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Remove weapon bonuses from class traits - Weapon specialization


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It could be interesting if you removed the weapon bonuses from class traits and instead created a new type of traitline for weapons. So a fourth traitline that specialize in the weapons you want to use.


This way people can still play might warrior but are not forced to use GS to get the full might bonus, so you can use mace, shield, longbow etc and still get the might bonus.


**Weapon Specialization **


- All weapons share the same types of weapon traits

- No restrictions


**Examples** - Warrior

- Recharged reduced by 20%

- 100% might gain on crit

- 30% longer stuns, dazes, slows etc

- Block reflect missiles

- Removes immobilize when using a movement abillity

- Mobility abilities creates a shockwave around you that cripples foes where you land

- Increase attack speed by 20%

- Add Combo Field: Water to your Combo Finishers

- etc

- etc


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No, that would be substantial powercreep to take all of the weapon boni from traits and give them their own traitline. In fact i don't think it's possible unless several weapon traits are merged. Part of the reason the warrior has to take GS to maximise the trait is that it creates a trade-off. It could also get very messy; how would rangers' piercing arrows work with axe projectiles, or necros' 'boons from warhorn skills last longer' interact with other boon-generating skills?


It sounds like a disaster.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> More powercreep! Just what the game needs.

Hmm no. Weapon specialization is another way to customize your weapons and makes builds with different weapons more viable.


> @"Funky.4861" said:

> No, that would be substantial powercreep to take all of the weapon boni from traits and give them their own traitline. In fact i don't think it's possible unless several weapon traits are merged. Part of the reason the warrior has to take GS to maximise the trait is that it creates a trade-off. It could also get very messy; how would rangers' piercing arrows work with axe projectiles, or necros' 'boons from warhorn skills last longer' interact with other boon-generating skills?


> It sounds like a disaster.


Well, of course they will have to balance it, but why should ranger not be able to have axe projectiles that pierce and only longbow? There has to be some customization options. Weapon feels pretty bad as they are locked to specific builds and they need more freedom.

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> @"Zoid.2568" said:

> Well, of course they will have to balance it, but why should ranger not be able to have axe projectiles that pierce and only longbow?


Because Axe 1 bounces between enemies and grants Might per target hit?


It'd be hella OP if Axe 1 would also PIERCE enemies while still also bouncing between enemies. Just end up doing a kajillion damage and getting 25 Might stacks per auto attack lel.


Not to mention how Axe 2 inherently pierces...


Also, Ranger can get piercing for Shortbow too.


Not to mention how things like Mesmer's Bountiful Blades would be converted into a universal trait? Or what about Thief's Dagger Training and Staff Master or Guardian's Zealous Blade traits that give base power and then bonus power when using the specified weapon?


How incredibly broken it'd be for Shortbow Ranger, Condi Rev and Condi Mirage to gain access to Necro's Lingering Curses for free 200 Condi damage and 50% condi duration (Also, how would the traits upgrading of Feast of Corruption into Devouring Darkness translate into universal traits?)


While I can agree that weapons could use more customization, making a global traitline containing every weapon specific trait would not be the solution. If nothing more than it would literally just devolve into you picking the most broken traits on each tier, which would be plainly obvious since many traits are strong specifically to boost up an otherwise mediocre or weak weapon for a class. (I.e. Lingering Curses is really strong because Necro's Sceptre sucks) Meaning the end result isn't really any more actual customization, you'll still end up picking the 2 Power weapons that have the best skills for Power builds and the 2 Condi weapons your class has for Condi builds and then pick up a copy paste trait selection you use on every class...


A far better means of customization would be to improve weapon skills themselves. To not only buff baseline skills to remove the need to have these crutch traits, but also include additional weapon skills for each skill slot that you can swap between just like you can swap your utilities and elite skills (Unless you're Rev...)



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GW1 allowed professions to use any weapon but not necessarily at their full capacity. It was an interesting time what with Assassins swinging a scythe.


Specializations are just that; showing a character has spent time to work with a weapon to achieve bonuses and abilities that other characters can't plug into.


It's what makes warriors different from guardians and rangers when wielding the same longbow.

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Personally I think an unlimited system without any restrictions tends to be kinda boring.

Building into interesting synergies has the consequence of missing out on potentially better things.

Losing out on one benefit so I can have another is more interesting imo.


Also every single warrior having free might sounds pretty awful in PvP.

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