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How many LS chapters does Icebrood have?


How long will they release the next LS chapter from previous LS chapter?


How long will they release the new expansion from last LS chapter?


Please back up with experience, past data or idea.

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I doubt anyone here knows these thing or that ANet will just answer your question.


We don't know how many chapters this season will have, what the cadence will be or how much time there will be between the end of this season and the release of the xpac.

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Short answer: We don't know. There isn't a strict pattern to GW2 releases, so it's not possible for players to say for sure when any particular release will come out, but we can make some educated guesses based on what's happened previously.


This page lists all the releases in order, with dates: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Release You can also see the story episodes in the Story Journal in-game, but I don't think that gives release dates.


Season 1 is an anomaly because they hadn't actually established the idea of seasons at the time, the idea was to just have a continous stream of tempoarily available updates one after the other with an overarching story connecting them together, so it was much longer than later seasons and there was no distinction made between festivals and story episodes. Season 2 had 8 episodes, Season 3 and 4 both had 6, but all 3 seasons were interspaced with other types of releases like festivals, feature packs, raids and WvW/PvP updates. The longest gap between releases was 4 months (between season 2 and Heart of Thorns) and the shortest was 2 weeks. During Icebrood Saga releases have been roughly 1 month apart.


So we can speculate that Icebrood Saga will have at least 6 episodes, with releases 1 month apart. But it could be longer or shorter, and it's not yet clear whether that includes story releases which aren't marked as a numbered episode like the prologue and Visions of the Past (No Quarter is specifically called Episode 3, in spite of being the 5th release since Icebrood Saga started). We also don't know how many additional releases there will be. We know there's 6 festivals each year (Dragon Bash is next, in June, then the Festival of the Four Winds in August, Halloween in October, Wintersday in December, Lunar New Year in February and Super Adventure Box in April) but there could also be feature packs, WvW/PvP focused updates like February's release and other things released in between.


If you're looking to take a break until the next release the best approach is to keep an eye on the news page on the main site, or make sure you're signed up for the newsletter (which you do through the account page, also on the main site) so you know when something new is coming.

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I'm going to guess 2 more. We'll need something to steer us towards the direction of Cantha, like how following Balthazar put us in the Crystal Desert.


Maybe we'll kill Jormag causing Bangar to be all like "I WANT DRAGON!" Then he rushes into the ocean near Cantha, starts drowning, and then the sea dragon eats him. Then the Canthans could be all like "Help us! This sea dragon has been keeping us trapped here this whole time!" Cue Cantha expansion.

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it can be like this: aprox 2 year till expansion. LS part will be aprox each 3< per year. So 4-5 parts more. After c19 relise speed should be slower.

Ofc if we will not have more big world changes, no more pandemic, USa will be stay in same place, and etc.

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We may not get Story Episodes one after the other, much like Fire and Steel was different and not a Story Episode. It could be quite some time before Living World Season 5 (The Icebrood Saga) concludes.


Andrew Gray:


_After episode four, again I'm going to be somewhat vague here, but we want to revisit some of the types of content we pioneered in the past. We learned a lot with Living World Season One and one thing it did very well was to bring the community into the story, and make their actions drive the plot forward. The Nightmare Tower, the election between Evon Gnashblade and Ellen Kiel – these things are memorable experiences because the community's combined efforts had an impact on the world. As you may have noticed, we've been testing tech with things like the boss rush event, that we hope to leverage later on in The Icebrood Saga to create a unique, community experience. But, learning lessons from Season 1, the bulk of this content will be built in a way that it is still playable after the Icebrood Saga comes to a close._

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> @"Roche.7491" said:

> I see. So Estimated time will be 2-4 months gap per LS chapter and 1-2 years per expansion.


Yes, although based on this season it's likely to be closer to 2 months, with other releases in between.


If you want to make sure you get all the episodes for free during their release period it's best to log in at least once a month. If you want to make it as easy as possible pick a date and set a reminder in your phone or another electronic calendar to log in on that day each month. If you want to make sure you only log in when there's something new it's best to check the website periodically for info.

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