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Remove Hearts from Map Completion

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Tukaram.8256" said:

> > If you get to remove hearts from map completion, then I get to remove jumping puzzles from map completion.

> Just pointing out that jumping puzzles are not required for map completion. They are optional content.


To clarify, some Vistas are trivial jumping challenges in themself. But, no JPs are required for map completion.

Masteries are not required for map completion.

(because I heard it asked in map chat) WvW is also no longer required for map completion.


Hearts should stay as they are since they provide challenges that develop skills players need for end-game activities.

Time-consuming quests ( with rewards ) are part of the RPG genre. They always have been part.

"Hey boss, you'll pay me 40 hours if I only work 25 hours .. m'kay?"


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The only things you really get from Map Completion are:

1. A little icon on your character nameplate

2. 2x Gifts of Exploration

3. A chance to get a couple of Black Lion Keys


If this is about wanting the Gift of Exploration with less busywork, well, I have some bad news for you about what the rest of the Legendary Grind is going to be like.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"keenedge.9675" said:

> > no JPs are required for map completion.


> You are aware that Vizier's Tower is a Jumping Puzzle, right?

> There probably are more Jumping puzzles that contain Vistas or POIs.




Yeah, and the Wall Breach Blitz is a jumping puzzle to the west of the Breached Wall in Diessa Plateau. It has a hero challenge, and I think a vista blocked by the jumping puzzle. It is definitely required for map completion.


It was the first jumping puzzle I ran into in the game, and I immediately hated jumping puzzles ha ha. Luckily there are not too many in GW2 and most are pretty optional. I have always hated games that rely on jumps.

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> @"Tukaram.8256" said:

> Yeah, and the Wall Breach Blitz is a jumping puzzle to the west of the Breached Wall in Diessa Plateau. It has a hero challenge, and I think a vista blocked by the jumping puzzle. It is definitely required for map completion.


> It was the first jumping puzzle I ran into in the game, and I immediately hated jumping puzzles ha ha. Luckily there are not too many in GW2 and most are pretty optional. I have always hated games that rely on jumps.


if you have access to a springer that specific JP is done in 1 jump anyways (plus the jump to the vista ...) as it lacks a proper no mount zone because it is poorly placed in a far too crowded and important area for a JP.

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> @"Zaoda.1653" said:

> Yeah honestly the heart completion things are just tedious. Some are quite quick to do, whilst others are painstakingly long. I also think there should be an option to pay a large gold fee (say, 100g?) to unlock all the waypoints on a character, only IF you've ALREADY completed world map completion on 1 character. That way if you want other alts to get around the world, you just pay 100g and all the waypoints are unlocked for that character.


I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, but there is a gemstore item that does this.

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> @"RedCobra.7693" said:

> I think a lot more people would like hearts if they actually gave better rewards.


Nope, I don't care about the rewards, personally. They can give as much reward as they want, and I would still 100% hate Hearts. They're a boring Quest system that Guild Wars 2 should have never implemented. Instead, they should have focused more on events and event chains with actually good stories/lore to tell, they do have events like that, but not enough of them.


They should remove Hearts as part of map completion and have events replace them, that's how I really feel, to be honest.

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> @"blade eyes.2034" said:

> > @"RedCobra.7693" said:

> > I think a lot more people would like hearts if they actually gave better rewards.


> Nope, I don't care about the rewards, personally. They can give as much reward as they want, and I would still 100% hate Hearts. They're a boring Quest system that Guild Wars 2 should have never implemented. Instead, they should have focused more on events and event chains with actually good stories/lore to tell, they do have events like that, but not enough of them.


> They should remove Hearts as part of map completion and have events replace them, that's how I really feel, to be honest.


well to be honest i didnt say everyone :P You should want map completion not to be tied behind and event chain, map completion is unique in that you can do it in your own time at your own pace. some of the hearts are quite a pain since they aren't clear in what you have to do or just dont complete as fast as others (looking at you wayfarer foothills where you have to go in the frozen cave for barrells lol)


rewards not being good enough was something complained about by quite a lot of players at release myself included.


Hearts on release were a major breakthrough for mmos since it removed backtracking however i understand where you're coming from with the lore perspective, ive long since thought having a map specific story chain of quests would be more interesting. theres things going on in the map that you dont connect with because youre too busy completing hearts/vistas.

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removing the hearts from the map completion sounds nice and appealing, because everyone loves to get stuff with less effort, but in reality its kinda bad idea. technically it could be made work without causing lot of damage for pretty much everything from economy to leveling and content pacing, but it would require some major rework and rebalancing for many mechanics of the game. at that point it would be easier to just make guild wars 3.

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> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> I don't necessarily think that hearts should be removed from the requirement, but bsome hearts could really use a bit of adjustment, some take way too long.


Agree. the heart NPC can be miles away from where you're meant to be to complete it, the last thing you need when you just want to 'get on with it'.

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> @"Mutisija.5017" said:

> removing the hearts from the map completion sounds nice and appealing, because everyone loves to get stuff with less effort, but in reality its kinda bad idea.


Nope, not everyone wants Hearts to be removed because it'll make things take less effort, but because they're boring and don't add anything to the world. Whereas events, some of them are really interesting, like the witch and charr cups in Diessa Plateau. Some events even unlock secret places with ancient ruins that you can't access otherwise. That is interesting content, unlike Heart Quests which is like kill 10 of this and collect 15 of that. ArenaNet was onto something with their event system, it's shame they didn't pursue it harder.


P.S. even tho the HoT map design wasn't the best, especially Tangled Depths. There is a reason why HoT still feels more alive than PoF, because PoF had those boring Heart Quests returned, even worse than ever before because this time they reset daily = boring as hell. Whereas HoT was and still interesting because of its events and meta which keeps those maps alive even after PoF released. PoF on the other hand, after a few months of its release, felt truly like an empty desert, players hardly go back to it after they finished with their stuff.

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This would be a slap in the face of everyone who has completed all maps so yes some are pretty annoying but it's part of the title, no point in removing it now. If you do not like doing the hearts then that is up to you to choose to not do them and the World Explorer title should mean nothing to you.


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> @"Keitaro.9061" said:

> Title says it all.

> Honestly, this is the most mundane task in this game. Completing some of the dumbest mini quests over and over with different skins rehashed. On top of that, some of them are an absolute pain to complete. They should only be used for additional experience while grinding a character or to unlock the vendor instead of being a requirement to complete a map.

> I get it, its supposed to be a grind, but 303 terrible things to do, does not help when its already a grind.

> Alternate solution:

> Drastically increase the completion/experience gained from the list of stupid stuff to do to make it less of a grind.


> Just my two cents.. I cant bring myself to put the time into map completion on another character. It drains the life outta me.


I think Renown Hearts are fine, but boy do they have problems:


* Repeatable hearts shouldn't be a thing. It's just wrong and defies the point of map completion in the first place.

* Hearts need some decent story background. The random excuses we get are terrible, hearts are supposed to replace classic quests, but they provide zero lore in 99% of the cases. Give them proper storytelling, even if it's just text dialogue from the NPC.

* Dynamic Event completion should be the main driving force for Renown Heart progress, not dumb activities here and there. Make sure future hearts have enough events going on around them, and that they give proper credit. Adventures can be part of heart progress as well.

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> @"Lonami.2987" said:

> * Repeatable hearts shouldn't be a thing. It's just wrong and defies the point of map completion in the first place.

I can agree with this point. The worst part is, we can't even exclude repeatable things from the content finder tool, making it annoying to find the (hypothetical) last POI, when a map takes multiple days to complete.


> * Hearts need some decent story background. The random excuses we get are terrible, hearts are supposed to replace classic quests, but they provide zero lore in 99% of the cases.

What's the problem? Many classic quests do not have much lore background either.

For example, the farm and apple garden in Queensdale are literal equivalents to the very first Orc quest in WoW.

That quest's _lore_ is nothing more than "You are a soldier of the Horde now. Go fetch six pieces of boar meat."


> * Dynamic Event completion should be the main driving force for Renown Heart progress, not dumb activities here and there. Make sure future hearts have enough events going on around them, and that they give proper credit. Adventures can be part of heart progress as well.

The best point about hearts is that you can do most of them in you own time, **independent from event timers.**

Events are their own separate thing from hearts and it should mostly stay that way.


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Hearts are a large part of exploration, and while some may find it annoying and others may find it fun, I believe in the value of doing everything at least once, if only to try it out.


I vote keep the hearts, but make it so you only need to do map completion once to get the gift of exploration, then afterwards you can purchase copies of it for like 30 gold or whatever, and subsequent map completions on other characters rewards something like 100 gold or 3 more copies of gift of exploration, so people who like doing it still have an incentive.

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