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Removing amulets is not a solution


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Removing amulets is the solution. Less stat combinations means easier balancing. Defensive amulets are really tricky to balance. We only really need maybe 5-6 amulets imo. Then they can more easily balance the weapons and trait lines against that.


I'm certainly glad that the vocal minority whinging about this isn't in charge of balancing. You've zero clue what you're talking about ;)

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Think of it this way, newcomers who come to Conquest take one glance at the build panel and are overwhelmed by the options. Why keep niche amulets that only half classes can use? They clutter everything up. I'm willing to bet if anyone suggest random stat combos you'd go "why...? That's totally useless and doesn't contribute anything, most classes can't and shouldn't use that..."


You guys keep putting ArenaNet down for every little change that will in the end not really affect YOU but rather make it easier for newcomers to adjust to this game mode.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> If the amulet "is only used by one or two op builds", then it is not hurting anyone and just shutting down the OP builds.






There are many other not OP builds that so or could use them. And since these builds are not competitive to being with, now they probably no longer have any viability.


And also, you are talking about “now.” How about possible builds 6 month from now, or when the new expansion arrives. When you remove amulets your reduce diversity, not only now, but also in the future.


It is lazy approach, from a lazy dev team. They clearly fucked sPvP. Now in over their heads, They just shoot from the hip. SPvP needs a new dev team.. this is unsustainable.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > If the amulet "is only used by one or two op builds", then it is not hurting anyone and just shutting down the OP builds.

> >

> >

> >

> >


> There are many other not OP builds that so or could use them. And since these builds are not competitive to being with, now they probably no longer have any viability.


> And also, you are talking about “now.” How about possible builds 6 month from now, or when the new expansion arrives. When you remove amulets your reduce diversity, not only now, but also in the future.


> It is lazy approach, from a lazy dev team. They clearly kitten sPvP. Now in over their heads, They just shoot from the hip. SPvP needs a new dev team.. this is unsustainable.


Just like people hate stealth, they hate bunkers.


Out with the trash.


Does not mean we can not have some valid additions.


To make things fair, some amulets should come with some -(minus stats).

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> @"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:

> Think of it this way, newcomers who come to Conquest take one glance at the build panel and are overwhelmed by the options. Why keep niche amulets that only half classes can use? They clutter everything up. I'm willing to bet if anyone suggest random stat combos you'd go "why...? That's totally useless and doesn't contribute anything, most classes can't and shouldn't use that..."


>**You guys keep putting ArenaNet down for every little change**that will in the end not really affect YOU but rather make it easier for newcomers to adjust to this game mode.


Positive change influence healthy outcome

Negative change influence Toxic outcome


So, where are the results of those little change and how has it helped influence positive, healthy outcomes?


- What do you mean you guys keep putting Anet down? Let me ask you a question, imagine being in a unhealthy relationship for 8 years and you kept telling this person to pull themselves together or else.... would that translate in putting that person down?


Guild Wars 2 is 8 years old, not 8 days old. The community is barely hanging by a thread. All we can do is to keep reminding Anet that by continuing ignoring the core root cause problems, the consequences will continue to increase.


The population will continue to decrease and sooner, new players will 'run out of the door' sooner and will even do more collateral damage with word of mouth than.


In other word, the real threat are not present players but new players and potential players. Especially now with the Pandemic, how it has giving a lot of people the chance and time to review Guild Wars 2 performance for themselves. What are many are saying about Guild Wars 2?



See The Writing On The Wall




Do we speak the same Truth?

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > If the amulet "is only used by one or two op builds", then it is not hurting anyone and just shutting down the OP builds.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > There are many other not OP builds that so or could use them. And since these builds are not competitive to being with, now they probably no longer have any viability.

> >

> > And also, you are talking about “now.” How about possible builds 6 month from now, or when the new expansion arrives. When you remove amulets your reduce diversity, not only now, but also in the future.

> >

> > It is lazy approach, from a lazy dev team. They clearly kitten sPvP. Now in over their heads, They just shoot from the hip. SPvP needs a new dev team.. this is unsustainable.


> Just like people hate stealth, they hate bunkers.


> Out with the trash.


> Does not mean we can not have some valid additions.


> To make things fair, some amulets should come with some -(minus stats).


If you hate something, doesn't mean EVERYONE does. Bunkers are fine, and stealth is fine. l2p please/

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  • 4 months later...

> @"Keefe.3821" said:

> Ah the many things I hate about Anet. First they make pvp sparing area smaller and uglier. Then they continually take amulets away. The amulets were also the only way to test builds before investing gold in the gear. Gotta love it.


Smaller? No. It's twice as big now compared the old.


> @"Ryan.9387" said:

> Removing amulet after amulet is not doing anything to fix pvp. Knights amulet was pretty much run on two builds, core ranger and prot holo.


> These builds were on their own op. And provided no nerfs, they will remain op on the next tankiest amulet until berseker and sinister are all thats left.


> We've already been through this with cleric, settler, etc.


You can also make the profession entirely irrelevant by nerfing it so that nothing matters, clearly they didn't want that so removing the amulet was the better solution because nobody but these two professions could benefit from it in the first place.


Knight by design was cancer, so was cavalier since they are incredibly niche yet extremely powerful in that spot for classes that can have fitting modifiers. Valkyrie is much more balanced by putting emphasis on health restoration which is something to invest into, the sustain becomes far more complex when Toughness isn't doing it all with the added typical protection. Protection becomes much more valuable on Valkyrie as well.


As long as you can clear conditions fast yet have damage modifiers, Knight was OP. Same for Cavalier with professions that had the ability to get easy critical hits/chances increases.

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> @"mistsim.2748" said:

> Removing amulets is the solution. Less stat combinations means easier balancing. Defensive amulets are really tricky to balance. We only really need maybe 5-6 amulets imo. Then they can more easily balance the weapons and trait lines against that.


> I'm certainly glad that the vocal minority whinging about this isn't in charge of balancing. You've zero clue what you're talking about ;)


How bout this.


Remove all amulets.


Give everyone a stick.


Problem solved right?



Why was this thread Necro'd wtf.

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