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lock weapon stowing in combat to keep players from exploiting the game.


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> @"Edge.8724" said:

> Imagine beeing in a real fight and you're about to hit someone with a sword but then you stow it.


> Lol, but in all seriousness, I don't really know all the inpacts this might cause since this ''tactic'' is used since the game launched and I am not personnally against or for it.


Imagine being in a real fight and using feints to throw your enemy off balance. Oh yeah they do that all the time in stuff like boxing and fencing.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> What weapon stowing does:

> 1) Cancelling hard hitting skills into Infuse Light, Illusionary Counter, Full Counter etc

> 2) Baiting dodges

> 3) Baiting interrupts


> All of them are peak skill


I have a question how are new or even regular players suppose to know that it exists? It requires someone telling them or searching for something about it.


I'd be fine with a load screen tip or something to let people know it's possible so they can learn and try to figure it out how to maximize its potential. I think the fact it's a game mechanic unknown to some is the main problem.

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> @"Vrath.1754" said:

> I'd be fine with a load screen tip or something to let people know it's possible so they can learn and try to figure it out how to maximize its potential. I think the fact it's a game mechanic unknown to some is the main problem.


GW2 PvP is full of invisible synergies and hard-to-guess mechanics (such as "about face -> leap backwards -> about face", no port spots and animation cancelling).


You know, Age of Empires 2 is also full of invisible stuff (it says pikes do more damage to cavalry but it doesn't say how much extra damage it does so you can't know unless you try).


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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"Vrath.1754" said:

> > I'd be fine with a load screen tip or something to let people know it's possible so they can learn and try to figure it out how to maximize its potential. I think the fact it's a game mechanic unknown to some is the main problem.


> GW2 PvP is full of invisible synergies and hard-to-guess mechanics (such as "about face -> leap backwards -> about face", no port spots and animation cancelling).


> You know, Age of Empires 2 is also full of invisible stuff (it says pikes do more damage to cavalry but it doesn't say how much extra damage it does so you can't know unless you try).



That's a fair point about about face I just assumed due to the number of vids about it people figure it out as its simpler to understand then canceling animations with weapon stow in my mind. However it doesn't really negate my point. The more people that can play at a high level the better.


A better examples. How about ESO where there is legit animation canceling with block and light attack weaving with no info in game. At some point ZOS put it on the loading screens so new players or those that weren't aware it could be used in that fashion would have an idea it could be.

It encouraged players to experiment and a goal to lessen the advantage for those it wasnt obvious to or those that hadn't been told.

That is more along the lines that I was thinking. Although now ZOS is working on removing it as well or experimenting with that idea.


Point being the higher the average skill the better. We already know Anet says theres a large skill gap between players and the numbers they produce anything to create better competition is a positive.

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> @"Vrath.1754" said:

> Point being the higher the average skill the better. We already know Anet says theres a large skill gap between players and the numbers they produce anything to create better competition is a positive.


GW2 can definitely use a tutorial for basics and then for advanced stuff in PvP (not about rotations and roles but about the game mechanics).

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you would expect a tutorial for canceling skills via weapon stow. I mean we even got a dodgeroll training area although I think every new player knows that you can dodge before buying the game. I find this a huge oversight. Based on a poll regarding weapon stowing in combat a quarter of all players don't even know that this exists. I wouldn't mind if they they atleast make a pop up window that shows you how to use it and why. ofc the poll isn't as accurate, because of the small samplesize. But it still shows why some players complain about bugs and glitches that might work as intended. some even say removing it would break classes, which makes no sense to me. another option would be to make certain skills uncancelable or remove and switch one dmg part of a skill to another. like d/p 3 on thief and obsiflesh.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"JohnWater.5760" said:

> What happen when stow weapons?


U can use it to make smart and skillful plays like for example rev/glint elite u can cast it and as the dragon head appears stow ur weapon cancelling the skill causing it to go on a very reduced CD allowing the player to bait out dodges or cause the player to pop a stability giving utility than use the elite again soon after assuring the cc is effective. Unfortunately this community has asked for and helped guide anet into dumbing the game down of any type of effective skillfull play making mechanics and skills in place of brainless condi cheese spam mechanics, although they complain about thief and mes a lot lol.

People dont like dying to anything and if they do than they ask for nerfs.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> U can use it to make smart and skillful plays like for example rev/glint elite u can cast it and as the dragon head appears stow ur weapon cancelling the skill causing it to go on a very reduced CD allowing the player to bait out dodges or cause the player to pop a stability giving utility than use the elite again soon after assuring the cc is effective. Unfortunately this community has asked for and helped guide anet into dumbing the game down of any type of effective skillfull play making mechanics and skills in place of brainless condi cheese spam mechanics, although they complain about thief and mes a lot lol.

> People dont like dying to anything and if they do than they ask for nerfs.



Thanks, I never saw this. It's cool and smart.



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> @"pninak.1069" said:

> you just use weapon stow in order to save a dodge. so you don't really commit to decisions in a fight. It is just an excuse. If it is true that "some specs rely animations cancelling to work" then by this logic if weapon stow is gone classes don't work anymore. nice try. shoot yourself in the foot.


But then they can be balanced to work without it so everyone can enjoy them.

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@JohnWater.5760 based on a poll I did about weapon stowing good 1/4 of the community doesn't know it exists. I for one don't consider it skillful to replace a dodge with a button. they should just remove weapon stow and add cancel to dodge, which they did to multiple skills already. or they could make way more skills stationary and cancel them by moving similiar to how they did it in gw1. and if they still have it ingame they could tell you from the start. I mean we got a stupid dodgeroll area so why not give a pop-up for weapon-stow.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Sounds more like an exploit to me than a "skill based mechanic"


> Why do you consider an intended mechanic as exploiting?



"intended" being the key word there.

The very definition of an exploit in MMO's is to take advantage of something unintended to gain an unfair advantage.


Has Anet clarified that combat weapon stowing to do this kind of thing is something they actively put into the game for players to use?

If they haven't come out and said "Working as Intended" then it's far more likely this is something they have overlooked, so using it would be considered an exploit.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> Remove a game defining and baseline mechanic, because one or two skills are badly designed.


> How about fixing the regarding skill instead? Would be a lot smarter, wouldn't it?


> And such a nonsense post gets 14 likes.


Great written, can we refer this also to the mirage dodge finally...

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Has Anet clarified that combat weapon stowing to do this kind of thing is something they actively put into the game for players to use?

> If they haven't come out and said "Working as Intended" then it's far more likely this is something they have overlooked, so using it would be considered an exploit.


It's like that since launch. Current Anet employees use it sometimes, so they know it exists.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Has Anet clarified that combat weapon stowing to do this kind of thing is something they actively put into the game for players to use?

> > If they haven't come out and said "Working as Intended" then it's far more likely this is something they have overlooked, so using it would be considered an exploit.


> It's like that since launch. Current Anet employees use it sometimes, so they know it exists.


At best it's a grey area then.. not an exploit but maybe also not intentional.

Someone said that not many people even seem to know about it or how to use it effectively so perhaps it's just not worth the time to fix if only a minority of people are using it this way.


Would still be nice if Anet did make a statement on the matter though, give people a thumbs up about using it.

At least that way others would know and learn.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> At least that way others would know and learn.


Yep this is a way bigger problem than weapon stowing.

It never teaches you "about face -> backwards leap -> about face" combo. It never teaches animation cancelling with stows. It never teaches you "retargeting skills", I bet most of people here don't even know you can retarget most of channeling skills (like bull's charge) in animation.

Guide to retargeting:


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