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Raid requirements

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Hi, first sorry for my English, I hate this requirements and I want to know the statistics what thinks players because for new players very hard to play in raid and get li and kp, in lfg we saw only requirements with 250li and more kp and another which players sells raids and achiviements, you can say that I can go with trainings, but training requirements same with normal raid too , I buyed game not for this and still there are more problems which can not play in raids, this is looks like job not fun, why we cannot get li from world bosses or something another, and players with more li and kp uses this opportunity, pls write your opinion. With this progression I need about 2 or 3 years for legendary armor, in some cases I regret that I buyed game.

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- Find a training run.

- Find a guild which does raids and takes new players for practice runs.

- Join a raid training discord and join practice runs.


There is no point in adding LI or any other demanded item to open world bosses or any where else. The idea behind pinging is that you show that you have some sort of experience with the content. If you could acquire these items from else where without actually having experience, the demands would simply change.


The LFG groups which demands 250 LI or more are NOT for beginners. They are not training runs. They are not intended for players who have no experience with raids. Please go to groups which actively train and teach new players. I mentioned some ways how to find such groups. The easiest is probably to find a guild which raids and does training because you can both get to know new people, ask for advice and train in raids.

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If legendary insights dropped from world bosses they wouldn't be killproof - proof of killing a raid boss- and raid LFGs would just ask for something else exclusively obtained in raids anyway. If the group is asking for kp/li and you don't have that, you probably shouldn't enter it - those groups aren't looking to take 2 hours to teach you the mechanics of the boss so you don't wipe the group, they're looking to clear most of the wings in just as much time, and will likely kick you as soon as they see someone failing mechanics constantly/doing like 2k dps on a dps build.


I don't know what sort of training groups you've tried to find but i've certainly never heard of an actual training group that requires killproof (aka, you already know the boss mechanics) for a boss they're trying to teach you how to kill...? The only requirements for most training runs is having a build which does it's job sufficiently, aka your full soldiers bearbow LB ranger isn't going to provide enough dps to pass an encounter and nor is it providing boons/healing to keep everyone elses dps/health bar up too.


Also if raiding is your only end game, maybe take a look at the rest of the game. In lots of mmos raids are the end game content, but not this one...anet is more concerned about easy open world maps than instanced content.

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If a group are asking for Legendary Insights and Kill Proof - it is because they want someone experienced which will not cause a group wipe. Many groups will also require externally validated kill proofs such as via http://killproof.me .

There are training raid groups that will 'train' you and help you get some kill proof and legendary insights: https://www.snowcrows.com/raids/training/ -- check the link.


The statistics on how things players have, I would check via https://gw2efficiency.com/ - it a good % sample of the playerbase. Generally 1% of the player-base who has registered on efficiency has the 250 LI / LD .


The requirements for many is that you have a character properly geared, which you should be able to do and spend time getting this. I would advise having a 'DPS' class ready geared to start training and contact one of the groups or use the "looking for guild" section in the forums to find a group that will help you.


PVE Legendary armor is from Raids, PVP Legendary armor is from PVP, WvW Legendary armor is from WvW. There is very little benefit of having legendary armor above ascended armor. This is not WoW where a higher tier of armor gives you more damage or damage absorption. This is designed for players who have many hours in the game and can be obtained with dedication, time and some effort.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> The LFG groups which demands 250 LI or more are NOT for beginners.


I saw only this in lfg, the fact is that I play about 4 month and I have only 15 li, if we get statistics I know exactly more players will agree with me, in guild there are requirements too. The most common action is kicked from squad.



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> @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > The LFG groups which demands 250 LI or more are NOT for beginners.


> I saw only this in lfg, the fact is that I play about 4 month and I have only 15 li, if we get statistics I know exactly more players will agree with me, in guild there are requirements too. The most common action is kicked from squad.



Getting kicked is the correct action - you are not experienced enough to play in that group and will find it frustrating as you will not know whats going on.

If you kill all the bosses in W1-4, you will get 15 LI each week - In 16 weeks you will have your 250 LI.


Check out the 'training' guilds which have low requirements on the prior links and message I posted.

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> @"Lexi.1398" said:

> will likely kick you as soon as they see someone failing mechanics constantly/doing like 2k dps on a dps build.

It is no matter what dps you have they kick you with no chance, because requirements first that they need.I have 15li and know mecanics but they still compare with li not with trying.

> I don't know what sort of training groups you've tried to find but i've certainly never heard of an actual training group that requires killproof (aka, you already know the boss mechanics) for a boss they're trying to teach you how to kill...?

But facts say it is not that you think.




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> @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> > @"Lexi.1398" said:

> > will likely kick you as soon as they see someone failing mechanics constantly/doing like 2k dps on a dps build.

> It is no matter what dps you have they kick you with no chance, because requirements first that they need.I have 15li and know mecanics but they still compare with li not with trying.

Groups want success - individuals with more experience are more likely to be successful. If a person with high LI dies, performs badly - they will still be kicked. If you can show them video proof that you can do high DPS in groups and not fail mechanics, then it is more likely you may make it into a higher LI requirement group.


> > I don't know what sort of training groups you've tried to find but i've certainly never heard of an actual training group that requires killproof (aka, you already know the boss mechanics) for a boss they're trying to teach you how to kill...?

> But facts say it is not that you think.


You are defn. looking in the wrong places, see here:




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> @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> But facts say it is not that you think.


You have been given two different links to show you where training groups are that only have one requirement: a build that performs it's job.


I learnt every boss in the game (except one) in the span of a month or two (and it only took that long because i held back from even trying some of the scarier bosses - something which i did not need to do at all) using one of those discords.


So no, i don't "think" there are training groups that don't rquire killproof, i know they exist, i used one of them, and every guild i've been in that offers raid training has had the same standards. groups that require kp/li are NOT training groups, they are clearing groups.



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> @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> which players sells raids and achiviements

I don't buy raid. It useless in this game. Need only for some non social people who need make some achievements ASAP.


>you can say that I can go with trainings, but training requirements same with normal raid too

there is different requirements on training raids. Also try find another guild, or find on existing, some people do raids only with guild.


>I buyed game not for this and still there are more problems which can not play in raids

only 3% complete raids in guildwars2. Raids in not main content here. It is some part of content only.


>this is looks like job not fun, why we cannot get li from world bosses or something another

if this is will be done - no one be worried for li. You will be prevented share yours API key and raid use some tools to check how much and then raid was killed.

So you should be happy that you can just hold ctrl and spam. This is gift, but not something bad.


>With this progression I need about 2 or 3 years for legendary armor

2-3 years for leg set? You want be so fast? I play **7** years, and still not have any pve raid leg set. This is OK.



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> @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > The LFG groups which demands 250 LI or more are NOT for beginners.


> I saw only this in lfg, the fact is that I play about 4 month and I have only 15 li, if we get statistics I know exactly more players will agree with me, in guild there are requirements too. The most common action is kicked from squad.




Look, you can argue as much as you want. I've told you how to best approach getting into raids.


It doesn't matter how good you think you are. Chances are very high you are no where near as good as what players who ask for 250 LI want. As a matter of fact, there are a lot of players WITH 250 LI who are also terrible. The demand for LI is to pre sort BEFORE the run starts. It doesn't guarantee success. It doesn't guarantee you won't get kicked if you are bad. It simply allows initial access.


You are new to raids. You first concern should be to LEARN and get better at raids. You do so in training groups. The easiest and consistent access is via joining a guild that does regular training raids and/or joining a raid training discord. You can also join the occasional raid trainings in LFG, but those are few since most players who organize trainings want a small amount of control over the group to make sure the training is actually useful to new players.

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> @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > The LFG groups which demands 250 LI or more are NOT for beginners.


> I saw only this in lfg, the fact is that I play about 4 month and I have only 15 li, if we get statistics I know exactly more players will agree with me, in guild there are requirements too. The most common action is kicked from squad.




Post your own lfg

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> - Find a training run.

> - Find a guild which does raids and takes new players for practice runs.

> - Join a raid training discord and join practice runs.


Sick joke, this games raids are not mechanically hard enough to require this and it's flat out insulting to peoples intelligence to keep not only suggesting, but doing it.


WoW does not have training runs, you show up and play the game. Gate keeping is why this games in a downward spiral and has been for years.


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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > - Find a training run.

> > - Find a guild which does raids and takes new players for practice runs.

> > - Join a raid training discord and join practice runs.


> Sick joke, this games raids are not mechanically hard enough to require this and it's flat out insulting to peoples intelligence to keep not only suggesting, but doing it.


> WoW does not have training runs, you show up and play the game. Gate keeping is why this games in a downward spiral and has been for years.



I’m sorry that this doesn’t even hold true for GW2.

Took a low Killproof raider into Mursaat Overseer - they did fine, Samarog was a different story.

Their DPS on MO-28K, Samarog - 5K (Other DPS in group was >15K).


It was obvious they didn’t know the mechanics, Same build on that person, they were not allowed to continue to Cairne as we felt they might wipe the group and be doing too little DPS. We did explain to this person that we felt they were not ready for this group and explained why. They whispered me back they were new to raids.


The reason for training runs is for people to get better and understand the fight. Some people may just get it quickly others need to practice. Players want to run with likeminded level of ability, ethos and within their skill range and have fun.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > - Find a training run.

> > - Find a guild which does raids and takes new players for practice runs.

> > - Join a raid training discord and join practice runs.


> Sick joke, this games raids are not mechanically hard enough to require this and it's flat out insulting to peoples intelligence to keep not only suggesting, but doing it.


> WoW does not have training runs, you show up and play the game. Gate keeping is why this games in a downward spiral and has been for years.



WoW raids don't require the same things on their players as in GW2. It's also strange how you can comment about a game mode that you have little to no experience in. If raids are not mechanically hard enough, grab a squad of 10 new players and fight a raid boss; see how it turns out. There's also nothing preventing you, or others that dislike those requirements, from creating your own groups without them. It's very entitled to believe that others should be forced to group with you and train you.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > - Find a training run.

> > - Find a guild which does raids and takes new players for practice runs.

> > - Join a raid training discord and join practice runs.

> >

> Sick joke, this games raids are not mechanically hard enough to require this and it's flat out insulting to peoples intelligence to keep not only suggesting, but doing it.


> WoW does not have training runs, you show up and play the game. Gate keeping is why this games in a downward spiral and has been for years.



WoW raids require just as much training.


Unless you mean LFR, which is significantly easier.


Or you mean outgearing content until you are mechanically bad, but compensate with item level.


Feel free to follow your own advice please and let us know how that has worked out for you. Stop berating and lecturing others but set an example, or step aside. I'm tired of know it all sideliners questioning what has worked for years for players to get succesfully into raids. While at the same time not burning those players out.


I have raided in WoW (and not only LFR). I have raided here. The games are vastly different. As are the requirements put on players.


Do as Ayrilana suggested. Put on arcdps. Do some successful raids, with a group of 10 random inexperienced strangers. Load up the logs for everyone to see how successful you were. Done.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > - Find a training run.

> > - Find a guild which does raids and takes new players for practice runs.

> > - Join a raid training discord and join practice runs.


> Sick joke, this games raids are not mechanically hard enough to require this and it's flat out insulting to peoples intelligence to keep not only suggesting, but doing it.


Then find players like yourself and go finish the Raids what's stopping you?


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I recommend you do this. Create or find yourself a static team with set times that work for you. Even if its with players that are not familiar with the content. Then work at it. Don't go in with expectations of clearing anything just learning mechanics and the clears will come.


The group I run with started fairly fresh many did not know anything about any bosses and now 2 months later we are clearing wings with one pull on each boss. (not all the time but it happens). What you will find out is your team has a synergy to it everyone knows their job and how to do it well.


When you start running with other people experienced or not you have an added element of uncertainty because how they typically kill a boss may be a tad bit different than how you trained do it. What I feel the KP does is show not only knowledge but adaptability. The adaptability piece can save a group from a wipe and allow your group to recover.


So while KP can seem like people are being ridiculous but it is quiet the opposite. They are just trying to make sure no one in their group is wasting their time. I don't think that is a big ask. Because If someone was wasting your time you would have a problem with it too. If your like me you only have a limited time you can play and you want to make the most of it. Just find yourself the right group and you will be fine.


Stay positive and listen to what these fine people are suggesting and power ahead. You can do it!



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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > - Find a training run.

> > > - Find a guild which does raids and takes new players for practice runs.

> > > - Join a raid training discord and join practice runs.

> >

> > Sick joke, this games raids are not mechanically hard enough to require this and it's flat out insulting to peoples intelligence to keep not only suggesting, but doing it.


> Then find players like yourself and go finish the Raids what's stopping you?



There's a lot less leaders than followers.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > - Find a training run.

> > > > - Find a guild which does raids and takes new players for practice runs.

> > > > - Join a raid training discord and join practice runs.

> > >

> > > Sick joke, this games raids are not mechanically hard enough to require this and it's flat out insulting to peoples intelligence to keep not only suggesting, but doing it.

> >

> > Then find players like yourself and go finish the Raids what's stopping you?

> >


> There's a lot less leaders than followers.


Then become a leader.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > - Find a training run.

> > > > - Find a guild which does raids and takes new players for practice runs.

> > > > - Join a raid training discord and join practice runs.

> > >

> > > Sick joke, this games raids are not mechanically hard enough to require this and it's flat out insulting to peoples intelligence to keep not only suggesting, but doing it.

> >

> > Then find players like yourself and go finish the Raids what's stopping you?

> >


> There's a lot less leaders than followers.


But that is a very different problem now is it?


Given you were so fast to disapprove and disregard advice given, step up and put your money where your mouth is, or step aside.


Give advice based on something which has worked for you, not based on what you believe. That's how advice usually works.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > - Find a training run.

> > - Find a guild which does raids and takes new players for practice runs.

> > - Join a raid training discord and join practice runs.


> Sick joke, this games raids are not mechanically hard enough to require this and it's flat out insulting to peoples intelligence to keep not only suggesting, but doing it.


> WoW does not have training runs, you show up and play the game. Gate keeping is why this games in a downward spiral and has been for years.



You dont seem to realize how bad the average guild wars 2 player is. Sure the raids might be more involved in wow but you have way more tools to hand hold you through mechanics and it is much less likely you have situations where you gear your class incorrectly. In guild wars 2 you will get people who claim they're dps wearing healing power and toughness gear because they think they're "being versatile" , " I still have power on all of my gear therefore still dealing damage", and this mantra of "dead dps equals no dps" somehow justifies toughness and vitality. You may think its insulting to their intelligence. In reality it's an accurate assessment of the average players intelligence.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Sick joke, this games raids are not mechanically hard enough to require this and it's flat out insulting to peoples intelligence to keep not only suggesting, but doing it.


> WoW does not have training runs, you show up and play the game. Gate keeping is why this games in a downward spiral and has been for years.


"470+, link curve". The green isn't any greener over there. The scene is pretty much the same. Either get a static/guild, or suffer through pugging.

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I played FFXIV, you do the Raid Floor once and it's done, you don't need to link Killproofs at all to join any groups again. There are people who ask for parsers just to see your DPS in the Raid encounter but it's a minority and a very very small portion of the playerbase compared to what I see every day in GW2 LFG asking for LIs and an obscene amount of KPs for W5/W6/W7 (aka PoF Raids).


This is just asinine to recommend Raid Trainings again for people who already cleared the content once. What about those who gets unlucky and get less KPs than usual all the time? They gotta re-run the Wings 15 times to get in a "Normal" group? Just stop it people...


Granted it's definitely the game designers fault for such unbalanced combat and community behaviour as a whole who suffers from it in both sides. You can criticize other MMOs all you want but they do a far better job at educating players with builds, encounters etc... By just playing through the game. I really think raids should have never existed in this game, it was obviously not intended when they made the core game especially when you look at the skills and how they had changed them updates after updates.

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> @"Amineo.8951" said:

> I played FFXIV, you do the Raid Floor once and it's done, you don't need to link Killproofs at all to join any groups again. There are people who ask for parsers just to see your DPS in the Raid encounter but it's a minority and a very very small portion of the playerbase compared to what I see every day in GW2 LFG asking for LIs and an obscene amount of KPs for W5/W6/W7 (aka PoF Raids).



Raids are not the same in every game. In GW2, you have ten players and each of those players have varying degrees of personal responsibilities with knowing the mechanics and performing their given role. Failing to properly do this can potentially result in a raid wipe. It nonetheless also puts more burden on the other players if they have to pick up the slack of someone under-performing.


> This is just asinine to recommend Raid Trainings again for people who already cleared the content once. What about those who gets unlucky and get less KPs than usual all the time? They gotta re-run the Wings 15 times to get in a "Normal" group? Just stop it people...



Clearing a raid once does not necessarily mean that you know all of the mechanics and can actually execute them properly. There's a vast difference in skill, and resulting clear times, between those groups that have cleared a wing a couple of times versus those that have cleared them for years.


> Granted it's definitely the game designers fault for such unbalanced combat and community behaviour as a whole who suffers from it in both sides. You can criticize other MMOs all you want but they do a far better job at educating players with builds, encounters etc... By just playing through the game. I really think raids should have never existed in this game, it was obviously not intended when they made the core game especially when you look at the skills and how they had changed them updates after updates.


In a sense you are correct as Anet made the open world so mind-numbingly easy that anyone can succeed simply by spamming their auto-attack. This is one of the reasons why there is such a vast gap between the average GW2 player and the more seasoned GW2 player. "Seasoned" being those that do more of the content that requires personal skill.


I do believe that the majority of the blame rests on the players who choose not to adapt and learn but instead want content dumbed down for them. Every time we get something remotely challenging versus the typical spam auto attack to win, we get a thread with complaints. Notable examples being one in regards to the statue boss during LS2 and the shadow dragon boss also during LS2. There's also the one boss during the POF story instance where you're in limbo.

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