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Suggestions for making RP a little less painful

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So, I'm an RP'er. I love how there's a public spot where we can just sit down and have a good time, but the thing is, there's A LOT of trolls, and simply blocking doesn't help when they're summoning their skyscales and blowing fire all over us.


I appreciate being able to block their spam from the chat! Although I would appreciate it even more of blocking a character would cause them to just disappear entirely. You can still unblock them via your blocked menu, but now you wouldn't be able to hear them spamming all of the buttons on their harp or see them surrounding you and /threaten'ing you. All you'd see is a little nametag floating around!


I'd also appreciate an RP-specific server or instance for us to move to, that way we'd get less "Oh wow! Is this an RP area?" *Proceeds to turn self into giant frog man and walk all over everyone while spamming abilities.* I don't mind if people are genuinely curious, but lately they've been getting more and more obnoxious and trying to shoot everybody they see, or just straight up getting all their buddies to spam the chat with random phrases. Right now, public RP is very hard to find, and you either have to hope you spawn into the right instance, or hope you have a friend that can taxi you to it and that it isn't full.


Of course, these are just suggestions and things that would make me happy to see in the game. I hope all my fellow RP'ers can agree, and people who don't RP can sympathize with me. Thanks! <3

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I'm known as a pretty dedicated roleplayer, but I'm not in favor of this idea. It is an MMO, and one of the things that means, is having to put up with other people who enjoy the game in a different way from yourself. Not everyone is going to roleplay, and thats fine. Some people will try to be disruptive to your enthusiastic roleplaying, and that's also fine. If you don't want players interupting your roleplay, just find a location that is less populated. There are plenty.


I like being able to explore the world and occasionally stumble on some fellow roleplayers. I also like that none-roleplayers can join in if they want to. That is how we get more people into roleplaying.

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Maybe different instances of the map. Available free to join - with one tagged as RP. Instead of having you being ported to the next one that isn't full automatically.

(While still automatically opening and closing new ones.)


This could also be nice for different purposes. Like languages and stuff. (Maybe some system like the one in GW1 that you only hat in outposts where at the top left a dropdown bar was ... I think they callled it "districts".)

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I'd love dedicated RP instances, but i wouldn't love the lack of population in them. It'd probably be fine to fill something like lions arch and divnity's reach with RP maps cus a lot of people go there, but what about my blazeridge steppes? This is a major probelm for a dedicated server, a much more minor porblem for map instances but i don't think the ability to freely create new IPs so 2 people can RP is too great- would need more thought, restrictions IMO.


The ability to set text colour, the ability to create group private chats w/o guild/party/squad, longer character limit for chat input, and as mentioned make blocking not just erase chat, but also hide character model, would make me begin to tolerate RPing in gw2.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> What is to keep non-RP players from jumping into a RP instanced map and doing the very things that they are doing now to disrupt RP players?


Exactly. Having RP instances or servers would make things worse, encouraging the trolls to troll more. Unless theres going to be rules and suspension punishment for those that will get reported for disrupting activities. But even then people can make new accounts just to troll. Maybe add a lvl 80 only req, that will keep many trolls away, but will not remove them completly.

I think all this is a bad idea and things should be as they are now, just find a convenient location to RP and thats it. This situation is common in all online games, nothing you can do about it.

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Mhm. That surely seems like a problem. And I guess with rules ... it would only cost money for ArenaNet ... if they needed more support staff to punish trolls.

I guess they'd rather sell an option for an own instanced version of a map + password protection. :D (But then again only small groups could use it. Advertising it to the public might also attract trolls.)


It also would need to make sure that no abuse is possible. (Like respawning instances to get certain bosses to spawn more often maybe. People probably would try that.)

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As terse as it sounds, the usual solution to "how do I make RP less painful?" is to "get better at it". Improvisation and incorporation of the random, disruptive elements is a much more difficult skill to master than ignoring them or running away. Once you do, however, it won't matter who or how many trolls try to bother you. They become part of the background noise, like traffic in New York.

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> @"Wubwub.7620" said:


>....Although I would appreciate it even more of blocking a character would cause them to just disappear entirely. You can still unblock them via your blocked menu, but now you wouldn't be able to hear them spamming all of the buttons on their harp or see them surrounding you and /threaten'ing you. All you'd see is a little nametag floating around!



I'd quite like this feature even as a non RP player.



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Yeah punish trolls like go away with that. They get to do things like use mounts around you or emote even tho it's a db thing to do. You don't get special rights because you like to RP in a MMO. Find a remote place is the best you can do. 5 can enter any home instance. 10 could enter a raid/strike area. I can't imagine you got more then that at once then do it in guild chat with just you. IDK block is best option but as long as they aren't verbally harassing you which block eliminates I don't see anything being done

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> What is to keep non-RP players from jumping into a RP instanced map and doing the very things that they are doing now to disrupt RP players?


I mean, it kinda makes it easier to identify and report people for harassment if the disruptors have to make a consious effort to disrupt other players. Assuming Anet are willing to lop off some hands with an electric saw, I think it won't be too bad.


Conversely, roleplayers would have an area where likeminded players would gather - kind of like how people join PvP to PvP, roleplayers would join a roleplay instance to play in character.


Personally, I think having an area where you expect other players to be in RP is kinda cool. I mean, if I tried roleplaying by default in open world or instanced content, everyone would think I'm a nutter.

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The other people doing things you don't want them to do are also roleplaying. As disruptions, but still RP'ing.


On the other side of the coin, I do find it rather off-putting when a group of RPers *are* in a high-traffic area (i.e. Divnity's Reach Minister's WP) doing their thing in ways that subjectively makes my brain hurt, completely ignoring everyone around them. In that, their way of playing is impacting my own.


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> @"erthebear.8109" said:

> On the other side of the coin, I do find it rather off-putting when a group of RPers *are* in a high-traffic area (i.e. Divnity's Reach Minister's WP) doing their thing in ways that subjectively makes my brain hurt, completely ignoring everyone around them. In that, their way of playing is impacting my own.

I'm not a big fan of this particular RP location either. I often find it annoying to me.



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That's a bad pic example too. You in a very populated spot like going to LA DR or EoTN and expecting no interruptions is unlikely. There is only 2 of you? Home instance as I said or go to the vabbi grape vine area role play wine tasting or the city of ebonhawke in fields of ruin or the dozens of dead maps which have taverns/forts/houses which would minimize the odds of other players.

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The comments in this thread are so defeatist...


If behavior like this falls under harassment, report the offending party. WoW's RP scene is strong because while Blizzard has designated roleplay servers, many of the same behaviors meant to disrupt role-play are also recognized as harassment on any other server. And if Anet won't address these people? Maybe this game no longer deserves your time?

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> @"Wubwub.7620" said:

> So, I'm an RP'er. I love how there's a public spot where we can just sit down and have a good time, but the thing is, there's A LOT of trolls, and simply blocking doesn't help when they're summoning their skyscales and blowing fire all over us.


> I appreciate being able to block their spam from the chat! Although I would appreciate it even more of blocking a character would cause them to just disappear entirely. You can still unblock them via your blocked menu, but now you wouldn't be able to hear them spamming all of the buttons on their harp or see them surrounding you and /threaten'ing you. All you'd see is a little nametag floating around!


> I'd also appreciate an RP-specific server or instance for us to move to, that way we'd get less "Oh wow! Is this an RP area?" *Proceeds to turn self into giant frog man and walk all over everyone while spamming abilities.* I don't mind if people are genuinely curious, but lately they've been getting more and more obnoxious and trying to shoot everybody they see, or just straight up getting all their buddies to spam the chat with random phrases. Right now, public RP is very hard to find, and you either have to hope you spawn into the right instance, or hope you have a friend that can taxi you to it and that it isn't full.


> Of course, these are just suggestions and things that would make me happy to see in the game. I hope all my fellow RP'ers can agree, and people who don't RP can sympathize with me. Thanks! <3


I have been offering special places outside of map that are hard to get to so the RP comunity can rp in peace. No one seems to respond back. What can I do?



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I'm in favor of more tools for players to protect themselves from bad actors.


Being able to block someone and remove their model and effects completely from your screen would be useful for way more than the RP crowd. Just make it an opt-in setting so people have a choice and bam, problem solved. No special servers required. Need to be able to see models of blocked people again in a PvP area or any other reason? Untick the setting. Easy.


Worried about dev time and resources? They might already be working on it. Remember: A single dev was responsible for all of Super Adventure Box in his spare time.

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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> I'm in favor of more tools for players to protect themselves from bad actors.


> Being able to block someone and remove their model and effects completely from your screen would be useful for way more than the RP crowd. Just make it an opt-in setting so people have a choice and bam, problem solved. No special servers required. Need to be able to see models of blocked people again in a PvP area or any other reason? Untick the setting. Easy.


> Worried about dev time and resources? They might already be working on it. Remember: A single dev was responsible for all of Super Adventure Box in his spare time.


So Opt in as if I dont want people to not be able to make me vanish I just dont opt in great and that solves it how?

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I heard about one server (not in a Guild Wars 2 game, it was Lineage2 - another MMORPG game from NCSOFT company which owns GW2 franchise too), where Role-Players were addressing other trolls or even disruptive players as "mad-mumblers", literally incorporating troll's disruptive behavior into their Role-Play, and those RP-ers were even using this as another RP theme where their characters were discussing about an alchemist which they should help to invent a potion which would cure those trolls from their madness. It worked perfectly, when these trolls realized their disruptive behaviour was actually used against them, so they in fact HELPED these Role-Players to give them another theme for their RP-ing.


On a side note: I never Role-Played in the Guild Wars 2 game, because I know almost nothing about GW2 Lore. But I am somewhat curious about it. My main question is: Where I can find any PUBLIC Role-Play in GW2? I specifically wrote "public role-play", because I am a total newbie in GW2 RP (And with some rare exceptions generally a newbie in the whole aspect of Role-Playing). Dont expect much from me at start, I will probably just sit there along other RP-ers and just simply listen for a while (well, technically I will READ it in chat, but nevermind :D ). see what ppl are RP-ing about, how they speak, and then ... maybe .... can participate a little bit, Im not sure. I just want to see how typical RP in Guild Wars 2 looks. Btw, are there any training guilds for RP where experienced Mentors teach RP newbies how to role-play?

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> > Being able to block someone and remove their model and effects completely from your screen would be useful for way more than the RP crowd. Just make it an opt-in setting so people have a choice and bam, problem solved.


> So Opt in as if I dont want people to not be able to make me vanish I just dont opt in great and that solves it how?


No, opt-in as in if you like the system how it is, blocking people will only block their chat. The setting would be turned off by default, so nothing would change.


However, if you opt in to an expanded feature like the OP describes, it would block everything from that person. Just another setting in your panel, available to those who want it and out of the way for those who don't.

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I feel roleplayers who post vigorously in busy areas within emote range of non rpers are also in their own way harassing people. There are also troll writers who will intentionally make profoundly detailed NSFW emotes within range of people trying to use the bank. This has happened on more than one occasion. "why not just mute emotes" - some people don't know they can do this, some people might be in the middle of something, and sometimes muting it comes too late for the damage already done. "Why not just report them?" You can't right click on a name attached to an emote. You would have to screenshot or something.


I have a few proposals starting with make "report" and "block" feature more accessible .


Create emote/chat "deadzones" in busy areas so that only party, guild, squad and whisper work.


For roleplayers - you roleplay because you are using your imagination. If that's so why congregate in taverns and bars? There's an entire world out there! Find spots outside of the city or in the very least away from the bank and trading post and craft stations. There are numerous places undisturbed by mobs or people. That's a solution that will make trolling a lesser occurrence. Use instances. Use squad or party chat. If you use social media, post about when and where you will be roleplaying so you can invite people to your party or instance - and the moment someone is there to troll you can remove them. You can block them. You can report them if you find its the same guy coming back over and over.



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