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Did Personal Story Again


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Because I just switched mains from charr to sylvari thief and my OCD and a lot of extra time on my hands I ran through world completion and now going through all the stories starting with 1-80 personal story. Firstly I forgot how long it was and a little nostalgic for the dozens of times I died in "Victory or Death" playing it before any expansions. Though I just want to say I love the detail in it especially the sylvari story was my first time doing it for that. Also it could just be because I havent played on any of the living story maps recently but Zhaitan seems like the coolest dragon Anet has rendered. https://imgur.com/dHoxi2k

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There are more positives in the PS than people lead others to believe. It's biggest issues lie in the way it has aged horribly versus later production values and the often short instances and uninteresting bosses/champs which rarely feel as dangerous or as epic as they should. Oh and the underwhelming fight against what I agree is one of the best looking and animated Dragons.


The structure, theme and direction as an overall arc though is pretty sound. The Claw Island stuff is all very good and they do a pretty good job of trying to show that we are fighting a battle across and into enemy lines with an enemy that is really pushing into mainland Tyria from multiple fronts. Zhaitan feels like a World threat rather than a regional one. And the themes of working together and modernising the World by taking the old ways, magics and cultures and complimenting them with new tech is all pretty seamless.


It's also a self contained campaign and that is a big strength of the story regardless of whether it is "well told" or not and I think low comparative production values aside, it often shines in that regard over what comes later which suffers from its piecemeal, continuous and messier approach.

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I've been running a spellbreaker through again too.


The vanilla story really depends on how you play the game.. I can run a keyfarmer from creation to Battle at Claw island in an hour or two pretty easy if I bosst the levels up.

But the way im running this Warrior through i'm avoiding most mount use most of the time and stopping to speak to all the NPC's and heart venders before completing their hearts just to see if there's anything interesting i've waltzed past in the past or just forgotten about.


It's been fun but slow going but that's what's made it more enjoyable.

I also happened across a vanilla bandana skin that I didn't have that was nicely hidden away in a little minigame with a Tank that I have never done before.. that was a nice surprise to stumble across after all these years.

Told my guild about it and a few of them come and got it as well which was fun to see ^^


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I personally think the more detailing of Personal Story for Zhaitan Arc compared to what we have now is partly due to how they designed the story to multiple paths and how these paths can connect to the next story quest or a future story quest.


Zhaitan Arc still remains my favorite today because it has such focus on choices to affect the story even if they were small and did not change much of the bigger plot but it did provide a unique journey different for each player. The End maybe the same but the journey itself was always different.

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The original story is, in my opinion, no match for the three base campaigns (Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall) in GW1.

However, I don't think any living story or expansion story in GW2 so far can hold a candle to it.

The pacing was the best, but it also had the most time to be developed.

To me, it felt even better, when we were able to play it in one go (if we were good enough to beat the level differences), before they hard-locked it behind every ten levels.

The living stories 1-4 were all over the place. LS5 "The Icebrood Saga" is still ongoing, but shows promise of better story telling (excluding Braham and his dealing with the corrupted spirits) than the other living stories.

HoT story felt bad and rushed.

PoF, while better than HoT, wasn't great either.


Also, the original story didn't have any Mastery blockades that prevented it from being played in one go.

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