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Please Remove Rune of Trapper

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> HAAAAA Well would you look at that guys?


> **Stealth class be like : "rune of the trapper allow dragon hunters to hide important animations diminishing counterplay** and I am like : " wasn't losing to stealth builds just a huge L2P issue accordingly to thieves and mesmers? "


> The kind of irony you only find within @"Crab Fear.1624" threads....


> Such hypocrisy ...it's a L2P issue as long as you're the one abusing it am I right?


One could argue that stealth in a class balanced around it is a different thing from a class not balanced around it. DH with rune of the trapper is also one of the rare cases where a class has access to 0 cast time stealth (even thief does not). But that being said, I dont think Rune of the Trapper is an issue at all. In fact, most DH I see nowadays dont use it because its not that good. Similar to thieves not using stealth in-combat much.

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> @"pninak.1069" said:

> as a mesmer player I can assure you that it is mostly about permastealth. so pretty much thief is the only class affected by this. I think longer stealth for mesmer is pretty much useless, because most of the time you need to attack to create clones. I know that there is supposed to be a stealth shatter combo. However I find this hard to pull off since you need mass invisibility aswell as ensure all clones have attacked already in order to have a chance.



Longer stealth for Mesmer means you can do the instant shatter burst combo more easily. You dont need more clones, you just Mantra, Mirror Blade, Shatter and thats already a ton of damage.

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Reduce stealth and superspeed to 1.5 seconds. Fixed.


What happened to "nerfing" stuff? It looks like GW2 community never asks for nerfs, they ask for outright removal.


> @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> But that being said, I dont think Rune of the Trapper is an issue at all. In fact, most DH I see nowadays dont use it because its not that good. Similar to thieves not using stealth in-combat much.


There is a guy with 5 alts all playing burn trap DH with that rune, he has all of them in legendary rating D:

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> HAAAAA Well would you look at that guys?


> **Stealth class be like : "rune of the trapper allow dragon hunters to hide important animations diminishing counterplay** and I am like : " wasn't losing to stealth builds just a huge L2P issue accordingly to thieves and mesmers? "


> The kind of irony you only find within @"Crab Fear.1624" threads....


> Such hypocrisy ...it's a L2P issue as long as you're the one abusing it am I right?


Regardless of who says it, the point still stands on its own: classes balanced to be viable without stealth shouldn't have access to it. Half of mirages selling point originally was the detarget mechanism built into some of its support skills. 'Like... come on people, look at how awesome it is, you can detarget yourself like once every 20 second, how cool and powerful is that?'

I mean its almost half as good as equipping your DH/ranger with trapper runes, only it also comes with mobility and stealth(really makes you want to play mirage doesn't it). It devalues what mirage should have been, and it also totally breaks the theme for a class like guardian to stealth up every 5 seconds during combat. If a thief could spam aegis/protection as much as a trapper DH can stealth, wouldn't you say thats weird and not fitting for the class?


Out of all the "delete this, delete that" threads which I usually disagree with, this is the only one I saw so far that's acutally justified.

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@Bazsi.2734 the problem is a lot of classes got stealth when the first started. ranger and mesmer got stealth in their core specs. so I wouldn't count it as a mechanic. it is more like an effect. the mechanic thief got is the stealth attacks. you could argue the same for conditions like torment and confusion. mesmer should be the only one having access to confusion yet warrior and thief got a trait with it. rev, mesmer and necro got torment, although it was initially on necro only.

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> @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > HAAAAA Well would you look at that guys?

> >

> > **Stealth class be like : "rune of the trapper allow dragon hunters to hide important animations diminishing counterplay** and I am like : " wasn't losing to stealth builds just a huge L2P issue accordingly to thieves and mesmers? "

> >

> > The kind of irony you only find within @"Crab Fear.1624" threads....

> >

> > Such hypocrisy ...it's a L2P issue as long as you're the one abusing it am I right?


> Regardless of who says it, the point still stands on its own: classes balanced to be viable without stealth shouldn't have access to it. Half of mirages selling point originally was the detarget mechanism built into some of its support skills. 'Like... come on people, look at how awesome it is, you can detarget yourself like once every 20 second, how cool and powerful is that?'

> I mean its almost half as good as equipping your DH/ranger with trapper runes, only it also comes with mobility and stealth(really makes you want to play mirage doesn't it). It devalues what mirage should have been, and it also totally breaks the theme for a class like guardian to stealth up every 5 seconds during combat. If a thief could spam aegis/protection as much as a trapper DH can stealth, wouldn't you say thats weird and not fitting for the class?


> Out of all the "delete this, delete that" threads which I usually disagree with, this is the only one I saw so far that's acutally justified.


There are runes granting protection..should we remove those too if a thief starts using them? It's not a problem for DH to remove those runes...I have a big problem with these "remove this and that" parroting , I had enough of this BS trend now. The principle behind the thread is completely unfair but we can't deny the logic is based on..that's what I think.


You could solve the issue by adding a 20s or so ICD ...that's all , no need to further limit the creativity of people in this game...or limit the runes to PvE only, it's time to stop removing stuff from the game and it's time to start fixing stuff which is long overdue

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> Reduce stealth and superspeed to 1.5 seconds. Fixed.


> What happened to "nerfing" stuff? It looks like GW2 community never asks for nerfs, they ask for outright removal.


> > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > But that being said, I dont think Rune of the Trapper is an issue at all. In fact, most DH I see nowadays dont use it because its not that good. Similar to thieves not using stealth in-combat much.


> There is a guy with 5 alts all playing burn trap DH with that rune, he has all of them in legendary rating D:


Really? I wouldve figured core burn guard is still better. Wack.

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Lol it’s not even that serious...to boot the amount of reveal running around I’m the game nowadays you’d think ppl would learn to play around stealth it’s not like there aren’t multiple classes with access to it (ranger mes engi and thief) hate to be that guy but just learn to play around the mechanic.

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > HAAAAA Well would you look at that guys?

> > >

> > > **Stealth class be like : "rune of the trapper allow dragon hunters to hide important animations diminishing counterplay** and I am like : " wasn't losing to stealth builds just a huge L2P issue accordingly to thieves and mesmers? "

> > >

> > > The kind of irony you only find within @"Crab Fear.1624" threads....

> > >

> > > Such hypocrisy ...it's a L2P issue as long as you're the one abusing it am I right?

> >

> > Regardless of who says it, the point still stands on its own: classes balanced to be viable without stealth shouldn't have access to it. Half of mirages selling point originally was the detarget mechanism built into some of its support skills. 'Like... come on people, look at how awesome it is, you can detarget yourself like once every 20 second, how cool and powerful is that?'

> > I mean its almost half as good as equipping your DH/ranger with trapper runes, only it also comes with mobility and stealth(really makes you want to play mirage doesn't it). It devalues what mirage should have been, and it also totally breaks the theme for a class like guardian to stealth up every 5 seconds during combat. If a thief could spam aegis/protection as much as a trapper DH can stealth, wouldn't you say thats weird and not fitting for the class?

> >

> > Out of all the "delete this, delete that" threads which I usually disagree with, this is the only one I saw so far that's acutally justified.


> There are runes granting protection..should we remove those too if a thief starts using them? It's not a problem for DH to remove those runes...I have a big problem with these "remove this and that" parroting , I had enough of this BS trend now. The principle behind the thread is completely unfair but we can't deny the logic is based on..that's what I think.


> You could solve the issue by adding a 20s or so ICD ...that's all , no need to further limit the creativity of people in this game...or limit the runes to PvE only, it's time to stop removing stuff from the game and it's time to start fixing stuff which is long overdue


Well I'd be perfectly fine with a 20s ICD, but at that point its so far removed from being viable, that you can just remove it and not clutter up the rune options with overnerfed garbage.

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Looooooooooooooooooooool you people.


This is such a gimmick build it's not even funny. First of, running power based traps on a condition build is enough trade-off for guard to have some form of mobility / disengage. On top of that, the damage comes mostly from traits and f1 active. The latter can be seen through stealth. Imagine actually complaining about Condi dh in current year.

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> HAAAAA Well would you look at that guys?


> **Stealth class be like : "rune of the trapper allow dragon hunters to hide important animations diminishing counterplay** and I am like : " wasn't losing to stealth builds just a huge L2P issue accordingly to thieves and mesmers? "


> The kind of irony you only find within @"Crab Fear.1624" threads....


> Such hypocrisy ...it's a L2P issue as long as you're the one abusing it am I right?


I said I would give up stealth, but I expect compensation.


Ill take some aegis and Shield of Wrath as one of my thief weapon skills.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > HAAAAA Well would you look at that guys?

> >

> > **Stealth class be like : "rune of the trapper allow dragon hunters to hide important animations diminishing counterplay** and I am like : " wasn't losing to stealth builds just a huge L2P issue accordingly to thieves and mesmers? "

> >

> > The kind of irony you only find within @"Crab Fear.1624" threads....

> >

> > Such hypocrisy ...it's a L2P issue as long as you're the one abusing it am I right?


> I said I would give up stealth, but I expect compensation.


> Ill take some aegis and Shield of Wrath as one of my thief weapon skills.


Go right ahead, they are both trash. I'll take invis on demand as a weapon skill over blocking 3 attacks any day.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > HAAAAA Well would you look at that guys?

> > >

> > > **Stealth class be like : "rune of the trapper allow dragon hunters to hide important animations diminishing counterplay** and I am like : " wasn't losing to stealth builds just a huge L2P issue accordingly to thieves and mesmers? "

> > >

> > > The kind of irony you only find within @"Crab Fear.1624" threads....

> > >

> > > Such hypocrisy ...it's a L2P issue as long as you're the one abusing it am I right?

> >

> > I said I would give up stealth, but I expect compensation.

> >

> > Ill take some aegis and Shield of Wrath as one of my thief weapon skills.


> Go right ahead, they are both trash. I'll take invis on demand as a weapon skill over blocking 3 attacks any day.


So, why not be a thief main?

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > > HAAAAA Well would you look at that guys?

> > > >

> > > > **Stealth class be like : "rune of the trapper allow dragon hunters to hide important animations diminishing counterplay** and I am like : " wasn't losing to stealth builds just a huge L2P issue accordingly to thieves and mesmers? "

> > > >

> > > > The kind of irony you only find within @"Crab Fear.1624" threads....

> > > >

> > > > Such hypocrisy ...it's a L2P issue as long as you're the one abusing it am I right?

> > >

> > > I said I would give up stealth, but I expect compensation.

> > >

> > > Ill take some aegis and Shield of Wrath as one of my thief weapon skills.

> >

> > Go right ahead, they are both trash. I'll take invis on demand as a weapon skill over blocking 3 attacks any day.


> So, why not be a thief main?


Because I don't enjoy the class. Although I've been fucking around on condi thief lately with big success.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> Looooooooooooooooooooool you people.


> This is such a gimmick build it's not even funny. First of, running power based traps on a condition build is enough trade-off for guard to have some form of mobility / disengage. On top of that, the damage comes mostly from traits and f1 active. The latter can be seen through stealth. Imagine actually complaining about Condi dh in current year.


Oh yes because the point raised here is clearly "ranked is broken by this one build, please fix". Classes are defined by what they do best, and what they cannot do at all. Guardians cannot stealth by design, they have every tool(and then some) to stay alive and support with their bad mobility and low healthpool. How effective a stealth abusing guardian build is is completely irrelevant, you don't give guardians stealth because you just don't.

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> @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > Looooooooooooooooooooool you people.

> >

> > This is such a gimmick build it's not even funny. First of, running power based traps on a condition build is enough trade-off for guard to have some form of mobility / disengage. On top of that, the damage comes mostly from traits and f1 active. The latter can be seen through stealth. Imagine actually complaining about Condi dh in current year.


> Oh yes because the point raised here is clearly "ranked is broken by this one build, please fix". Classes are defined by what they do best, and what they cannot do at all. Guardians cannot stealth by design, they have every tool(and then some) to stay alive and support with their bad mobility and low healthpool. How effective a stealth abusing guardian build is is completely irrelevant, you don't give guardians stealth because you just don't.


Only, guardians can't stealth. Dragonhunter can, dragonhunter also got released at the same time as trapper runes. So who's you to say trapper runes weren't specifically designed for dh?

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > Imagine actually complaining about Condi dh in current year.


> I never had any problem vs Condi DH but there is a guy with 5 alts, all are in legendary. He plays burn DH. EU btw


> He even posted here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/104445/mission-accomplished


I know the guy, still doesn't warrant a rune to be removed.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > Imagine actually complaining about Condi dh in current year.

> >

> > I never had any problem vs Condi DH but there is a guy with 5 alts, all are in legendary. He plays burn DH. EU btw

> >

> > He even posted here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/104445/mission-accomplished


> I know the guy, still doesn't warrant a rune to be removed.


Of course not. It'd be a terrible shame if condi noobs lost another tool in their low effort arsenal.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > Looooooooooooooooooooool you people.

> > >

> > > This is such a gimmick build it's not even funny. First of, running power based traps on a condition build is enough trade-off for guard to have some form of mobility / disengage. On top of that, the damage comes mostly from traits and f1 active. The latter can be seen through stealth. Imagine actually complaining about Condi dh in current year.

> >

> > Oh yes because the point raised here is clearly "ranked is broken by this one build, please fix". Classes are defined by what they do best, and what they cannot do at all. Guardians cannot stealth by design, they have every tool(and then some) to stay alive and support with their bad mobility and low healthpool. How effective a stealth abusing guardian build is is completely irrelevant, you don't give guardians stealth because you just don't.


> Only, guardians can't stealth. Dragonhunter can, dragonhunter also got released at the same time as trapper runes. So who's you to say trapper runes weren't specifically designed for dh?


It might have been. Don't care if it was. Delete it.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > HAAAAA Well would you look at that guys?

> > >

> > > **Stealth class be like : "rune of the trapper allow dragon hunters to hide important animations diminishing counterplay** and I am like : " wasn't losing to stealth builds just a huge L2P issue accordingly to thieves and mesmers? "

> > >

> > > The kind of irony you only find within @"Crab Fear.1624" threads....

> > >

> > > Such hypocrisy ...it's a L2P issue as long as you're the one abusing it am I right?

> >

> > I said I would give up stealth, but I expect compensation.

> >

> > Ill take some aegis and Shield of Wrath as one of my thief weapon skills.


> Go right ahead, they are both trash. I'll take invis on demand as a weapon skill over blocking 3 attacks any day.


Just remember that that invis on demand comes with a 1.25 second cast time. You will quickly realise why it is that thieves dont use stealth in-combat, and why they would gladly toss it away in favour of blocking 3 attacks.

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