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Apparently I really suck at pvp, should I keep at it?


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Look I'm fine in any pve stuff, fractals, even wvw I do pretty good. But since trying pvp I just get demolished over and over using multiple builds and tactics. I feel like I'm a liability to any team I get put on. I keep hearing there is a steep learning curve but damn I hate letting a team down. Any tips or pointers, or should I just hang up my pvp hat and stick to what I'm better at doing?

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Use youtube videos like this :

Subscribe to @Vallun , he has many useful guides for new players


1- Always have at least 3 stunbreaks on your build if you just start , 2 stunbreak + invulnerability utility would be ideal

2-Use amulets with toughness and have at least 1500 toughness at all time when starting in pvp

3- Condi clear is essential, the more the better in good measure

4- Don't play hero..never do that, jumping into a 1vs3 to "ress" an ally will most times than not leave your team -2 players once you die too

5- Stick to 2-3 professions no matters what, no matter the balance and no matter what others say

6- practice-practice and practice some more : 1v1 all other classes, read GW2 wiki , all to learn skill/utilities animations.


Good luck and ignore the trolls/haters

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Test out, ask players of enemy side or team side if you do some or maybe even major mistakes


Some small tips:


-Try to stay alive!!

-enemy's do spawn after their death, do not take a risky far if you know there could respawn 3 people directly in your face (forest)

-look at the minimap

-change your hot keys, 6-0 are hard to reach, on some keyboards even 5 and the f skills

-ask when someone flames about you, when he gives no real respond, ignore his rage and keep going on

-try to not take fights that you lost already 2-3 times, like 1 enemy is holding close and you try to get close and die everytime (you could use this time to help your team)

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When I first started in PVP a few months ago, I was told the following, and can confirm all of it: 1. PvP in MMOs always have a high learning curve. it's frustrating at first. Power through and learn as you go. 2. Don't keep swapping specs and professions in the beginning. Work on getting better with one. Pick a fun-looking class with a little survivability and learn the fuck out of that class. Take a month or two with 80+% of your pvp time on that class. You'll learn a TON faster. 3: You're not good enough to give a shit about the meta. Hell, I'm still not. For help picking a class, see previous comment. 4: There will be some absolute pricks out there sometimes. You're not playing so THEY can have fun. Don't let the jerks get to you. Most of the people in your bracket are gonna be pretty chill. Ignore the others.


Hope this helps. Helped me.

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> @"corwin.8356" said:

> Look I'm fine in any pve stuff, fractals, even wvw I do pretty good. But since trying pvp I just get demolished over and over using multiple builds and tactics. I feel like I'm a liability to any team I get put on. I keep hearing there is a steep learning curve but kitten I hate letting a team down. Any tips or pointers, or should I just hang up my pvp hat and stick to what I'm better at doing?


Stick to the class you are most familiar with in PvE.

Keybind most if not all your skills.

This is conquest. Fight on points.

Try not to solo.

Check a website for recommended builds. They are not a “bible” but give you some context.



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Play standard spellbreaker with demolishers amulet and double cleansing sigils and side node if you want to get good at PvP in the easiest way. Your main goal is to survive at all costs. Second goal is to hold the node, third is to kill your opponent. Simple

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Don't give up! PVP can always benefit from new players.

In addition to everything posted above, i'd suggest joining a PVP guild. There are a ton of them who are very open to taking new players and teaching them the ropes. There will be people of all different classes and experience levels (low-high) whom you can talk to and train with to improve. They also have scrimmage matches and duels so you can practice your skills without feeling judgement.

If you want a practice buddy you can msg me in game: Jelle.7856


**On more individual things to practice on in order of importance:**


**1. Master your class:** You should know your class and more specifically your build inside and out. Know all of your traits and how they work together with your weapons and abilities (ex: What stun breaks do I have, what cooldowns, how tanky am I, CC, finishers, condi clears, heals, boons, burst, etc.) Once you know these, you can better understand the strengths and limitations of your class and what to do in different scenarios. Outside of the basics, **the most important thing I think you should know is, what your win condition is. What are the moves I use to kill my opponent and how can I abuse it as much as possible.** The biggest problem I see with less experienced players is they mindlessly try and dmg you while losing track of cooldowns. You end up having no pressure in a fight and will be out sustained and punished. To practice this, I'd suggest working through duels, and also making sure your keybinds are in good places (High frequency keys near your hand, lower freq keys further out).


**2. Learn skills and tells of other classes:** The next level would be learning the skills and tells of other classes. You don't necessarily need to know the exact names and numbers of each skills, but learn the animation tells, and have a sense of what they do to you (ex. if i see this animation I know big dmg or cc is coming etc.). Once you have a sense of the abilities of other classes, you can start to figure out how your class/play-style fits into theirs. You will be better able to control the pace of a fight and then punish them when you see openings. At the end of the day, you are both trying to avoid each other's win conditions and abuse your own. The best way to practice this is just dueling as many classes as you can. If you find a nice guy (or a fellow guildmate) you can ask them directly what their class tells are and how to avoid them or beat them etc.


**3. Learn map mechanics and rotations:** At this level, you should be pretty comfortable fighting different classes. The next level in improvement would be learning the different maps and learning the proper rotations for the maps.

* Learning Maps: You should understand the basic mechanics of a map (Optimal routes to nodes, are their extra points/buffs available, map timers etc.). After that, you should learn the terrain of a map (where can I teleport to, where can I not, where can I kite to etc.)

* Learn Rotations: This is probably the hardest thing to do and it changes based on your team comp, what map you're in, and what the score is at any given time. Vallun definitely explains it better:


After you have a grasp on these, you'll see a big improvement in your overall fighting potential and ability to carry games if necessary.


Best of luck!


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Few things that helped me...


1) Get keybinds sorted! Make sure you have suitable keybinds and certain settings enabled. I recommend looking up Noody's keybind video on YouTube but have a play with the settings and see what works for you.

2) Pick a build/role and learn it! Watch streamers who play the build and watch various YouTube videos covering the role, see where they position themselves and how they use skills.

3) This is a big one, **NEVER FIGHT OUTNUMBERED**. This alone will help you win games. The amount of times I see a player walking into a 1v4 and getting absolutely obliterated is insane. It is always better to stay alive!

4) Use your minimap and kill feed! This will tell you what is happening and where. It might save you a journey onto far for a +1 if you see your sidenoder has won their fight meaning you can have a bigger impact somewhere else instead of running over there for no reason.

5) Rotations - This links in with points 3 and 4... You must always think, where can you have the biggest impact and go for that.

6) Learn how to kite! Top tier players are fantastic to watch at this, learning cool jumping spots around maps where you cannot be hit can really elevate your gameplay. There are loads of videos on YouTube covering this.


Hope this helps and glad to see someone wanting to improve! :)

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> @"corwin.8356" said:

> Look I'm fine in any pve stuff, fractals, even wvw I do pretty good. But since trying pvp I just get demolished over and over using multiple builds and tactics. I feel like I'm a liability to any team I get put on. I keep hearing there is a steep learning curve but kitten I hate letting a team down. Any tips or pointers, or should I just hang up my pvp hat and stick to what I'm better at doing?


Keep at it. getting demolished repeatedly is part of the learning curve. Don't give up. PvP is probably the hardest content this game has to offer, closely followed by raids.

Jump into the FFA arena in between your matches and fight there so you can associate classes with animations and know what to avoid.

During conquest season, make sure before you queue you know what the secondary objectives of the map are, and how they can change the game.


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