So that now makes a loop of you using mystic coins to gamble for clovers and maybe losing them all or using the mystic coins which you need for most if not all legendaries and coins can not be farmed in any format. Yes again you can get it from login and some dailies but you need 250 of them and if you are going to gamble you need a minimum of 77 which means you need 327 coins and have zero mistakes in your gambling to get your clovers and have all the coins you need.


> Now if you want to do the reward track for clover, here is how this works, It will take you 8.5 hours of constant play to max out the reward track once. now you get 2 clovers in that reward track that means that you need to run that track. 38.25 times at 8.5 hours each. That comes to 325 hrs of playing in a format that you do not like and that is pure torture to you. Why? is the question, there is no point to it so making them easier to get by allowing drops from enemies to occur in greater numbers and in a hard mode at greater tiers levels is exactly the way to go.


> Or they could do this, add reward tracks to PVE and fractals, where you complete content or kill a number of enemies and you gain reward track or even killing champions to reward track progression. This is what I was talking about when I said make it viable again there should never be a need for any PVE player who want to make a legendary to have to go into PvP or WvW at all not a single reason. It is a push that Anet is doing to force players into those areas to make them viable and only specific players like it. The game is PVE based and PVE should be what every player has to play to make legendaries. Right now WvW players and even PvP players can make everything they want and never have to do a kitten thing in PVE again the question is why ?


> Fix this change this increase drop rates for PVE add reward tracks do something because I am not the only one who feels this way there are many others they are just afraid that anet will come after them. I personally do not care. I want this game to be as great as it can be but right now it is in a bad state and ANET really needs to start listening to the whole community and not just the ones that are well known.



Pve DOES HAVE reward tracks in the form of map bonus, you can buy Pact Scout's Mapping Materials daily with KARMA and exchange them for T6 materials, for FREE. Selling the T6 nets you with much gold, WHICH YOU CAN BUY MYSTIC COINS WITH. No "8.5 hours of grind" (which also isnt true, full boosters is half that time). Pve is already the MOST LUCRATIVE mode there is, you can check multiple videos, Cellofrag posts such videos often.


"WvW players can make anything they want" you, sir, just proved you know very little. Make pve yield as much gold per hour as wvw does. Please let me know if things are better in a month.

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> I click because that is what I am use to the hotkeys I can not do them because I hit more than one key all the time as I have large hands so hotkeys are out period,


> Yes you can get 10-20g from junk in the fractals that is what I was talking about when I did the numbers up


> There is NO ZIP ZERO farm that is a viable farm for a mat that you might need, you can not go to an area and farm the same creatures in like an hour or two have a stack of the mat you are looking for. In GW1 this was very much a thing feathers comes to mind and lockpicks


> Yes GW1 was built in a bubble we all know that and that is why it was so good to be able to farm what you wanted/needed and with one to jump in. You knew exactly where you had to go and what you had to kill to get that mat to drop. Hard mode could be done it would just be a split like it was in GW1 where you had the central HUB say LA and when you get ready to leave it asks if you would like hard mode or normal, if you are in a party than you need everyone to click the hard mode. They have this already with fractals there is nothing saying they can not introduce this to the maps and it would be easy to do, a little time consuming but easy.


> If fractals there are few places where you can harvest so, collecting materials through harvesting is not a thing in fractals, you get a few things here and there from drops and from opening fractal encryptions but in 5 months you will still not have a stack of mats that you would need. Drop rates for pure mats has to be increased to allow for a proper farm to get started.


> As I stated earlier Raids are for people that think they are somehow elite. If you do not run exactly what the raid wants you to run good luck getting into one and if you do good luck staying in one. They want META (Which is a joke) and that is all they want they do not care if you can finish they just care about finishing fast and getting onto the next one. That is the issue with raids and putting legendary armour into fractals would allow for players like myself to run fractals and build the armour while not having to worry about being kicked for not running the build they are crying for.


> If there are ways of getting mats without doing content that is not just harvesting or buying them off the TP I would like to know what they are, doing content is you going out and killing things that is content, the problem with that is that the content is easy enough but the drop rate sucks and MF DOES NOT HELP. MF should help some of us put a lot of time and effort into getting the max base MF and we are getting nothing more than a slap in the face for it. Either ANET has to do one of 3 things with MF 1 Give it no limit from the luck sources and you can build it as high as you want and even make an acheivment from it where you are given a legendary if you collect 1,000,000 luck points or 1000% luck or something like that 2 Wipe the luck right out and whatever you are sitting at in your luck so for me 304%. However much luck it took to get to this you get back in gold. So if it took 20,000 luck to get to 304% you would get 20K in gold. Or 3 make the number correct so that if you have 304% MF than you have a 304% chance to get better items.....Research was done by players and it had come down to that it would take 1000% luck for you to have a 100% chance at a higher tier level item from a drop. Well guess what the highest you can get with boosts and max base MF is 465% which is not even half of what you need so you do not even have a 50% chance to get the next highest tier.


I'm gonna stop you right here. I really freaking tired of people that go so far as to gimp their own learning capacity within a game and then have the GALL to call people elitists for doing higher content. No, I don't do higher content to feel like I reign over you, I do it because I like expensive, rare items that are fashionable. Now that range is small, yes, but it is there and it encourages me to be BETTER.


I also am a filthy pvper, you know THAT kind casuals hiss at and say we are toxic all of the time? Who, funnily enough, is helping out my PVE/RP friends because they are not confident enough on their own skills.


Stop this whole raiders are elitist agenda through all this talk you're doing. It's annoying, and honestly frankly toxic. And this is not just for you, but for A LOT of people that have the knee jerk habit of scooping raiders in the toxic elitist box. It's aggravating, especially since most of the time the GOOD raiders are actually VERY quiet people.

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>Sorry if this hit a nerve for you but every single group that I have ever tried to go into a raid wanted this build with this gear and you had to do this exactly this way . To me that is elitist. So until I meet players who are not that way I will lump them into that category. Do I think that all are like that no I do not but it is like this, If you have only seen mean people your whole life how fast would you trust that not everyone was? Yes in your mind you know there has to be good ppl out there but until you find them and meet them than you are going to think that everyone is mean. I like beautiful things to and high level stuff too, but it should not take a year or more to get one or two or even 5 that is just crazy. I never called pvpers filthy I have had pvpers call us filthy casuals and whatever to that does not hurt my feelings. About reward tracks map completion is not a reward track because once it is done it is done period, unless you do it all over again in another char and who the hell would want to do that. I can promise you this it is a very small number of ppl who want to do that. Doing higher level content can not encourage anyone to do better, you are only as good as you are, if you have been playing this game for over 1 year, you are at your peak because you are set in your ways. There is a comfort level to the way you play and changing will make you worse not better.

Again Sorry if that hit a nerve but I know what I have gone through and stating that is not toxic because it is the truth and if the truth hurts I can not help that.



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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> >Sorry if this hit a nerve for you but every single group that I have ever tried to go into a raid wanted this build with this gear and you had to do this exactly this way . To me that is elitist. So until I meet players who are not that way I will lump them into that category. Do I think that all are like that no I do not but it is like this, If you have only seen mean people your whole life how fast would you trust that not everyone was? Yes in your mind you know there has to be good ppl out there but until you find them and meet them than you are going to think that everyone is mean. I like beautiful things to and high level stuff too, but it should not take a year or more to get one or two or even 5 that is just crazy. I never called pvpers filthy I have had pvpers call us filthy casuals and whatever to that does not hurt my feelings. About reward tracks map completion is not a reward track because once it is done it is done period, unless you do it all over again in another char and who the hell would want to do that. I can promise you this it is a very small number of ppl who want to do that. Doing higher level content can not encourage anyone to do better, you are only as good as you are, if you have been playing this game for over 1 year, you are at your peak because you are set in your ways. There is a comfort level to the way you play and changing will make you worse not better.

> Again Sorry if that hit a nerve but I know what I have gone through and stating that is not toxic because it is the truth and if the truth hurts I can not help that.




No, that's just being closed off and ignorant, and no one can change that mindset except yourself. I don't enjoy people irl, but I don't go so far as to lump a group of people (let's take people that football) all as dumb jocks that bully others.


Do you know that looks I would get if I said that in a group of people or said that in the public. That's the same thing you are doing. Yes, it is 'just a game', but how you interact with folks applies to games because this is MMO. You are literally condemning people before giving them a shot and that is wrong, plain and simple.

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It is wrong for them to do the same thing to me, and others like me that do not run META and play the game our way. This is a tic for tack and again sorry if this hurt your feelings but like I said until I meet player and people that do not have that mind set ( and I am sure they are out there ) they are lumped into that category and yes I speak my mind I always have I always will I do not pull punches.


If you said that and you got looks than that is their issue, if you have that experience it is on them to change it, but on you to try and see things differently. I am always willing to see things differently but the moment someone is like you need to run the META than that is the end of it. I do not give up and I am hopeful that there are players out there that do not require you to be a META hound and run META, because I do not I will not and I can not.


Here is an example Power builds are based off of zerker gear I have never used zerker gear for long I have tried it a few times and I die to fast so I do not use it period, most raids require you to have zerker or for condi vipers and again the same thing I die to fast so I do not can not and will not run them.


That is not my issue if the raid group wants me in zerker gear or vipers gear and I can not play them because I die to fast. So again like I said sorry if this hits a nerve but this is the ugly truth about all raid groups I have ever tried to be part of and that has not and most likely will not change.


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There are many 'facts' in these posts that are just misinformed, to put it mildly.

Someone needs to brush up on the game.


It does not take 8.5 hours for a WvW Reward Track. Boosters, etc. cut it nearly in half.

Map Completion has nothing to do with the PvE 'Reward Tracks'/Map Bonus Rewards.

The Mystic Clover 'calculations' above always leave out Mystic Clovers from Chest of Loyalty, Magic-Warped Bundles and Packets, 7 from the Warclaw Reward Track, etc. Also, that one doesn't really need to step foot in WvW to advance a Reward Track, albeit it's slower that way.

Magic Find can be boosted to 765% with all Boosts, and another 30% higher with Perseverance. Not to mention those Festival/Special Event bonuses.

Suggesting 1 Gold for 1 Luck is ludicrous. It would immediately tank the economy. Blue-tier items would be worth 10 Gold each, or more.

There is a Leather farm, Karka Shell farm, etc.; also, the game is set up to be able to play what you like and exchange whatever you acquire (sell it) to obtain what you desire (buy it). No need to 'farm' one area or one foe. But, if you want to farm certain drops, you can.


I don't know how easy it would be to turn each map into an instance with completely different rules. The Devs have said it is difficult to change the 'teams', so it may not be as easy as claimed above.



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I guess to sum up, time is the most valuable currency in this game. The players that have more time have more opportunities to generate in game currency. After 7+ years of Guild Wars 2, there are clever folks that have found repeatable methods to improve their use of time to generate gold. Use those guides (or not) the choice is yours.


The "casual" nature of this game was a design choice by the Developers, accept that and enjoy the game for what it is.



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The MAX MF you can have is just under 500 so I think you need to look things up before you try to speak on it. If you will use the link provided below and scroll down you will see a break down and how to get the max MF possible which is 465% period there is no grey area there is no extras this is it no more. Which puts you under 50% since it has been calculated that 1000% MF is needed to have 100% chance to go to the next tier.



Yes boosters will cut times down but they will not cut it in half when you are being killed from zergs and what not in WvW. Running camps is easy yes but players seem to think holding them is more important than re capping them in a 4 min period which is incorrect. Since I can get to 10 pips in a short period of time just from capping and recapping camps when people are not attacking me and killing me which slows things down. Map completion is not worth doing as the rewards are a joke and if you think they are helpful in any way you need to look what is truly given.


If drops are made to be more effective this is a good thing for the game not a bad thing, or if MF has its limits taken off so you can invest in that a boost it as high as you want.


Altering things to make them with a in a harder format would not be hard as they have the format already with the CMs in fractals just apply it to the maps, even if it is done as a trial and see what players think that is a good thing it shows the possibility of growth instead of staying inside the same old box. This is how it would work, when you load in you choose to be in CM mode or not before you pick your character. Than when you go out into the maps the enemies are harder to kill and supply a better drop rate. If you choose not to be in the CM mode than you are in normal and the enemies are as they are now.

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> I never said I would not do the work I have done the work I have legendaries and the fact that in GW1 I vanquished 21 maps in 3 days on hard mode should tell you that I am not afraid of the work. The issue is this, and it is very easy to understand when you look at it and stop thinking of legendaries as end game, they are not end game as there is no end to the game.

> 1 The items you need to make most legendaries come from 2 areas PVE which is the mats and what not and maybe a story line

> 2 WvW or PVP where you need to get gifts of battle or what not.


Neither of those are issues and the first one is wrong even. If you aren't willing to do what is needed to get a legendary, you don't get one. So many of the things you claim are just wrong. there are too many to even address.

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I except the game for what it is just fine I am saying I would like to see some growth in the areas of x y z, If that makes me the bad guy than fine I am the bad guy. There is no reason for a legendary item to take so long to get simply because of the mats it takes to get because there is no viable way to farm them. Mystic coins and clovers are two if the hardest mats to get that do not drop from enemies.


Yes you can get them form reward tracks sure but as stated before without boosters this will take you 8.5 hours of constant play to finish a reward track and neededing 77 clover you will have to do the battle reward track 38.25 times to get enough clovers. There is NO viable mystic coin farm at all none even the reward tracks that give the wrapped gifts is just a chance at a coins. The only for sure is logins that is all which to collect 250 coins you will need to log in over 12.5 months just to have the coins. that is a whole year of doing nothing but logging in.

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> The MAX MF you can have is just under 500 so I think you need to look things up before you try to speak on it. If you will use the link provided below and scroll down you will see a break down and how to get the max MF possible which is 465% period there is no grey area there is no extras this is it no more. Which puts you under 50% since it has been calculated that 1000% MF is needed to have 100% chance to go to the next tier.

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magic_


> Yes boosters will cut times down but they will not cut it in half when you are being killed from zergs and what not in WvW. Running camps is easy yes but players seem to think holding them is more important than re capping them in a 4 min period which is incorrect. Since I can get to 10 pips in a short period of time just from capping and recapping camps when people are not attacking me and killing me which slows things down. Map completion is not worth doing as the rewards are a joke and if you think they are helpful in any way you need to look what is truly given.


> If drops are made to be more effective this is a good thing for the game not a bad thing, or if MF has its limits taken off so you can invest in that a boost it as high as you want.


> Altering things to make them with a in a harder format would not be hard as they have the format already with the CMs in fractals just apply it to the maps, even if it is done as a trial and see what players think that is a good thing it shows the possibility of growth instead of staying inside the same old box. This is how it would work, when you load in you choose to be in CM mode or not before you pick your character. Than when you go out into the maps the enemies are harder to kill and supply a better drop rate. If you choose not to be in the CM mode than you are in normal and the enemies are as they are now.


Your link provided points to the wrong article entirely.


First off, you are also wrong about MF, as that 465% bonus does not take into account Memories of home(An additional 15%.) and Perseverance(Which gives a stacking 30% MF bonus, up to 5x, so an additonal 150% MF if maxed out.) For a total of 630% MF.


Second off, boosters do cut the amount of time required down by half or more. All i do is capture camps, guards and kill yaks in WVW and it takes me about 4 hours per track running max boosters. You dont have to fight in WVW at all, goodness knows i dont.


third, splitting the playerbase which is already heavily divided is an awful idea. I can agree that certain items need better drop rates. (Account bound drops particularly. Tequatl Hoard, The Wurm Armor box, aurenes box, and the broken voice weapons., and for non account bound drops, infusions, khan urs helmet, and ravens garb. i dont think any item except a legendary should cost over 2k.) But not enough that making this suggestion work is a good diea. Just increase the drop rate base game.


When it comes to legendaries though, i dont think they should make them even easier to obtain. They are obnoxiously easy, if a little costly to earn, and you can get the gold in no time at all nowadays.



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