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Do You Think Server Hate is Justified?

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While hate is a strong word I think that concepts like Server pride and Rivalries can be very beneficial to the game.


Competitive gameplay thrives on many things but some of those things are banter, mockery, hazing, teasing etc..

Building up a good rivalry with another server can be done without that but for a great deal of people who are competitive, those concepts can greatly enhance the experience for both sides.

(Trust me i'm British and if there's one thing Brits love it's ripping on each other all the time for everything XD)


Beating some guy from a rival server is all well and fun but beating someone you recognize as a braggart or bit of a "hole" can be severely more satisfying.

Most people will probably get that feeling one day of beating that one player who just gets on their nerves continuously.

I know i've had those moments and i've loved every second of my revenge lol

It really goes with the competititve territory imo which is why you can see that kind of thing in just about every single competitive format world wide.. especially gaming.


Gw1 had a lot of that kind of thing at one time thanks to Guild vs Guild and Alliances, WvW Server Pride/Hate is about the only remnant of that in Gw2.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> While hate is a strong word I think that concepts like Server pride and Rivalries can be very beneficial to the game.


> Competitive gameplay thrives on many things but some of those things are banter, mockery, hazing, teasing etc..

> Building up a good rivalry with another server can be done without that but for a great deal of people who are competitive, those concepts can greatly enhance the experience for both sides.

> (Trust me i'm British and if there's one thing Brits love it's ripping on each other all the time for everything XD)


> Beating some guy from a rival server is all well and fun but beating someone you recognize as a braggart or bit of a "hole" can be severely more satisfying.

> Most people will probably get that feeling one day of beating that one player who just gets on their nerves continuously.

> I know i've had those moments and i've loved every second of my revenge lol

> It really goes with the competititve territory imo which is why you can see that kind of thing in just about every single competitive format world wide.. especially gaming.


> Gw1 had a lot of that kind of thing at one time thanks to Guild vs Guild and Alliances, WvW Server Pride/Hate is about the only remnant of that in Gw2.


There is a huge difference between hate and pride. Pride, belittling others is bad. Pride as inbeing positive just about your server, while not talking down others is positive!

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i'd say generally "no",


but sometimes "servers", at least specific groups of them, seem to try to be annoying. like comms making appointments and then you get targeted by 3 groups, breaking appointments to GvG several times. that ain't the full servers' responsibility, but we only see host server names... you have to recherche if u wanna know who did bad there. and it kinda leads to people saying "**** [insert Server name]"


or numberwise way bigger groups that hide within their keep and build 8 superior arrow carts on each side.


or when blobs know where your comm hops and stalk your movement, while you barely have a zerg group and wait like 3 times behind the keeps outer. sneaking is okay on equal size~ but blobs aiming to simply gank 30 people groups?


... then again, this "hate" does not matter really. it's more kinda rivalry and natural happening feelings in situations of competition. nobody really like to lose a fight i guess.

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I think its hilarious....



Other servers logic:

NSP server hacks to win they cant win other way... while we are most time outmaned outside NA and loosing due numbers.

Plot:(there was some cosmetic mortars in a tower, enemy tought some guild in NSP were respawning mortars in the tower and that killed their group)



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