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About the people who won't get free Curious Creatures Mount Select License after the rollback

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> > @"Islyn.8019" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > But you (like me) also didn't lose anything. Those getting the licence actually lost progress and their personal time towards that progress Those who actually lost out are getting compensated, not those who didn't login and were safe from issues

> > >

> > > I didn't log in either, but I spent the time elsewhere knowing I'd end up with a potential problem in GW2. I don't deserve the mount licence compensation and rightfully wont get it. Sure I didn't do my dailies, but there are those who did their dailies and lost them. They deserve more than those who didn't log in at all

> > >

> > > An absolute non-issue here

> >

> > But not REALLY because there was also over 15 hours of downtime. IDK about you; but if my internet was down that long, I'd have a free month.


> Good that you don’t have to pay monthly for the game.




as ever; not the point. I paid for the game. Sorry but several hours of downtime is bang out of order. However since I started it's happened once, so i am like 'well Okay then' but if it became a regular thing like in another game I play, I'd be having all my spending refunded, as I did there. That's that.

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> @"kajoken.1630" said:

> Ok, I really don't get how those compensations work. I have three accounts right now. Two accounts are basically just for Dailies and that's it. Those two didn't login at the time of the rollback at all and both didn't loose anything. But still, those two got the mail with the bonfire and the adoption license. One of those accounts doesn't even have any addons/mounts.


> On the other hand there's my main account. Lost a lot of progress over the weekend, was played a little bit after the rollback to see what's going on, but didn't receive anything at all. No bonfire, no adoption license. There's something off here.


Quoting because it needs to be seen! Can we @ anyone here?

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> @"Mafias.7235" said:

> Anyway, several of us with on IT and have some notions on DB and architecture, so we assume that either everything we do until they fix it would be lost or it would make it more problematic or time consuming for them to check; so we tell everybody to stay logged out.



See this right here tells me you are being dishonest or do not understand how DBs work in this scenario. Yes it was pretty obvious that you would lose the any progress made while logged in before the fix, but to think/pretend that logging in would cause any additional issues is simply dishonest or plain stupid. You telling people to stay logged out is the problem here. Arenanet should not be compensating all those who listened to you, it is **you and your friends who gave people terrible advice** who should be compensating them with a mount skin because **you** are the reason they did not log in.



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> @"Tyncale.1629" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > Yeah, sadly I felt inclined to not choose the one I liked the most but it's very much appreciated.


> You have to explain this!


My favorite skin was the Bioluminescent Raptor, by far. But the thing is I already bought several mount sets so I already have some decent ones for the raptor. However these packages excluded the mounts they added to the game after the initial release of PoF so my choice wasn't "which one do I like the most" but rather "do I like any of the skins for the "original mounts" more than the ones I already have vs. how much I hate the default skin of the other ones in comparison to the ones offered by the licence" and TBH I don't even like the skin I ended up choosing that much either, it's just that there is pretty much no way to earn mount skins ingame. As generous as A-Net is in regards to "giving out" new wardrobe skins as stingy they are in regards to the mount / glider skins (although in regards to the later ones you can at least earn some by getting the legendary backpacks).


I really wish A-Net would have added a "mount racing" game mode with proper race tracks to the game. I would have loved to e.g. do some griffon races in low gravity tracks with the ability to earn some appropriately themed mount skins. IMO there's a lot of wasted potential here.

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> @"Lysica.1027" said:

> A mount skin is worth less than the gem value of the gold I lost but I'm being patient because the data required to correctly refund me is the same data ANet relies on to run its business. I mean to say, the data surely exists or ANet wouldn't exist. What probably doesn't exist are the software tools to quickly/automatically check and refund lost gold/items with 100% accuracy which would explain the delays that are causing players to lose their cool or quit playing (personally I have quit playing until the matter is satisfactorily resolved).


At least someone got a mount skin, I didn't login in that period of time to do them a favor, so I got no mount skin AND I lost golds for items sold during that period.

So in the end: NO mount skin, -30g, +1 bonfire....kitten! -.-'

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> But you (like me) also didn't lose anything. Those getting the licence actually lost progress and their personal time towards that progress Those who actually lost out are getting compensated, not those who didn't login and were safe from issues


> I didn't log in either, but I spent the time elsewhere knowing I'd end up with a potential problem in GW2. I don't deserve the mount licence compensation and rightfully wont get it. Sure I didn't do my dailies, but there are those who did their dailies and lost them. They deserve more than those who didn't log in at all


> An absolute non-issue here


This is not true, because while despite choosing not to login in, does not mean I wanted to login to play hence losing play time just like everyone. It really makes you feel like you shouldn't hear what they say on twitter and so on.


They chose to reward people that logged in only to replicate items, for me this also devalues the item on the gem store which I for sure won't be buying gems every again, sure I already waste a lot of money on this game, but no more.


This whole issue just made me want to play Phantasy Star Online 2 when it releases for PC.

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> @"Anomander.6791" said:

> to think/pretend that logging in would cause any additional issues is simply dishonest or plain stupid.


so uhm now you are wrong. if it causes additional work/issues depends on the type of error. since nobody outside ANet knows the type of error it is possible.


it is possible that there is an error in writing the db, corrupting every entry that is written during the error. if you log in you already cause a transaction, namely the daily login reward. this is first cached and periodically flushed into the db. if now the db writer corrupts the entries with that transaction, there is one more transaction to be reverted (unless a full backup is used but dbs usually don't need full backups for recovery thanks to the transactional system). of course this is a minor effect but it is an effect.

if the transaction handler is erroneous and your entry gets corrupted with that transaction a revert might not be possible (but this would be a huge failure of every db aspect ... still possible). this means that your account now has to be rolled back to the last backup point and then replayed from there on. this is quite some more work though also still doable.


then there are many possibilities where logging in causes no harm at all. easiest thing is if the db is just never written. then all your progress simply vanishes effectless.


anyways there were lots of people unaware of the issues and any login creates transactions, creates noise. if those unaware people have issues, those issues have to be solved by ANet. it is far easier to cut through the noise if the noise is less. so if nothing else you still help those poor people to get their valuable stuff restored faster by not logging in. it helps to stay away from trouble, it does. if not yourself, then it helps others.


also spreading the word means those other people don't do whatever they would do unaware of the situation, becoming part of the poor people losing their valuable drops, filing tickets and giving ANet more work fixing the situation. like always 1 person does not do much harm or good, but a critical mass can be reached or prevented, which one is preferrable?


after all it is probably just a hiccup somewhere, a little mistake that caused a lot of visual effect but we will never know because publishers are, contrary to their business name, known to never publish information.

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> @"Thakis.6931" said:

> Your compensation split the related community into three parties. On Tuesday everyone was happy that you brought the server back. The progress of the weekend was saved. With your decision today, however, you split the community. The first group stayed offline during troubleshooting on Monday and did not get a Compansation. That is still ok. The second group played on Monday. Absolutely unaware of the server problems. They have lost progress and have been compensated. That is still ok. Then there is the third group. They were aware of the problems and still went online. For example, to suicide actions in Lion arch. They also got a skin worth 100g+. This is not fair to the first group. Please don't split the community with such decisions. Either compensation for everyone who played from Saturday to Monday or none at all.


> Look at the current threads.

> The community is bashing each other.

> Is this your aim as a great game developer?


> Best regards

> Thakis


Nobody played on monday because the rollback happened about 12 midday GM europe time, and nobody was able to play again until lunchtime tuesday.

And there are only 2 groups:

-The ones that were so hungry of playing that logged tuesday immediately after the fix and later lost all they put on the trading post and what they achieved tuesday.

-The ones who play casually and didnt bother to play tuesday and now are jealous of the compensation.


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I still didn't receive the goddamn bonfire I was promised... Not that I care about that trash anyway but I'd like a compensation for beeing robbed of my bonfire! I think a mount select license would be an appropriate compensation! But only for those who should've gotten a bonfire but didn't get one of course!

... And Justice for All!

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So Anet decided to send me a bonfire. After lost progress in achievements, inability to play for several days, and constant disconnects. After some people received a letter with a license TWICE without losing anything. It makes me feel like I lost the lottery. It looks like trolling.

Therefore, I decided never to spend real money in the gem store again. There is no reason to support the people who troll me after THEY screwed up. Buying a third expansion? I do not think so.

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I'm on NA, so I have no actual horse in this race, but gotta say....this was a rather bad way to go about things. They've created such a mess by not just giving it to all of EU. I've never seen any dev handle a compensation for downtime in this way. It's crazy.

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> @"Xsa.3702" said:

> Therefore, I decided never to spend real money in the gem store again.


You should buy me a mount and bonfires so I can travel the land and tell the story of Xsa the fatuous. I shall sit at bonfires and share the great crusade against the unjust authorities.

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> @"Tiilimon.6094" said:

> > @"deadlyjoker.4907" said:

> > Because, how should I know I had to log in a bit earlier, when it was still possible. The loss is still there, because I didn't have the chance to get what I usually get in that time.


> But if you didn't log in earlier, you were not affected by the rollback the same way as people who did.

> Why do you feel entitled to the same kind of compensation as them?


> They surely should have given something better than that bonfire to compensate for the downtime, tho.




Oh you mean the people standing around doing f all in LA? Why are they entitled to the same as people who actually lost anything?

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Thanks for the Bonfire, totally not rubbing salt into the wounds again. But don't worry seeing Players with those new fancy Skins will remind us for an eternity on how to properly react to server instability and all sort of problems like rollbacks, just call all your friends to celebrate the Server Problems by killing ourselves in Lions Arch for Free Skins and other to come fancy compensations.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> But you (like me) also didn't lose anything. Those getting the licence actually lost progress and their personal time towards that progress Those who actually lost out are getting compensated, not those who didn't login and were safe from issues


> I didn't log in either, but I spent the time elsewhere knowing I'd end up with a potential problem in GW2. I don't deserve the mount licence compensation and rightfully wont get it. Sure I didn't do my dailies, but there are those who did their dailies and lost them. They deserve more than those who didn't log in at all


> An absolute non-issue here



Yeah BuT WheReS My FrEe StuFf

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With the current clarification in regard to the compensation I think there won't be any gold restored here. I'm glad I'm not affected. (100 gold is a lot for me as well. I need some days to make this from dailies and lot sof PvP since I'm not farming yet because I have other stuff to complete. Older achievements, story and map completion.)

Current post in the announcements only explains the way they already handled things again. (They assume people did not understand when the problem was elsewhere.)


Afaik legendaries and raid progress can be restored by the customer support. Gem store purchases will be restored automatically (so tickets won't help). And the license is for other lost progress for people that logged in and lost gold at the trading post. (I don't know about people though that didn't log in where stuff they placed before got sold.)


Maybe just bad luck for some people where others are lucky to have gotten 2 licenses? I don't know.


Did you try to talk again to the support? Did they give any reason besides "we can't restore your gold"?

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With the current post in the announcements - that only explains again the way they handled things already - I assume the case is closed for ArenaNet. No changes to the way they handled this.


The thread in technical supports forums where people said they lost gold on the trading post also leads me to the conclusion that precursors you got as drop at that day might be restored but not the gold from TP. Since they explaind in the announcements that rare drops can be restored and people claimed they got raid stuff (legendary insights) restored but the gold earned from stuff you placed on TP at the weekend (which got sold at monday) technically isn't something you earned at monday.


People got restored their progress from the weekend (which means items are removed from the inventory to TP). And the lost TP sales on monday are something that is "lost progress" where the license is compensation. (I wonder about people that placed expensive stuff in TP which got sold monday when they did not log in though. They might not have received the license as compensation + not getting the lost gold restored since the current policy is to not restore gold in such cases manually and tickets are not successful.)


Edit: And I'm glad we finally seem to get merged threads - so we can focus on one thread about this issue.

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Well, whatever.

I still don't see how anyone may have lost progress worth 1200 gems in a few hours, but I am going to view this incident as a lottery no one knew was happening and no one knew the rules of.


Congrats to the winners. And let's move on to a weekend that will hopefully not be reset.

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> @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > So, you're saying, that the lesson we should learn from this is not to trust Anet, and don't expect anything good from them in the future, in order to not end up dissappointed later on? That's a pretty bleak message to send.


> Or the lesson you could learn is that you should not have too many expectations, because they have a potential to lead to disappointment. That's not bleak. That's just a fact of life.

No, accepting that your expectations should be _this_ low, because if they're higher you're going to be disappointed, definitely is very bleak. The moment i'd feel my expectations for any game developer hits that low, it would be a sign for me to change the game. Because why would i play the game i'd expect nothing good out of?


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I was one of those who tried to login, saw it fail, checked forum and then waited.


I got the bonfire, which is more than I expected.


Would I like to have the mount licence? Sure! But it doesn't hurt me that others got it and I won't. I do understand that some people are annoyed but at this point I am just glad that my account was not damaged in the kerfluffle - which is pretty much all I can ask for.


So, congratz to those who got the skin. And the others: I get your annoyance. But seriously, it is just a mount skin. Do RIBA for an evening, gold-to-gems and you can get the licence as well.

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