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Who else wants a WvW tournament


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Its time to go to war. It’s time to see which sever has the best of the best. It’s time for the next WvW tournament!! Most players fought last time and a lot of players missed the last tournament. Hopefully players want to show what they are made of in this tournament. So who is ready to go to WAR!!!!!!

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Without changing the current Match-Up mechanics...


Tournaments are meaningless & in the long-term only harms the game mode...imho


Change the current Match-Up mechanics...then host Tournaments...if not...I wouldn't recommend hosting Tournaments.


How to Host a Healthy & Competitive Tournament :



Poll needs to add a 3rd option - [ X ] Yes, IF Match-Ups encourages a Healthy & Competitive game mode


Quick Kick - "Anything worth doing is worth planning" - A G.I. Joe PSA

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No point bringing that back until they solve a bunch of other things, like potentially the alliance system, depending on how it turns out.


Basically there is no point bringing back tournaments to the current server-stack-system, people would just stack whatever they predict woudl be the biggest link, and crush the entire tournament with numbers/coverage.


It would actually work better if they had a tournament that was somewhat based on personal performance, rather than who can just blob hardest. But no idea how they'd manage that.

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> No thx, wvw is simply not a competitive game mode.


> A competitive game must have a fixed number of players for every side at all time. And WvW has the opposite.


> Why do you want a trophy for "my team was most often 50:10 and therefore won"!


Couldn't have said it better myself.

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**Lets go!** I am sure lot of people know how to balance their life by now and won't burn themselves out.


I mean of course people will take a small break after tournamen but it would still be nice opportunity for us that played the gamemode ONLY for last 5 years to see what tournaments are like.

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I'm too lazy to repeat everything again, but I just posted this in a thread two links above this one and it touches alot on tournaments and why we're not getting them: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1274094/#Comment_1274094


The short comment I can add here is that there are many ways to run tournaments. Tournaments as they were in 2013 and 2014 may not be good for the game mode but that doesn't mean that every possible tournament format has to be bad for WvW and that "nothing" is better. So Arenanet can be both right and wrong in their whatever assessment of the topic at the same time.


Simply put: I think a properly working ladder is the best and most important thing for server-level content but they could certainly explore tournaments for guild-level content without exhausting themselves, the players or the other content that still exists in the mode. Ladders for servers, events for guilds. They could expand that into tournament-styled events for servers and more ladder investment for guilds but those are secondary things to rather "expand into" that requires more careful exploration. It is likely to be more work for less impactful outcomes (ie., not as effective for the developers) and treading carefully would imply alot of groundwork for small testbeds, such as trying shorter events etc.

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> @"dsons.9563" said:

> Its time to go to war. It’s time to see which sever has the best of the best. It’s time for the next WvW tournament!! Most players fought last time and a lot of players missed the last tournament. Hopefully players want to show what they are made of in this tournament. So who is ready to go to WAR!!!!!!


Devs said no tournaments.

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A Tournament doesn't have to last continuously for weeks. It's quite logical to set up a tournament in the following style:


* Duration of each round: 19:00 PDT Friday (Reset) to 19:00 PDT Sunday/Monday (48-72 hours long)

Keeping it to the weekend ensures maximum player interest, (which will ensure all maps are queued), while keeping the time-frame short to avoid drastic burnout.


* Tournament Format: Point System/Round-Robin

With the +1/-1 Tier system, it would be difficult to do a bracket-style tournament, so it may have to relegate to either a Round Robin (with the help of Anet purposely setting up the matches on the back end), or use a point style tournament.


* Frequency: Every weekend/other weekend

Again, to avoid burn out while keeping interest in the burst high.

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Here are the 2 Dev quotes on tournaments.


“Q. Will there be another WvW Tournament?

A:The old tournament format encouraged extensive play that resulted in a lot of burnout across the player base and a permanent drop off in WvW players. This had a negative impact on the format, and in order to keep WvW healthy, we currently do not have plans to bring back WvW tournaments.”





If—and that is a big if—we do add/change rewards to be tied more directly to World success in matches, those changes would come later. The plan is to ship the core system and get all the kinks worked out and the teams balanced before we start trying to find new ways to give rewards or do tournaments or anything of that kind.”



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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> Here are the 2 Dev quotes on tournaments.


> “Q. Will there be another WvW Tournament?

> A:The old tournament format encouraged extensive play that resulted in a lot of burnout across the player base and a permanent drop off in WvW players. This had a negative impact on the format, and in order to keep WvW healthy, we currently do not have plans to bring back WvW tournaments.”




> “Rewards/Tournaments/Leaderboards

> If—and that is a big if—we do add/change rewards to be tied more directly to World success in matches, those changes would come later. The plan is to ship the core system and get all the kinks worked out and the teams balanced before we start trying to find new ways to give rewards or do tournaments or anything of that kind.”




I don't really see why you need to link quotes and they say "currently" w/e these quotes were from in the past isn't "currently" or covers all future dates and means nothing could change their minds. The thread is just would players want tournaments and I get you tried to stop the thread once before you quoted but what they said could change if enough players wanted them. I doubt we will ever see tournaments again but who knows

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> @"Jilora.9524" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > Here are the 2 Dev quotes on tournaments.

> >

> > “Q. Will there be another WvW Tournament?

> > A:The old tournament format encouraged extensive play that resulted in a lot of burnout across the player base and a permanent drop off in WvW players. This had a negative impact on the format, and in order to keep WvW healthy, we currently do not have plans to bring back WvW tournaments.”

> >

> > AND

> >

> > “Rewards/Tournaments/Leaderboards

> > If—and that is a big if—we do add/change rewards to be tied more directly to World success in matches, those changes would come later. The plan is to ship the core system and get all the kinks worked out and the teams balanced before we start trying to find new ways to give rewards or do tournaments or anything of that kind.”

> >

> >


> I don't really see why you need to link quotes and they say "currently" w/e these quotes were from in the past isn't "currently" or covers all future dates and means nothing could change their minds. The thread is just would players want tournaments and I get you tried to stop the thread once before you quoted but what they said could change if enough players wanted them. I doubt we will ever see tournaments again but who knows


I’m just the messenger.


I don’t think you should focus on the word “currently”. I think you should focus on the words that indicate the devs are saying no to tournaments.


Have a great one!

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Jilora.9524" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > Here are the 2 Dev quotes on tournaments.

> > >

> > > “Q. Will there be another WvW Tournament?

> > > A:The old tournament format encouraged extensive play that resulted in a lot of burnout across the player base and a permanent drop off in WvW players. This had a negative impact on the format, and in order to keep WvW healthy, we currently do not have plans to bring back WvW tournaments.”

> > >

> > > AND

> > >

> > > “Rewards/Tournaments/Leaderboards

> > > If—and that is a big if—we do add/change rewards to be tied more directly to World success in matches, those changes would come later. The plan is to ship the core system and get all the kinks worked out and the teams balanced before we start trying to find new ways to give rewards or do tournaments or anything of that kind.”

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I don't really see why you need to link quotes and they say "currently" w/e these quotes were from in the past isn't "currently" or covers all future dates and means nothing could change their minds. The thread is just would players want tournaments and I get you tried to stop the thread once before you quoted but what they said could change if enough players wanted them. I doubt we will ever see tournaments again but who knows


> I’m just the messenger.


> I don’t think you should focus on the word “currently”. I think you should focus on the words that indicate the devs are saying no to tournaments.


> Have a great one!


A messenger who misinterprets the words of a message. "We don't currently have plans for an expansion was also said before"

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