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Remove Knights Amulet


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Someone playing with Knight Amulet doesn't have big damage numbers as well, they also don't have any ferocity at all. They can be durable, but far from beeing a problem.

Also, they still have their baseline health pool, meaning they can be bursted down quite fast anyway. I'm not even talking about inflicting damaging conditions on them...


My big fear of seeing posts like these is that we already lost so many amulets over the years. Let's not reduce our build's choice much further.

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> @"Edge.8724" said:

> Someone playing with Knight Amulet doesn't have big damage numbers as well, they also don't have any ferocity at all. They can be durable, but far from beeing a problem.

> Also, they still have their baseline health pool, meaning they can be bursted down quite fast anyway. I'm not even talking about inflicting damaging conditions on them...


> My big fear of seeing posts like these is that we already lost so many amulets over the years. Let's not reduce our build's choice much further.


It doesn't matter if they deal damage or not in Conquest. As long as they can stand on node and just facetank a ridiculous amount because of the amulet they get so much value just because damage was nerfed so much a single person is unable to deal with them.


It's just a lazy way to play and the risk vs. reward is extremely disproportionate. Tank builds like pre-nerf DM BM core necro are cancer because they're just too tanky and not fun to fight against. Certain knights amulet builds are just as bad imo.

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Spike damage is in general still high though. People complaining about bunker builds all the time is getting weird now. You have to consider as well what such a bunker build can do alltogether. Can it decap? Does it have stealth? Does it have high mobility? What dmg does it do? Can it support?

Tank builds become a problem when they can do multiple things at once, such as bunker chrono did back in the day. So tell us, what builds that use knight amulet are broken?

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> @"Avatar.3568" @"Edge.8724" @"HeadCrowned.6834"


> Let me translate it for you: "Remove knights amulet instead of nerfing ranger"


> Only other class that's really a problem on knights atm is maybe engineer but again it's more of a class issue.


Hmmm... Sounds extremist to just remove stats instead of checking the problem more in depth.


One more thing; how can we conclude that someone was using a certain amulet? Metabattle?


What if that certain op player actually used Berserker Amulet and was simply just "good"?

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> It makes builds ridiculously tanky for very little investment.


> You nerfed damage by a lot but left uber tank amulet in the game pls fix


SO the trade off with this is pretty straightforward. You become "uber tanky" but in return you can't kill anything.


Just how with zerk amulet you can run the chance of possibly killing someone in seconds but the trade off is pretty straightforward.....you can't tank anything at all and can die fairly easy.


Removing knights isn't going to solve anything anyway so please provide a better reason other then removing yet another amulet from spvp. If knights does get removed people would just swap over to Paladin or Valkyrie while some spec like Core Ranger and Prot holo wouldn't get effected as much due to some of the trait lines they select to keep them "uber tanky".

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> @"Edge.8724" said:

> One more thing; how can we conclude that someone was using a certain amulet? Metabattle?



Metabattle is useful for getting to know the classes better, but there is no guarantee that players will use those amulets, some may use variants of the Build ones.

I personally always look at the damage and their weapons to get an idea of what they are using.


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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> It makes builds ridiculously tanky for very little investment.


> You nerfed damage by a lot but left uber tank amulet in the game pls fix

Imagine picking one amulet amongst dozen and still call it little investment.

What s a BIG investment for you then? lmao

* Remove berzeker amulet because it makes builds having ridiculous high dps for little investment

* Remove mender amulet because it makes builds having ridiculous heal for little investment


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> @"Edge.8724" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"Avatar.3568" @"Edge.8724" @"HeadCrowned.6834"

> >

> > Let me translate it for you: "Remove knights amulet instead of nerfing ranger"

> >

> > Only other class that's really a problem on knights atm is maybe engineer but again it's more of a class issue.


> Hmmm... Sounds extremist to just remove stats instead of checking the problem more in depth.


> One more thing; how can we conclude that someone was using a certain amulet? Metabattle?


> What if that certain op player actually used Berserker Amulet and was simply just "good"?


Yes especially when there's really no evidence to say that the amulet is an issue on any other class. ANet however do collect metrics on what amulet is used and I dare say they can use dimensions like class and trait lines to find outliers, you can get a feel for some amulets but it might be hard to distinguish between knights and paladins, you'd need to keep track of the enemies healing and damage taken but still it wouldn't be easy to distinguish all the time vs all players.


@"Revolution.5409" Not sure what you mean, I was translating the thread for people and the motives of the OP are very clear to almost anyone who's been around for a few months.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> Let me translate it for you: "Remove knights amulet instead of nerfing ranger"


> Only other class that's really a problem on knights atm is maybe engineer but again it's more of a class issue.


I've been asking for nerfs to marksmanship modifiers, sic em, and base numbers on certain pets for a while now. But it doesn't matter how much ranger gets nerfed people will still cry about it because the general skill level is much lower than it used to be. Base numbers on our weapons should not be nerfed more and neither should the functionality of our weapons.


Regardless, I don't use birds and tigers because they are trash pets that only work against builds without physical damage mitigation, without heavy condi pressure, because they also insta die in teamfights and cause me to lose node when the enemy is intelligent enough to pressure them.


However, even if I kill the pets, a knights amulet ranger can eat my damage for a solid few minutes without dodging anything and still be able to live... no different than a knights prot holo, bunker core necro, or any other facetank spec that has too much survivability in the current meta. Any other amulet wouldn't be an issue to kill but it's pretty tough to whittle away at a 3200+ armor enemy when damage got nerfed pretty hard.


Keep in mind, it's Conquest. You don't need to kill things in order to win. Just sit on node because people can't kill or decap you in a reasonable timeframe. :)

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> @"Avatar.3568" @"Edge.8724" @"HeadCrowned.6834"


> Let me translate it for you: "Remove knights amulet instead of nerfing ranger"


> Only other class that's really a problem on knights atm is maybe engineer but again it's more of a class issue.


Cavalier is better on ranger



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