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20 Dollars For Mount Skins?!?!

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"GIVE US MOUNTS!" Anet gives mounts. "GIVE US MOUNT SKINS! Anet gives mount skins "ITS TOO EXPANSIVE!" Anet gives a full package of skins for cheaper ...sigh... you people never get enough do you. Realize that the skins are a package of 5 mount skins. Given that its on sale now, the full price is at 2000gems. divided by 5 (cause 5 mounts), that is 400gems for each mount. To put that in perspective, that is nearly half of what you pay for an outfit. Stop kitten crying already. jeez man

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Just wait until they release Mount Skins you can earn in-game...


...Subsequently locked behind a large grind in WvW/SPvP or skill-based PvE content like high tier Fractal CM and/or Raids.


I am going to take a wild guess that no matter what Arenanet does to release more mount skins in the game, someone's gonna complain about the acquisition.

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> How does one even generate 460g?

> That seems like a 3-4 month process of active grinding


Active grind wise 460g is less than a week. 100+ in a day is possible depending what you do (if you can handle repetition) and how long you do said activity.


For the subject though, I don't have an issue with the price, but would prefer if there were two methods. Each mount skin sold individually, and then a bundle that is discounted. Since many are comparing to other games, LoL does this when they release a set of themed skins often. Each are sold individually, but offer the option to buy them all with a slight discount which entices some to buy more than they probably would just to "save" money while allowing those who can't afford to buy them all to just buy the one or two they really want.

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I love arenanets business model. Buy the game and play. No monthly fee and no pay to win cash shop.


2000 gems for 5 mounts skins is not bad. That's 400 gems a mount. They probably will continue to offer the 2000 gem bundle but I wouldnt be surprised if they offered individual mount skins for 500 gems each.


Keep in mind these are vanity items and no way give you an advantage over another player. And you can convert gold to gems. No money out of your wallet.


We all knew this was coming. I for one am very happy! I already bought them.


I do wish the default mounts did have a 2 dye channels though. I feel people who want the skins would still buy the skins. And people who can't afford or don t want the skins would be happier.

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> @ROMANG.1903 said:

> > @Karmapolice.4193 said:

> > I am actually very happy with the price. If this was Elder Scrolls Online, the skins would be $40 each and only on sale for 24 hours. Twenty bucks for what would be considered 5 new mounts in other games is a fantastic price.


> Stop comparing to others games. I'm comparing to what Anet used us to. To what I liked in GW2 since I started the game.


If you like the game, you should also realise Anet needs the money to keep the game you like up and running. They cant really do that if such ingame shop didnt exist. Its totally optional, no matter how you'd want to twist it. It doesnt make your mounts dissapear or forbid you from using them. Also considering a gold/gem exchange exist, why do you even complain you should -absolutely- pay 20$ or euro? Why not farm the gold instead? I for one, liked the skins and didnt had any problems paying real currency for them, as I do make purchases now and then to support the game I love. I much more prefer an ingame store, opposed to a monthly subscription. There you will be -forced- to pay or not play at all. Now which of those options seems better to you? Just be glad it really -is- an option to or not to buy and dont if you dont find it worth it to do so. Simple as that.

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> @ROMANG.1903 said:

But making players pay this expensive for something that should have been on the base mounts (more than 1 poor dye slot) is just abusive.

> > @Mea.5491 said:

> > Dude, $20 for FIVE mount skins. In most MMOs, you pay $20 for ONE mount skin.


> But in others MMOs these are entirely different skins. New animations, new skull... This is just a recolour. Go on paint and make a smoky effect on the back of it. You're done.

> What ticks me is that Anet purposedly made a poor work on base mounts to make us buy the cash ones...


No one made you pay it. It's not abusive. Me I dyed my toon not my mounts.


![](https://i.imgur.com/Sb490tT.jpg "")


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> @tekfan.3179 said:

> I was actually quite disappointed that it was just a reskin. If it would have been actual skeleton-models with the mist replacing the flesh/sand, that would have been a no-brainer for me to invest 1600 gems.


Right! The stupid kindergarten BS they tried to sell to me was a no go, I'm not wasting good money or gems on those skins.

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> @TheRandomGuy.7246 said:

> > @Mea.5491 said:

> > > @"Knuckle Joe.7408" said:

> > > > @Mea.5491 said:

> > > > Dude, $20 for FIVE mount skins. In most MMOs, you pay $20 for ONE mount skin.

> > >

> > > And that one mount has a different model, different animations, different effects and different sounds.

> > > $20 dolalr mount in FF14

> >

> > As an MMO veteran and former MMO hopper who has tried nearly every online game in the past decade, I can safely say that mount RECOLORS cost TONS of money in LOTS of games, they CANNOT BE DYED and they are CHARACTER BOUND. In GW2, you only have to buy mount skins once and use thousands of unique color combinations on them. Also, your precious FF14 costs $15 a month, you MUST pay just to be able to play PLUS you have to spend extra money on fluff... Meanwhile, GW2 gives all core content for free and sells OPTIONAL fluff for $20. Still waaay better than silly monthly fees, lol.


> It's 10 dollars. Large majority of fluff is available in game for free as rewards. Funny how for people that care about customization it is actually much cheaper to pay a sub fee.


It's $20.00, $10.00 is 800 gems.


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> @lunarminx.3624 said:

> > @ROMANG.1903 said:

> But making players pay this expensive for something that should have been on the base mounts (more than 1 poor dye slot) is just abusive.


Who said it should've been? Yes, players would've been happier (me included) with more dye channels on the mounts, when they first got released, but that doesnt mean it is something that -should have been-. Ultimately this is Anet game and they make it following their vision of how it should be. They might take players input in consideration here and there and make changes around it, but in the end Anet devs are the one who has the last say in what should be in game or not. We just decide if its worth it for us, as a players to pay for it or not.


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At what point did you think arenanet would make the core selling point of the second expansion customizable to a reasonable degree?


Did you miss the entire HoT release cycle? Anet does not want you to play the game to earn rewards. They want you to play the game enough to get your eyeballs on the gem store so they can sell you the rewards for ten bucks a pop and have you roleplay like you earned them.


If you're lucky you might be able to acquire a single mount skin set through a raid track or collection by actually playing the game.


Anet is not in the business of rewarding you for playing the expansion. They're in the business of providing you a new thing they can sell you skins for.


If you want the majority of rewards to show up in the game in stead of the gem store, you'll have to convince arenanet that they'll make as much money by providing customers value for the expansion they purchased in stead of using it as a platform to sell them overpriced skins.


I doubt they'll listen. I've seen people literally begging to give arenanet half the cost of an expansion for mount skins and cheering when they get LS updates with less rewards in the content than the same day gem store patch.


This is Anet's business model. Create a game with a cosmetics focused endgame, then make the rewards on offer intentionally anemic so that you can't actually earn the majority of rewards by playing the game unless someone else forks pulls out a credit card add them to the economy.


Then watch their entire community parrot the BS logic that "it's only cosmetic" in a game where literally all of the endgame rewards are purely cosmetic.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @Mea.5491 said:

> Dude, $20 for FIVE mount skins. In most MMOs, you pay $20 for ONE mount skin.


> @zealex.9410 said:

> Theres 25 dollars mounts in Wow's cash shop.


Seems like these comments are up to date again, let me quote the patch notes and ask you how you feel about GW2 now:


>"For a limited time, the new Reforged Warhound **mount skin** is available in the

>Style category of the Gem Store for **2,000 gems.**"

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> @wrathmagik.3518 said:

> Are you high?


> On top of that they all look the same! (they are 2000 gems on "sale" for 1600 atm)

> You can almost buy POF for the same price as mount skins!

> We all knew that mounts were anets new cash cow but i didn't think they'd price gouge this badly.


OMG, it's the price of a pizza. YOU GREEDY, CORPORATE FIENDS!!! How will I afford my baby formula now?? OCCUPY WALL ST!!!!

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> @Fallesafe.5932 said:

> > @wrathmagik.3518 said:

> > Are you high?

> >

> > On top of that they all look the same! (they are 2000 gems on "sale" for 1600 atm)

> > You can almost buy POF for the same price as mount skins!

> > We all knew that mounts were anets new cash cow but i didn't think they'd price gouge this badly.


> OMG, it's the price of a pizza. YOU GREEDY, CORPORATE FIENDS!!! OCCUPY WALL ST!!!!


You miss the point just like everyone else who defends this idiocy. It's overpriced nonsense that companies get away with because people make false equivalent comparisons such as this and carry their banner proudly. The utter lack of self-respect is stunning to me when I see people so fervently defending these practices.

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