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Veteran PvP community in GW2 is truly pathetic


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I don't dip much time into GW2, but I always liked to PvP more than anything. I'm a huge casual but I'm still decent at the game and try to get better when I'm actually playing it (which isn't very often). I'm not super skilled but I can hit plat rather easily by q'ing metabattle builds and tweaking them a bit. I think its every time I place plat this game starts to just completely 180 on me from fun to garbage.



Playing only 2 weeks I already know way more drama than I wish I did, have seen Anet partnered players act in ways that really baffle me, played with permanent dishonored players trolling on their alts, etc.



I think it's really damn sad that Anet has let this stuff slide for so long, and even still allows these players buy links in their twitch accounts. I've never played a game where the veteran pvp community was so incredibly toxic and cultish to outsiders, and where the publisher seemed to genuinely condone it. Anet will ban people for saying mean words on the forum - but when the high-level PvP players that they use to advertise their dead game treat the community like trash; they just throw their hands up and pretend they can't do anything about it.



There's no bigger reason PvP is dead right now than this. Who would want to step into this environment? I don't even have to call names because this community is so cultish that if you PvP enough you already know the people I'm talking about. This includes a certain recent meltdown that I'm sure you're all aware of. That person is so delusional they're probably creaming just at the thought of being mentioned.



I couldn't imagine having the desire to learn this game when the "top players" behave this way. I've genuinely never seen anything like this before, and yes I'm aware of how tense competition can become; I'm sorry though because that just isn't an excuse for this shit. Where is all of this arrogance coming from? Because the truth is this game has NEVER had true competition. Being top 50 out of maybe 600 real players isn't special.

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> @"LCL.6259" said:

> I don't dip much time into GW2, but I always liked to PvP more than anything. I'm a huge casual but I'm still decent at the game and try to get better when I'm actually playing it (which isn't very often). I'm not super skilled but I can hit plat rather easily by q'ing metabattle builds and tweaking them a bit. I think its every time I place plat this game starts to just completely 180 on me from fun to garbage.



> Playing only 2 weeks I already know way more drama than I wish I did, have seen Anet partnered players act in ways that really baffle me, played with permanent dishonored players trolling on their alts, etc.



> I think it's really kitten sad that Anet has let this stuff slide for so long, and even still allows these players buy links in their twitch accounts. I've never played a game where the veteran pvp community was so incredibly toxic and cultish to outsiders, and where the publisher seemed to genuinely condone it. Anet will ban people for saying mean words on the forum - but when the high-level PvP players that they use to advertise their dead game treat the community like trash; they just throw their hands up and pretend they can't do anything about it.



> There's no bigger reason PvP is dead right now than this. Who would want to step into this environment? I don't even have to call names because this community is so cultish that if you PvP enough you already know the people I'm talking about. This includes a certain recent meltdown that I'm sure you're all aware of. That person is so delusional they're probably creaming just at the thought of being mentioned.



> I couldn't imagine having the desire to learn this game when the "top players" behave this way. I've genuinely never seen anything like this before, and yes I'm aware of how tense competition can become; I'm sorry though because that just isn't an excuse for this kitten. Where is all of this arrogance coming from? Because the truth is this game has NEVER had true competition. Being top 50 out of maybe 600 real players isn't special.


MightyTeapots MOTA tournament probably showed quite the disparity between how competitive the NA environment is compared to EU. Team USA, which Naru and Nos are both a part of, got summarily flattened with no wins against Rank 55 Dragons (EU team).


Its situations like that which really cement why I have been saying that the NA PvP scene is nowhere near the **tiniest** bit competitive and the leaderboard means **nothing**, mAT means **nothing**; because while EU does suffer from **some** of the same issues as NA, potential wintrading and toxic behavior, it seems to be so much more of a detriment to the competitive environment on NA and how NA's "top" players tend to conduct themselves. In fact wintrading itself seems to be a much more common thing on NA, along with these players simply off hours queuing so they sit in the top spots on NA because they *know* how shallow the pool of players is.


To be fair, maybe they aren't doing it on purpose...but it isn't like they have, to my knowledge, made any sort of push to try, as content creators for GW2 (as some of them are streamers and make youtube videos) as well as being more notable members of said PvP community because of their position. Thats why I have to actually give credit to Vallun and Noody for their more recent (more consistent rather in Vallun's case) efforts to try and foster a more positive approach and support structure as GW2 content creators. Especially Noody at this point, considering it wasn't very many months ago where the man was still creating nonsense "drama" with "Exposed [name]" videos. I'm glad he has stopped that and has more recently been highlighting WvW Roamers and videos they post.


The status quo has needed to change for a while but both ANet and the NA community don't seem to want to do anything about it. There is just this odd acceptance and it has hurt the competitiveness that NA could achieve by blunting any opportunity for it to grow.

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Veteran gw2 PvP people have seen horrible things. They have fought celestial meta. They have seen traits tree getting destroyed. They have fought HoT bunker meta with fights long enough that only ecstazy could save them from falling asleep. They have fought PvP seasons with queue times sometimes exceeding 1 hour. They have fought with no-LoS one shot builds. They have seen the 'winning ennemies dancing on your corpses animation' getting introduced. They have fought against wintraders. They have fought alongside people understanding the game barely enough to whisper you "fIgHT oN NOdE" before blocking you. They have fought in a total new meta where CCs were so abundant they could just watch their character die. They have fought in a new meta where any noob having a pet as profession utility or a lich as elite could just auto-attack you to death.


These people are in love of the game, but the game is not sending their love back. The game was cruel and gave them just enough attention to bring them hope.

You can only feel compassion for these people, toxicity is the least impactful byproduct of being a gw2 PvP veteran.


A moment of silence for our fellow PvP veterans. May PvE raid bosses finally bring them the peace they all deserve.

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Tell you who step in this environment;


* People who can ignore the fact that most of the competitive ranked environment is meaningless given all the manipulation and poor sport going.

* Same for ATs, there is little team or organized players. It's always a quick pug and at the top you have the people who always hang out together.

* Those whom really love the gameplay.

* Players that can persevere and explore all their options against the so called non existing meta currently.

* Take a passion for dueling rather than going into a game and calling it a day.

* (This is my favorite.) Master all the aspects of their profession in a non NPC fueled environment.


I'm a mechanical player, I love having an uniform environment with options that are equally given to all players but in different approaches. I come from games that have options given as a playstyle rather than being given 10 different variants. GW2 fills all my needs in that regard, even if I don't play PvE a lot. I find myself pretty satisfied anytime I do step out of the sPvP FFA to do some PvE because I was rewarded with the content for it.

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hey man, celestial meta was one of the best metas ever where using skills with brain and counting dodges actually made a difference. they only ruined that with the stupid pre hot patch.


i'll tell you something, back then basically everyone hated each other and egos where so big that nobody would ever admit that somebody else other than their team members had skill. most veteran players probably still think that way. and now where player quality is really at its lowest it's really frustrating.


how many times a day do you think some random gold/plat player says dumb stuff to me just because my name's not rom or helseth? it's even more frustrating for players that played in and won tournaments but don't get recognized anymore.


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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> Its situations like that which really cement why I have been saying that the NA PvP scene is nowhere near the **tiniest** bit competitive and the leaderboard means **nothing**, mAT means **nothing**; because while EU does suffer from **some** of the same issues as NA, potential wintrading and toxic behavior, it seems to be so much more of a detriment to the competitive environment on NA and how NA's "top" players tend to conduct themselves.

While I agree with some of what you said there is nothing "potential" about Sindrener's toxicity and past match manipulation. Both were very well documented.

You can make whatever comparisons you like between the cultures, but he plays on EU and is no less a representative of toxic behavior than Grimjack is.... probably moreso after the whole "match manipulation is wrong unless it's me getting a chak egg sac" fiasco.

>In fact wintrading itself seems to be a much more common thing on NA, along with these players simply off hours queuing so they sit in the top spots on NA because they *know* how shallow the pool of players is.

What funny about this complaint about off hours queuing is that Wooden Potatoes described doing exactly this to maintain a winrate on many streams when he was no-lifing PvP.

You know... a British guy...playing on EU.

To me there isn't a damn thing wrong with off hours queuing but to hold NA up as accountable when the biggest streamer for the game (at the time) was very casually explaining this less than a year ago is pretty hypocritical don't you think?

>Thats why I have to actually give credit to Vallun and Noody for their more recent (more consistent rather in Vallun's case) efforts to try and foster a more positive approach and support structure as GW2 content creators. Especially Noody at this point, considering it wasn't very many months ago where the man was still creating nonsense "drama" with "Exposed [name]" videos. I'm glad he has stopped that and has more recently been highlighting WvW Roamers and videos they post.

Vallun deserves a lot of credit, I wholeheartedly agree, but with Noody there is a not so fine line between "Exposing" Fastcar for the memes (which is in fact entertaining) and "Exposing" Shorts in a personal dispute (which is not).

I miss Noody's Exposing Trash Talkers videos. I thought they were great content.


This whole "The Toxicity comes mainly from NA" is mainly a meme and more a function of the various language barriers on EU where the trash talkers aren't even relatively sure the audience for their toxic drivel even speaks the same language. Unlike NA where it's much more certain that the person on the other end speaks English.

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> @"aelska.4609" said:

> Veteran gw2 PvP people have seen horrible things. They have fought celestial meta. They have seen traits tree getting destroyed. They have fought HoT bunker meta with fights long enough that only ecstazy could save them from falling asleep. They have fought PvP seasons with queue times sometimes exceeding 1 hour. They have fought with no-LoS one shot builds. They have seen the 'winning ennemies dancing on your corpses animation' getting introduced. They have fought against wintraders. They have fought alongside people understanding the game barely enough to whisper you "fIgHT oN NOdE" before blocking you. They have fought in a total new meta where CCs were so abundant they could just watch their character die. They have fought in a new meta where any noob having a pet as profession utility or a lich as elite could just auto-attack you to death.


> These people are in love of the game, but the game is not sending their love back. The game was cruel and gave them just enough attention to bring them hope.

> You can only feel compassion for these people, toxicity is the least impactful byproduct of being a gw2 PvP veteran.


> A moment of silence for our fellow PvP veterans. May PvE raid bosses finally bring them the peace they all deserve.



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> @"Jekkt.6045" said:

> hey man, celestial meta was one of the best metas ever where using skills with brain and counting dodges actually made a difference. they only ruined that with the stupid pre hot patch.


Agree, it was by far the best we had and I really wish game could reach back a similar state. But i still remember how cele amulet insanely boosted any class able to self-stack might and how long it remained that way without "slight adjustments" (they just totally obliterated it few years later, anets way ?‍♂️). Still nowhere near unhealthy as today's stade of the game ?

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > @"LCL.6259" said:

> > I don't dip much time into GW2, but I always liked to PvP more than anything. I'm a huge casual but I'm still decent at the game and try to get better when I'm actually playing it (which isn't very often). I'm not super skilled but I can hit plat rather easily by q'ing metabattle builds and tweaking them a bit. I think its every time I place plat this game starts to just completely 180 on me from fun to garbage.

> >

> >

> > Playing only 2 weeks I already know way more drama than I wish I did, have seen Anet partnered players act in ways that really baffle me, played with permanent dishonored players trolling on their alts, etc.

> >

> >

> > I think it's really kitten sad that Anet has let this stuff slide for so long, and even still allows these players buy links in their twitch accounts. I've never played a game where the veteran pvp community was so incredibly toxic and cultish to outsiders, and where the publisher seemed to genuinely condone it. Anet will ban people for saying mean words on the forum - but when the high-level PvP players that they use to advertise their dead game treat the community like trash; they just throw their hands up and pretend they can't do anything about it.

> >

> >

> > There's no bigger reason PvP is dead right now than this. Who would want to step into this environment? I don't even have to call names because this community is so cultish that if you PvP enough you already know the people I'm talking about. This includes a certain recent meltdown that I'm sure you're all aware of. That person is so delusional they're probably creaming just at the thought of being mentioned.

> >

> >

> > I couldn't imagine having the desire to learn this game when the "top players" behave this way. I've genuinely never seen anything like this before, and yes I'm aware of how tense competition can become; I'm sorry though because that just isn't an excuse for this kitten. Where is all of this arrogance coming from? Because the truth is this game has NEVER had true competition. Being top 50 out of maybe 600 real players isn't special.


> MightyTeapots MOTA tournament probably showed quite the disparity between how competitive the NA environment is compared to EU. Team USA, which Naru and Nos are both a part of, got summarily flattened with no wins against Rank 55 Dragons (EU team).


> Its situations like that which really cement why I have been saying that the NA PvP scene is nowhere near the **tiniest** bit competitive and the leaderboard means **nothing**, mAT means **nothing**; because while EU does suffer from **some** of the same issues as NA, potential wintrading and toxic behavior, it seems to be so much more of a detriment to the competitive environment on NA and how NA's "top" players tend to conduct themselves. In fact wintrading itself seems to be a much more common thing on NA, along with these players simply off hours queuing so they sit in the top spots on NA because they *know* how shallow the pool of players is.


> To be fair, maybe they aren't doing it on purpose...but it isn't like they have, to my knowledge, made any sort of push to try, as content creators for GW2 (as some of them are streamers and make youtube videos) as well as being more notable members of said PvP community because of their position. Thats why I have to actually give credit to Vallun and Noody for their more recent (more consistent rather in Vallun's case) efforts to try and foster a more positive approach and support structure as GW2 content creators. Especially Noody at this point, considering it wasn't very many months ago where the man was still creating nonsense "drama" with "Exposed [name]" videos. I'm glad he has stopped that and has more recently been highlighting WvW Roamers and videos they post.


> The status quo has needed to change for a while but both ANet and the NA community don't seem to want to do anything about it. There is just this odd acceptance and it has hurt the competitiveness that NA could achieve by blunting any opportunity for it to grow.


Yeah noody just stopped d*ck clashing with ppl after someone release a video on YouTube about all his sexual innuendo on discord. This is worth noting

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > Its situations like that which really cement why I have been saying that the NA PvP scene is nowhere near the **tiniest** bit competitive and the leaderboard means **nothing**, mAT means **nothing**; because while EU does suffer from **some** of the same issues as NA, potential wintrading and toxic behavior, it seems to be so much more of a detriment to the competitive environment on NA and how NA's "top" players tend to conduct themselves.

> While I agree with some of what you said there is nothing "potential" about Sindrener's toxicity and past match manipulation. Both were very well documented.

> You can make whatever comparisons you like between the cultures, but he plays on EU and is no less a representative of toxic behavior than Grimjack is.... probably moreso after the whole "match manipulation is wrong unless it's me getting a chak egg sac" fiasco.

> >In fact wintrading itself seems to be a much more common thing on NA, along with these players simply off hours queuing so they sit in the top spots on NA because they *know* how shallow the pool of players is.

> What funny about this complaint about off hours queuing is that Wooden Potatoes described doing exactly this to maintain a winrate on many streams when he was no-lifing PvP.

> You know... a British guy...playing on EU.

> To me there isn't a kitten thing wrong with off hours queuing but to hold NA up as accountable when the biggest streamer for the game (at the time) was very casually explaining this less than a year ago is pretty hypocritical don't you think?

> >Thats why I have to actually give credit to Vallun and Noody for their more recent (more consistent rather in Vallun's case) efforts to try and foster a more positive approach and support structure as GW2 content creators. Especially Noody at this point, considering it wasn't very many months ago where the man was still creating nonsense "drama" with "Exposed [name]" videos. I'm glad he has stopped that and has more recently been highlighting WvW Roamers and videos they post.

> Vallun deserves a lot of credit, I wholeheartedly agree, but with Noody there is a not so fine line between "Exposing" Fastcar for the memes (which is in fact entertaining) and "Exposing" Shorts in a personal dispute (which is not).

> I miss Noody's Exposing Trash Talkers videos. I thought they were great content.


> This whole "The Toxicity comes mainly from NA" is mainly a meme and more a function of the various language barriers on EU where the trash talkers aren't even relatively sure the audience for their toxic drivel even speaks the same language. Unlike NA where it's much more certain that the person on the other end speaks English.


I didn't say, or imply, that the toxicity comes mainly from NA. I also didn't say, or imply, that EU does not suffer from similar issues in any of those instances. I *did* say that NA seems to be affected by it more so than EU does, not that it isn't there but that it seems to have a more profound effect on the whole of the environment, and potentially directly the population of PvP. At least more so than it affects EU population, and the EU competitive environment.


>because while EU does suffer from some of the same issues as NA, potential wintrading and toxic behavior, it seems to be so much more of a detriment to the competitive environment on NA and how NA's "top" players tend to conduct themselves.


As for offhours queuing, no it is not an inherently "bad" thing, mostly seeing as its just how the system works and that is entirely on ANet because it has so much of an impact on the leaderboard. It lends to players "playing" the *matchmaking* as opposed to actually playing the *games themselves* and it seems to, quite visibly, affect the leaderboards. I know plenty of streamers, youtubers and other top players have done it. In fact I think that WP doing it himself highlights the issue more than it showing that it should be "bannable" or whatever people desire it to be. I'm well aware that its not inherently bad, I just think that it tends to ruin the competitive environment because ANet decided to make a PvP leaderboard that highlights **individual** players in a game mode that is predominantly 5v5, or team based, as opposed to highlighting **teams**. Which is the nuttiest, weirdest, most nonsense approach to a leaderboard for a team based competitive mode.


At the end of the day its mostly on ANet to try and mend this situation, mostly because it is one born from their pretty hands off approach to PvP. Both in sPvP and WvW. They have made several questionable decisions and updates to it and practically none of it has helped the situation. Matchmaking prefers to shorten queue times rather than make sure players get fair matches, ATs are just a time gated Ranked that practically the same 3 teams actually participate in at the "top level", the leaderboard gets gamed *because* of the shallow pool of players that NA has which has lead to it mattering *very little* as a basis for anything. That is the most fundamentally broken thing right now, not even just class balance (that is another beast entirely). You can even see where it all started to fall off. ESL *pulled* its GW2 section practically *immediately* after they realized ANet wasn't going to get rid of solo/duo queue only Ranked.


Below will be my comments pertaining to Noody; spoilering them because they are off topic.

>! In regards to Noody, I'm sure people enjoy the memes and such that were in those "Exposed" videos. I get that they were all in good fun, in a sense, but truthfully as someone in his position as one of the few fairly widely recognized content creators for GW2 it was not helping foster a positive community. It only served to provide a haven and a justification for those who truly behaved in a toxic manner and he did not provide a good example for the rest of the community. This is **especially** true when it came to the situation with Shorts. It very clearly snowballed out of control and resulted in a video made to "expose" someone over a personal dispute the two had. Which is not okay, and it very clearly is not an okay thing to do even "for the memes" if it is going to spiral into something like that.


>!When you create a channel, or a series of videos in this case, whose sole purpose is to "meme" with "meme" toxicity it isn't exactly *shocking* when it eventually goes *too far*. I think, and this is just my own opinion based on absolutely nothing but my own conjecture, but I think that maybe Noody recognized that and decided to switch gears. Which is a *good* thing. He is still able to make good content for his channel without needing to turn it into him being the "keemstar" of GW2. That is perpetuating a cycle that need not be perpetuated. As it is right now he is showing support for his fellow GW2 players in his own way and thats a big positive.

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> @"LCL.6259" said:

> There's no bigger reason PvP is dead right now than this.


That is quite the bold statement. Are you sure its not due to the years of neglecting balance, and lack of communication and direction from anet? Have you watched the streams of the top players you criticize? Im guessing not because if you did you would see that many of them are not trying to be toxic and elitist. Most of them are just fed up with how poorly pvp has been handled by anet, and that frustration is not easy to contain when you have been dealing with it for years. Gw2 does a terrible job of teaching the game to new players, and a lot of people make the same simple mistakes without ever learning from them. The population is so low that the top "professional" players are forced to que with people who dont even understand how to play. Im not sure how you expect them to react in this situation, but I would bet that any professional player of any game would become toxic if put in the same situation.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> To be fair, maybe they aren't doing it on purpose...but it isn't like they have, to my knowledge, made any sort of push to try, as content creators for GW2 (as some of them are streamers and make youtube videos) as well as being more notable members of said PvP community because of their position.


Without naming names, yes. This exactly.


On NA, Content creators and influencers have gotten away with minimal punishments for being caught fixing high-level tournaments and entire Ranked seasons in their favor.

People have been permabanned for similar and even less-serious offenses, but if you're "Gw2 famous" you apparently get off with a 3-month suspension + keeping some of the titles they earned unfairly.

There's even cases of people bragging about getting away with having their accounts boosted to rank 1 here on the forums(which i'm pretty sure is still there)

Kinda unfair. They permabanned 5 dozen people for doing the exact same thing on EU, so why didn't that person get permabanned too? ?


I think a lot of guilty top players(as in have already been suspended before, and aren't just suspected of being guilty) should be retroactively permabanned. These aren't the type of offenses you just slap someone on the wrist and say "don't do that again" to.


Entire Ranked seasons and hours of people's effort have been wasted because of their actions. Not to mention how it looks for the game when the best players are match fixing and wintrading. It's a real bad look, and partly as a result, they've pretty much drained nearly the entire mid-upper mid tiers of players. There's not much incentive to get good at something when the only competition waiting for you at the end is a bunch of cheating and metagaming.

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OP, as a veteran of 8 years, I support your statement 100%. I DESPISE the gatekeeping that goes on in this community among those that been around and should know better. It's _atrocious_. I DESPISE the lack of maturity that goes on. I DESPISE the condescending attitudes towards players if you don't slobber all over the latest streamer, "meta" or talking point that this community has concocted out of their behinds.


Yeah, ANet most definitely looks the other way at the shenanigans that go on in the upper ranks. Honestly, I think it's as you say, they don't want to buck the system hence the gatekeeping mob gets out of control and trashes ANet on social media. Frankly, the people primarily hurt in this are new players like yourself.



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> @"LCL.6259" said:


> There's no bigger reason PvP is dead right now than this. Who would want to step into this environment?


Main reason of the state of PvP is ANet: even at the time of the ESL support and the Pro Tournaments with high prizes in cash involved they support for the game mode in terms of balance, bug fixing, feature adding and introduction of new content moved always at glacial pace.


One balance patch every three months (at best), maps which remains in unranked for years, bugs which last for seasons, constant reduction in the amount of amulets, runes and sigils available due inability to properly balance and segregate the skills in each game mode, and above all the lack of a structured frame of how to take advantage of the interest from PvP in the way in a lot of other games do... You see MOBAS and Battle Royale games being weekley/monthly updated and monetizing through selling skins with great success, whereas ANet never had faith in PvP. The updating was minimal and the creation of exclusive content to the game mode to appeal new players was never done, maybe because behind the scenes they planed to release a different competitive game as a whole (which is was the case never surfaced, anyway), or maybe because they din't cared because PvE was supposed to be the main drive in the game... But the thing is that even PvE has his own crisis, for the same reasons: the support pace isn't enough to keep the players busy and buying things in the gem store.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"LCL.6259" said:


> > There's no bigger reason PvP is dead right now than this. Who would want to step into this environment?


> Main reason of the state of PvP is ANet: even at the time of the ESL support and the Pro Tournaments with high prizes in cash involved they support for the game mode in terms of balance, bug fixing, feature adding and introduction of new content moved always at glacial pace.


> One balance patch every three months (at best), maps which remains in unranked for years, bugs which last for seasons, constant reduction in the amount of amulets, runes and sigils available due inability to properly balance and segregate the skills in each game mode, and above all the lack of a structured frame of how to take advantage of the interest from PvP in the way in a lot of other games do... You see MOBAS and Battle Royale games being weekley/monthly updated and monetizing through selling skins with great success, whereas ANet never had faith in PvP. The updating was minimal and the creation of exclusive content to the game mode to appeal new players was never done, maybe because behind the scenes they planed to release a different competitive game as a whole (which is was the case never surfaced, anyway), or maybe because they din't cared because PvE was supposed to be the main drive in the game... But the thing is that even PvE has his own crisis, for the same reasons: the support pace isn't enough to keep the players busy and buying things in the gem store.


That is freaking BS.


This community was DRINKING that e-sports cool-aid back then, I'm a WITNESS to that. ANet just looked the other way.

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90% of all Gw2 players are friendly

the rest I met in PvP :)


In any real sports in real world, you will barely hear a real champion saying, that he hates bad players, that he insults other players or that he tries to make other players ridiculous. Some champions, some streamers and plenty of players in Gw2 PvP seem to see this different.

When they loose a match, or sometimes even when they dont, these people behave like 3 year old little children when someone has destroyed their sandcake

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> @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> 90% of all Gw2 players are friendly

> the rest I met in PvP :)


> In any real sports in real world, you will barely hear a real champion saying, that he hates bad players, that he insults other players or that he tries to make other players ridiculous. Some champions, some streamers and plenty of players in Gw2 PvP seem to see this different.

> When they loose a match, or sometimes even when they dont, these people behave like 3 year old little children when someone has destroyed their sandcake


That's because in the real world, there's actual social repercussions for the words you say. That's not the case in online games. Players collectively in games never matured past middle school level.

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> @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> 90% of all Gw2 players are friendly

> the rest I met in PvP :)


> In any real sports in real world, you will barely hear a real champion saying, that he hates bad players, that he insults other players or that he tries to make other players ridiculous. Some champions, some streamers and plenty of players in Gw2 PvP seem to see this different.

> When they loose a match, or sometimes even when they dont, these people behave like 3 year old little children when someone has destroyed their sandcake


apples and oranges.

If you insult me here and now all I can do is report you.

If you insult me in real life I can beat your ass into a pulp.

What are you more scared off? spending night in a hospital or getting 1 warning point on the forum? Its how it is in almost any game, its part of gaming at this point.



in b4 I get 1 warning point for this post, insert palpatine " ironic " meme


5907 bruh, no bannerino, this post is not threatening anyone or anything chill


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