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Remove Sniff and finish downed players from Warclaw


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I like sniff. I don't know how many blobs or zergs have been victims to our standing behind walls doors and surprised by our push when they about to enter. Stealth wasn't even used yet.


It helps you. It also helps the group about to push. All it does not do is reveal stealth.


It also allows pugs to run back to the commander.


Besides you can still kill the tail of pugs if your fast. Give some effort.

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Remove downstate, remove Warclaw finisher *but* add proper Resurrection (not "Revival") skills so a coordinated group can still bring their allies back and keep fights going instead of the current Waypoint hell.


Removing those things without stronger rezz tools would be the end of long fights.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> Remove downstate, remove Warclaw finisher *but* add proper Resurrection (not "Revival") skills so a coordinated group can still bring their allies back and keep fights going instead of the current Waypoint hell.


> Removing those things without stronger rezz tools would be the end of long fights.


That's asking for team pirate ships where everyone is a fb rev scourge and weaver and pew pew unblock rangers

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:


> That's an interesting perspective, since from what I usually see, it is the larger group that has the people to spare to ride into a fight and stomp those in downed state. And since the Warclaw has 9k health and is CC immune, a warclaw mounted player going for the stomp, as you say "is basically a tactic with no thought, no counter and extremely little risk in 99% of situations".




I rarely see a larger group bothering to mount stomp when just spamming aoe at the down is going to finish them AND people trying to rez. I see even and outnumbered groups use it far more. It's a huge advantage versus a coordinated meta boon shitting blob if you just have randoms to fight them with and can get someone mount stomping though. In my opinion, it's one of the few things introduced since HoT that doesn't always favour the blob and that's a good thing to me.

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if anything, warclaw is underpowered... would we really remove what u suggest, it should be removed fully instead, bc it would be completely useless then.


the watchtower complaint is cute and it gets annoying if u're in a small group, but considering the lack of useful tactics i'm clearly against nerfs here.

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Why would Sniff need to be removed...? Right now its only real purpose is helping solo players check around corners to avoid huge zergs that will otherwise run them over. Personally, I wish it was buffed a bit. I think it'd be cool if you could also sniff out WvW traps or even do a short reveal on players or something. Either way, Sniff is fine. The stomp on engage is something I have been against since the beginning. It should be clear that ANet didn't really think about how it would effect the game considering they slapped that good ol' 10 person stomp on it at first. I would like it to be lowered to, at most, a single target stomp.Still, its just another part of WvW I have to deal with and take into effect. But honestly they're not removing them so this whole post of mine serves no purpose other than to complain lol.

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Perspective from someone who played WvW after release then quitted and now plays again:

The Idea of having a Mount or maybe in the future more Mounts is not bad, it is just badly executed.


A mount should not be a tool for damage, finishing, dismounting other players. It should be to travel faster from point A to point B, which is totally legit and fine.

On the other side it should also not be something to run away with, so my take would be: after 3 hit's you get dismounted, without the obnoxious CC effect of being knock downed, otherwise it should always have a decent Movement Speed, and it shouldnt require you too put any skill points into it to have some extra stuff.


Right now the mount seems to be a excuse from ArenaNet to not balance wvw more carefully, cause it seems kinda mandatory to finish people off with mounts cause otherwise its a Rally! fest.


Maybe a bit off-topic but gliding should also be either removed or reworked, it seems extremly one-sided if you only allowed to use the glide function if you own the area.

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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> if anything, warclaw is underpowered... would we really remove what u suggest, it should be removed fully instead, bc it would be completely useless then.


See as long as the warclaw is 54% faster than walking or 16% faster than swiftness it will never be useless. You could nerf it so that It had no evades and one hp and **everyone** would still use it because it would still be the quickest way to traverse the map.


So yea warclaw is under powered compared to what exactly? Maybe shortbow thief can move faster? But shortbow thief has to use cooldowns. The mount give you 54% speed boost for free with an 8k shield and two free evades that also act as speed boosts.


The mount has been and remains overpowered. Its much better with the nerfs, but its still a feature that 100% of the player base that has access to it uses.

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Mount stomping is a stupid mechanic that rewards you massively just by arriving too late. Other than that, I am okay with sniff even though it kind of ruins laying a trap for enemy. Meaning stomping servers stomp harder. Currently Sniff is not problem for combat system itself because pretty much everyone just blasts stealth to engage, but it could become a problem once stealth duration gets it deserved nerfs, as it would allow groups to evade fighting completely.


Warclaw wouldn't be that strong if defender didn't have massive advantage already, but it pretty much guarantees defender can get inside tower before attacker by giving extra evades, extra healthbar while allowing to ignore immob and CC. It basically means defender needs no static scouts or proper "getting-in-tower" build adaptations to pull invuln fortifications and man the siege inside.


But yea, remove mount stomping. Other than that warclaw is kind of okayish as it will still be overpowered tool in skilled hands but wont cater to people who don't have the experience/imagination to use everything else it provides for advantage.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well guess OP got some of their wish.. no more Warclaw stomp.

They even reduced the number of targets from 3 to 1.


Well guess that makes Warclaw little more than a glorified perma swiftness buff now.. At this point Anet you might as well start giving it PvE utilities like other mounts because it's practically useless in WvW now.

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lmfao just look at this. more than 50% voted for "keep it alike", 10% are here for popcorn, 33% say "ye remove, me thief/pew pew pepe and wont fastar loots" ... logical conclusion: "we better not question our pepega balance nerfs due to this;


120ish voters isn't that few considering the playerbase, that's two solid size blobs or three moderate zergs.

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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> lmfao just look at this. more than 50% voted for "keep it alike", 10% are here for popcorn, 33% say "ye remove, me thief/pew pew pepe and wont fastar loots" ... logical conclusion: "we better not question our pepega balance nerfs due to this;


> 120ish voters isn't that few considering the playerbase, that's two solid size blobs or three moderate zergs.


It doesn't matter which option gets the most votes. All these years, ANet's Nerf Team NEVER listen to players. If the change is what you wanted, you are just lucky that the team wanted that change too, not that they listened to you.

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