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Warrior or Guardian for Solo PvE?

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Howdy all, I'm fairly new to the game, and I was wondering which class would be best for solo PvE content; Warrior or Guardian? I have heard that the Necromancer is a great class for that, but zombie-creatures and things such as that are gross to me and it's a bit of a turn-off, so I don't have much desire to play it daily (I still have one tucked away just in case though). But yeah, I'm looking for good sustain matched with appropriate damage for solo stuff, like running through PoF/HoT story by myself, and other such content. I want to play as one of these two classes because I adore being tanky, and if ever I do want to do group content, I would love to be the group tank/support rather than another DPS. I know a little about the two specializations for both classes, but not what would be best for solo content. If a more well-versed player could give me their educated opinion, I would be immensely grateful towards you, all the guides I've looked up on the internet have been mostly about Fractals and WvW which don't really answer my question. I would also be very interested in knowing the reasons (such as pros and cons) why one of the two classes might be better for my goal so I can get a better understanding of your opinion.


Thank you for any advice you may have, friends! <3

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> @"Kiaalta.7469" said:

> I have heard that the Necromancer is a great class for that, but zombie-creatures and things such as that are gross to me and it's a bit of a turn-off, so I don't have much desire to play it daily (I still have one tucked away just in case though).


That would be correct if you were probably playing any other fantasy game but you are playing GW2 and there is zero need for having minions when playing a necromancer.


> But yeah, I'm looking for good sustain matched with appropriate damage for solo stuff, like running through PoF/HoT story by myself, and other such content. I want to play as one of these two classes because I adore being tanky, and if ever I do want to do group content, I would love to be the group tank/support rather than another DPS.


Ultimately that comes down to the build. Most if not all classes can be made to function that way.


In terms of pros and cons, warrior has a bit more passive defenses but with high end content both will require making good use of active defenses as well as knowledge about content(mob behaviour, encounter mechanics, etc.)


Knowledge about the content is going to beat out everything in terms of importanance and that is class agnostic. You are going to have to know what you will be dealing with in order to bring the right countermeasures. This is especially true if you are going to try tackling content that was intended to be done with a group.

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In general Warrior has more hp, more mobility options and more CC options. Warrior doesn't have very good ranged options unless you play something like longbow condi but that doesn't feel like something that would really be fun or effective in open world.

Guardian is more of a caster, has some good ranged weapon combos and more utility stuff already baseline. But you can easily build him as a melee burst monster wielding great sword or hammer (and a very good one also).


But I am saying options because in the end there are many ways you can build every class and you will have to make a choice.


Guardian has more builds that are desired in high end pve but every group also wants a banner slave warrior. If you are aiming for support in the future, guardian is the way to go. Technically banner slave warrior is also support but besides throwing down banners every half a minute there is not much supporty stuff you will do in a fight. Best tanks are mesmers though but tanks are only used in raids. Support in this game is either healing or providing specific boons or both.

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Warrior has higher burst damage, high health but weakness is the defence side (active and healing). Guardian has good damage, high defence and weakness is low health. I favor more Guardian, but both are good.


If enemy is weak, both kills then with easy. If enemy comes stronger, warrior will kill faster. But when enemy is so strong that it can't be killed fast, then guardian starts to survive in those situations better. High health protects from heavy hits, but it doesn't protect so well against alot of small damages, like condition damages (lack of healing). Guardian has many healings and abilities reflect or block damages and so on..


In general Warrior is more offensive and Guardian more defensive.

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Warrior is offensive, of which some AoE capability, usually burst dps. No stable AoE tho. Dual Axes being the versatile weapon set and if used with attack speed boosting trait you also gain faster resource node gathering (any kind of attack speed booster will also boost node farming speed).


Guardian is defensive, its main form of attack being Symbols if DPS is being questioned. Right traits and you have good AoE with Vulnerability, by searing symbols over and over again. Hammer is more versatile, due to being able to sear a symbol with its auto-attack.

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Both good, honestly. I prefer warrior because the axe/axe rifle and Hammer skills are just hella fun to use. Guardian has a lot of built in safety, though which may make the process easier overall.


I'd recommend war because it will make you learn combat mechanics a little faster which then easily transfer to guard.

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I used to main guardian. Dragonhunter has little survivability and doesn't do well in long fights by themselves. Firebrand has the problem of having to reactivate your mantras whenever you go to a new map so it slows you down.


I found that warrior can hit harder, strives in long solo fights, and has a lot more CC. All because spellbreaker has a constant trait that heals you based on damage you deal. That makes all the difference.

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I would go Guardian because they are accepted just about everyplace once you hit end game content. They typically do not pack the same punch as a warrior but they are not weak by no means. Guardians have great sustain and can be successful in almost any situation if your gear and build is right. I suggest you watch some game play footage of both classes and make your decision from there. Your play style will have a lot to do with your selection.

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I haven't played the guardian but my main is a warrior. Warrior is a lot of fun in open world stuff and has a nice balance between survivability and damage for it. I play berserker for PvE stuff.


I imagine the guardian has more survivability and is therefore more useful in group things like fractals and raids. So I guess the best choice will come down to whether you mostly want to play in open world or do content designed to challenge groups.

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