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Will Guild Wars 2 be the best MMO in future?

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> @"Severo.7091" said:

> > @"Orack.9756" said:

> > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > Tbh eso is far superior to wow and is a better benchmark, the only thing that holds eso back is its terrible performance outwith open world. If this is fixed it would arguably be better than gw2 on all areas apprt from underwater play and a slightly better no sub model.

> >

> > As a retired HL ESO player, I agree and disagree.

> >

> > ESO have a true potential, but :

> > - Performance are horrible and get worse each patch

> > - Most content, especially Open world and dungeon are boringly easy and feel dead (no even, no hidden loc, no world event, etc..)

> > - The way you discover the lore feel very unnatural

> > - The fact that everything is so easy to get made the game boring fast for those like me who don't really care about housing. The last years of playing I was just spamming raid for for HM and some achievement.

> > - Gameplay feel way less dynamic (probably similar to gw2 in raid but in open world it's boring)

> >

> > But :

> > - It got a very cool graphique design choice, very immersive

> > - Incredibly deep lore, really love it

> > - Housing (if you like it) is incredible, I've see some insane house

> > - You can be a Werewolf or Vampire in + of your class (with some advantage and drawback) if you like it

> >

> > I think a mix of ESO and GW2 would be incredible ^^

> > But, for now, I find GW2 pretty fun with lot of thing to do.

> > And since for the moment I'm more into solo stuff or event farm, it is fun and way less boring than spamming the same 3-4 raid each day ~

> >

> > After all : matter of taste !


> ESO's combat was bloody awful. Everyone runs around stopped over. I truly despise that game. Whereas, GW2's combat is vibrant. I have never had an issue with combat graphics in this game.


I agree. I played ESO for a little bit and thought I was actually going to stick with it because the game seemed really fun and interesting. However, it quickly became apparent that their combat system is pretty weak compared to GW2. Floaty movement, poor hit detection/wonky combat animations, heavy reliance on charged attacks and cast/cancel animations, and insane lag in competitive play make ESO a game that looks quite excellent on the surface, but is actually straight garbage once you start digging into it!


Even worse is BnS! What a combat system that game has! That's one of the most important aspects of game play to me and BnS sure delivers! It feels more like a fighting game than an MMO and I sense there was a lot of depth there. The problem with BnS is that the rest of the game just seems like trash. You have a very generic storyline that as far as I can tell every character you create has to play through with pretty much no variation. I might have been able to stomach that, too, if you didn't end up dealing with issues like zoning into a PvP match to find the match has already started without you while you were lagging in...just not worth my time for such a low quality game. The extremely Asian art style didn't help matters for me!

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> why would anyone play/enjoy a game that they think it's inferior to another one


Good question. For me it is because I don't want to jump into an established MMO as a new player. I definitely don't think GW2 is the best, has ever been the best, or ever will be the best, but it is definitely good enough, and I have been here from the start. I like to play MMOs from the beginning, maybe when a new mmo comes out that I think looks good I will try it. Not trying to argue or anything by the way, just providing a different PoV.


But to answer the OP question, no. It think this game has a ton of potential but it will never meet it because that is the way the game is developed. Maybe if arenanet had different priorities or a different vision for the game, but to me it seems like they only really care about story and gem store items.



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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Already is the best imo.

> >

> > But I don't care about knocking WoW off the top spot.

> > WoW's success largely came when there was very little that could rival it.. and it remains so popular today because so many people have invested so much time and money into it that leaving the game now for another MMO would be like throwing all that away.. literal thousands people have put in WoW over the years and that's hard to walk away from, specially for another game that would expect the same investment.

> >

> > That's one thing I love about GW2, it never makes you feel like your investment is wasted when you're not playing the game.. which is a trait for all subfee based MMO's.



> Walking away from an MMO is as simple as finding another one you like better. All of that stuff you accumulated only matters up until the moment you stop playing.


> Having said that, WoW is not just the top dog because everyone is too invested in it to leave. It's the top dog because it has some of the best raids and dungeons in the business and it has vastly more content than any of its competition. The game hasn't aged well. The graphics, the combat. It's all well below standard at this point. But WoW raids are still far better than GW2 raids (sigh non-trinity...) and there are way more of them as well as difficulty levels to support every type of player.


> Maybe you want to look at competitive modes? WoW has GW2 beat there, too. What I wouldn't give to have GW2's combat system with the variety of PvP game types that WoW offers! Alas, if I want GW2's superior combat system and class design, I have to settle for conquest - endless repetition of the same game in 10 not-so-unique flavors! And not even a ray of hope that adding such content would improve anything because our player base is too kitten small to support it!


> Everywhere you look it's the same problem. WoW just offers more of everything. Maybe it isn't as good a game, but it's good enough that along with the light competition they face, WoW can still be carried on the massive amount of content it offers.


> It isn't for me, but sometimes I really wish we could trade with WoW so they get all the content droughts, no communication, and constant course corrections that are the hallmark of ANet's "planning" while we get all those sweet development resources!




Wow has the least content by far between itself GW2/ESO because its whole reason for existence is to rush you into the last 6 months of content, and then keep you there. Its also the most inferior by FAR on skill pool, EVERYTHING is equated to min maxed builds and ultimately numbers on a meter, and the skill pool has been grossly pruned down in a failed attempt to somehow counteract the constant power increase.


The acid test is this however - what would happen if every single character in WOW, E SO and GW2 were totally reset on the same day including all subs and gold? I can guarantee you WOW would be third on the list in that case on population alone. Equally, imagine WOW/ESO/GW2 released today for the first time, WOW would be the least attractive by far.

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Well... I'll hop onto the train of "Bigger =/= Better" given that WoW is one of (If not still THE) biggest MMO out there, but is also one of the worst. Now, if we were talking about TBC/early WotLK era WoW... That was one of the best MMO's to have existed.


As far as GW2 goes...


**Will** it be the best? No. ANet just doesn't have the resources needed to put in all the content and polishing required to reach the pinnacle of MMO potential. Heck, they're already having to resort to adding in more Outfits as opposed to actual armour pieces because of issues with resources required.


**Could** it be the best? Sure it could. Especially given that right now, MMO's are in a rough spot, with major players in the MMO market falling down due to not really understanding the nature of why people play MMO's and why WoW was such a success in its early days (So you have things like WoW adding in horrible grinds, horrible timegated content and worse yet, a lot of their "Updates" have featured little to no actual content. FFXIV is literally just copy/pasting its formula it created 10 years ago with no evolution)


But again, the resources required to pull it off is probably above what ANet has access to. Especially with MMO players in general being disinclined to really get invested given how other MMO's have gone in recent times.


Meanwhile, we have some very large companies producing new MMO's which could make a notable impact on the genre. Bandai Namco are releasing Blue Protocol soon, which while a very Japanese MMO (What with Anime styling and being initially released in the East only, with a Western release in the pipeline given their hiring of Western Localization teams). Amazon, the mega-corporation is producing 2 MMO's, New World (Due to release in August) which is supposedly going to be a sort of Survival game like Day Z or Rust as well as an MMO, they're also producing an as yet unnamed LotR MMO (Yes, they already own LotR: Online, but they're making a 2nd LotR MMO to exist alongside it), there's a MTG MMO in the works too which will have the backing of Wizards of the Coast and their decades worth of MTG profits (Also being published by Perfect World Entertainment, whom also have what feels like 5 million other MMO titles, albeit mostly trashy Korean Grindfests), NCSoft themselves are also producing Project TL an ARPG/MMO mashup.


Many of these companies could have the resources needed to be able to create the new big hit MMO (Since, one of the major things is not only having a good launch with decent servers which don't implode when people have the audacity to play the game... But also to have that follow up end-game content in development for when people inevitably hit max level, since stagnating with no end-game content can really harm an MMO as it did for games like Rift), that is depending on how much they're willing to invest into the game.


MMO's are really resource intensive games. Given that they rely on a steady stream of content in order to maintain players. But they can also be really profitable, heck even with a fraction of its former population as well as overall mediocrity WoW still earns billions in net profit.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Severo.7091" said:

> > > @"Orack.9756" said:

> > > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > > Tbh eso is far superior to wow and is a better benchmark, the only thing that holds eso back is its terrible performance outwith open world. If this is fixed it would arguably be better than gw2 on all areas apprt from underwater play and a slightly better no sub model.

> > >

> > > As a retired HL ESO player, I agree and disagree.

> > >

> > > ESO have a true potential, but :

> > > - Performance are horrible and get worse each patch

> > > - Most content, especially Open world and dungeon are boringly easy and feel dead (no even, no hidden loc, no world event, etc..)

> > > - The way you discover the lore feel very unnatural

> > > - The fact that everything is so easy to get made the game boring fast for those like me who don't really care about housing. The last years of playing I was just spamming raid for for HM and some achievement.

> > > - Gameplay feel way less dynamic (probably similar to gw2 in raid but in open world it's boring)

> > >

> > > But :

> > > - It got a very cool graphique design choice, very immersive

> > > - Incredibly deep lore, really love it

> > > - Housing (if you like it) is incredible, I've see some insane house

> > > - You can be a Werewolf or Vampire in + of your class (with some advantage and drawback) if you like it

> > >

> > > I think a mix of ESO and GW2 would be incredible ^^

> > > But, for now, I find GW2 pretty fun with lot of thing to do.

> > > And since for the moment I'm more into solo stuff or event farm, it is fun and way less boring than spamming the same 3-4 raid each day ~

> > >

> > > After all : matter of taste !

> >

> > ESO's combat was bloody awful. Everyone runs around stopped over. I truly despise that game. Whereas, GW2's combat is vibrant. I have never had an issue with combat graphics in this game.


> I agree. I played ESO for a little bit and thought I was actually going to stick with it because the game seemed really fun and interesting. However, it quickly became apparent that their combat system is pretty weak compared to GW2. Floaty movement, poor hit detection/wonky combat animations, heavy reliance on charged attacks and cast/cancel animations, and insane lag in competitive play make ESO a game that looks quite excellent on the surface, but is actually straight garbage once you start digging into it!


> Even worse is BnS! What a combat system that game has! That's one of the most important aspects of game play to me and BnS sure delivers! It feels more like a fighting game than an MMO and I sense there was a lot of depth there. The problem with BnS is that the rest of the game just seems like trash. You have a very generic storyline that as far as I can tell every character you create has to play through with pretty much no variation. I might have been able to stomach that, too, if you didn't end up dealing with issues like zoning into a PvP match to find the match has already started without you while you were lagging in...just not worth my time for such a low quality game. The extremely Asian art style didn't help matters for me!


If we speak only about combat system, my vote go with no doubt to the good old Dragon Nest.

Every other aspect of the game was trash. But the game combat was a jewel with all these combo and fluidity, what a waste of potential :/

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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> Not as long as they only gift compensation to a part of a community ,even twice, while others dont get anything.


> Speech is about the mount license. Its a joke how they handle their community


I saw your name as most recent comment and knew you'd bring the mount license up. Let it go

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> @"Orack.9756" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"Severo.7091" said:

> > > > @"Orack.9756" said:

> > > > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > > > Tbh eso is far superior to wow and is a better benchmark, the only thing that holds eso back is its terrible performance outwith open world. If this is fixed it would arguably be better than gw2 on all areas apprt from underwater play and a slightly better no sub model.

> > > >

> > > > As a retired HL ESO player, I agree and disagree.

> > > >

> > > > ESO have a true potential, but :

> > > > - Performance are horrible and get worse each patch

> > > > - Most content, especially Open world and dungeon are boringly easy and feel dead (no even, no hidden loc, no world event, etc..)

> > > > - The way you discover the lore feel very unnatural

> > > > - The fact that everything is so easy to get made the game boring fast for those like me who don't really care about housing. The last years of playing I was just spamming raid for for HM and some achievement.

> > > > - Gameplay feel way less dynamic (probably similar to gw2 in raid but in open world it's boring)

> > > >

> > > > But :

> > > > - It got a very cool graphique design choice, very immersive

> > > > - Incredibly deep lore, really love it

> > > > - Housing (if you like it) is incredible, I've see some insane house

> > > > - You can be a Werewolf or Vampire in + of your class (with some advantage and drawback) if you like it

> > > >

> > > > I think a mix of ESO and GW2 would be incredible ^^

> > > > But, for now, I find GW2 pretty fun with lot of thing to do.

> > > > And since for the moment I'm more into solo stuff or event farm, it is fun and way less boring than spamming the same 3-4 raid each day ~

> > > >

> > > > After all : matter of taste !

> > >

> > > ESO's combat was bloody awful. Everyone runs around stopped over. I truly despise that game. Whereas, GW2's combat is vibrant. I have never had an issue with combat graphics in this game.

> >

> > I agree. I played ESO for a little bit and thought I was actually going to stick with it because the game seemed really fun and interesting. However, it quickly became apparent that their combat system is pretty weak compared to GW2. Floaty movement, poor hit detection/wonky combat animations, heavy reliance on charged attacks and cast/cancel animations, and insane lag in competitive play make ESO a game that looks quite excellent on the surface, but is actually straight garbage once you start digging into it!

> >

> > Even worse is BnS! What a combat system that game has! That's one of the most important aspects of game play to me and BnS sure delivers! It feels more like a fighting game than an MMO and I sense there was a lot of depth there. The problem with BnS is that the rest of the game just seems like trash. You have a very generic storyline that as far as I can tell every character you create has to play through with pretty much no variation. I might have been able to stomach that, too, if you didn't end up dealing with issues like zoning into a PvP match to find the match has already started without you while you were lagging in...just not worth my time for such a low quality game. The extremely Asian art style didn't help matters for me!


> If we speak only about combat system, my vote go with no doubt to the good old Dragon Nest.

> Every other aspect of the game was trash. But the game combat was a jewel with all these combo and fluidity, what a waste of potential :/


To be honest, BDO has some amazing combat.


It's just too bad it's ultra P2W with literally the worst ever equipment upgrade system ever invented as well as offering no combat content other than grinding OW enemies and occasionally griefing/being griefed by forcing PvP... Also, I'm not too fond of the whole "Use your basic weapon for like 60 levels and then awaken and get your new stronger weapon type that plays completely differently that you use for the rest of your time playing" thing.


(Other aspects of the game aren't that bad though. It's a very pretty game with an incredible character creation system and the trading activity is pretty cool. Also, I love how the mounts are actually real living things in the game, meaning when you jump off your horse and go kill stuff, you have to go back to where you left it in order to mount up again, you don't simply poof it underneath yourself at a whim)

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> @"Jilora.9524" said:

> > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > Not as long as they only gift compensation to a part of a community ,even twice, while others dont get anything.

> >

> > Speech is about the mount license. Its a joke how they handle their community


> I saw your name as most recent comment and knew you'd bring the mount license up. Let it go


no thanks. Im not leaving it behind and leaving gw2 too like friends and guildies because of that. Ill rather try to let it be alive in the forums until they do something about it.

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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > @"Jilora.9524" said:

> > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > > Not as long as they only gift compensation to a part of a community ,even twice, while others dont get anything.

> > >

> > > Speech is about the mount license. Its a joke how they handle their community

> >

> > I saw your name as most recent comment and knew you'd bring the mount license up. Let it go


> no thanks. Im not leaving it behind and leaving gw2 too like friends and guildies because of that. Ill rather try to let it be alive in the forums until they do something about it.


Not asking you to and if you leave because it that is your choice but to sneak into unrelated threads to complain about the same thing as existing threads you commented in or started just come on

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Already is the best imo.

> >

> > But I don't care about knocking WoW off the top spot.

> > WoW's success largely came when there was very little that could rival it.. and it remains so popular today because so many people have invested so much time and money into it that leaving the game now for another MMO would be like throwing all that away.. literal thousands people have put in WoW over the years and that's hard to walk away from, specially for another game that would expect the same investment.

> >

> > That's one thing I love about GW2, it never makes you feel like your investment is wasted when you're not playing the game.. which is a trait for all subfee based MMO's.



> Walking away from an MMO is as simple as finding another one you like better. All of that stuff you accumulated only matters up until the moment you stop playing.



For some maybe but not all, there are a number of people who do feel the way I described.

I can sort of speak for myself as well since it's one of many reasons I refuse to play games with mandatory sub fees.

When you monatize playtime like that, every second you don't play is pretty much burning money.. and if you quit then pretty much all the money you did pay was ultimately for nothing.

Gw2's model is far more in line with traditional offline games.. buy once and play forever.

As someone who collects games and owns hundreds of them, including some dating back to the 80's the ability to play them whenever I want to without having to pay again is a perk I need to have with all the games I buy.. otherwise that game would rule my life and demand all my time and money and im not ok with that.


> Having said that, WoW is not just the top dog because everyone is too invested in it to leave. It's the top dog because it has some of the best raids and dungeons in the business and it has vastly more content than any of its competition. The game hasn't aged well. The graphics, the combat. It's all well below standard at this point. But WoW raids are still far better than GW2 raids (sigh non-trinity...) and there are way more of them as well as difficulty levels to support every type of player.


> Maybe you want to look at competitive modes? WoW has GW2 beat there, too. What I wouldn't give to have GW2's combat system with the variety of PvP game types that WoW offers! Alas, if I want GW2's superior combat system and class design, I have to settle for conquest - endless repetition of the same game in 10 not-so-unique flavors! And not even a ray of hope that adding such content would improve anything because our player base is too kitten small to support it!


> Everywhere you look it's the same problem. WoW just offers more of everything. Maybe it isn't as good a game, but it's good enough that along with the light competition they face, WoW can still be carried on the massive amount of content it offers.


I'm not knocking WoW's amount or quality of content.

However I am pointing out that WoW has been around and active for twice as long as Gw2 has existed, and WoW didn't come into this market fists swinging to become the top dog either.. it pretty much created this market and remained the only major power of it's kind in it for a long time.

It's subscription model did play a big part in that too as many other games over time came along trying to be the WoW killer and ultimately failing because they just couldn't poach on the monopoly WoW had with Subscriptions.


Most invested in WoW at that point were not going to leave to play other MMO's they had to pay subs for.. it would have ended up with people playing several different MMO's, paying several different sub fees and having to divide their time among them effectively resulting in them paying hell of a lot more and getting hell of a lot less out of it.

That's why most people limited their MMO investment to just small number, something we still see today even with more f2p MMO's on the market.

1-2 Main MMO's and a few others people play causally now and again and probably don't invest in at all.


We see a very similar situation today with Tv Streaming services, most people only using 1 or 2 at most because they don't want to have tons of subscription bills adding up on their monthly expenses.

Same also goes with consoles and their online subs, it all adds up.


I find it distasteful tbh, and it's really hurt my interest in consoles and TV shows over the years.. I find it far better to just invest in DvD's and PC gaming and always have my shows and games available to enjoy without having some company tell me I gotta pay more for it for no real reason other than "it's the norm now.. accept it."

I gladly state I do not accept it and would rather stop being a customer than do so.

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It will be the best if You like it, as usual, if there are people that still play WOW, the oldes MMO it means you play what You like even if this means to play something really old style, I personally Like GW2 for almost everything and it's really difficult to enjoy games I played before that are so old, btw even GW2 has it'0s age now but remains in my opinion superior from many points of view

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This game specifically doesn't know what type of mmo-rpg it wants to be. It will never dethrone WoW I doubt anything unless blizzard murders the game themselves will ever dethrone that monster.


ESO and Black Desert give guild wars 2 solid competition, both have a very strong community and amount of players. Id wager either one of them has more than this game currently, and they continue to grow. But that might be because they have a audience that the game itself caters too, guild wars 2 tried so hard to be the be all and end all and be the everything for everyone. It also had too many cooks come in and out of the kitchen in development, which has not helped the game one bit so as it stands no I don't think it ever has the ability to get there.


It will be one of many, but perhaps maybe just maybe... if guild wars 3 ever rolls around it will have a definitive direction and a strong team from the beginning. Hopefully it would bring back GvG and make guilds matter along with alliances and so on. Id also like if WvW returned.... but honestly Id want them to take a hard look at the way they tell the story, and the way we play.

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Will be bigger than WoW?

no, there is base player base who will not move till something very very very(3) bad come .. note: if very(1) bad patch come they not move also.

also add some part of nostalgia ..


And not so much true mmo is exists except wow .. we have : warframe, lineage2, eso, archage. Thats all. Nothing more. Other games have multi session base mode, or wipe-session mode like pof and etc ..


I checked other mmo, and understand that gw2 is best. So I vote "I dont care"


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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > Ill rather try to let it be alive in the forums until they do something about it.

> I don't remember Anet ever changing something, just because players were pissed on the forums.

There _were_ exceptions. Introduction of Mount Select Licence is one such case. Others i can remember would be the commander tags pricing change, and the whole flamekissed debacle. Although you might say that the Select License was never introduced back for the first Mount Licence choice, and the commander tag change took place after the unveiling, but before implementation. So, of those three only flamekissed would be a case of a change applied to a content that was already in the game.

There were also a number of smaller issues, like revenant weapon swap. And, of course (and that's _not_ a small thing) player reaction to ascended gear killed Anet's intention to "continue with the item progression on the shallow curve", burying not only already existing plans of better stat infusions, stat infusions for other mechanics than Agony (and spreading agony-like mechanics to other parts of the game), their potential plans to increase future tiers above ascended (just not in the first year after ascended) but also their plans to "definitely increase level cap".


On the whole, Anet does change things, but it requires a truly massive player reaction to force them to do it, and even then they try to not actually admit to anything, if they can get away with it.

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I think it’s good when I compare it to other games because I like the combat, how I don’t have to grind for gear so much & most things are fairly easy to obtain

But is it truly THE best? No. For starters, the story line was too PC & I really dislike the characters we have atm. They are too whiny and needy for me. There are a few things that I would like to see improved/added but because Anet hardly listens to their community it won’t happen & that’s why it won’t ever be the best in the market.

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Guild Wars 2 falls flat in what it's trying to be which is an MMO that does everything. It doesn't quite have an identity. The PvP scene seems all but squandered, WvW is a broken, boring mess, the GW2 story isn't as engaging as it could be & the character development is flat.


If you want an MMO for Story, Dungeons, Housing & RP? FFXIV

If FFXIV is too weeb for you; turn to ESO or wait for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen

If you want an MMO for PvP, Housing & Graphics? Black Desert

If you want an MMO for it's vast popularity? WoW

If you want an MMO that is all about Mount & Chair skins? GW2 (atleast, that's all I see advertised about Gw2)

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