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*Spoilers* If you could change One moment in the entire story of GW2, what would it be? *Spoilers*


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For me, this would be a moment that leads to a poor explanation when an alternative exists.


Joko. Specifically his "undeath" that is transferred to Aurene.

The tool her mother used to allegedly cheat death is actually the Shield #4 skill on revenant: Crystal Hibernation.


It stands to reason that Glint could have given this knowledge to Aurene when they had their "private chat" while the Commander had to go another route.

I have many problems with just chalking it up to "Joko is undead, so now you're able to come back to life!"


In many other media where Liches exist, they typically have rituals and other contrivances to consider to afford them their undeath. Now, I do realize that GW2 might operate under other circumstances. Though, phylacteries exist (as trophy chests) and I have to wonder if there are any further implications or if it's simply a place where mechanics and lore diverge.


Going back to Crystal Hibernation for a moment, the skill blocks damage and heals over an interval. The GW1 is even more powerful: *Skill. (monster only) For 20 seconds, Gain +7 Health regeneration. Whenever you would take non-physical damage, gain an equal amount of Health instead.*


I would have much rather seen Aurene come out of a sort of Chrysalis/metamorphic process than simply "yep, I ate a very persistent dead guy."


Any takers?

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Are we talking what if scenarios? Because if so, there's only one true what if scenario:


What if Snaff and Zojja don't hire Eir Stegalkin?


Think about it. The _entire_ GW2 plot began with that one moment. What if the two asura found a different sculptor? Or decided to use a different material, or do a different project?


No "Dragonspawn's Destiny", ergo no Destiny's Edge -> no mentor for the future Pact Commander -> Possibly no Pact -> no dead Zhaitan + LA is now Risen City; if still Pact, they wouldn't have gotten involved -> Trahearne's replacement is different, as is the battle against Kralkatorrik

No Destiny's Edge -> Eir doesn't die in Heart of Maguuma -> No enchanted fire bow -> no cracked tooth -> No Braham getting drunk at a party and losing said bow to Bangar -> no charr civil war (or a very different one at least)

No Destiny's Edge -> Caithe succumbs to Nightmare (per A Light in the Darkness) -> no Caithe to steal the Egg -> possibly no Aurene?

No Destiny's Edge -> Rytlock wouldn't have felt betrayed by Logan leaving to let Snaff die -> thus no Rytlock going back to become Tribune -> no journey to the Mists in S2 -> no Balthazar -> Jormag and Primordus never sleep


Maybe some things would still happen, but the entire narrative would fundamentally alter.


If there's any "what if" scenario for GW2, that's the one that would change everything.


> @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

> For me, this would be a moment that leads to a poor explanation when an alternative exists.


> Joko. Specifically his "undeath" that is transferred to Aurene.

> The tool her mother used to allegedly cheat death is actually the Shield #4 skill on revenant: Crystal Hibernation.


> It stands to reason that Glint could have given this knowledge to Aurene when they had their "private chat" while the Commander had to go another route.

> I have many problems with just chalking it up to "Joko is undead, so now you're able to come back to life!"


> In many other media where Liches exist, they typically have rituals and other contrivances to consider to afford them their undeath. Now, I do realize that GW2 might operate under other circumstances. Though, phylacteries exist (as trophy chests) and I have to wonder if there are any further implications or if it's simply a place where mechanics and lore diverge.


> Going back to Crystal Hibernation for a moment, the skill blocks damage and heals over an interval. The GW1 is even more powerful: *Skill. (monster only) For 20 seconds, Gain +7 Health regeneration. Whenever you would take non-physical damage, gain an equal amount of Health instead.*


> I would have much rather seen Aurene come out of a sort of Chrysalis/metamorphic process than simply "yep, I ate a very persistent dead guy."


Oh, we're not talking what if scenarios. Just a rant about what is very much the weakest part of Season 4.


Yeah, Aurene taking that bit of magical quality doesn't quite make sense. But for an entirely different reason.


First off, Guild Wars is **_not_** "many other media". It was established in GW1 that liches do not have phylacteries because we do not need one to kill any number of liches - especially Vizier Khilbron - to kill them. Liches in GW are undead with their souls forcibly bound to their body. This results in the "effectively immortal" state, where the only way to kill them is to sever that binding - whether one does this by dissipating the soul (Fendi Nin), trapping the soul (Vizier Khilbron), or severing the magic itself (Palawa Joko). Or some other method.


The reason why it doesn't make sense Aurene has this ability is because Elder Dragons only showed the ability to use the domain of cosmic-level entities - specifically, other Elder Dragons and demigods. The Elder Dragons were **not** able to use any magic they consumed, and we know this because they have consumed a **_ton_** of different types of magic (literally everyone they corrupted, for starters); Zhaitan alone consumed magic from the six temples of the gods, so he should have had some form of god magic like Kralkatorrik did from basically day 1. And liches simply aren't beings on par to Elder Dragons and gods and former gods.


The _only_ way this makes sense is if the reason Aurene could use other magic she ate was because she had so little magic in comparison to Elder Dragons; this would mean she would lose her dues ex immortality.

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There are several things I would change. Aurene being able to resurrect thanks to Joko's magic is definitely one of them, also the entire existence of LS3 Ep6.


However, if I had to decide on one, it would still be Trahearne's death. I'd just cut out the nonsense about this backup seed and have the battle end when the battle ended. There was nothing at all in the story following HoT that made Trahearne's death necessary. Everything could have played out the same way. There's nothing Logan did as the Pact Marshal that could not have been done by Trahearne. He also would have been injured, of course, and his position would have had to change to a desk job. Even the Caladbolg quest could still have happened. We could have worked together with Trahearne instead of this newly invented character who pretended to have been there all the time. Would have made more sense, even. And since Trahearne wouldn't have needed a magic sword in the office, we could still have inherited it. No problem.


The mentors dying made sense, even Eir's death was important overall. But this one... pure "fan"service and completely unnecessary. And I'm still waiting for a memo to see if he made it through the Realm of the Lost.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> What if we never assaulted any dungeon? What if Gaheron, Kudu, Zhaithan, Huntsman of Jormag, Faolin... never met the pact or destiny edge?


Fun fact: Originally, ANet had plans to make your activities in dungeons affect the future plot, especially the final mission. Doing them or not would result in who of Destiny's Edge would show up or not show up.


Was unclear if this would have affected the other aspects of the dungeons, like the bosses, but it did affect Destiny's Edge.


This apparently didn't pan out, most likely because of the orientation of groups and no group leader. Without an "instance owner" in the team mechanics, how to determine which player to read for who shows up or not.

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> @"Fenella.2634" said:

> However, if I had to decide on one, it would still be Trahearne's death. I'd just cut out the nonsense about this backup seed and have the battle end when the battle ended. There was nothing at all in the story following HoT that made Trahearne's death necessary. Everything could have played out the same way. There's nothing Logan did as the Pact Marshal that could not have been done by Trahearne. He also would have been injured, of course, and his position would have had to change to a desk job. Even the Caladbolg quest could still have happened. We could have worked together with Trahearne instead of this newly invented character who pretended to have been there all the time. Would have made more sense, even. And since Trahearne wouldn't have needed a magic sword in the office, we could still have inherited it. No problem.


> The mentors dying made sense, even Eir's death was important overall. But this one... pure "fan"service and completely unnecessary. And I'm still waiting for a memo to see if he made it through the Realm of the Lost.


^ All this. In addition, HoT story seems... incomplete for me, we waste a lost of time going to Rata Novus but we don't know very much about the other tribes we meet during the story. The jungle still has a lot of mysteries for me, for example:

- the 4th path at DS

- what happens with all mordrem after Mordry's death

- where's Trahearne corpse (I refuse to assume he's dead until I see that)


Also, I'd go a bit further with the story around Malyck, Nightmare Court and every faction of each race. We have little information about all of them apart from the dungeons, they're wasted potential. I loved Side Stories because of that and it's a shame that they didn't continue them.


The sudden change of Smodur's personality at the new chapter


The Commander's mental health after all the things he/she has gone through must have been afected after all.


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for me, the biggest "what the kitten" moment is saying that Jormag went back to sleep because of using Ormadd's machine to send Primordius back to sleep, hundreds of miles away. Elder dragons are not the crimson twins from the 80s Gi Joe cartoon. (Tomax and Xamot) if you punched Tomax, Xamot would feel it and fall down as if you punched Xamot instead. it's a comedy act that has no place in GW2's main villains. it would be okay as an easter egg with NPC twins in the open world, but not for elder dragons.


a better explanation is that Jormag sensed that Primordius was defeated, so intentionally FAKED EVERYONE OUT by making us THINK she went back to sleep, when she actually just tactically retreated to continue corrupting new minions. If everyone thinks she's asleep, they let their guard down, allowing her much more freedom to influence and corrupt bigger heroes. Our heroes should be smart enough to figure this out instead of saying that an assault on Primordius defeated Jormag hundreds of miles away.

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> @"Forgotten Legend.9281" said:

> for me, the biggest "what the kitten" moment is saying that Jormag went back to sleep because of using Ormadd's machine to send Primordius back to sleep, hundreds of miles away. Elder dragons are not the crimson twins from the 80s Gi Joe cartoon. (Tomax and Xamot) if you punched Tomax, Xamot would feel it and fall down as if you punched Xamot instead. it's a comedy act that has no place in GW2's main villains. it would be okay as an easter egg with NPC twins in the open world, but not for elder dragons.


If you pay attention during the instance, you can see Taimi's Machine taking red magic out of Primordus and shooting it out of the volcano, then it sucks in a blue beam of energy from out of the volcano and shoots it at Primordus.


This is an exchange of Primordus' and Jormag's energies via Taimi's Machine. You're right that they are not the crimson twins or somehow linked where one gets injured so does the other. However, Taimi's Machine was *affecting them both* and this was not just shown but outright stated several times.


Heck, in the story instance, you even collect orbs called [Primordus Energy](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Primordus_Energy) and [Jormag Energy](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jormag_Energy) and shooting Temur and Tegan with such. There's even a bonus achievement to collect more Primordus Energy and Jormag Energy after the machine explodes.


The explanation is sound.

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The things I would change off the top of my head are

1) Scarlet Briar would survive the Breachmaker battle, and would become and asset in the battle against Mordremoth, and later an ally of Dragon's Watch

2) Trahearne would survive and stay Pact Marshall

3) Malyck would make an appearance in HoT

4) The 4th path in DS would be in

5) Aurene would A)never had died or b) died and stayed dead.

I'm sure there is more I would change, just can't think of them right now.

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The primary thing I'd change, would be Trahearne not becoming Pact Marshal. Instead, another character is written and developed that can take the position, allowing Trahearne to be better developed as he doesn't have to be "The Pact Marshal" and can have more focus on him developing his skills beyond his book learnin's.


I.e. He accompanies the PC throughout missions to learn about combat, while providing us with key information about Orr and Zhaitan's minions.


With the culmination being that after we cleanse the source of Orr together, where it's us assisting Trahearne in his Wyld Hunt, we then face down Zhaitan together, where it's Trahearne assisting us in our "Wyld Hunt" (Not some BS stand around shooting a cannon while everyone else gorms out being utterly useless) - Using what he learned as he accompanied us as well as Caladbolg which he was given for a reason.


The knock on effect this would have, is it would set Trahearne up for a much less horrible iteration in the original PS, which could then continue on into LW2 where he is more involved (Due to having finished his Wyld Hunt, he would have the freedom to follow other pursuits) and then wouldn't necessarily need to be killed off in HoT due to being portrayed horribly in prior stories...



The secondary thing I'd change, would be Eir's death. As trading one of the few well written characters and fewer still Norn characters for the awful character that is Braham is not a good trade (Meanwhile, we still have Logan and Zojja alive and well even if Zojja doesn't really particpate in much at all despite being so concerned about Taimi upon her rescue... Oh and Rytlock Trombone gets to be a main character so it's not really that it was about dismantling Destiny's Edge)


Even if Eir didn't become part of Dragon's Watch like Rytlock, having her around and continuing her character development would have been far better than the crap which is Emo Braham being emo and awful. In fact, if Braham died in her stead, it would have perfectly continued her development, what with only having recently come to terms with the guilt over Snaff's death, being faced with the death of her son that she again only recently started to bond with would have been a turning point where she'd have to try and deal with that guilt too (It'd also make more sense for her to go off trying to earn some glory by trying to take down Jormag on her own - She missed out on raising her son because she went to create her legend, so reverting back to that to deal with his death would be natural. More so than Braham mourning the death of his mother he only recently stopped resenting, _barely,_ and then going full on crazy as if his very reason to live was taken away while being super mad at the PC...)


Incidentally, Braham's death would have also created reason to develop Rox's character more. As she'd be greiving too. Maybe she'd try and get into a Warband (Potentially some sketchy one), possibly even get tempted by the Flame Legion to which we could end up going to help save her from such decisions and help her deal with her grief.


All this could have then put more focus onto the development of Dragon's Watch and the characters within, as opposed to the development of Dragon's Babysitting and a bunch of stuff about Humans and their stupid useless gods that apparently don't give a crap about them.

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> @"Taril.8619" said:

> The primary thing I'd change, would be Trahearne not becoming Pact Marshal. Instead, another character is written and developed that can take the position, allowing Trahearne to be better developed as he doesn't have to be "The Pact Marshal" and can have more focus on him developing his skills beyond his book learnin's.


> I.e. He accompanies the PC throughout missions to learn about combat, while providing us with key information about Orr and Zhaitan's minions.


> With the culmination being that after we cleanse the source of Orr together, where it's us assisting Trahearne in his Wyld Hunt, we then face down Zhaitan together, where it's Trahearne assisting us in our "Wyld Hunt" (Not some BS stand around shooting a cannon while everyone else gorms out being utterly useless) - Using what he learned as he accompanied us as well as Caladbolg which he was given for a reason.


> The knock on effect this would have, is it would set Trahearne up for a much less horrible iteration in the original PS, which could then continue on into LW2 where he is more involved (Due to having finished his Wyld Hunt, he would have the freedom to follow other pursuits) and then wouldn't necessarily need to be killed off in HoT due to being portrayed horribly in prior stories...



> The secondary thing I'd change, would be Eir's death. As trading one of the few well written characters and fewer still Norn characters for the awful character that is Braham is not a good trade (Meanwhile, we still have Logan and Zojja alive and well even if Zojja doesn't really particpate in much at all despite being so concerned about Taimi upon her rescue... Oh and Rytlock Trombone gets to be a main character so it's not really that it was about dismantling Destiny's Edge)


> Even if Eir didn't become part of Dragon's Watch like Rytlock, having her around and continuing her character development would have been far better than the kitten which is Emo Braham being emo and awful. In fact, if Braham died in her stead, it would have perfectly continued her development, what with only having recently come to terms with the guilt over Snaff's death, being faced with the death of her son that she again only recently started to bond with would have been a turning point where she'd have to try and deal with that guilt too (It'd also make more sense for her to go off trying to earn some glory by trying to take down Jormag on her own - She missed out on raising her son because she went to create her legend, so reverting back to that to deal with his death would be natural. More so than Braham mourning the death of his mother he only recently stopped resenting, _barely,_ and then going full on crazy as if his very reason to live was taken away while being super mad at the PC...)


> Incidentally, Braham's death would have also created reason to develop Rox's character more. As she'd be greiving too. Maybe she'd try and get into a Warband (Potentially some sketchy one), possibly even get tempted by the Flame Legion to which we could end up going to help save her from such decisions and help her deal with her grief.


> All this could have then put more focus onto the development of Dragon's Watch and the characters within, as opposed to the development of Dragon's Babysitting and a bunch of stuff about Humans and their stupid useless gods that apparently don't give a kitten about them.


Those are very interesting plot twists for both :open_mouth: Never thought about Trahearne not being the pact marshal and Braham's death. And I like it!

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Forgotten Legend.9281" said:

> > for me, the biggest "what the kitten" moment is saying that Jormag went back to sleep because of using Ormadd's machine to send Primordius back to sleep, hundreds of miles away. Elder dragons are not the crimson twins from the 80s Gi Joe cartoon. (Tomax and Xamot) if you punched Tomax, Xamot would feel it and fall down as if you punched Xamot instead. it's a comedy act that has no place in GW2's main villains. it would be okay as an easter egg with NPC twins in the open world, but not for elder dragons.


> If you pay attention during the instance, you can see Taimi's Machine taking red magic out of Primordus and shooting it out of the volcano, then it sucks in a blue beam of energy from out of the volcano and shoots it at Primordus.


> This is an exchange of Primordus' and Jormag's energies via Taimi's Machine. You're right that they are not the crimson twins or somehow linked where one gets injured so does the other. However, Taimi's Machine was *affecting them both* and this was not just shown but outright stated several times.


> Heck, in the story instance, you even collect orbs called [Primordus Energy](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Primordus_Energy) and [Jormag Energy](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jormag_Energy) and shooting Temur and Tegan with such. There's even a bonus achievement to collect more Primordus Energy and Jormag Energy after the machine explodes.


> The explanation is sound.


my problem has to do with the distance separating the 2 dragons. one machine, right next to one dragon in Canada, and somehow affects another dragon in Mexico without any time delay? it would have been more believable to have another machine ((secretly developed by a certain Zojja)) in the Northern SHiverpeaks that tied into the ley lines to enable the energy transfer, than for me to accept that a little tiny machine is capable of focusing a laser beam on a moving dragon hundreds of miles away. it's a laser beam... those go in straight lines and lose strength the further they travel. laser beams don't fly like whimsical birds.


if Jormag was resting on top of the volcano, i would have believed it. but she wasn't. she was across the sea, on the other side of the mountains, in another country.


the explanation ignores the rules of energy and magic that have been established in the game: there still needs to be a certain proximity for it to work. When Vizier Khibron caused the cataclysm, he was in Orr. and Orr sank... not Cantha. when Zhaitan awoke under Arah in Orr, Orr rose from the sea, not Elona. when Krakattorrik flew south to attack Glint, the brand formed where Kralkatorrik flew through Ascalon and the Crystal Desert, not in Kryta. The dragons' magic is localized around the dragon. Mordremoth was stronger than Zhaitan, so had a longer range for his magic, which is why he could attack Forts in Kryta and the Southern Shiverpeaks. there's no evidence of Jormag's magic's influence outside the Shiverpeaks, much less in the Fire Islands. We even had a side story where we followed Primordius' energy signature before he settle under Draconis mons, and we still had to be within proximity to track it properly. Even the laser on the Glory of Tyria had a limited range when fighting Zhaitan. the lasers used against Jormag's Claw and Tequatl were located at the locations of the battles, also... not on the other side of the mountains. but Omadd's modified machine could absorb a dragon's magic from outside the dragon's magical range? and could harm her? i don't buy it.


the in-game explanation might appease you within the realms of "suspension of disbelief", but i don't accept it., and i never will. even if it is just another early plot point that wasn't fully fleshed out. trouble is, it totally broke the immersion for me.


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Kinda surprised no one has said "Logan stayed to fight Kraalkatorik" as one of the big "what if" moments. Would Queen Jennah have survived? Would Glint? What then of Aurene and Vlast? How would that have affected the current balance of power with the dragons?

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> @"Taril.8619" said:

> The primary thing I'd change, would be Trahearne not becoming Pact Marshal. Instead, another character is written and developed that can take the position, allowing Trahearne to be better developed as he doesn't have to be "The Pact Marshal" and can have more focus on him developing his skills beyond his book learnin's.


I don't see how there's really any difference in terms of the story narrative or the reason why people dislike Trahearne becoming Pact Marshal. The reason why Trahearne is "a bad character" to most would be the fact Trahearne appears out of nowhere for most (aka non-sylvari) players. A different character doing the same thing would just redirect the hate and make Trahearne's role weird in regards to being partnered with the PC after the mentor's deaths.


> @"Forgotten Legend.9281" said:

> my problem has to do with the distance separating the 2 dragons. one machine, right next to one dragon in Canada, and somehow affects another dragon in Mexico without any time delay? it would have been more believable to have another machine ((secretly developed by a certain Zojja)) in the Northern SHiverpeaks that tied into the ley lines to enable the energy transfer, than for me to accept that a little tiny machine is capable of focusing a laser beam on a moving dragon hundreds of miles away. it's a laser beam... those go in straight lines and lose strength the further they travel. laser beams don't fly like whimsical birds.


> if Jormag was resting on top of the volcano, i would have believed it. but she wasn't. she was across the sea, on the other side of the mountains, in another country.


> [...]


> the in-game explanation might appease you within the realms of "suspension of disbelief", but i don't accept it., and i never will. even if it is just another early plot point that wasn't fully fleshed out. trouble is, it totally broke the immersion for me.


The idea was that Taimi's Machine wasn't using physical space, but was manipulating the energy via The All. Metaphysical mechanics of the world won't have the same issues or situations as the physical space. To quote Taimi:


> Taimi: Ah. Okay, it runs off the heart of Omadd's Machine.

> Taimi: That, combined with my spectrum research, aided by my assistant, Spencer...

> Taimi: Will let me manipulate the Eternal Alchemy to smash Primordus and Jormag's unique signatures together.

> Taimi: Thus, cancelling them out. I.E. dragons go (death sound).


Well, like other asura, she calls The All "Eternal Alchemy" (which isn't entirely accurate given the EA is the study of interworkings of the multiverse, while The All is the interworkings of the world - Eternal Alchemy is technically a much, much larger scale than The All). But that third line is the important bit - it isn't just "drain energy from dragon A, physically expose it to dragon B, work in reverse, rinse, repeat". Technically speaking, it didn't matter _where_ the machine was, because it wasn't about physical location but about The All.

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Victory or Death:

Zojja: Stand aside. I have this.

Second Mate Kajunk: Excuse me? This is a mist-cooled tripartate thautmatium energy weapon.

Zojja: Uh-huh. With a lead tracer array set for draconic energy. Who do you think designed it?

Zojja: I know how to handle this. I won't break it. Much.


Second Mate Kajunk: Well it appears you have mistakenly inverted the transetheric capacitor. It's a common mistake among those not in the know. Let me fix it fo-

Zojja: No! You addle-brained fool! Don't to--


Zojja: You idiot. Now our cannons wont work against the Elder Dragon.

Rytlock: Suits me just fine, I came for a fight anyways.

Logan: Here it comes around again! Everyone to the front of the airship and let's end this with a real fight!

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Taril.8619" said:

> > The primary thing I'd change, would be Trahearne not becoming Pact Marshal. Instead, another character is written and developed that can take the position, allowing Trahearne to be better developed as he doesn't have to be "The Pact Marshal" and can have more focus on him developing his skills beyond his book learnin's.


> I don't see how there's really any difference in terms of the story narrative or the reason why people dislike Trahearne becoming Pact Marshal. The reason why Trahearne is "a bad character" to most would be the fact Trahearne appears out of nowhere for most (aka non-sylvari) players. A different character doing the same thing would just redirect the hate and make Trahearne's role weird in regards to being partnered with the PC after the mentor's deaths.


1) Since the "Pact Marshal" role is mostly insignificant in the grand scheme of things, it lets this new person get to be boring and just do the military decision making.


While also taking some of the focus off of the PS suddenly revolving around Trahearne, as he could be on par with the PC in terms of development rather than having to take much more focus because he has to become the Pact Marshal and do his Wyld Hunt.


Trahearne had a lot more potential development beyond "Is Pact Marshal". He is one of the 12 Firstborn Sylvari. He was granted the legendary Caladbolg. He spent most of his life studying Orr. All of this could have been expanded on as he got combat experience from following you through Orr. But instead, his entire character ended up being boiled down to "Pact Marshal" where he inexplicably gains the respect and experience needed to lead a military force through Orr.


This is further reinforced when after the PS his only appearances are to show up and be all "Hello, I am Pact Marshal" - During the Silverwastes content that's pretty much the extent of his character (He tells you to light the beacon at one point too! Wow, much development!) as well as the couple of times he pops up during the meeting of the city leaders where you go talk to him just so he can say he's representing the Pact by being there.


In HoT he doesn't show up at all until you put a sword through his face...


2) Trahearne appearing out of nowhere is only part of the reason why he's disliked. The other part is how the **Personal** Story shifts over to Trahearne which is exacerbated by their need to write him becoming Pact Marshal along with detailing his Wyld Hunt which is the reason that he even shows up in the first place (I.e. He was at Claw Island because he knew an attack was imminent based on his research into Orr and Zhaitan)


Without him becoming Pact Marshal, there would be much less need to focus so much onto him because they'd only need to flesh out the details of his Wyld Hunt and the rest of the time they could develop more of the PC's side of things, with Trahearne assisting the PC in finding a way to defeat Zhaitan.


3) Why would Trahearne's role become weird if he was partnered with the PC but not Pact Marshal? His presence is **more easily** justified if he's not the Pact Marshal. Since from a military standpoint, sending the number 1 and 2 of your entire military organization (The Pact Marshal and the Commander) into the same battle is so incredibly dumb it's unreal (This includes that time where they both go onto an airship with 1 other person, then fly out into the middle of the ocean to run experiments on the Eye of Zhaitan...)


Meanwhile, Trahearne would be a huge asset working with the Pact due to his knowledge of Orr and Zhaitan, so being an advisor to the Pact Marshal would make a lot of sense. Then, because he has no formal combat experience, partnering him up with the PC who's made it that far by being really good at smashing things would also make a lot of sense, so the PC can protect him while he offers his insight into the land and the minions being faced.

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I would retcon Scarlet Briar to never have been a self insert mary sue turned into a cackling evil cosplay of Harley Quinn for the purpose of the story of the LWS1.

She would never graduated from all three asuran colleges, never learned mechanics from a Charr, never learned smithing from a Norn.

She would be one of the sylvaris that the Inquest captured to use in their experiment, and that would have awakened her link to Mordremoth.

She would happen to be quite gifted at manipulating other people and align their interests to her plans, with some charisma to convince others to follow her.

She would make others do all the work for her while helping them indirectly using that same charisma and manipulation as long as they work for her.

She would not be cackling, nor would she looks insane, but serious and passionated.

She would never monologue in front of us directly without any barrier or protection to keep us from reaching to her.

She would never dismiss our actions as not having any bad consequences for us.

During the Battle for Lion's Arch, in the Breachmaker, after getting a fatal blow. Scarlet would express gratitude, that she secretly hoped we would kill her. She would tell us she's sorry, exposing her as a tragic villain, dying while giving us the name of Mordremoth.


I would retcon Balthazar last fight to have him get hit by one of Kralkatorrik's attack before we get to fight him 1 on 1.


I would retcon Auren death. She would not die, but be injured. Her injures would be so heavy, she would turn into a seemingly dead crystallized statue, absorbing ambiant volatile magic to slowly recover, the link with Caithe broken as she absorbs the magic back. Foreshadowing how Kralkatorrik encase himself in crystal in Dragonfall.


I would change the shape of Dragonfall to not be a rectangle.


I would change the rebuilt Lion's Arch to not be a concrete seafood platter. I would rather see it as a mix'n match of all the races rebuilding some parts of the city.

The Black Lion Trading Company would be a little charr metal fort because of Evon Gnashblade, with a giant cog harrow at the entrance.

The bank would be made of asuran themed geometrically cut stone with little golem clerks and bigger golem guards.

The crafting station would be in a norn styled wood covered place. The vaults would be fashioned like a norn lodge.

Fort Marriner would be repaired and top with charr styled cannons.

The grand plazza would be made with a glass covering similar to Divinity's Reach lower promenade.

The port and the aerodrome would be fashioned in wattle and daub, with some cranes, crates, and wooden piers.

Luminous plants would be used as street lights, and the Deverol gardens would host sylvari grown houses.

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I would have let the end of the first battle with Krakaltoric as It ends in a star that guide us.


Try to play War Eternal without waiting for the episode, an the effect it is like... Nope, It was a joke, Chewacca was in other spaceship.


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