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What do you want for third expansion? - [Merged]

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> @"Hyrai.8720" said:

> Just put an end to the braindead achievement grinding and neverending meta-events...


Gotta retain players somehow. Funny how that always means making everything in the game as boring as possible. This is true for MMOs in general, which makes one wonder how and why does it work so well?

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> @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > @"Hyrai.8720" said:

> > Just put an end to the braindead achievement grinding and neverending meta-events...


> Gotta retain players somehow. Funny how that always means making everything in the game as boring as possible. This is true for MMOs in general, which makes one wonder how and why does it work so well?


I really hope the next expansion isn't full of grind although I'm not optimistic. IMO everything in PvE lately seems to be filled with boring grind - from mount collections (griffon and skyscale collections... urgh), repetitive achievements to unlock mastery points (Drizzlewood Coast mastery points), legendary gear and getting infusions - as if we will run out of content to do in the game...

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> @"Atomos.7593" said:

> > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > > @"Hyrai.8720" said:

> > > Just put an end to the braindead achievement grinding and neverending meta-events...

> >

> > Gotta retain players somehow. Funny how that always means making everything in the game as boring as possible. This is true for MMOs in general, which makes one wonder how and why does it work so well?


> I really hope the next expansion isn't full of grind although I'm not optimistic. IMO everything in PvE lately seems to be filled with boring grind - from mount collections (griffon and skyscale collections... urgh), repetitive achievements to unlock mastery points (Drizzlewood Coast mastery points), legendary gear and getting infusions - as if we will run out of content to do in the game...


If a game doesn't start like that, it will eventually go there every time. It's horrible. The gaming industry is pretty stagnant, been like that for years.

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I know the game is probably already almost complete, but here's my wishlist:


1. **A new guild team of NPC**

I honestly feel like most of all the NPCs have completed their journey and really should be retired. Marjory completed her arch after avenging her sister. Braham has really come full circle after closure with his mother's death. Kasmeer completed her arch after redeeming her family's name; in fact, I really felt Kasmeer was such a random character to have in PoF - I know she's human and that tie to the deities was insightful, but it felt very random having her be the human, while it should've honestly been a new character. Rox is sticking with the PoF Charr tribe. The only three that could still continue and have really risen above their archs would be Rytlock (though he does seem to be finding a story arch conclusion with the Blood Legion in Jormag Rising), Taimi - once her illness is handled I think she could really step back as well, and Canach - never get rid of Canach......... New fresh heroes per expansion would be so refreshing and something to look forward to (plus lower voice acting costs).


2. **Mastery system: Heroes**

This is so huge. Hero management, outfits, builds, etc were SO fun in GW1. I understand this system would need to be tweaked (Maybe cap the number of heroes out in the field at a time), but GW2 is so creative with introducing systems into the game I know they could make it work. A lot of us could really use the ease of taking heroes through a dungeon to farm or help out with Champion events that no one does anymore. If they could reintroduce heroes, I would honestly probably main GW2 over all the other MMO's I play due to my restricted play schedule and ease of play with this system.


3. **Kurzicks / Luxons**

Getting to see what happened with these two factions would be really fun coming from GW1. Honestly, those 2 cultures were some of the most unique MMO cultures I've seen yet. I've never seen that sort of gothic look of the Kurzicks or Southern Islander feel of the Luxons in any other game. I think it would be a huge wasted opportunity for them to pass up on putting those designs back into GW2.

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My biggest hope that I do not think will actually happen is for new weapon types. In particular, I want punchies, some sort of gauntlet weapon that lets you punch stuff. I think it could be super interesting and potentially be given neat little twists that subvert your expectations on certain classes; like you could give the weapon type to warriors and them be some sort of Brawler, but then also give the weapon type to elementalists, where they can then cast spells with their hands. I've always kinda liked the aesthetic of how the flame legion shaman type dudes hold themselves, where they don't really have a weapon but can conjure fire. And punching is a weapon concept that no other current weapon really fulfills. Don't think it'll happen though, big sad.


As for other, more plausible things. Give them rangers a gun. It just feels weird to me that they can't use either gun.


And if we get meta events, I'd like to see more that function like Silverwastes/Dragonfall/Drizzlewood, where it's not attached to a set schedule on a timer, but can be progressed at its own pace.


But other than that I just hope for some nice story and eagerly await to see what new cool new gimmick thing we get is; HoT gave us gliding (and the idea of masteries as a whole really) then PoF gave us mounts. I'm really interested in what other neat thing like those they can come up with.


I personally don't think new classes or new races will happen. Not saying I don't want them to happen, I've just been under the impression revenant was really only added because there wasn't a 3rd heavy class while there were 3 light and 3 medium classes. And with races...I just think it would be really weird to implement at this point...? How would their story go for levels 1-80? They can't really fight Zhaitan without feeling out of place. Would a whole new starting zone and unique race specific early story with choices need to be made? They don't use that old cutscene style anymore. Would it just start at level 80? Idk. It just feels weird to implement, especially since the main race everyone seems to want is Tengu but like...how would that even work unless it just starts at 80? Or just has no story to play until it hits 80? So many questions on how it would even work.

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> @"TheUndefined.1720" said:

> 3. **Kurzicks / Luxons**

> Getting to see what happened with these two factions would be really fun coming from GW1. Honestly, those 2 cultures were some of the most unique MMO cultures I've seen yet. I've never seen that sort of gothic look of the Kurzicks or Southern Islander feel of the Luxons in any other game. I think it would be a huge wasted opportunity for them to pass up on putting those designs back into GW2.




both factions were defeated and united with the empire along with cantha closing it's doors and booting out all non-humans.

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- legendary armory integrated in game (not gems) to use all legend stuff over all chars

- New underwater mounts

- New underwater skills to traverse very fast like on land

- New legendaries. Also for underwater

- New weapons types

- Other playable races

- At least five new maps like in POF, but at least two of them like drizzlewood (with the loot stuff, and thus better then dragon stand)

- incentive to play older LS maps. Like they did with new mount skill for skimmer

- More dynamic and different types of events (siege, defend etc etc)

- interesting story with voice acting and enough cutscenes

- new elite skills and traits

- New legendary armors

- interesting meta event per map

- bounties

- some sort of progress in maps per week. For example two fighting parties and per week reset. And good loot for winning party across two of the new maps. Some sort of domination play or cap flags in pve. Like alliance battles in gw1. Also integrated in wvw.

- new raids and fractals and nice infusions to gather

- stable servers

- a lot of achievement but no JP

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> @"Astyrah.4015" said:

> > @"TheUndefined.1720" said:

> > 3. **Kurzicks / Luxons**

> > Getting to see what happened with these two factions would be really fun coming from GW1. Honestly, those 2 cultures were some of the most unique MMO cultures I've seen yet. I've never seen that sort of gothic look of the Kurzicks or Southern Islander feel of the Luxons in any other game. I think it would be a huge wasted opportunity for them to pass up on putting those designs back into GW2.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Movement_of_the_World#Cantha


> both factions were defeated and united with the empire along with cantha closing it's doors and booting out all non-humans.


Oh geez, I totally forgot reading that somewhere years ago lol! Thanks so much for the reminder! I still hope the Kurzicks and Luxons are in there somewhere. Maybe they were defeated and united, but their individual 'look' is still there. That's what I'm hoping to see, a Kurzick city / Luxon city in the empire. :)

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Individual player housing with full customization and option duals in the player housing.


Fishing, on either boats, mounts, or both.


Farming, and more life professions in general.


Guild alliance


More mounts and more mount abilities


More quality of life options


More in-game skins and customization options.


New race.


New weapons.

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> @"Tiale.2430" said:

> Let's give some ideas for our amazing devs to sell a good product to us.


> - Weapons not locked to Elites.

> - New Elites

> - New Legendaries

> - Dyeable Legendary Weapons and Backs.

> - Tengu, Kodan or Dwarves playable.

> - More slots for Guilds.

> - Outfits in Gem Store as individual pieces.

> - Shortcut to active the outfit.

> - More horizontal leveling diversity.



Moar pvp


Moar wvw


Moar balance


What we will get ...


Moar boring pve

Broken specs

Moar broken specs

Boring raid and fractal

Moar boring ..




And the promise from anet that alliances for wvw incomming , moar frequent pvp patches ...

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PoF open-world quality (it's the best they've ever done in this game)


new movement-based masteries


couple new mounts, maybe one multiplayer mount


easy mode for raids and strike missions


boats? maybe?


playable tengu


information on malyck


generally speaking though I'm most likely going to buy EoD no matter what happens, I'm super invested in GW2

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> @"TheUndefined.1720" said:


> 2. **Mastery system: Heroes**

> This is so huge. Hero management, outfits, builds, etc were SO fun in GW1. I understand this system would need to be tweaked (Maybe cap the number of heroes out in the field at a time), but GW2 is so creative with introducing systems into the game I know they could make it work. A lot of us could really use the ease of taking heroes through a dungeon to farm or help out with Champion events that no one does anymore. If they could reintroduce heroes, I would honestly probably main GW2 over all the other MMO's I play due to my restricted play schedule and ease of play with this system.

Heroes worked in GW1 because when you (and your party) left town, you were in your own instance.

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Monks as a Class Complete with 3 Sub-classes and please don't say they can't be a good add in, after 8 years of playing it's obvious they would be useful and they are missed.

Ritualist might be a good Sub Class for the Monk.


Kensai (Weapon Master) as a Warrior Sub-Class that changes the 1st Chain Skill of each weapon used with a focus on Quickness.


Paragon as a Guardian Sub-Class and uses the SPEAR and Trident (out of water) as a main hand weapon.


Assassin as a Thief Sub-Class with a Sword off-hand, that changes the dual skill of each type of main hand weapon used that's unique to the Assassin plus new duel skills for Sword off hand.



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- The dervish they should have given us in PoF expansion.

- Ninja themed stuff

- More progression, with less grinding.

- Actually usefull rewards.

- Hard fights. And I mean hard. Not frustrating, but actually hard. Less inmortal mechanics, more skill.

- Less Deux Ex Machina

- Actually some control over what my toon does. At least some margin of choice.

- Auras gone (or at least a way to deactivate them so my elementalist look human again, and not the frozen spirit of winter)

- Braham gone (some one find a commissar and shot this one in the head, for the grace of the golden throne)

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