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Core Halloween Festival Lunatic Racer Achievement can only be done with Path Of Fire Mounts


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I'm pretty sure the title says it all, but I don't remember seeing any core game achievements being tied to gliding from Heat of Thorns, so I am not sure why there is an achievement and an armor box being tied to Path of Fire only players.


The race has to be finished within 2 minutes, maybe they could either up the time, (so it could be run), or maybe "lend" players a mount for the duration of the race.

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> @Yargesh.4965 said:

> > @RoseofGilead.8907 said:

> > While doing it with mounts is waaaaaaaaay easier, it's doable without them. I watched my husband do it.


> Under 2 minutes?


Ohhh. I misread the thread. He finished the race, but not in the 2 minutes no. So, yeah, that achievement doesn't seem to be doable without mounts.

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> @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> Or buy PoF?


I think you missed the point. I own PoF.


They purposefully avoided putting in HoT Masteries, gliding or updrafts into PoF so if you didn't own HoT, you could still experience the content, so I am not sure they put one PoF mastery into the Core game.

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> @udoh.5307 said:

> > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > Or buy PoF?


> I think you missed the point. I own PoF.


> They purposefully avoided putting in HoT Masteries, gliding or updrafts into PoF so if you didn't own HoT, you could still experience the content, so I am not sure they put one PoF mastery into the Core game.


Because it's fun? There's no rule that all achievements outside of an expansion zone must be able to be completed without any expansion. That's pretty limiting.


It's just a single achievement. Someone invested in the game enough to care should just buy PoF if they don't own it.

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I think the OP's point is that there's a core festival with a skin tied to an achievement that's gated behind purchase. There are four ways to address that complaint:

* ANet offers "borrowed" mounts available in the Lab (without masteries, probably still challenging to finish in under 2 minutes).

* ANet changes the requirement so that _Lunatic Racer_ can be completed without a mount.

* ANet renames the category, "Lunatic Wardrobe" to "Path of Fire Lunatic Wardrobe", thus clarifying their (presumed) intent.

* The OP renames the category in their head, pretending that ANet was less ambiguous to start with.


The fourth can be done today and doesn't require convincing anyone else, although of course it's unsatisfying as it's a work-around.


(There's also 5 AP and 3 ToT bags in _Halloween Rituals_, but that seems less important. It's not as if all achievements have been 100% accessible generally.)



The OP didn't mention that the Mad King's Clock Tower is also a requirement for the wardrobe and that's probably going to gate a whole lot of people (I know that I've never managed to complete it, so I'm a lot less worried about any of the other requirements).

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> @udoh.5307 said:

> > @Drecien.4508 said:

> > They don't "rent" mounts. You want em, buy POF.


> That's actually incorrect, you get to "rent" every mount before you buy it, it's how you do the quests to get the mounts.


Well, so go to PoF maps, then... oh wait.


You want gliding? Buy HoT. You want mounts? Buy PoF. It's that simple.

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I play the game since 2014, i payed vanilla and decided to not buy Hot and PoF.


i have difficulty stay in train with other people in Labyrint by foot but im fine; im not fine is with race in labyrint, is something that i tryed to do by food but even checkpoint didnt work to mark my way.


I feel now a little exlused, that all. Just a report for a normal player, no beg no asking for nothing.

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Yeah, this is a bummer. I just came back to GW2 and I'm having a blast leveling a Necro (lvl 30). I fully intend on purchasing HOT and POF and playing through all that content. The event dropped today which I wasn't even aware of, so it was a really cool surprise. It was even cooler when I found out I could get some of the cosmetic rewards from it.


However, it's a real buzz kill that I can only get 5/6 pieces. I'm more than happy to spend hours climbing that damn tower, but being completely denied an item is just meh.

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