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Is Anet ever going to fix reset queues, or should we just give up on playing anytime around reset?

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I'm not talking about just having long queues. I mean, I get that it is important to keep the experience consistent for the players that do make it in, not allow too many of one server in, etc etc.

I get it if I show up 15 minutes after reset, a high demand time, that I may have to wait in a queue to get in. Or even if I am not one of the fastest people to click the moment it becomes available, I can end up in a queue.

What is absolutely frustratingly unacceptable is that week after week the queues are just flat out broken.

Tonight, for the fourth reset in a row, our guild's squad of 50 had a dozen or so get in, but the rest all stuck at "9" in the queue. 26 minutes in, and no one has moved from 9.

Last week, we sat at "3". Some of us got in after an hour or so. Most of us just gave up before that point.

I'm sure we're not the only ones that are dealing with this.

It's bad enough that actual game updates for WVW mode are few and far between.

But the fact that it is, all jokes and memes aside, LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE is ridiculous.

Set up a queue, sure. Let us watch our progress and know where we stand, sure. If it says there are 28 people ahead of me, I know that I can probably go and grab a drink while I wait, but if it's moving I know that eventually I'll get in.

But when everyone is sitting at 9 not knowing if we'll have a chance to play tonight or not, until MAYBE at some random time all of those that are stuck in this weird queue state suddenly get dumped in, or maybe not at all...

That's just not a sustainable way to have a game.


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Is it for all maps? If so, then yey. Good thing. Keke.


If just one map, start something on another. :3


I miss queues. As a com, every time I see one, it's like my candle is lit in a dark night where I have to read reports.


Just wait :3. Else, explore the forbidden land that shall not be named pve. But if it's only one mapped queued the other map is ripe for adventure. Ask your guild's second raid lead to start something.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> Is it for all maps? If so, then yey. Good thing. Keke.


> If just one map, start something on another. :3


> I miss queues. As a com, every time I see one, it's like my candle is lit in a dark night where I have to read reports.


> Just wait :3. Else, explore the forbidden land that shall not be named pve. But if it's only one mapped queued the other map is ripe for adventure. Ask your guild's second raid lead to start something.


I don't think you really read the OP.

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> @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > Is it for all maps? If so, then yey. Good thing. Keke.

> >

> > If just one map, start something on another. :3

> >

> > I miss queues. As a com, every time I see one, it's like my candle is lit in a dark night where I have to read reports.

> >

> > Just wait :3. Else, explore the forbidden land that shall not be named pve. But if it's only one mapped queued the other map is ripe for adventure. Ask your guild's second raid lead to start something.


> I don't think you really read the OP.


The issue here is fun yes? Is the queue all maps or just one? If one, then they can start somewhere. If tis all maps, then not much can be said except play earlier. If can't then , got to figure a way to play that favors you.

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This is why a lot of commanders talk and figure out where each other are going so they have a better chance of fitting the whole squad/guild into a map. This is the only workaround we have though. This bug has been in the game since launch. Its really annoying because, like OP said, you can't really judge how long queue might be for some if everyone is at the same position. Normally, if other maps are open, you could just go there instead and get much more people on the map. Instead you're stuck in spawn for 30 minutes waiting on everyone or are forced to run with a broken comp and hope they other servers are the same way.

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Yeah most people have figured out the number they give you means nothing a lot of the time. I've been in comms with other people who had the same number as me countless times. Also really hope they can fix that bug where if you are in a loading screen while your queue pops, there's no way to get in and you have to re-queue. This even happened to me once recently without me even waypointing.

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Battlefield, CSS, WoW-PvP, all maps have player limits but in GW2 it is apparently a problem


Maps are empty? - WvW is dead


One Map is full? - WvW is unplayable


To many players at one place? - fucking blob


Not enough players at one place? - why is there no comi - WvW is dead


No matter what you do even if you just kill players in wvw, this community will complain about it




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Move to a smaller server/lower tier. Not sure if you're on NA server, but the only issue with maps being qued is on the stacked servers and their stacked links. The rest of us are enjoying our outnumbered pips almost all day.

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Meh I had this happen to me on like a wed night two weeks ago, where I got stuck on 1 to enter ebg for like 10-15mins, I had to requeue to fix it, I have experienced this a few other times in the past. Just because YOU don't experience a bug doesn't mean it doesn't exist, just like if YOU don't experience lag doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There's obviously a problem if multiple people are sitting on the same exact number in queue.


Granted reset is the busiest time for wvw and the queues do take a long time to move sometimes, back a few years ago it would take up to 2 hours to get into ebg, and anyone prestacking a 50 squad to get into a map is really asking to have people left out, but that wasn't the point of the op.


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> @"Notsoperky.4291" said:

> Queue on every map at rest? When/where did that last happen?


On my server (abaddon) this happens every Friday. People love playing directly after reset. The rest of the week there is hardly any queue (except when we're paired with another high-population server like now).


I don't even think that this problem will go away with alliances. It's just that right after reset two or three times as many people want to play WvW than at any other time of the week. The reset happens during Friday evening peak-hours, so you have hundreds of players press the button to storm WvW the very second the new maps are up.


One solution could be to increase the map cap during the hours following reset. Though I don't think the WvW maps could handle more than the current cap.

Another solution could be moving the reset to a less-populated timeslot. I don't think the players who like playing at reset would be happy with this.

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While I appreciate all the comments that seem to indicate it's my server's fault, players shouldn't really be responsible for micromanaging around a system limitation.

The fact is our server DOES prepare well in advance of reset night. Every guild and commander have a designated map, usually with some pairing, etc.

It's not that I'm trying to get into the one and only map that is queued. Or that I am frustrated that there is a queue.

It's that if I want to play during reasonable hours on a Friday evening, at reset, it's like a crapshoot even if I am sitting waiting as of 30 minutes before reset to prepare.

I hit my travel, and I either go in right away, or that map (and every other map) is queued up from 30-80 people.

My frustration with the functionality is that if my queue number says 3, I should reasonably be able to assume that I'm close to 3. If there are 20 people in my guild that are also at 3, I'm really not 3. And that kills the entire night, because at 23 I'd feel comfortable walking around, getting a drink, doing laundry, etc, and keeping an eye on the queue as it dips. At 3, I need to sit and not miss my shot.

If I am sitting at "3" in the queue for over an hour, then there is a problem with that system.

And I can't just decide "oh hey I'll go play on another map with other people" when every map is queued up. Yes, maybe the desert BL will open up about 3 or 4 hours later.

And yes, it's nice that there are other things to do. I enjoy a lot of PVE content, and will play it. But I don't think it's unreasonable that the game be asked to support WvW as a play mode.

Especially when in a lot of cases, these queues or fake queues come after stutters or other technical problems. There are any number of ways they could spread out the queue up time if they wanted to. It's just frustrating.

But hey, I suppose it's easier for players on low population servers to just point and laugh because the problem doesn't impact them. I hope you all never get paired with a good server at any point and find that you can't get into WvW at your usual lackadaisical pace for the duration of the pairing.

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I still don't understand why my WvW-only char have to stand 4 hours in bastion, untill it get get into ONE map. Why couldn't you put the "I'm only here for the ticks" into EB and let them there get anything they like and the rest can play WvW against the other servers? Make EB gave you ticks only, if the other WvW maps a full and you will avoid any abuse.

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> @"BadHealer.3608" said:

> I still don't understand why my WvW-only char have to stand 4 hours in bastion, untill it get get into ONE map. Why couldn't you put the "I'm only here for the ticks" into EB and let them there get anything they like and the rest can play WvW against the other servers? Make EB gave you ticks only, if the other WvW maps a full and you will avoid any abuse.

I dont even understand how people can fail that hard. 4 hours, lol? Never waited that long for WvW. Ever. I've been on for nearly every reset for years and rarely fail to get in. Yes, even on resets where EB has 120+ queue, so borders are packed. I plan ahead, pick a border, pick a backup border and pick a backup border to that backup border. Stand at the LA gates as any veteran knows and start klicking the gate when the score reset ~5m after WvW close.


And even when queues are that long... within 2h at least one border is usually accessable (often dbl) as the rush has calmed and commanders wipe or dont find any fights.


The lag though... well thats another matter.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> I dont even understand how people can fail that hard. 4 hours, lol? Never waited that long for WvW. Ever. I've been on for nearly every reset for years and rarely fail to get in. Yes, even on resets where EB has 120+ queue, so borders are packed. I plan ahead, pick a border, pick a backup border and pick a backup border to that backup border. Stand at the LA gates as any veteran knows and start klicking the gate when the score reset ~5m after WvW close.


Why are you attacking people and saying that they are failing, because they happened to chose (usually with no real insight) a server that maxes out the queues at reset?


Am I a failure because I refuse to pay gems to transfer to another server?

Am I a failure because I want to continue to play with my friends on this server?


Clearly YOUR experience is different - congratulations. You're on a small pop server.


No reason to demean or insult people and say that it is their failure that Anet can't support their server's capacity. There is absolutely no reason why response time on clicking a box once should impact whether someone can play for hours at a time.

(Also, as I said part of my complaint is that that DOESN'T matter - often times it is the people that click first that get stuck in the fake queue and end up not getting in, and it's people that click a few seconds later that get into a real queue that processes within a few minutes. So again, how is that a "fail" on the part of the people?)



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Lol.. That wasn’t attacking.


He simply stated that he doesn’t get why people have gotten this problem.


Even being on T1 servers back when WvW was jumping, rarely would I have to wait more than 15 minutes to get into the BL my guild was on.


That’s not an attack. It’s a fact from my experience. (And no, that doesn’t mean everyone else will have the same)


But if you aren’t at a gate, with the WvW entry screen open, spamming it when scores reset, then you are doing it wrong.

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