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Legendary Wyvern Matriarch dies way too fast

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I've been doing the Verdant Brink bosses again lately, and noticed a huge problem; Unless you're already standing on top of the Matriarch's Perch when she spawns, you won't get to her before she's dead. People literally waiting where the helicopters that take you up into the canopy spawn, don't make it up to the platform before she goes down.

Now I get most experienced players have done her a whole bunch of times, and "expect" her to melt, and are probably standing on the platform when she pops up ready to wreck her, but if you're new to the game, new to the expansion(s), don't have all the masteries, mounts.. It's not all that easy getting up there. And nobody should have to leave a character parked at a boss spawn for an entire day/night cycle to have a chance at killing it.


Can you either make her spawn later, her invulnerability last longer, the helicopters spawn sooner, or make her take longer to kill? As it is now it's kinda ridiculous.. It's almost on par with the Champion Svanir Shaman before his buff..

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Meh ... people routinely screw up that fight making it take 10 times as long.


This also means if you double the "regular" time from 2m to 4m then the time when people mess up(by ignoring the fight mechanic ...) goes from 10m to 20m or pretty close failure due to running out of time. In that situation what have your suggestion accomplished?

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> Meh ... people routinely screw up that fight making it take 10 times as long.


> This also means if you double the "regular" time from 2m to 4m then the time when people mess up(by ignoring the fight mechanic ...) goes from 10m to 20m or pretty close failure due to running out of time. In that situation what have your suggestion accomplished?


The last 6 times I've killed her she's been dead within a minute and a half, longest was probably closer to two. I have screenshots where she has spawned with 20:20 remaining, invulnerability drops off at 20:19, and she's already dead at 19:17.. so one minute two seconds. Perhaps I've been lucky with maps, but I haven't seen any failures to break her bar since I started doing HoT maps again. However, if that is a concern then perhaps they could implement one of my other ideas such as **earlier helicopters, later spawn, or longer invulnerability ** which would not affect the time it takes to kill her and would not make the fight unbearable if people mess up.


I just find it ridiculous that a boss can be dead before those taking the INTENDED ROUTE to her even get there.

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> @"Najten.2418" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > Meh ... people routinely screw up that fight making it take 10 times as long.

> >

> > This also means if you double the "regular" time from 2m to 4m then the time when people mess up(by ignoring the fight mechanic ...) goes from 10m to 20m or pretty close failure due to running out of time. In that situation what have your suggestion accomplished?


> The last 6 times I've killed her she's been dead within a minute and a half, longest was probably closer to two. I have screenshots where she has spawned with 20:20 remaining, invulnerability drops off at 20:19, and she's already dead at 19:17.. so one minute two seconds. Perhaps I've been lucky with maps, but I haven't seen any failures to break her bar since I started doing HoT maps again. However, if that is a concern then perhaps they could implement one of my other ideas such as **earlier helicopters, later spawn, or longer invulnerability ** which would not affect the time it takes to kill her and would not make the fight unbearable if people mess up.


> I just find it ridiculous that a boss can be dead before those taking the INTENDED ROUTE to her even get there.


Spawn is 20:30, 20:20 is after the invulnerability drops. The 10seconds is there for it to do the flying in animation but it has already spawned in. That is easily observed from all the people wasting their traps on the still invulnerable mob.


Having mobs that can attack while being completely invulnerable is an incredibly stupid game design choice in general. Having the first thing the boss does is to try to fly away is also a questionable design choice.


There are plenty of other things wrong with VB's night time meta that is much worse than how quickly matriarch dies. If anything is to be done they should probably work on fixing those first. Such as the fact that there is no point in actually completing it except for some collections but the number of people that need those are going to be an every shrinking population which isn't all that great for those people either..



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A simple answer can be more scalable mobs to kill before she can spawn. I've noticed this too. As this guys says

> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> You don’t need to wait for the heli, if you have a skyscale. Get one and simply fly up whenever you want.


> And yes, people who got a skyscale seem to know how to break a cc-bar so she dies before heli-people get there.


It's right. It's an unintended consequence of Skyscale. In that case, perhaps a total population count of the map could be taken into consideration, and mobs released according to some calculation, prolonging the time as necessary for a large enough Meta Map. I wish they could only take into consideration number of people in the map who have Skyscales, but I don't know if that is possible within the Game Engine.



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HoT maps (and thus the meta-events, including wyvern-matriarch) were designed without mounts in mind.

not getting to the event in time even when using the quickest way possible pre-pof (helicopters) because people with mounts got there first and killed it already is a serious design flaw that should be taken care of.

"just get a skyscale lol" is probably the worst argument here...

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> @"ParaNoidAndroid.1406" said:

> A simple answer can be more scalable mobs to kill before she can spawn. I've noticed this too. As this guys says

> > @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > You don’t need to wait for the heli, if you have a skyscale. Get one and simply fly up whenever you want.

> >

> > And yes, people who got a skyscale seem to know how to break a cc-bar so she dies before heli-people get there.


> It's right. It's an unintended consequence of Skyscale.

It was possible to get there during day even before PoF. All you need is HoT masteries, no mounts are necessary.

In fact, during the day, (and without mounts) you can get to practically all the upper canopy locations, with the sole exception of Patriarch platform.


And the people killing Matriarch fast are doing that because if they were to wait for the zerg, the same fight would take 10 times longer.

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I have run the Matriarch event multiple times. Not once have I been unable to reach her using the helicopters before she goes down.


I do agree with your point on how fast she dies. In my opinion, this encounter could use an uptick in scaling to accomodate for this. It would be most cost-effective to do this than re-design her since it is old content. Conversely, this may be the sticking factor that will leave her as is.

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I recommend using the event timer and parking an alt at the spot. this ensures you get the kill. ofc you need to be a few mins earlier in order to join the fight. I tend to chain metas together so I don't spend a lot of time on one character when I farm those for gold.

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> @"Najten.2418" said:

> I've been doing the Verdant Brink bosses again lately, and noticed a huge problem; Unless you're already standing on top of the Matriarch's Perch when she spawns, you won't get to her before she's dead. People literally waiting where the helicopters that take you up into the canopy spawn, don't make it up to the platform before she goes down.

> Now I get most experienced players have done her a whole bunch of times, and "expect" her to melt, and are probably standing on the platform when she pops up ready to wreck her, but if you're new to the game, new to the expansion(s), don't have all the masteries, mounts.. It's not all that easy getting up there. And nobody should have to leave a character parked at a boss spawn for an entire day/night cycle to have a chance at killing it.


> Can you either make her spawn later, her invulnerability last longer, the helicopters spawn sooner, or make her take longer to kill? As it is now it's kinda ridiculous.. It's almost on par with the Champion Svanir Shaman before his buff..

The real issue here isn't the health. scaling, or mechanics of the boss.

The real culprit is the dozen or so players who park alts near the spawn point and log them in just to speed clear the Matriarch for the gemstone. The way the event scales they can have the boss' health down pretty far before players that have been legitimately working the events can get there.

The solution is to lock players out of the full rewards (the gemstone) if they have not participated in the events beforehand.

Applying this solution to the Choya pinata in Amnoon would also curb a fair bit of the leeching.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Najten.2418" said:

> > I've been doing the Verdant Brink bosses again lately, and noticed a huge problem; Unless you're already standing on top of the Matriarch's Perch when she spawns, you won't get to her before she's dead. People literally waiting where the helicopters that take you up into the canopy spawn, don't make it up to the platform before she goes down.

> > Now I get most experienced players have done her a whole bunch of times, and "expect" her to melt, and are probably standing on the platform when she pops up ready to wreck her, but if you're new to the game, new to the expansion(s), don't have all the masteries, mounts.. It's not all that easy getting up there. And nobody should have to leave a character parked at a boss spawn for an entire day/night cycle to have a chance at killing it.

> >

> > Can you either make her spawn later, her invulnerability last longer, the helicopters spawn sooner, or make her take longer to kill? As it is now it's kinda ridiculous.. It's almost on par with the Champion Svanir Shaman before his buff..

> The real issue here isn't the health. scaling, or mechanics of the boss.

> The real culprit is the dozen or so players who park alts near the spawn point and log them in just to speed clear the Matriarch for the gemstone. The way the event scales they can have the boss' health down pretty far before players that have been legitimately working the events can get there.

> The solution is to lock players out of the full rewards (the gemstone) if they have not participated in the events beforehand.

> Applying this solution to the Choya pinata in Amnoon would also curb a fair bit of the leeching.


That's completely wrong. There could be no one doing any VB events and the meta still happens and anyone that did do events easily has time to get to Mat. Rewards are for participating in the boss kill in both scenarios. I get that when you crush casino by 1500 coins those leeches who would have gathered 200 coins we don't need are an issue. They both are easy for anyone to get too so no need to adjust either

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Guys.. So many of you are missing the point.


I don't need to get the Skyscale, I already have it. You shouldn't NEED it.

I don't need to unlock all the Masteries, I already have them. You shouldn't NEED them.

I don't have an issue parking a character there because I can play any of my other 27 characters while I wait. You shouldn't NEED to.


Nobody should be able to kill the boss before those legitimately doing the pre-events (and perhaps don't have Skyscale/Masteries, the ability to leave a character

logged out on the platform etc) are even able to get there using the INTENDED way of getting there.


Being able to burn it down before people following the correct path even get up on the platform means the event is broken. It needs fixing.


The reason I'm even making this post isn't because I feel sorry for myself (I can camp her just fine), it's because a commander on the map was diligently helping out throughout the day events, then waited at the helicopter location with his group (from what he typed in chat I got the impression he used to play during HoT and just came back from a long break, but I could be wrong), and by the time the helicopters landed and they got up on the platform she was already dead. He got so disappointed he just tagged down and logged off. That shouldn't be able to happen. There are multiple ways of fixing the issue, and I hope ANet does.

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> @"Najten.2418" said:

> Guys.. So many of you are missing the point.


> I don't need to get the Skyscale, I already have it. You shouldn't NEED it.

> I don't need to unlock all the Masteries, I already have them. You shouldn't NEED them.

> I don't have an issue parking a character there because I can play any of my other 27 characters while I wait. You shouldn't NEED to.


> Nobody should be able to kill the boss before those legitimately doing the pre-events (and perhaps don't have Skyscale/Masteries, the ability to leave a character

> logged out on the platform etc) are even able to get there using the INTENDED way of getting there.


> Being able to burn it down before people following the correct path even get up on the platform means the event is broken. It needs fixing.


> The reason I'm even making this post isn't because I feel sorry for myself (I can camp her just fine), it's because a commander on the map was diligently helping out throughout the day events, then waited at the helicopter location with his group (from what he typed in chat I got the impression he used to play during HoT and just came back from a long break, but I could be wrong), and by the time the helicopters landed and they got up on the platform she was already dead. He got so disappointed he just tagged down and logged off. That shouldn't be able to happen. There are multiple ways of fixing the issue, and I hope ANet does.


You do get that if someone is running the night meta you split up to kill the 5 bosses right? So as much as I appreciate this added comment there were still four other bosses to kill unless of course your story isn't accurate. If you don't control rally points you also don't get copters to bring you up which is more then half the time anyway. Sounds more he ran day and then didn't understand night and missed out on one boss and none from his group also knew. It's been this way for a long time and it isn't changing

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