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Please Revive GW1 PVP

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This notion is born from me logging into GW1 yesterday. I got hit by nostalgia really hard and felt strange for a while. I saw the silver trim on my guild's cape, noticed that I and most of my guild members last went online 7 years ago. I tried to get into FA, but ofc no one was there. Then I logged off. The rest of the evening was spent trying to find the guild members of various guilds I spent my childhood with. It seemed to be a lost cause. Then I got hit by nostalgia again. It didn't help that I watched the coverage of GWFC on YT shortly before.


Of course this post doesn't belong into GW2 discussion, but I don't know where to put it. This post is also heavily influence by a recent video by WoodenPotatoes



in which he talkes over how things could have been handled better in GW1. Please regard this post as a wishlist for GW1. I would love to return to this game, but I find it hard to get games. Here is a compiled list of features which could revive pvp in GW1 in my view.


-Set the team size for all pvp formats to 5vs5.

-Add support for solo, duo and full party queues.

-Adjust matchmaking to allow for new team size and queued teams.

-Add individual player rating

-Further split skill sets, but instead of splitting PvE and PvP, use the campaigns. Have a skill set for Prophecies, one for Factions, one for Nightfall, one for Prophecies+Eye of the North, one for all campaigns (already have that).

-Tie skill set of ranked play to game mode like below:

GvG, HA, RA, Codex->Prophecies

FA, JQ, AB->Factions

-For unranked play, use PvP skill set.

-Allow players to create unranked matches and tournaments for all pvp formats with any skill set.

-Scale GvG maps maps by ~25-33% to reduce walking distances.

-Reduce number of NPCs on all PvP maps.

-Add a PvP window and queue system so you and your team can join any game mode from anywhere.

-Reinstate leaderboards.


I needed to get this off my chest. Thank you a lot for reading even tho this thread is out of place. It might be a case of beating a dead horse, but GW1 never died to me. It still got a special place in my gamer heart.

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But ultimately the problem is there just aren't enough people playing PvP in GW1, and I'm not sure rearranging how skills work will really make any difference to that. People didn't stop playing GW1 because of team sizes or which versions of skills are available in which matches but because GW2 was released and the majority of players moved over to this game.


Which does seem odd, considering ever since GW2 was released I've seen PvPers complain that GW1 had (and still has) far superior PvP and GW2 is a poor imitation at best, I'm not quite sure why they didn't go back to it if that's the case. But it seems unlikely that what amounts to a balance pass is going to be the thing which persuades them all to go back.


Also I don't think reducing team sizes to 5 would be a good idea for Fort Aspenwood and Jade Quarry, especially if you also reduce the number of NPCs. Both maps require large groups to function properly. With so few players you'd have to give up on either defending or attacking some locations, and then you end up with a system where either parts of the map are ignored while everyone focuses on where the action is or basically a PvE experience where both sides are going around attacking the NPCs (who are already pretty weak even in groups) and ignoring players.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> As far as I know Friday Saturday and Sunday people gather on gw to play AB FA JQ. So, maybe try that.


> My suggestion to ANerf would be close down gw2 and go back to work on gw, why even lose time in a worse game...


to me GW1 is worse, so no thank you. Just glad theyve kept GW1 running all these years if i ever get the urge to finish of my HOM i can but i probably wont.


Im really surprised anet hasnt added bots of some kind, even simple ones to allow players on that game to do PVP given how small that population is now. Danikat is right though. after 8 years of complaints on these forums about how GW1 had better PVP and was the better game those players are still playing GW2 even though GW1 is currently running and playable.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > As far as I know Friday Saturday and Sunday people gather on gw to play AB FA JQ. So, maybe try that.

> >

> > My suggestion to ANerf would be close down gw2 and go back to work on gw, why even lose time in a worse game...


> to me GW1 is worse, so no thank you. Just glad theyve kept GW1 running all these years if i ever get the urge to finish of my HOM i can but i probably wont.


> Im really surprised anet hasnt added bots of some kind, even simple ones to allow players on that game to do PVP given how small that population is now. Danikat is right though. after 8 years of complaints on these forums about how GW1 had better PVP and was the better game those players are still playing GW2 even though GW1 is currently running and playable.


People still play GW1 pvp after a lot of years without any balance shift.


Take out the updates for gw2 during the same period and see how long it will last.

Heck, scrap that, there's like what? 500 people tops doing pvp on gw2 when the game is updated monthly.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> But ultimately the problem is there just aren't enough people playing PvP in GW1, and I'm not sure rearranging how skills work will really make any difference to that. People didn't stop playing GW1 because of team sizes or which versions of skills are available in which matches but because GW2 was released and the majority of players moved over to this game.


> Which does seem odd, considering ever since GW2 was released I've seen PvPers complain that GW1 had (and still has) far superior PvP and GW2 is a poor imitation at best, I'm not quite sure why they didn't go back to it if that's the case. But it seems unlikely that what amounts to a balance pass is going to be the thing which persuades them all to go back.


> Also I don't think reducing team sizes to 5 would be a good idea for Fort Aspenwood and Jade Quarry, especially if you also reduce the number of NPCs. Both maps require large groups to function properly. With so few players you'd have to give up on either defending or attacking some locations, and then you end up with a system where either parts of the map are ignored while everyone focuses on where the action is or basically a PvE experience where both sides are going around attacking the NPCs (who are already pretty weak even in groups) and ignoring players.


The idea is to first set a specific team size for all pvp game modes. I chose 5vs5 because it seemed to be the standard in most popular pvp games. It could be anything, but it needs to be the same for the purpose of balancing the game. Second, I consider GvG was at its prime during prophecies, still decent when Factions came out, but already started to degrade. Toss in Nightfall skills and professions and it becomes unmanageable. I reckon that most people probably moved on from a 15 year old game, but the idea is to get in fresh blood.


From my view, I don't think we will ever see something like the PvP formats from GW1 in GW2, so I make these suggestions to build a GW ecosphere. After all these games are nothing alike, distinct in their own rights, but still share parts of the same engine. ANet are blessed with a 100% success rate for their games and a huge fanbase which want them to succeed and support them, even tho some of the last years were bleak.


If anything comes from this, be it something like visions of the past (pvp edition) in which players may jump back into these old game modes with similar gameplay, freshened and touched up for GW2 or updates to GW1 (very unlikely), it would make a really happy fan. ANet got such jewels in their hands and fortunately they recognized that as you can see with the latest LW updates. I just hope they don't forget about PvP.

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