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A Legendary Acquisition

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As we all know the Legendary Armory is somewhere in the distant future which got me thinking. This will allow us to use every legendary piece we have any place we want. Why not have a way to gain all Legendary Items in any place we want? Before you go off the deep end on me I am not talking about the skins/animations obtained from different game modes. I want to leave everything as it is but add to it.




I would like to have all legendary items obtainable via each game mode. From PvE, Fractals, Raids, PvP, and WvW. I am not talking fancy skins or Auras just basic looking items that allow you to change stats. I was envisioning each items skin being as basic as a [Mithril Sword](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mithril_Sword_(skin)) but have the ability to change stats.




The items would require the same amount of work as the other Legendary Items as far as time and materials go. So there would be no huge benefit from doing it one way or the other. The only catch would be if you wanted the "Shiny Legendary" you would need to go the proper routs to gain it otherwise you would be stuck with the plain Jane stat swapping legendary. That you would skin over as soon as you got it.




I believe this would help everyone out. People have their preferred game modes, and with this method would allow people to play their way. Sure Anet can keep adding Shinnies to different game modes to try and attract people to a specific area of the game but it wouldn't be a necessity necessarily.




Just some background on me I have gained at least one Legendary Item in every game mode but PvP. I like PvP I'm just not great at it. But I am not bias or trying to alienate any game mode for my own agenda. I just think it would be a big draw if people could work on a Legendary item they would like in the game mode they prefer. It would give people a long term goal and maybe keep them playing for longer.




Have All basic skinned non aura Legendary Items made available to all areas of the game. If you want the "Shinny Legendary" you still need to go to the appointed game mode to obtain it. All Legendary items will take the same time & resources as their counterparts just without the effects.



I am not trying to start a debate on what the Legendary Components would be for each item in each area of the game. But start a fundamental conversation on if this would be a good addition to the game? Would you enjoy having this available to you? Do you think it would help with player retention? Would it keep you playing or bring you back to the game?


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This is a good point. Having gotten wvw lege armor set myself, and working toward a second set eventually as well as pvp third, I find that I really dislike the grind because I’m not the greatest at those modes, but I put up with it. I even gave up doing warbringer and switched to ad because I really enjoy fractals a whole lot more than wvw. Fractals even has reward system with fractal relics and pristines similar to currency in those other game modes. They could easily allow more legendaries in fractals such as armor, rings, etc. They already have fractal ascended armor you could easily make as the precursor, etc. I almost have full trinkets now, and my question now is do I make a second slumbering conflux, or try for coalescense? I have only done raids a couple of times, so I have a lot to learn there before I can make this ring.

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It would be kind of ok I guess. The hard part would be I guess to estimate how much work in one mode equals the same amount of work in another and what qualifies as work in a given mode?

Just a few examples:

- PvE Map completion is a rather fixed thing, you go to all the points, interact with all the vistas, do all the hearts and get all the skill points. What would be an equivalent amount of work for let's say fractals?

- The Gift of Battle rquires you spend some time active in a WvW map to fill a reward track. However activity can mean very different things here, some players are active in a way that they actually partake in WvW activities such as zerging, roaming, capturing spots and killing enemy players. But it is also possible to basically kill a few NPCs every 5 min or so to keep participation high and the reward track ticking. Both ways lead to the GoB eventually yet are vastly different kinds of activity. Now what would be an equal amount of "work" in open world PvE?

- Getting Legendary Armor from raids requires actually killing bosses. There are achievemtns and collections that both require you to meet certain criteria when killing raid bosses and some open world busy work. What would be an equal amuont of work for PvP?

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That sounds like the "bare legendary" or whatever you want to call it that got mentioned as maybe a possibility at one point and then never heard from again.


I am mostly fine with legendary acquisition as it is ... I just have some special hate for skirmish tickets. Those are the worst among all the possible things required to make any legendary item. Fortunately they can also be skipped.

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I think the acquisition requirement is low. Legendary should be the hardest & longest to obtain. It should also be the summary of the game which include pve,pvp,wvw,raid,fract,worldboss,strike,map,crafting,puzzles,masteries,challenges,etc in the acquisition.


While ascended, exotic, rare and the rest can be obtained through any game mode you like as you suggested.

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