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Another broken and overlooked rez utility.

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> @"Grimjack.8130" said:

> elixir r doesnt pulse every second, so its more like 7s every second

> it should obviously be put in line with the rest of the pulsing rezzes, personally i dont play ranger and i think SnR is fine as its a pretty weak skill, and rangers utils are pretty important so you do drop ALOT

> all full rezzes like glyph, signets, banner, rez spirits are fine tho, dont touch them, its a player skill issue when people let these go through everytime


The wiki says its every second, that wrong?

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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > @"Grimjack.8130" said:

> > elixir r doesnt pulse every second, so its more like 7s every second

> > it should obviously be put in line with the rest of the pulsing rezzes, personally i dont play ranger and i think SnR is fine as its a pretty weak skill, and rangers utils are pretty important so you do drop ALOT

> > all full rezzes like glyph, signets, banner, rez spirits are fine tho, dont touch them, its a player skill issue when people let these go through everytime


> The wiki says its every second, that wrong?


In my experience, it pulses every 3 seconds. Even with that 17% is way too much res power for one skill. The skill would still be effective if it were nerfed so I completely back that suggestion.

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Only one person in this thread knows how Elixir R works, that is Grimjack.


The wiki is just wrong, unfortunately. Elixir R revive ticks every 2 seconds, not every 1 second, not every 3 seconds, which is a nice disadvantage compared with revive ticks every 1s. For instance, if you took the 17% revive tick and halved it to 8.5% and let it tick every second, it'd be a nice buff to the skill's success, as it would deny the enemy team a whole second to cleave before the tick that would potentially cause a revive.


With that being said,** in my personal opinion** I would put Elixir R's strength per second on par with a revive utility doing about 6.5% per second in a scenario where cleave is happening.


As you guys know, Elixir R is a utility slot, not an adept/major trait, don't compare it to revive traits. In fact just stop it with cross-profession comparisons. Instead of most utility revive skills, it's obviously a short 1/4 cast time and requires 6 seconds to revive an ally in a vacuum, as opposed to the usual 1.5-2 second cast time, and instant revive. There's no utility skill like it. Omni-present heralds should opt to save Chaotic Release for when Elixir R goes down, that's the most common counter outside of poison.


Now let's start the discussion again, maybe not have people chiming in saying how a 17% revive tick per second is 2 good

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> @"Grimjack.8130" said:

> it should obviously be put in line with the rest of the pulsing rezzes,


Other pulsing resses? No clearly it should be in line with other revive utilities. Edit, removed wrong info


> @"Grimjack.8130" said:

> all full rezzes like glyph, signets, banner, rez spirits are fine tho, dont touch them, its a player skill issue when people let these go through everytime


I find it kinda weird you don't consider Elixir R to be in this category of long CD Revive utilities.

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> Only one person in this thread knows how Elixir R works, that is Grimjack.


> The wiki is just wrong, unfortunately. Elixir R revive ticks every 2 seconds, not every 1 second, not every 3 seconds, which is a nice disadvantage compared with revive ticks every 1s. For instance, if you took the 17% revive tick and halved it to 8.5% and let it tick every second, it'd be a nice buff to the skill's success, as it would deny the enemy team a whole second to cleave before the tick that would potentially cause a revive.


> With that being said,** in my personal opinion** I would put Elixir R's strength per second on par with a revive utility doing about 6.5% per second in a scenario where cleave is happening.


> As you guys know, Elixir R is a utility slot, not an adept/major trait, don't compare it to revive traits. In fact just stop it with cross-profession comparisons. Instead of most utility revive skills, it's obviously a short 1/4 cast time and requires 6 seconds to revive an ally in a vacuum, as opposed to the usual 3 second cast time, and instant revive. There's no utility skill like it. Omni-present heralds should opt to save Chaotic Release for when Elixir R goes down, that's the most common counter outside of poison.


> Now let's start the discussion again, maybe not have people chiming in saying how a 17% revive tick per second is 2 good


Thanks for the input Chaith, good to have someone intimately knowledgeable with the class

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@"Chaith.8256" My personal feelings on it are while its probably intended to be a full rez, that isn't really how it plays out, it plays out much more like Geyser and Blood Well, so thats how I would balance it. If it was a 2second throw animation that instantly rezzed, even as a toolbelt I would balance it as a Signet rez or Glyph Rez, the functional difference between Blood Well and Signet of Undeath is too major to ignore in my personal opinion.

If one did take the road of turning it into an instant rez like the others IMO is much more fair, healthy, and it probably makes the skill better than it is currently, seems like a win win.

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> @"Grimjack.8130" said:

> @"Chaith.8256" My personal feelings on it are while its probably intended to be a full rez, that isn't really how it plays out, it plays out much more like Geyser and Blood Well, so thats how I would balance it. If it was a 2second throw animation that instantly rezzed, even as a toolbelt I would balance it as a Signet rez or Glyph Rez, the functional difference between Blood Well and Signet of Undeath is too major to ignore in my personal opinion.

> If one did take the road of turning it into an instant rez like the others IMO is much more fair, healthy, and it probably makes the skill better than it is currently, seems like a win win.


There are a few reasons why it would break the game if Engi got a 2s cast time full-rez instead of a .25s cast skill that revives over 6+ seconds. Like access to a quickness, a stealth, maybe a 3+ stack of stability. It would be less fair and healthy than the current Elixir R. You couldn't stop it if the Engi combo'd another utility, unless you feel you're skilled enough to reliably interrupt a stealthed, or quickness & stability'd Engineer? You may be skilled enough to interrupt a Glyph of Renewal or Signet of Undeath, IMO There is a reason why Glyph of Renewal, Signet of Undeath, and so on were given to certain classes and not others.

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I play engineer myself - as main. (And I still like core engineer because I have not tried Holosmith that much yet and Scrapper isn't to my taste in PvE.) That elixir is known to me. And since it hasn't been mentioned here often I already feared the thread might be about it ... when I read the thread title.


For using it to rez yourself it needs some skill and good timing though. For rezzing others ... I think there is a trade-off: You can knock people out of the circle I think. And it uses a valuable utility skill slot that could be usesd for other stuff. (The normal skill of that elixir is not that interesting I think.)


If it really is ticking only every 2 seconds (never tried it that much) then it also is not that strong. You can also kill the engineer first. :D (Then at max he could use it to ressurect himself.)


I find the instant finish and rez abilities more annoying. (Though they have a higher cooldown to balance them.) Haven't seen many engineers bringing the elixir R in PvP.

(I find my elite elixir - traited with reduced CD when using core engineer and also being able to use the toolbelt - more strong with that short CD. Even though it can be dodged and stuff.)

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Hello everyone! Since this skill seems to have caused quite the discussion mostly based on **wrong information on the wiki** and in the past I've taken care of many Engineer related things there, I've updated the wiki page:

#The wiki page has been updated!

So please use the new information provided in the **"Notes"** section on the wiki for further discussion. Thank you.


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> @"Xyonon.3987" said:

> Hello everyone! Since this skill seems to have caused quite the discussion mostly based on **wrong information on the wiki** and in the past I've taken care of many Engineer related things there, I've updated the wiki page:

> #The wiki page has been updated!

> So please use the new information provided in the **"Notes"** section on the wiki for further discussion. Thank you.

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Toss_Elixir_R#Notes


do you know how downed hp works in pvp? bcs i couldnt get the math to work out properly when i tested it with 3x base health (might have fucked up and forgotten some healing modifier or something though, didnt check too closely).

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > All revive skills ~ 1-5% per sec, engi - 17% .

> > L2P issue, I guess :)


> Ignores

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Mercy

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Battle_Standard

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Undeath

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Nature%27s_Renewal


lmao, the only one of those skills which was remotely worthwhile to bring was Signet of Mercy until they overbuffed Signet of Undeath, and even that's a debatable pick still. Spirit Ranger was nerfed out of existence after that month where it ran around in petting zoo teams in 2013; Battle Standard has NEVER been super valuable over other elite picks except maybe in 2v2 memes.

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