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New weapon skills

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We need more alternative skills for your left side weapon skills.


GW2 builds are getting stale, everyone run the same things and elite specs often don't change things up as much as I would like to. There is ofc the meta reason which is a completely different issue, but another problem is just that the amount of skills you can use is very limited. It's like 10 steps back from GW1. I would love to see new weapon skills introduced to the game that can be unlocked by spending hero points on a new specialization or something. For example let's say I run staff and I unlocked this new spec, now I may swap some of the staff skills with new ones if I so choose.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> How would you propose balancing all of these new skills?


it would extremelly hard actually to balance them or make them somewath balanced, for several years game was ment to be done towards unbalance and gimmick skill usage, it still is but less.

And most players wont play whats new or some stuff cause skill dont carry :\

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Don't worry. I'm sure next expansion will bring a new E-Spec that will be FotM and thus make everyone play it and its new skills and no longer use current E-Specs and their new skills because E-Spec!




As far as the actual post goes;


I too would like to see additional weapon skills that can be swapped out to create more diverse playstyles within current weapon sets.


However, it'll **_never_** happen.


Not only because, it's apparent that ANet doesn't have the resources/care about looking at _currently existing_ weapon skills to tune them so that they're not garbage (There's SO many absolute trash core weapons).


But also the way that they've chosen to implement E-Spec weapons, so that they're locked to a specific E-Spec, suggests that they don't want to increase build diversity very much incase something becomes unbalanced and they have to address the issue (I.e. Balance an E-Spec)


Also, with the state of many Specializations, which offer 3 options to choose from but where 1 is often heavily dominant, it's most likely that such a choice of weapon skills would likely offer the same pseudo choice where 1 option is just clearly superior.

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> @"Taril.8619" said:

> I too would like to see additional weapon skills that can be swapped out to create more diverse playstyles within current weapon sets.

> However, it'll **_never_** happen.


That's exactly what everyone said about a new expansion. I too think they would not do that but to me the game kind of needs it. If you stop all excitement, discussions and ideas because you believe the game is "dead" you are basically contributing to its decline.


> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> How would you propose balancing all of these new skills?


Could ask that about new elite spec or new class too. ANet just need to spend the time and resources on it. If they want the upcoming expansion to have a long-term impact on the game that's something I feel should be prioritized. With new story and maps people will rush through it in a week, new elite specs wouldn't be nearly as interesting as giving all weapons new skills. To answer your question that completely depends on what the skills being added do lol and obviously that's not up to me. Can't tell whether you are actually interested in implementation ideas or just a pointless pessimistic comment.

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> @"Jokuc.3478" said:

> > @"Taril.8619" said:

> > I too would like to see additional weapon skills that can be swapped out to create more diverse playstyles within current weapon sets.

> > However, it'll **_never_** happen.


> That's exactly what everyone said about a new expansion. I too think they would not do that but to me the game kind of needs it. If you stop all excitement, discussions and ideas because you believe the game is "dead" you are basically contributing to its decline.


The thing is, there's lots of things they could do that would increase the amount of excitement in the game.


But they don't do them.


Most likely due to lack of resources, lack of desire or poor profit margins.


They could add new weapon types. New utility types. New utilities in existing types (Including finishing off the missing skills such as certain skill types not having a Healing and Elite skill). New Specializations.


But they don't.


They don't even do smaller things, like looking at the current weapons, utilities and specializations that suck and retune them (Which if they did, would feel like they added like 18 new classes to the game by sheer volume of options they'd have created). Heck, some weapons sucked back in 2012 when the game was released and they are unchanged now, 8 years later in 2020.


Something like a new expansion at least subverts some of the potential issues, by being a source of income and thus makes the resource usage worthwhile (Also, a fairly stable income as you can run the numbers to see what portion of the current playerbase will purchase the expansion based on how many bought previous expansions)


So, while I partake in discussions about things like this and could happily spend some time putting together some alternate skills for some existing weapon sets, I do so knowing that there's a 0% chance of it ever happening. ANet just doesn't come off as the kind of company that is in the position to do such things (As opposed to other companies, such as Bandai Namco a very successful company who recently made some significant changes to their new MMO, Blue Protocol after receiving player feedback and simultaneously announced plans to add in new classes to the game without the need of an expansion or other monetization scheme)

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> @"Taril.8619" said:

> Don't worry. I'm sure next expansion will bring a new E-Spec that will be FotM and thus make everyone play it and its new skills and no longer use current E-Specs and their new skills because E-Spec!


> /s


> As far as the actual post goes;


> I too would like to see additional weapon skills that can be swapped out to create more diverse playstyles within current weapon sets.


> However, it'll **_never_** happen.


> Not only because, it's apparent that ANet doesn't have the resources/care about looking at _currently existing_ weapon skills to tune them so that they're not garbage (There's SO many absolute trash core weapons).


> But also the way that they've chosen to implement E-Spec weapons, so that they're locked to a specific E-Spec, suggests that they don't want to increase build diversity very much incase something becomes unbalanced and they have to address the issue (I.e. Balance an E-Spec)


> Also, with the state of many Specializations, which offer 3 options to choose from but where 1 is often heavily dominant, it's most likely that such a choice of weapon skills would likely offer the same pseudo choice where 1 option is just clearly superior.


Expect more aoe and more tons of burn aoe...LOL u will see! :;P

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