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Another request to make engineer turrets reflect your RACE.

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Most of them are already in game. I only picked gw2 concept arts to illustrate norn ones and human ones.

In order: Rifle turret, Rocket Turret, Flamethrower Turret, Thumper Turret, Net Turret.





























Healing turret appearances: use thumper turret appearance. Instead of hitting ground it pumps toward the sky and release healing chemicals.

Changes compared to normal mechanics: Sylvari net turret release a paralyzing pollen instead of net, Asuran one emit a shock-wave in the direction of target to immobilize it.


And of course, ability to keeps showing the default skins, or to see the new ones.


Btw, I'm okay for those 4 skins "packs" to be available to all if having them tied to a race is an issue.

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As someone who mains a Sylvari engineer: NO, PLEASE, NO!!!!


I love mechanical thematics, I want to keep my turrets as mechanical devices and don't want these flowers and plants instead.

I agree that turrets in general could use a rework, even visually. The concept art for turrets has been amazing, the turrets we actually got are really plain and boring. For example, we could get that gatling turret from the Drizzlewood Coast as our rifle turret.


But don't make Sylvari turrets plants.

Having them as purchasable packs could work, but there is still the point about "clarity". I think turrets should look the same for every class.

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> How much would you pay for this?


That's a good question. Frankly, if they start doing that, they can do skins packs for engie turrets, skin packs for necro minions, skin packs for your ele elementals, skin packs for you warrior banners, packs for guardian spirit weapons skins, packs for ranger pets skins or even skin packs for your revenant legends... But should they?


Should have been a free thing with possibility of course to toggle it off to show default skins. How much would I pay for it? 200-400 gems, to me 200-400 gems the pack. But frankly, at 100 gems, it could sell like bread, for 100 gems, I pick an engie one, a revenant one and a necro one. (Again, only if it really has to be monetized, should have been here for free since launch) But will end at 500-800 gems anyway ^^

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Honestly, that was one reason why I liked Shamans in WoW was because of the race differences between the totems. I'd actually enjoy having that reflected in engineers for this game. Though I think maybe instead of a change by race, maybe have it be something cosmetic like the gathering supplies. That way people can choose what they want.


And then that brings an interesting prospect, since most would gnash their teeth at more cash shop items, that the best way to implement would be some type of class quests no? I mean Eclipse, Favor of the Colossus and Scion's Claw were fan skins added into the game. It'd be interesting if they added another design contest for turrets/gyros, along with contests for other professions to add cosmetic changes to your toon in this way. Only have the NPC offer the achievement for it if they are that profession, have it be something not as long as doing a legendary but has them traveling around (sort of like the way the skyscale collection was done) as to at least make it something not a hop, skip and a jump done.


The coding and implementing it in game side of it would of course take the longest part but interspersing it with the design contests would probably help move things along in terms of designing and seeing what people actually want. IDK, I for one really want more choices (STOP WITH THE BUTT CAPES) but also know that time and cost wise, it might not be feasible in a 'corporate' setting.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Humans done now. Sorry. I was planning to add humans, just had to find inspiration and the best ones to use and to make the sheet to upload here.


Cool, there's no real downsides to this then in my opinion it just depends if the devs want to give it any attention.


Also I guess I have to say I'm sorry since I've been informed by a mod that I tried to derail your post here, somehow.

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It would be nice if many things in the game were more refelctive of your characters race.

Lich form is another prime example to be honest as well as several other transform skills and things like minions etc.


But i dont think anet has time to go back and do that kind of polish now. Thats generally something you decided to do at the start of a games development or in big updates like xpacks not just randomly so i dont see them doing it to be honest.


but still it would be nice if they did do it i just dont think its likely at this point.

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> @"Xenash.1245" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > Humans done now. Sorry. I was planning to add humans, just had to find inspiration and the best ones to use and to make the sheet to upload here.


> Cool, there's no real downsides to this then in my opinion it just depends if the devs want to give it any attention.


No worries :) we will see if it catches attention.

My guess is that is a thong that had chance to be included at launch, but now...

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If you invest money into skill animations, how will you feel if Anet either nerf your skill or make it irelivant? What if they waste time on irelivant skills? Gods forbid if they begin balancing around popular skills to sell more skins.


Bad idea.


If Anet did impliment this, I think it would be cool to use the gear of another race - like a Sylvari who learned Engineering with Humans.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> If you invest money into skill animations, how will you feel if Anet either nerf your skill or make it irelivant? What if they waste time on irelivant skills? Gods forbid if they begin balancing around popular skills to sell more skins.


> Bad idea.


1- **turrets are already nerfed to me, would it prevents me to buy a sylvari or asuran turrets skin packs? Nope.** I already bought mount skins for mounts I don't use. It's about fashion and appearance.


2-Here I'm speaking about Turrets. If you want to extend, would be the characteristics skills of each class: Minions, elementals, traps, pets, spirit weapons, legends, banners, clones. But **I'm only speaking of turrets here**. Definitely not all skills.


3-Why would they? **Even if the skills are bad, you will find someone using them because** not everyone is using top build on earth, **some play what they want.** Again, nobody force you to buy skins, stay with the default ones if you want. And on the contrary; having skins for core professions skills can push players to re use those skills, which some are forgotten. And that idea is another thing that can bring them money on a short or long term.

I don't even speak about how those skins can attract players to try out a class.


You melt Balance in a thread that isn't about balance but about appearance, stop derailing.

Will answer you with a thing said a lot above: "More cosmetics options are good".


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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> If you invest money into skill animations, how will you feel if Anet either nerf your skill or make it irelivant? What if they waste time on irelivant skills? Gods forbid if they begin balancing around popular skills to sell more skins.


> Bad idea.


> If Anet did impliment this, I think it would be cool to use the gear of another race - like a Sylvari who learned Engineering with Humans.


i never ever use the beetle but i have two skins for them, does that mean this practice should be removed too?

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