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[Suggestion] New WvW war machines


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I have some suggestions for WvW new war machines to make it more dynamic.

1) War Baloon (after it is built, 10 players can mount it while one of them is controlling it. It can be used to fly over walls. To make sure people does not abuse it, it will cost more supplies. The balloon can be destroyed but will have a lot of life. Will be mainly use to jump from it on the walls. Will have limited high to make sure people does not die from fall)

2) Flying Warship (this can be spawned from the main camp and sent to patrol the air around a keep. Warrship will have 6 cannons, players can use them to shoot the enemies inside the keep or to help allies break gates or walls. They look similar to the warships from silverwastes. Are controlled by AI. After the objective is taken, the ship returns to main base. Cand be used only in your server's borderland. The warship will be landed into the main keep and people can donate funds to make it functional. Only a commander with a squad of at least 20 people can set the objective for it. Warship can be used to attack only keeps. )

3) Elite Guard(crafted in guild. Can be used after you capture an objective to make all soldiers from it elites. Can be used only on towers or keeps)

4) Plague spitters(or Carcass Catapults) (cannot like war machines that shoot plagued bodies in the enemies, inflict heavy conditions)

5) Barricades (Tech-like barriers that stop enemy projectiles and let allied projectile to pass trough them. Can be damaged only by AoEs, not by direct damage)


Feel free to add more. I will when I'll have new ideas


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IMO thats to much mechanic to add to the game... some might be a burden to deploy something similiar with the actual engine (dont forget this is a gw1 fork at its core) :\


I dont mind new mounts/machinery (errrhmmm golems are mounts ^^) this could be a thing to remove those horrible transmogriffers, and add them as usable siege machines to be builted that could be unlocked.


1) & 2) might be problematic to add those mechanics .

3) that would not change anything

4) classes can already do that, and with pof combat system might start to be more broken than ever....

5) we already have lots of skills that do that.



IMo its hard to give new ideads since classes can already do to much in WvW and when stacked.. its a gimmicks aoe spam fights, so anything added will make it worse as much i would love new stuff on wvw...


This would be fun IMo, but servers could only built 1 if they owned the structire dedicated to that siege ,for example, keeps need to unlock more stractegie options, not jus tbe somehting for dumb ppt gameplay only.

ANet the transmogriffer thing on fire keep is a horrible thing..........


This would be what i can imagine on Fire keep:

Guilds that own the steucture could built those things 1 only.

![](https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/110429/Light___Heavy_tanks.png "")




Imo this is what big structures need to do, unlock addons, new siege, new ways to fight(tools).







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Yeah, but the purpose is to eliminate all that group stack a little. At this moment, all that matters in WvW is who got the bigger number and how do we aoe everywhere. I mean, there are WvW siege machines that are not even used. Rarely you see a cannon or a deployed balista. Golems are rare too. In my point of view, all anti-personal siege engines should be boosted a little.

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I personally would not like the ideas that adding more sieges into the already siege creeping wvw. I know it is good for defending but in the end it is just siege v siege and who have more supply and who can build faster. Kind of boring in my taste.


1) and 2) seem like a lot more mechanics are required to add to the game to make it work. They also grant players access to many locations that was not previously accessible. May be heavily exploited.

3) Not sure what you mean here. Do you mean like champion/legend stats guards?

4) Isn't cow/mortar already do it? Also player can output crazy amount of aoe conditions already.

5) Isn't shield gen already does it? Many player skill such as feedback and wall of reflection also have same functions.

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> @Iza.6415 said:

> 3) Not sure what you mean here. Do you mean like champion/legend stats guards?


I meant only elite status. But it can work with better status too. Anyway, WvW does not feel like a real siege battle. Even when you attack a keep, all people do is stacking and building 1-2 rams. I don't remember seeing anything else except Arrow Carts, Rams and Catapults. Anyway, I think WvW maps would be betterif they would have been made like EoTM. Floating island, connected by bridges. And add floating keeps (so people can use balloons or warships) and maybe some other mechanics. WvW didn't changed too much in the last months. Of course, the new builds influenced it a lot, but the mechanic is the same: swarming and stacking




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> @Sovereign.1093 said:

> siege skins would be nice


Except Arrow Cart, Catapults and Ram skins, others would be useless because groups do not use them. So I don't think skins would be such important. I prefer them to spend months on new mechanics than on skins that will never be seen.

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Is there any reason siege towers aren't in the game? i get that the first argument is probably that you could just build it next to the wall, and the second argument is that you only need one to get a zerg inside the walls, but using the power of imagination i can say:

-They have a minimum distance requirement from enemy fortifications

-You can only use siege towers by pressing f to get in them, then pressing f to get out at the top when the ramp drops, and only 10 people can get in at a time

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> @Fipmip.7219 said:

> Is there any reason siege towers aren't in the game? i get that the first argument is probably that you could just build it next to the wall, and the second argument is that you only need one to get a zerg inside the walls, but using the power of imagination i can say:

> -They have a minimum distance requirement from enemy fortifications

> -You can only use siege towers by pressing f to get in them, then pressing f to get out at the top when the ramp drops, and only 10 people can get in at a time


It could work, but it would just no be used. Is easier and safer to break a wall than to try to pass over it. I think is the same situation as my idea with the war balloon. The enemy zerg will just focus aoe on the landing spot plus arrow cards and will insta drop the ones who land.

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> @Daniel.5428 said:

> Yeah, but the purpose is to eliminate all that group stack a little. At this moment, all that matters in WvW is who got the bigger number and how do we aoe everywhere. I mean, there are WvW siege machines that are not even used. Rarely you see a cannon or a deployed balista. Golems are rare too. In my point of view, all anti-personal siege engines should be boosted a little.


Sadly i think that was what ANet wanted from the beggining :\ this is a pve only game at the end and itx ment to be a kitten simplistic game... but players not deploying stuff like that its a good thing in a way, golems are extremelly easy to beat they are only for PVD ktrains they wont work if theres a minimal number of defenders.

Siege dont need to be boosted, for that to happen classes damage output need to be reduced, when ic players complaining about 1k superior ac damage on them while they can hit on heavys arround 8k+ and 3k autos... lel..


With the actuall Anet mentalitty its hard to game the game with strong (strucutre) content....


Can u imagine if WvW had 3 layers,, sky islands - ground and underground ?

Guilds flying their oww flyboats, ive played mmo's with that kind of content both flying mechanics and navy(water) warfere tools, and that thing was dope, and awesome...

Sadly i believegame engine does not support those mechanics.... that would mess up pretty badly.








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They should rework and rebalance the Siege Skills.


Especially Cannons should be far more deadly versus players... you can way too easily survive being hit by them, when being hit by a Cannon Ball would basically kill any normal person.. now I'm not saying that Cannons should instant kill - no ,that would make them again too OP, but it shouldn't need like 5-6 balls to hit to kill a person and even more, if someone tries to revive you after being downed.


Also Cannons and the players using them should take only Damage from Siege, not from players. Currently its way too easy to stop players from using them efficently for defense by just spamming the cannon full with AoE Skills..


Reduce their amount of Targets being hit from 50 down to 25 and increase their general Damage by like 100%, so that ectually beign hit by them by like 2-3 times should down a player, thus making them alot more dangerous, forcing players to dodge their incoming area hits, instead of just taking the hits due to the hits beign actualyl so weak, that you can easily run away from them, before they actually have a chance to kill you.


Cannons also have currently only 3 useless skills, when they should have like all Siege Weapons 5 Skills.

Here my proposal for 5 better and more useful Cannon Skills under Cannon Mastery getting improved from 5 Tiers to 10 Tiers (like all Tiers should be improved to 10 to give us again more usage for all our Rank Points beyond like Rank 1365 or so that are useless so far)


1) **Fire > Improved Shot > Disheartening Shot > Devastating Shot > Destructive Shot**

Shoot a Cannon Ball, which removes Boons, knocks down and causes Burning at its Impact Area. Deals Double Damage to Golems and stuns them instead of Knockdown.

The new Tier of Destructive Shot which adds the Knockdown and Burning to the Skill is earned at Cannon Mastery 7


2) **Grape Shot > Improved Grape Shot > Piercing Grape Shot > Shredding Grape Shot > Razorsharp Grape Shot**

Shoot a Cannon Ball, which causes Torment and Vulnerability. Deals Double Damage to Golems

The new Tier of Razorsharp Grape Shot, which changes Bleeding to Torment and adds Vulnerability is earned at Cannon Mastery 8, it reduces also the Recharge Time from 10 Seconds to 8 seconds (-20%)


3) **Ice Shot > Improved Ice Shot > Debilitating Ice Shot > Bone-shattering Ice Shot > Cryptostatic Ice Shot**

Shot an icecold Cannon Ball, which causes Chill and Slow and has a chance to Freeze foes. Deals Double Damage to Golems. Frozen Foes are locked at place, but receive 90% lesser direct damage, until they can free themself out of the ice.

The new Tier of Cryptostatic Ice Shot, which adds Slow and the Chance to Freeze foes is earned at Cannon Mastery 9, it also reduces the Recharge Time of the Skill from 20 Seconds to 16 Seconds (-20%)


4)**Whirling Bolas**

Unlocked at Cannon Mastery 6. You shoot two cannonballs that are linked to each other by a chain.

This Shot hits foes twice and is therefore especially dangerous, but it also causes Cripple and has a Chance to Immobilize. Deals Double Damage to Golems.

Recharge Time 20s


5) **Crusher Shot**

Unlocked at Cannon Mastery 10. You shoot an overcharged Cannon Ball, which gains on range the longer you charge the Skill Up.

Deals more Damage so further away the target was and the longer you charged the skill basically. Stuns foes on hit for 2 seconds. Deals Double Damage to Golems.

Recharge Time 25s

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1. Machines that can go over the wall would be a can of worms. They would cause too many problems to be even worth testing.

2. Even if the flying machine is limited to one's territory, it would be troublesome, because it is already annoying enough trying to hit people on the walls, to let them hit from literally out of reach. Even if you made them specially weak vs ballistas, they would still be too troublesome. Definitely fun, but a headache to manage from a balance perspective.

3. There's already Objective upgrades and guild claiming upgrades that do improve guards. Making them elites would just be a visual change in their portraits rather than having an effect under them.

4. There's already siege machines with condition attacks and alternate ammo that applies conditions. Trebuchets can fire corpses. A new type of siege would have to shoot in a different way, not a different thing.

5. We already got shield generators for this.


If I were to add something that we don't have yet, would look cool, would feel unique, and would be really different to anything else we have, that'll be a guided missile [WvW Trick](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trick_(environmental_weapon) "WvW Trick").

* You would buy it for 150 badgers of honor and 30 silver.

* It would require 20 supply to activate, and when activated, you are transformed into a missile that shoots into the air, while a clone of yourself with your same stats and health is left behind. You will be forced to move forward and you can only press Left, Right, Jump and Swim Down to change your direction and Forward to speed up, and Backwards to slow down, but you can't stop and can't use the "face about" key to quickly turn. You will be basically in another form of mount movement.

* You as the missile can be attacked and will take extra damage from the Ballista anti-air skill. If you as the missile are damaged to 0 HP or move too far away from your clone, the transformation ends, the clone dies, and you take the place of the clone again with the clone's remaining health.

* Attempting to enter a siege bubble shield as a missile would make you bounce off, but won't damage you.

* If the clone is killed, the missile is destroyed and you are teleported back to the clone's location, downed.

* If you as the missile get too close to the floor, or touch any obstacle, siege or creature, the missile explodes dealing massive damage to NPCs, considerable damage to enemy players, and moderate damage to gates and enemy siege. But negligible damage to walls.

* Masteries could increase the speed of the missile, the damage it can take, the damage it can do, and the area of the explosion.

* And of course a player would not be able to spam these, they would have a recharge of at least 15 mins.

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I'm not against adding new types of siege and stuff but those first 2 would break a lot of things. If anything I'd like to see ANet add more objectives to the maps as there is a lot of unused space in many places.


We could have more towers or maybe more small walled objectives and things. Or something other than sentries and ruins that smaller groups could attack for good benefits for the server.

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> @Arimas.3492 said:

> I'm not against adding new types of siege and stuff but those first 2 would break a lot of things. If anything I'd like to see ANet add more objectives to the maps as there is a lot of unused space in many places.


> We could have more towers or maybe more small walled objectives and things. Or something other than sentries and ruins that smaller groups could attack for good benefits for the server.


A lot of the unused space is great for open field fighting. Would be hard to remove that.


And I've assisted with two others to take Keeps. Small groups can be much more effective than a lot of people realize.


And I play in tier one. So, yes, we get blobbed down, but we consider that a win, because we pulled their blob to a structure. Usually it frees up other objectives.

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I just want a proper mobile cannon for sieges.


Heavy and slow, low arc and tiny AoE dmg (round shot is obviously default, with cannister as secondary). Less hitpoints than catas, somewhat longer range, about 50% of the damage at similar fire speed. An advantage would be same damage on doors as walls. Maybe 80 sups to build. It would look like a Napoleonic era gun except more... Charr.

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Elite guards is a good idea for Keeps and SMC. I don't like the other suggestions though. They have the potential for huge abuse.


Guard modifiers have the largest flexibility. You could change their rank, numbers, classes, and maybe even skills. Imagine if the casters on the walls that are usually ignored could use utility skills like Signet of Spite offensively or drop Warrior Banners for allies? The tradeoff here would have to be reducing siege spawns like cannons and mortars, because taking SMC can already be incredibly difficult without NPCs getting in the way.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @Arimas.3492 said:

> > I'm not against adding new types of siege and stuff but those first 2 would break a lot of things. If anything I'd like to see ANet add more objectives to the maps as there is a lot of unused space in many places.

> >

> > We could have more towers or maybe more small walled objectives and things. Or something other than sentries and ruins that smaller groups could attack for good benefits for the server.


> A lot of the unused space is great for open field fighting. Would be hard to remove that.


> And I've assisted with two others to take Keeps. Small groups can be much more effective than a lot of people realize.


> And I play in tier one. So, yes, we get blobbed down, but we consider that a win, because we pulled their blob to a structure. Usually it frees up other objectives.


I don't know about you but in my 5 years of playing I've never seen an open field fight in the centaur or skritt areas of the Alpine maps or around the citadel that has tons of unused space that only one server can access.


Alpine maps are very bottom heavy with most of the stuff going on in the middle and south. Would be good to have more reasons to go to the northern sections besides NC, like adding a couple towers.

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> @Arimas.3492 said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @Arimas.3492 said:

> > > I'm not against adding new types of siege and stuff but those first 2 would break a lot of things. If anything I'd like to see ANet add more objectives to the maps as there is a lot of unused space in many places.

> > >

> > > We could have more towers or maybe more small walled objectives and things. Or something other than sentries and ruins that smaller groups could attack for good benefits for the server.

> >

> > A lot of the unused space is great for open field fighting. Would be hard to remove that.

> >

> > And I've assisted with two others to take Keeps. Small groups can be much more effective than a lot of people realize.

> >

> > And I play in tier one. So, yes, we get blobbed down, but we consider that a win, because we pulled their blob to a structure. Usually it frees up other objectives.


> I don't know about you but in my 5 years of playing I've never seen an open field fight in the centaur or skritt areas of the Alpine maps or around the citadel that has tons of unused space that only one server can access.


> Alpine maps are very bottom heavy with most of the stuff going on in the middle and south. Would be good to have more reasons to go to the northern sections besides NC, like adding a couple towers.


Very true about the NE and NW areas. The centaur event used to get farmed, but got nerfed.


But yeah, they are good paths to work your way to NC to flip it without being spotted. Otherwise, wasted space. Have to agree with you there.

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Creative ideas, everyone. I know this is a little off topic of war machines, but I think it would be great to FIGHT WHILE GLIDING. There could be a whole set of unique skills for airborne combat like grenade drop, entangles, and healing for allies fighting on the ground ... While we're at it, how about placing some updrafts in WvW? Wouldn't that be cool???

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> @Cronospere.8143 said:

> My suggestion is blockades. Pop up small walls which can be defeated by normal weapon gear to slow down a big group of enemies. Ofcourse limit it to build in owned territory.



They did this with the original DBL map and people were going to riot over it then. Was very disliked to block pathways off. I don't think that would go over well again.

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here i present the brand [new Metal Golem™](https://i.imgur.com/B4p2xBM.jpg)

this will completely shake up the wvw meta, as it can launch a stealth nuclear warhead with its railgun to delete a blob from any point on the map due to having 2 legs. it also has twin vulcan cannons to deal with close range zergs and a crotch mounted laser for style. unfortunately it is weak to a solo roaming deadeye with a bandana on

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