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What's on the chopping block for May?


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> @"mistsim.2748" said:

> cat/bird coefficients and necros, we know. maybe guards too? what else has been confirmed?


Does it matter? People will start asking for new nerfs once the preview get released...they won't even wait for the patch to actually it and even if all classes get nerfed to the ground...the next day you'd find somebody asking for more nerfs...it's absurd but that a pvp forum in every MMO community, they just ask for nerfs...maybe out there you can find people that buy a copy of the game ...they won't even unwrap it before going to the forum and ask for nerfs

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"mistsim.2748" said:

> > cat/bird coefficients and necros, we know. maybe guards too? what else has been confirmed?


> Does it matter? People will start asking for new nerfs once the preview get released...they won't even wait for the patch to actually it and even if all classes get nerfed to the ground...the next day you'd find somebody asking for more nerfs...it's absurd but that a pvp forum in every MMO community, they just ask for nerfs...maybe out there you can find people that buy a copy of the game ...they won't even unwrap it before going to the forum and ask for nerfs


im just asking what's been confirmed to be on the chopping block.

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My prediction:


1. Core Ranger will be hit with unnecessary levels of nerfing to where it will not longer be viable past a gold 3ish level. They always do this to every Ranger build that ends up being anywhere close to organized 5 man play viability. And since Soulbeast & Druid are already C- tier or worse in this meta, the core nerfing will remove those classes from play for awhile.

2. Ele LR and Aura Share will probably be addressed for some kind of nerf tweak.

3. Core Necro sustain will probably be addressed in some way.

4. Guarantee you Heralds & Holosmiths will somehow slide through and receive no real nerfing in the same way they always do.

5. And then all of the Mirage mains spotted will sit in anticipation to read those patch notes, only to be greatly disappointed when they notice that the class was ignored entirely.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> My prediction:


> 1. Core Ranger will be hit with unnecessary levels of nerfing to where it will not longer be viable past a gold 3ish level. They always do this to every Ranger build that ends up being anywhere close to organized 5 man play viability. And since Soulbeast & Druid are already C- tier or worse in this meta, the core nerfing will remove those classes from play for awhile.

> 2. Ele LR and Aura Share will probably be addressed for some kind of nerf tweak.

> 3. Core Necro sustain will probably be addressed in some way.

> 4. Guarantee you Heralds & Holosmiths will somehow slide through and receive no real nerfing in the same way they always do.

> 5. And then all of the Mirage mains spotted will sit in anticipation to read those patch notes, only to be greatly disappointed when they notice that the class was ignored entirely.


Holos are absolutely nasty right now.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> My prediction:


> 1. Core Ranger will be hit with unnecessary levels of nerfing to where it will not longer be viable past a gold 3ish level. They always do this to every Ranger build that ends up being anywhere close to organized 5 man play viability. And since Soulbeast & Druid are already C- tier or worse in this meta, the core nerfing will remove those classes from play for awhile.

> 2. Ele LR and Aura Share will probably be addressed for some kind of nerf tweak.

> 3. Core Necro sustain will probably be addressed in some way.

> 4. Guarantee you Heralds & Holosmiths will somehow slide through and receive no real nerfing in the same way they always do.

> 5. And then all of the Mirage mains spotted will sit in anticipation to read those patch notes, only to be greatly disappointed when they notice that the class was ignored entirely.


Holo and Rev lost their nerf immunity long ago. It just so happens that both had enough going for them that the nerfs haven't destroyed them yet. Give it time.


As for Mirage, I predict signet of illusions will be hit. It gives them the ability to double distort, which almost makes up for the lack of an endurance bar. Clearly OP~


Necro will likely get hit in all the wrong places, continue to be strong due to shroud alone, then, eventually, get hit in the right places, and disappear from PvP alltogether. Necro mains will complain, but the forums will cheer that "the (word for a terminal illness that automatically gets censored on the forums) has been purged at last!"


Druid will almost certainly get caught in the crossfire of core ranger nerfs and lose any bit of relevance it managed to scrape together after the patch.


Ele's damage will probably go down again, forcing them into bunker builds. People, who haven't stopped to consider the cause and effect, will complain about the bunker builds next. If you haven't fought Mender weaver with rune of the sanctuary, or stone heart weaver while playing a power build. Let me tell you, it is no easy endeavor.


I reckon thief might slide under the radar though. Hasn't gotten enough hate lately to draw anyone's attention.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> 5. **And then all of the Mirage mains spotted** will sit in anticipation to read those patch notes, only to be greatly disappointed when they notice that the class was ignored entirely.

Should we call DEGENERANGER main spotted about you and other delusional folks defending it?

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What should be checked is:


Ranger pet damage, maybe a few traits like protection of 2 seconds at the end of evade to 1 second instead.


Revenant Mallyx Facet true nature radius too big, Infuse Light duration needs a nerf to 2 seconds while base healing an increase, some facets also need a cooldown decrease, Chaos to 20 and Darkness to 20 as well.


Guardian Burning is too high (Basically the same before patch aside no expertise) and Symbol duration is too long and carries any builds.


Necromancer Unholy Sanctuary ICD and maybe more small Life Force generation nerfs.


Engineer Mortar dodged the first patch and should be changed accordingly as well as Flash Shell, it keeps carrying every builds.


Thief blind spam and some of the stolen skills like Essence Sap. Perhaps finally nerf stealth by adding reveal before people can burst and make stealth attacks actually avoidable. Also fix Steal being usable while stunned, it's not a stunbreak and it shouldn't be usable, Smoke Screen duration is too high at 7 seconds and should be 5.


Warrior Bow burst on knights with Axe/Warhorn is like Ranger, except the problem is the lack of requirement for hitting someone with the bow burst skill, giving permanent Adrenal Health but also keep decent damage because Axe is bonkers with or without ferocity.


Mesmer as Chrono needs their Shatter 4 have the same cooldown as the core, otherwise I can't think of much. Perhaps too much easy boon rip on mirage that should be checked. Core is fine, can't see much wrong.


Elementalist has an obvious problem with Lighting Rod. Should lose the ability to crit.


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> @"mistsim.2748" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > @"mistsim.2748" said:

> > > cat/bird coefficients and necros, we know. maybe guards too? what else has been confirmed?

> >

> > Does it matter? People will start asking for new nerfs once the preview get released...they won't even wait for the patch to actually it and even if all classes get nerfed to the ground...the next day you'd find somebody asking for more nerfs...it's absurd but that a pvp forum in every MMO community, they just ask for nerfs...maybe out there you can find people that buy a copy of the game ...they won't even unwrap it before going to the forum and ask for nerfs


> im just asking what's been confirmed to be on the chopping block.


Everything is always on the chopping block because this "studio" had the amazing idea of basing their balance decisions on forum gibberish, now to nerfs...follow revenge nerf requests which are then followed by counter revenge nerf requests which are then....you get the point.


Everything is always on the chopping block because this company tends to delete specs rather than fix them and keep them viable, they remove options and choices ....the FOTMers just migrate from one OP spec to another as the nerfs hit


Although now for "OP" I'd say more "viable" to play rather than broken overperforming..ofc that's left to personal judgement

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > 5. **And then all of the Mirage mains spotted** will sit in anticipation to read those patch notes, only to be greatly disappointed when they notice that the class was ignored entirely.

> Should we call DEGENERANGER main spotted about yor and other delusional folks defending it?


No, because we were already tagged with "The Ranger Police", which is a lot funnier.


Sort of like "Mirage Main Spotted" which was hilarious.


Now if we could just get names for all of the other class mains, this would be a lot more fun than it already is.




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> @"Revolution.5409" said:

> I think they will focus mainly on Ranger, Ele, Holo and Necro.

> I also hope for some Nerfs for Burn Guarn and Symbolbrand but I doubt that Anet will ever touch this profession.


Good thing that I multiclass...always some main to play at viable/competitive levels in PvP/WvW

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > 5. **And then all of the Mirage mains spotted** will sit in anticipation to read those patch notes, only to be greatly disappointed when they notice that the class was ignored entirely.

> > Should we call DEGENERANGER main spotted about yor and other delusional folks defending it?


> No, because we were already tagged with "The Ranger Police", which is a lot funnier.

In my book they are called "degeneranger mains", may be its not funny but describing them so well :)

>Sort of like "Mirage Main Spotted" which was hilarious.

You made and joke and only one who is laughing. Good joke /s

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> @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > Mostly skill ceilings.


> The ceiling for every class is slowly lowered. The creativity is evaporating and people are cheering it on.


Soon we will fight with pillows...can't wait, I hope you guys like my ghost stories, we will all sit around the fire after our pillow fight

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> Thief blind spam and some of the stolen skills like Essence Sap. Perhaps finally nerf stealth by adding reveal before people can burst and make stealth attacks actually avoidable. Also fix Steal being usable while stunned, it's not a stunbreak and it shouldn't be usable, Smoke Screen duration is too high at 7 seconds and should be 5.



Blind spam isnt really an effective thing (in particular because you cant "blind spam". Most you can get is like 3 or 4 blinds, and then nothing for a while. That aint much. Essence ... Sap? The Rev stolen skill? Its not even the best stolen skill, not sure why you would nerf that. "Adding reveal before people can burst", how exactly would you do that? You cant add a reveal before the stealth attacks are executed because, well, thats not how stealth attacks work. As for making stealth attacks avoidable, thats basically *just* backstab, as the other ones (that are any good) already are extremely avoidable. But sure, making backstab more avoidable sounds reasonable, especially out of combat.


Steal can be used while stunned because its an instant cast skill. All instant cast skills can be used while stunned. There is nothing to "fix" here, its working as intended. Smoke Screen is not being used, because its not good anymore with its high cooldown. Nerfing it would be wack.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> What should be checked is:


> Ranger pet damage, maybe a few traits like protection of 2 seconds at the end of evade to 1 second instead.


> Revenant Mallyx Facet true nature radius too big, Infuse Light duration needs a nerf to 2 seconds while base healing an increase, some facets also need a cooldown decrease, Chaos to 20 and Darkness to 20 as well.


> Guardian Burning is too high (Basically the same before patch aside no expertise) and Symbol duration is too long and carries any builds.


> Necromancer Unholy Sanctuary ICD and maybe more small Life Force generation nerfs.


> Engineer Mortar dodged the first patch and should be changed accordingly as well as Flash Shell, it keeps carrying every builds.


> Thief blind spam and some of the stolen skills like Essence Sap. Perhaps finally nerf stealth by adding reveal before people can burst and make stealth attacks actually avoidable. Also fix Steal being usable while stunned, it's not a stunbreak and it shouldn't be usable, Smoke Screen duration is too high at 7 seconds and should be 5.


> Warrior Bow burst on knights with Axe/Warhorn is like Ranger, except the problem is the lack of requirement for hitting someone with the bow burst skill, giving permanent Adrenal Health but also keep decent damage because Axe is bonkers with or without ferocity.


> Mesmer as Chrono needs their Shatter 4 have the same cooldown as the core, otherwise I can't think of much. Perhaps too much easy boon rip on mirage that should be checked. Core is fine, can't see much wrong.


> Elementalist has an obvious problem with Lighting Rod. Should lose the ability to crit.



This guy just said Warrior Longbow needs a nerf.


nuff said

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> This guy just said Warrior Longbow needs a nerf.


> nuff said


You have no idea how exploitative Combustive Shot is with any adrenaline traits. Also Bow is not bad, this isn't a nerf but an inconsistent mechanic fix. Bow is good as Power or Condi.


@"UNOwen.7132" Guess you're right about the "instant" cast part, probably me being annoyed by the fact it's the only thing ever saving them from certain death nearly 100% of the time now, doesn't seem to work as great for mesmers though.


How I would do it? Make any stealth attacks (or really any big hitting skills have reveals for any professions.) have a slightly bigger channel for skills that needs it like Backstab at half of a second instead of a quarter, reveal the user as it starts. Doesn't need to be super long because all the person being attacked has to look for is the animation of reveal which is just pressing the evade and if we are to speak with reaction facts, the average is 350ms which is plenty at half a second for the lowest. I can see people saying that EVERYONE will evade, but no not really, not if you use the actual element of surprise given it's half a second to react (Maybe not enough for people with bad latency but that can't be helped and three quarter of a second is too much imo.), it's only given that you know the person can't evade, is unaware or can't block, I'm also all for bringing damage back to backstab because the nerf was too big on it.


Essence Sap still hits for 6k+ and it can't always be avoided. It also applies more slow than it should. When you have other things that hits as hard that needs to be dodged also, that's a bit overbloated. Considering if both land and crit, that's 12k easy. 4k would be more reasonable to pair with another strong attack rather than blow both, dodge for another steal, then blow 2 others again. Of course not everyone can fall for this but up to 24k shortly like that, it's nothing to mess around with.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > This guy just said Warrior Longbow needs a nerf.

> >

> > nuff said


> You have no idea how exploitative Combustive Shot is with any adrenaline traits. Also Bow is not bad, this isn't a nerf but an inconsistent mechanic fix. Bow is good as Power or Condi.


> @"UNOwen.7132" Guess you're right about the "instant" cast part, probably me being annoyed by the fact it's the only thing ever saving them from certain death nearly 100% of the time now, doesn't seem to work as great for mesmers though.



You can do the same thing with powerblock, or any of Mesmers shatters. Its arguably sometimes even more effective, in particular diversion.


> How I would do it? Make any stealth attacks (or really any big hitting skills have reveals for any professions.) have a slightly bigger channel for skills that needs it like Backstab at half of a second instead of a quarter, reveal the user as it starts. Doesn't need to be super long because all the person being attacked has to look for is the animation of reveal which is just pressing the evade and if we are to speak with reaction facts, the average is 350ms which is plenty at half a second for the lowest. I can see people saying that EVERYONE will evade, but no not really, not if you use the actual element of surprise given it's half a second to react (Maybe not enough for people with bad latency but that can't be helped and three quarter of a second is too much imo.), it's only given that you know the person can't evade, is unaware or can't block, I'm also all for bringing damage back to backstab because the nerf was too big on it.



Im not opposed to it, but it does risk the previous Thief Rifle situation. Where almost all of the damage was loaded into DJ, which never hits because of how telegraphed it is. But at half a second, that should be fine. My problem is that Backstab is also a bit janky with hitting or not hitting, if you dont combine it with a teleport. Making it reveal on-hit might break that a bit. Id say have it be a "reveal" as in the character becomes visible and targetable, but if the attack fails to hit, you simply return to the remaining duration of your stealth. Otherwise, sure.


> Essence Sap still hits for 6k+ and it can't always be avoided. It also applies more slow than it should. When you have other things that hits as hard that needs to be dodged also, that's a bit overbloated. Considering if both land and crit, that's 12k easy. 4k would be more reasonable to pair with another strong attack rather than blow both, dodge for another steal, then blow 2 others again. Of course not everyone can fall for this but up to 24k shortly like that, it's nothing to mess around with.


Unless its bugged and has a higher than normal weapon damage (not impossible), it shouldnt be hitting even for 6k. Backstab usually fails to hit that hard, and backstab does 20% more damage. It also only applies 1 second of slow, which is not that much?

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It probably does because, the slow itself is not even accurate either. It applies 3 seconds per sap yet tooltip says 1 second. 6 seconds total is a lot, given it's possible to tank the 2 saps even if it hits hard, it puts at a great disavantage if not cleansed. Imagining 4.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> @"UNOwen.7132"


> It probably does because, the slow itself is not even accurate either. It applies 3 seconds per sap yet tooltip says 1 second. 6 seconds total is a lot, given it's possible to tank the 2 saps even if it hits hard, it puts at a great disavantage if not cleansed. Imagining 4.


It applies 3? Yeah that sounds bugged. Should probably make a bug report or something.

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