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Non immersive class voiceovers

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Hi, does anyone else feel extremely lame when as a warrior with two axes getting ready to pwn players or bosses expect brutal screams/yelling like a true warrior when you go berserk, instrad of "safe from harm" in a calm tone. Its really killing my mood...

Even the spell icons look brutal, but when you use them and hear "uwu safe from harm u.u" it really doesnt make me feel like im playing a warrior

Do you guys agree that some/all classes should get different voiceovers that suit their description?

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There are a ton of generic quotes from mundane things such as obtaining boons (For example "Safe from harm" is male Sylvari's response to gaining Aegis)


Creating entirely new quotes or redoing voicelines for specifically one spec of one class (Berserker) would be an inefficient use of resources to be honest.


Personally, I turned off player character quotes (I believe it's something like "Player Voices" in the options). Since I got bored of hearing the quote for gaining Might every like 2 seconds as well as other things (Such as when I was playing Herald and so spamming Consume skills on CD so every few seconds Glint was talking in a really calm manner while I was in the middle of combat...). Quotes on gaining boons is a really annoying idea when the game ends up having boons thrown at you constantly (Even more so when there's tons of short duration boons that get reapplied frequently, increasing the number of times a quote can occur)

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> @"Taril.8619" said:

> There are a ton of generic quotes from mundane things such as obtaining boons (For example "Safe from harm" is male Sylvari's response to gaining Aegis)


> Creating entirely new quotes or redoing voicelines for specifically one spec of one class (Berserker) would be an inefficient use of resources to be honest.


> Personally, I turned off player character quotes (I believe it's something like "Player Voices" in the options). Since I got bored of hearing the quote for gaining Might every like 2 seconds as well as other things (Such as when I was playing Herald and so spamming Consume skills on CD so every few seconds Glint was talking in a really calm manner while I was in the middle of combat...). Quotes on gaining boons is a really annoying idea when the game ends up having boons thrown at you constantly (Even more so when there's tons of short duration boons that get reapplied frequently, increasing the number of times a quote can occur)


That seems to be useful ill check it out, but considering a new expac is coming in my opinion it might add to the immersion, and when would be a better time for that then in works for a new expansion.

Thanks for sharing your opinion with me ?

I guess some people like that and some dont really need it

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I'm going to agree concerning the extraneous chatter. For 7 - 8 years now I've listened to "I feel strong!" or "Rage level rising" and other quips every time a boon activates on my mesmer/chrono. The boon chat is Extremely annoying. I've taken to playing the game with the sound off just to have some peace.

Please, could someone do a little tweaking and dump the boon quotes?

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> @"BCPrhys.7230" said:

> I'm going to agree concerning the extraneous chatter. For 7 - 8 years now I've listened to "I feel strong!" or "Rage level rising" and other quips every time a boon activates on my mesmer/chrono. The boon chat is Extremely annoying. I've taken to playing the game with the sound off just to have some peace.

> Please, could someone do a little tweaking and dump the boon quotes?


You might consider this option:

**Disable Player Chatter**


_Disables the random chatter and player character shouts, like those from when a boon is acquired._



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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You might consider this option:

> **Disable Player Chatter**


> _Disables the random chatter and player character shouts, like those from when a boon is acquired._


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Options#Sound_Options

But, then how would I know that I have sweet, sweet loot or when I'm able to outrun a centaur?


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Honestly, I think it depends on your class and race. Humans are very tolerable if you didn't know you could run faster than a centaur, while some elite specs have some more... passionate taunts, grunts or dialogue than others (weaver, berserker, spellbreaker, mirage).


As a player who doesn't check the boon bar as often as they should, sometimes repetitive audio cues like this helps me make in game decisions. Did my character just yell they can run faster than a centaur with a firebrand in the party? Chances are I need to check if they laid a symbol of swiftness before laying down my own combat fields to blast.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said


> You might consider this option:

> **Disable Player Chatter**


> _Disables the random chatter and player character shouts, like those from when a boon is acquired._


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Options#Sound_Options


Thank you very much for that tip. Had no idea it was available for that purpose. I thought it did away with all character dialogue. ?

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Okay so by the comments here i can notice that the only good and useful quote is "I could outrun a centaur" and i agree with you. Keep that one so we know when we can outrun centaurs.

One problem solved

"Sweet loot"..lets just leave it at that

Now.." safe from harm "...i think a more warrior thing to say would be something like, "i could tank a centaur" ..


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Ya know the most of the original voice actors still work for ANET they could totally throw out a new set of voices just to mix things up.


Thag goes double for all of the voice actors who have changed. Seriously you wanna talk about un-immersive VO my female charr's combat voice and her dialogue voice are 2 different people

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> @"Quench.7091" said:

> I kind of wish that the vocal cues were made into voice /emotes and that they were to be replaced with grunts that implied certain things. Voice acting can be fun when players use them intentionally.


You want grunts like the newest living story for all boon applications?

Yea hard no from me on that one.

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> @"GummyBearSummoner.7941" said:

> I believe they should get better voice actors . The ones we currently have are not good


I don't agree. (I don't know about others as I play my twig boys most of the time but) Brandon Bales is good and I really wouldn't want anyone else for the male sylvari PC voice.


And the vocal cues can be funny. Like "Swift and stea... Aaah, my leg!" That still makes me giggle :)

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> @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> Warrior shouting "For Great Justice!"; terrible choice of words for Charrs, Norns, Asura.

> Guardian shouting "Retreat!", terrible choice when it can be used to charge forward.


I like to believe I'm shouting at the baddies and telling them to 'retreat', rather than my own team.

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> @"Metasynaptic.1093" said:

> > @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> > Warrior shouting "For Great Justice!"; terrible choice of words for Charrs, Norns, Asura.

> > Guardian shouting "Retreat!", terrible choice when it can be used to charge forward.


> I like to believe I'm shouting at the baddies and telling them to 'retreat', rather than my own team.


Could be "Run!" instead. Works both if you retreat or charge forward.

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