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Nicabar footsteps: The Long Way Around puzzle is a PAIN

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Change Nicabar Footsteps to require something else, it's hell, you are always touched by a risen hand or whatever fish! We are 5! 5 doing it, we can't even manage to have two of the six panels! You should really stop putting collection and achievs behind impossible things! It can't continue anymore! Fix that crappy puzzle! At least allow us to clear the path and destroy all the risen hands and fishes! At least this way we can manage to do it!


The concerned item is "Ancient Fish Bone" from "Nicabar Stealweaver's Footsteps".

I know what's difficulty, I did all SAB achiev and uncalculable trib runs, but god that thing!!! You lock that puzzle behind a specific class or what? Fix it. Just fix it. If you can't, delete that puzzle from the achievement. I managed to do Chalice of tear, but what you are asking me here is impossible. Make the item tradable, do something, add Ancient fish bone on tp!

What is happening currently is that I see three other poor players swimming around me and they keep failing.....

I required the help of the whole map, nobody succeeded it. I just give up.

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Solo is a pain(due to the panel surrounded by fish, easy with 2 because you just have one person trigger the fish first) but 2 or 3 should be pretty easy. On the other hand more people can make it worse in a "mind your manners" sort of way. If people do not pay attention they could be causing other people to get hit.


> @"videoboy.4162" said:

> I didn't like that part either. I lucked out because there were other people working on it too. Two of us aggroed the enemies while the others opened the gate. Took a bit, but I wouldn't have finished otherwise.


That is the easiest way to do it if you have enough people. Have people parked at various spots to distract the hands.


> @"hugo.4705" said:

> What is happening currently is that I see three other poor players swimming around me and they keep failing.....


If they are just swimming around in a confused manner then they are essentially trolling everyone else and that puzzle is indeed very difficult if you have people trolling you at the same time.

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I managed it on a Daredevil (with some swim speed infusions on) but it wasn't a one-shot by any means, even with a Dulfy guide reference to where to find the control panels. Even so it's not impossible, just frustrating.


Usually I only go in there when it's a daily task. That's when you get a swarm of tags and mesmers to help. Failing that, you could maybe post in Players Helping Players to find someone (NA/EU needs to be specified, along with your usual times of play) who can get in there and hold still for you to teleport to them. I regret that I had to remove my alt that was parked in there some time back or I'd offer to go be a teleport target.

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The puzzle is fine. It should requires a little planning with the route you take and personal skill to not get corrupted. If you do get corrupted, just head back to the NPC to remove it. The switches are on a timer so it's still possible to get the rest before the ones you got before reset.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> Solo is a pain(due to the panel surrounded by fish, easy with 2 because you just have one person trigger the fish first) but 2 or 3 should be pretty easy. On the other hand more people can make it worse in a "mind your manners" sort of way. If people do not pay attention they could be causing other people to get hit.


> > @"videoboy.4162" said:

> > I didn't like that part either. I lucked out because there were other people working on it too. Two of us aggroed the enemies while the others opened the gate. Took a bit, but I wouldn't have finished otherwise.


> That is the easiest way to do it if you have enough people. Have people parked at various spots to distract the hands.


> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > What is happening currently is that I see three other poor players swimming around me and they keep failing.....


> If they are just swimming around in a confused manner then they are essentially trolling everyone else and that puzzle is indeed very difficult if you have people trolling you at the same time.


Nah they try to activate the pannel, doing it seriously, but after 1 or two panels they get hit by risen and are "contaminated". What I'm seeing is that if I'm doing it solo, can't, hard and I will aggro one, if several players, the thing is insane, those hands have time to hit everyone, and if it's not that, they are doomed by touching a fish at the end.


I think I will wait as daily, Mesmer tping peoples are amazing and they must be thanked. It's just bother me that compared to any puzzles, you can't do it solo, or at least not if you're not using a specific class/skill. I also think the 6 panels have to be done in one run, when I clear corruption they reset it seems.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> The puzzle is fine. It should requires a little planning with the route you take and personal skill to not get corrupted. **If you do get corrupted, just head back to the NPC to remove it.** The switches are on a timer so it's still possible to get the rest before the ones you got before reset.


> @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> I soloed the puzzle on a necro which has 0 ports and motility. It can be done. This is a learn2play issue.

> **I recommend doing the button surrounded by fish first. That way you have the full 5 minute to get the other 5 less difficult buttons.**


The 2 bolded parts, if applied together, really makes a difference. Go to the worst one first and do that (I had to do it from the right side, and very carefully but there might be other ways too - approaching straight on doesn't seem to work), and then you can do the others sort of easily, going back to the npc if you get corrupted.

Still took me several attempts to get it so it's certainly not super-easy but at least doable.

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> @"Zohane.7208" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > The puzzle is fine. It should requires a little planning with the route you take and personal skill to not get corrupted. **If you do get corrupted, just head back to the NPC to remove it.** The switches are on a timer so it's still possible to get the rest before the ones you got before reset.


> > @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> > I soloed the puzzle on a necro which has 0 ports and motility. It can be done. This is a learn2play issue.

> > **I recommend doing the button surrounded by fish first. That way you have the full 5 minute to get the other 5 less difficult buttons.**


> The 2 bolded parts, if applied together, really makes a difference. Go to the worst one first and do that (I had to do it from the right side, and very carefully but there might be other ways too - approaching straight on doesn't seem to work), and then you can do the others sort of easily, going back to the npc if you get corrupted.

> Still took me several attempts to get it so it's certainly not super-easy but at least doable.


I totally forgot about this when I was doing it the other day but the one surrounded by fish can be made trivial with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prototype_Position_Rewinder

1. swim to the button

2. set the rewinder position

3. swim back to npc

4. rewind

5. activate button


the rewinder has a 30s cooldown and you probably don't need to do this for the first(closest one to the NPC) button so around 3 minutes to do all buttons solo


in addition to that the gizmo is useful to have for other things anyway including map completion :)

For example, set position, run over to a WP that is a bit far a way, rewind instead of having to walk back.

Also gives you essentially infinite checkpoints for most JPs.

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  • 5 months later...

I did it recently solo, I think it was for Astralaria collections. Didn't have any problems. Just needed a few tries to get the swimming route down. I think I failed the timer only the first time and the second try did it easily. I didn't use any special skills like ports or position rewinder, did it on a warrior. Didn't even have swim speed infusions just normal swimming.

So basically just devise a route where you avoid all hands and don't aggro any fishes. There are 2 or 3 tricky positioned enemies which you have to remember because they are somewhat hidden behind a ledge but otherwise, it is very straightforward. If you get corrupted you can always go back to NPC and do it again. The timer is lenient enough to have 2 or 3 tries. I think I needed to go back to the NPC twice to get all of them.


If I remember my route I first did the ones on the left wall of the cave and on the end. I think you get 3 or 4 on that side. Then had to go back because corrupted. And then 2 more tries to get the rest in the mid and right side. I am not sure if you can do them all in one go.

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