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About the people who won't get free Curious Creatures Mount Select License after the rollback

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Hi ! I am one of those guys who decided not to enter the game after the rollback of the server so his data of his account won't get corrupted. I am sure many of us did the same. Many of my guildies did so as well. We kept talking "Don't enter because it can mess up your account", "Don't enter, you'll make the developers job even harder to retrieve your data". I was at work during the rollback, observing whole day what's the status and is it safe to enter, missed my SAB daily, missed my normal daily, missed strikes, and all the dailies I'm usualy doing. I just wanted to tell my opinion about the free Licence that I won't get because of me wanting to help and help myself not losing my account and for this others get free stuff for entering the game for retrieving his/her daily login reward and then exit the game.

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But you (like me) also didn't lose anything. Those getting the licence actually lost progress and their personal time towards that progress Those who actually lost out are getting compensated, not those who didn't login and were safe from issues


I didn't log in either, but I spent the time elsewhere knowing I'd end up with a potential problem in GW2. I don't deserve the mount licence compensation and rightfully wont get it. Sure I didn't do my dailies, but there are those who did their dailies and lost them. They deserve more than those who didn't log in at all


An absolute non-issue here

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> But you (like me) also didn't lose anything. Those getting the licence actually lost progress and their personal time towards that progress Those who actually lost out are getting compensated, not those who didn't login and were safe from issues


> I didn't log in either, but I spent the time doing elsewhere knowing I'd end up with a potential problem in GW2. I don't deserve the compensation and rightfully wont get it. Sure I didn't do my dailies, but there are those who did their dailies and lost them. They deserve more than those who didn't log in at all


> An absolute non-issue here


Well put!

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> missed my SAB daily, missed my normal daily, missed strikes, and all the dailies I'm usualy doing.


If it helps I can tell you that had you done any of those things it would have been wiped when the servers came back online. That's why I and other players were advising people not to log in. A lot of people were talking about things they'd done over the weekend which took a lot of time and effort and talking about having to start it all over again and I didn't want to see them do that and then find it was wasted effort because what they did on Monday was erased when the weekend was restored.


I did the same thing - I was actually online when the crash happened, but afk on the character select screen (not sure why I wasn't kicked out) and when I realised I was missing everything from the last 3 days I logged out, came to the forum to see if anyone else had the same problem and what was going on and didn't log in again to avoid doing things which might get wiped or any other complications. The only thing I can say for sure I missed was my weekly key run, which I probably won't have time to do this week, and SAB dailies which I definitely can't do now. Since I didn't get past the character select screen I doubt I'll get the mount licence either. But I'd rather lose 1 day of stuff than an entire weekend.

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I agree this is rediculous, my friend told me about the issue. I did not log in until after the maintainance as I was waiting patiently for them to fix it. But this means I will not get the compensation, even though I was unable to play for the whole day. It absoulutely sucks for people who pay attention to what is going on.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> But you (like me) also didn't lose anything. Those getting the licence actually lost progress and their personal time towards that progress Those who actually lost out are getting compensated, not those who didn't login and were safe from issues


> I didn't log in either, but I spent the time elsewhere knowing I'd end up with a potential problem in GW2. I don't deserve the mount licence compensation and rightfully wont get it. Sure I didn't do my dailies, but there are those who did their dailies and lost them. They deserve more than those who didn't log in at all


> An absolute non-issue here


You have to realize that the intention of he compensation won't change how players will feel about it, and trying to shoehorn a rationalization of it in their faces will only add insult to injury and make them feel like you are laughing at their faces.

Players who didn't log in because they thought that losing 2 gold and some spirit shards and a day of daily login reward was better than risking damage to their account now are being faced with a reality in which they would have still missed those 2 gold, a bag of spirit shards and a daily login reward but in exchange get for a free mount skin. So like it or not, they will feel like they are being punished for doing what they believe was right.


You can't talk people out of that feeling, and telling them to suck it up will only make things worse and add insult to injury.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > But you (like me) also didn't lose anything. Those getting the licence actually lost progress and their personal time towards that progress Those who actually lost out are getting compensated, not those who didn't login and were safe from issues

> >

> > I didn't log in either, but I spent the time elsewhere knowing I'd end up with a potential problem in GW2. I don't deserve the mount licence compensation and rightfully wont get it. Sure I didn't do my dailies, but there are those who did their dailies and lost them. They deserve more than those who didn't log in at all

> >

> > An absolute non-issue here


> You have to realize that the intention of he compensation won't change how players will feel about it, and trying to shoehorn a rationalization of it in their faces will only add insult to injury and make them feel like you are laughing at their faces.

> Players who didn't log in because they thought that losing 2 gold and some spirit shards and a day of daily login reward was better than risking damage to their account now are being faced with a reality in which they would have still missed those 2 gold, a bag of spirit shards and a daily login reward but in exchange get for a free mount skin. So like it or not, they will feel like they are being punished for doing what they believe was right.


> You can't talk people out of that feeling, and telling them to suck it up will only make things worse and add insult to injury.


Well no one has been punished. People got compensation for having progress taken away - many of which were unaware of the issues at the time. Those who didn't log in lost nothing apart from potential. Potential losses and actual losses are not equal in this case.


If Anet gives the mount to everyone, then those who lost progress still are no better off. And we are right back to square one.


Sadly for the rest you are right. It is unfortunate players just see the reward and not the reasoning, but human nature is what it is and the compensation culture is unfortunate. Doesnt necs mean Anet should pander to it though

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > But you (like me) also didn't lose anything. Those getting the licence actually lost progress and their personal time towards that progress Those who actually lost out are getting compensated, not those who didn't login and were safe from issues

> > >

> > > I didn't log in either, but I spent the time elsewhere knowing I'd end up with a potential problem in GW2. I don't deserve the mount licence compensation and rightfully wont get it. Sure I didn't do my dailies, but there are those who did their dailies and lost them. They deserve more than those who didn't log in at all

> > >

> > > An absolute non-issue here

> >

> > You have to realize that the intention of he compensation won't change how players will feel about it, and trying to shoehorn a rationalization of it in their faces will only add insult to injury and make them feel like you are laughing at their faces.

> > Players who didn't log in because they thought that losing 2 gold and some spirit shards and a day of daily login reward was better than risking damage to their account now are being faced with a reality in which they would have still missed those 2 gold, a bag of spirit shards and a daily login reward but in exchange get for a free mount skin. So like it or not, they will feel like they are being punished for doing what they believe was right.

> >

> > You can't talk people out of that feeling, and telling them to suck it up will only make things worse and add insult to injury.


> Well no one has been punished. People got compensation for having progress taken away - many of which were unaware of the issues at the time. Those who didn't log in lost nothing apart from potential. Potential losses and actual losses are not equal in this case.


> If Anet gives the mount to everyone, then those who lost progress still are no better off. And we are right back to square one.


> Sadly for the rest you are right. It is unfortunate players just see the reward and not the reasoning, but human nature is what it is. Doesn’t necs mean Anet should pander to it though


Then why give a wonky compensation if they don't have to? Like I don't really care if we're compensated for the down time, but giving some players (who didn't notice a fault in the game, and a small minortity possibly choosing this time to see if they could dupe items too) a free mount skin, and the rest who noticed the game fault *and didn't log in to prevent any damage to their accounts* a single use bonfire is so majorly off it's insulting.

I'd rather Anet just gave everyone a bonfire if they want to provide a small gesture of the downtime and leave it at that.


Edit to add: Not being able to play a day is also taking away progression, just saying.

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I posted this in another thread, but I'm going to say it again here as well -

If you logged in even for a second in the allotted time and back out, you're entitled to a mount, regardless if you lost anything or not.

If it was only going to people who lost stuff then sure, but people who logged in and straight out during that time will still get a mount even though they have lost nothing. Unless they manually give the mount to players who they know lost progress, a blanket time stamp you had to be logged in between is just a terrible way of making this "compensation" distribution unfair.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"attachi.1792" said:

> > Almost as greedy as bethesda with their "awesome" rewards in twitch drops, daily log-in and trashy events. I was OK with transmutation charges and useless boosters (anyone have a loads of these in the bank) as anniversary gifts, kuz game is fine, not milking people for a comfort like bethesda, but this time all these separation of people on 2 grades with different compensations and cultivation of heatred looks meanly . Bonfire? Seriosly? I'm no need it, only use for this "gorgeos" reward is put it into random place to let random people get this lazy buff.

> > I live in East Europe, I tried to log-in a whole day before daily resed and go sleep after because I lose my daily targets anyway, and now I finde out what I must log-in game during deep night and early morning to be rcognized as affected player, wow.

> > But of course you can send me another warning for this post for telling truth, like "bloody bolshewiks and stalinists".

> > And where - the hell - this official post about compensations? I see none on the OFFICIAL GW2 SUITE! Why must I search for the personal twitter pages to finde news like this?


> It is right here on the forums

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1241325#Comment_1241325


Hidden well :) Looks like I must check all the thred lines to know it. Also I'll wait this bonefire will be sent to me (if they will bother of course and won't ask us to buy it fro mgem store for 0 gems) nd will make a ticked to ask them take it back, because I no need such a "generous" handout/pittance/dole

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> @"attachi.1792" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"attachi.1792" said:

> > > Almost as greedy as bethesda with their "awesome" rewards in twitch drops, daily log-in and trashy events. I was OK with transmutation charges and useless boosters (anyone have a loads of these in the bank) as anniversary gifts, kuz game is fine, not milking people for a comfort like bethesda, but this time all these separation of people on 2 grades with different compensations and cultivation of heatred looks meanly . Bonfire? Seriosly? I'm no need it, only use for this "gorgeos" reward is put it into random place to let random people get this lazy buff.

> > > I live in East Europe, I tried to log-in a whole day before daily resed and go sleep after because I lose my daily targets anyway, and now I finde out what I must log-in game during deep night and early morning to be rcognized as affected player, wow.

> > > But of course you can send me another warning for this post for telling truth, like "bloody bolshewiks and stalinists".

> > > And where - the hell - this official post about compensations? I see none on the OFFICIAL GW2 SUITE! Why must I search for the personal twitter pages to finde news like this?

> >

> > It is right here on the forums

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1241325#Comment_1241325


> Hidden well :) Looks like I must check all the thred lines to know it.


In news and announcements.... where all news and announcements by devs go.


Im not sure that counts as hidden ?

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

If faced with the same descision tomorrow but not knowing if anet could restore the 3 days would you log in and play with the chance of losing 3 days just for the chance at the mount skin? Like I will avoid gw2 all day before I risk a 3 day loss of progress


If I hadn't done much in the last 3 days and thought I might get a cool reward out of it (more than if I just waited and didn't log in to lighten the server load), you bet I'd log in and out at least once.


I knew most of the stuff would get restored so I wasn't worried about losing any progress, just waited out the maintenance calmly (Because I knew that anything I did that day would be wiped as they'd restore the weekend), but I don't see why people that logged in for 10 seconds and lost nothing should get a mount when those of us who also lost the same as they did (play time) get only a bonfire.



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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Hidden? The Carousel is pretty much the first thing you see, and "News and Announcements" is the very first sub-forum on the front page.


There is no news about this compensation, only few words into another post in the end of other thred.

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Lesson learned: next time major issues happen, login ASAP hoping to get major compensation.


I'll try to not be again so conscious to stop myself and friends from logging in to avoid ANet's any issues. I'll clog the servers like the others will.

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I'll post the same thing here that I posted in the twitter thread:


"I woke up post-rollback but before the servers went down. I didn't log in to ensure that I didn't screw anything up on my account more. You're telling me I don't get anything*, despite worrying I'd lost all my weekend progress, but players who logged on get a 1200 gem item?"


*A bonfire is really not a good compensation when the 'reward' for logging in after being told there are major connectivity/server issues is something worth around £15 from the gem store.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> Now you add if I didn't play much. Now if it were up to me no bonfire for you either. How you like that


Actually, last weekend I started skyscale achievements from the very beginning and got all the way to only having 4 foods left to feed it before I was onto the jumping puzzles. I was under the impression that after the maintenance if they were unable to restore progress I would be out of gold, out of the gems I spent on some of that gold and have to do all that running around to all the locations again and the time gated food crafting (I had saved some charged crystals but none left now) which would probably delay my skyscale by at least a week. But I didn't panic and said, "No I will wait for them to fix it. I won't log in and add to the panic right now."


I was saying if it happened again and I hadn't done much I would absolutely log in and take a chance at compensation rather than not log in and wait it out. < This is my point, if this ever happens again the server will be overloaded with people saying "Quick log in at least once to make sure you are entitled to compensation if they give any", rather than the best advice which was "Keep calm, stay out of the game to lighten the server load, let them fix what they can and then make a ticket if you are still missing things."

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Well, if this is how it is, I will not buy any of the Curious Creatures Mount at all. I'll feel dumb to spend real money on something when many is getting them for free. ANet should not have rewarded those players with the latest and the most expensive gem store item. It's like starting a precedent, telling every one to login when the server is in trouble. You may get a free expensive item later.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > But you (like me) also didn't lose anything. Those getting the licence actually lost progress and their personal time towards that progress Those who actually lost out are getting compensated, not those who didn't login and were safe from issues

> >

> > I didn't log in either, but I spent the time doing elsewhere knowing I'd end up with a potential problem in GW2. I don't deserve the compensation and rightfully wont get it. Sure I didn't do my dailies, but there are those who did their dailies and lost them. They deserve more than those who didn't log in at all

> >

> > An absolute non-issue here


> Well put!


I disagree


I logged on immediately saw there was an issue on the character page, although I did log into the game but then decided to log out again as I didn't want to mess the characters up expecting they would put it right.


A lot of those if nearly all would have known there was an issue yet decided to carry on playing, That was their choice and their risk.


I play only one game only so whilst this game was not available I wasn't playing anything in fact ended up on the forum here for awhile something I don't normally do. But later when I tried to get back on the forums as the game was still being worked on I couldn't, what ever happened here got my email account locked for suspicious activity and that email is only used for GW2. Finally managed to get it unlocked after about 2 hours on a phone (2 calls). So I'm guessing the forums check to see if there is a valid email address when you log in to the forums.


So you say we didn't lose anything, well we lost time playing the game as we found there was an issue. We did not feel there was much of a choice as didn't see the point of playing when the data was incorrect.


In fact I'm only on the forum now because someone said in-game about the compensation and not receiving any came here find out why.

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