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Better Alternatives?

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Hey there, PvP was fun a long time ago for me. Since then i search for alternatives, after a while i tryed myself on activities, pve and also wvw, but thats not what i wanted. PvE, wasnt difficult enough, i dont find enough players to do Activities, they also get boring after a while and WvW is just too big, also there was no place to see what you can do alone and worst of all, PvP isnt a home anymore, i dont want to be part of this toxity or this madness happening with it.


I was since start part of this community and had one of the crasyest playertimes a long time ago with 9.8k played games till hot, 15.3k played games till pof and 17.671 played games till now. Like i said i searched a long time ago for an alternative otherwise my playtime would be over 20k. I tryed a lot, to fix whats happening in pvp, like giving cookies to mad players, try to motivate them and help them to get over theyr toxity, or wishing all players luck and fun at the beginning of every match, helping out at different Guilds. Later i started a new Guild "Rabbits Trainingscave", so older Players remember themselfs, that they allways will be rabbits (you know cause of the first rank you got!) and help younger mates to a fun experience, but all i tryed wasnt enough, it was too late and i also started to let my frustration on other players. Thats what i never wanted to be, i dont want to be that player that takes the fun of others!


So its also time for me to say goodbye, thanks for the great time, but i have to leave and continue my search, maybe one day i´ll find a home again.

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> @"xp eke xp.6724" said:

>i dont want to be that player that takes the fun of others!

If there were more people with this attitude, this world would be a better place. Its sad that you leave, I´ve known you for a long time in PvP.

Many players quit because of all these toxic idiots. Anet would have the power to stop this but no, they just look away. I can understand you.

>maybe one day i´ll find a home again.

Home is not a place, its a state, its a feeling. And gw2 combat mechanics still are the best. Maybe you come back one day :)


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> @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> > @"xp eke xp.6724" said:

> >i dont want to be that player that takes the fun of others!

> If there were more people with this attitude, this world would be a better place. Its sad that you leave, I´ve known you for a long time in PvP.

> Many players quit because of all these toxic idiots. Anet would have the power to stop this but no, they just look away. I can understand you.

> >maybe one day i´ll find a home again.

> Home is not a place, its a state, its a feeling. And gw2 combat mechanics still are the best. Maybe you come back one day :)



I wish they remastered Battlefield 3 so the servers would be populated. That's where my home would be. *Sighs*

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> @"memausz.7264" said:

> > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> > > @"xp eke xp.6724" said:

> > >i dont want to be that player that takes the fun of others!

> > If there were more people with this attitude, this world would be a better place. Its sad that you leave, I´ve known you for a long time in PvP.

> > Many players quit because of all these toxic idiots. Anet would have the power to stop this but no, they just look away. I can understand you.

> > >maybe one day i´ll find a home again.

> > Home is not a place, its a state, its a feeling. And gw2 combat mechanics still are the best. Maybe you come back one day :)

> >


> I wish they remastered Battlefield 3 so the servers would be populated. That's where my home would be. *Sighs*


BF3 should have never existed, the current BF4 should have been the BF3 and they should have kept a long time support like they did with BF2, but noooooo. Milk the fuck out of it.


To OP, you won't find anything like GW2. It is what it is.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"memausz.7264" said:

> > > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> > > > @"xp eke xp.6724" said:

> > > >i dont want to be that player that takes the fun of others!

> > > If there were more people with this attitude, this world would be a better place. Its sad that you leave, I´ve known you for a long time in PvP.

> > > Many players quit because of all these toxic idiots. Anet would have the power to stop this but no, they just look away. I can understand you.

> > > >maybe one day i´ll find a home again.

> > > Home is not a place, its a state, its a feeling. And gw2 combat mechanics still are the best. Maybe you come back one day :)

> > >

> >

> > I wish they remastered Battlefield 3 so the servers would be populated. That's where my home would be. *Sighs*


> BF3 should have never existed, the current BF4 should have been the BF3 and they should have kept a long time support like they did with BF2, but noooooo. Milk the kitten out of it.


> To OP, you won't find anything like GW2. It is what it is.


I recently tried desperately to find a game to move to that had a clean pvp scene. Here are the problems I ran into:


1. Blade & Soul - It's actually a great game and it's been around as long as GW2. It also is still Esports. Only problem is.... it all functions like wvw in the aspect that your time spent in pve grinding gear reflects how powerful you are in pvp. And from what streamer reviews were saying, the gear variation depending on time invested is large. We aren't talking the difference between exotics & ascended. What the streamers said was more like Diablo 3 characters, where good gear vs mediocre gear makes the difference between if you can even deal damage to a player at all. So people who have been grinding gear for 9 years, are just going to be a lot stronger than you in pvp until you spend a year or some shit grinding gear for yourself. I wasn't so interested in that.

2. Black Desert Online - Same exact problem. The pve gear is the gear you use in pvp. Streamer reviews said exact same thing. I quote a guy saying: "Unless you want to grind 8 hours a day for the next 4-6 months to catch up, pvp is gonna rough, and even if you, g'luck finding gear that can compete against the best players, who are the players who have the best gear." It looks like a great game, it really does, but I wasn't into it that grind man. Not at all.

3. Every other game I looked into that was even in the ballpark of the same genre, was just either bad mechanics or too p2w or just not populated enough. You think GW2 population is low? Jesus, try looking at some of the other games. It's really REALLY low in other games.


I felt that, if I had started BDO or Blade & Soul from the initial release, and had kept up in grinding gear with other people, they probably would have been great games to play. But coming in this late into these other games and having to look at time invested learning the game from the ground up while grinding my ass off like a 16 year old kid again to get gear to compete, no thank you.


G'Luck to those who want to replace GW2, because it won't be easy. We are in "garbage era" for the genre of mmorpgs and arpgs. And the sadest thing is, the best mmorpg Guild Wars 2, seemingly no longer cares about what's happening in its pvp modes.


I'm not even blaming Cal & Ben here. I'm sure these problems have more to do with marketing decisions than anything. it's just too bad that game is going down in flames like this, considering that there truly is nothing to replace it.


Time to learn to love a new genre of game I guess.

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@"Trevor Boyer.6524"


GW2 is truly special in it's combat, absolutely nothing like it.


Yes, but also we live in a very egocentric era, it spreads world wide anywhere.


I don't think any MMO's will achieve what players demand truly because that demand is indeed impossible.


Games nowadays have to nearly bend the rules to the player expectation rather than make their own so that anyone can get their instant gratification, efforts are almost no longer a thing. Everything is just a grind, because a grind is better than getting better with your own person, this need of artificial progress has replaced the "just having fun", there's no such thing as getting better now, people are supposed to be better than anyone from the start.

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I dont think we demand nothing really impossible.

This game could have been a lot more if they gave a little bit of effort into the pvp community. It could be serious competition for WOW. But no, we're basically a joke on their eyes...

But there is no better alternatives, gw2 set a high bar for sure.

I tried to get back to WOW but it doesn't feel the same after gw2.

I tried to replace it with ESO, not even close...

Guild wars 2 is a sexy game.



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> @"mistsim.2748" said:

> There's nothing. ESO is janky AF. There just aren't any good PvP ARPGs. Maybe if D4 gets PvP, but I doubt it.


> I really enjoyed Battlerite until it got abandoned.


Blizzard promised D4 would have the pvp scene that D2 players wanted in D3 that they didn't get, but we'll see about that.


D4 is going to be an enormous release. Due to all the points already made in this thread about how "GW2 is the only mmo arpg to play" anyone who is a fan of these genres is going to migrate to D4. And due to the age of the series, it's going to pull player base ages of teenagers all the way up to 40 and 50 year old players who were once hardcore back in Diablo 1.


With the amount of players who will be entering this game, I'll be very disappointed if Blizzard does not provide:


1. Open World PvP. Diablo 4 is going to be the perfect game to do it with the new world design they are planning.

2. Some kind of ranked system with tournaments.

3. At least one gear neutral mode, so new players can compete on equal ground with veteran players.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"mistsim.2748" said:

> > There's nothing. ESO is janky AF. There just aren't any good PvP ARPGs. Maybe if D4 gets PvP, but I doubt it.

> >

> > I really enjoyed Battlerite until it got abandoned.


> Blizzard promised D4 would have the pvp scene that D2 players wanted in D3 that they didn't get, but we'll see about that.


> D4 is going to be an enormous release. Due to all the points already made in this thread about how "GW2 is the only mmo arpg to play" anyone who is a fan of these genres is going to migrate to D4. And due to the age of the series, it's going to pull player base ages of teenagers all the way up to 40 and 50 year old players who were once hardcore back in Diablo 1.


> With the amount of players who will be entering this game, I'll be very disappointed if Blizzard does not provide:


> 1. Open World PvP. Diablo 4 is going to be the perfect game to do it with the new world design they are planning.

> 2. Some kind of ranked system with tournaments.

> 3. At least one gear neutral mode, so new players can compete on equal ground with veteran players.


Look man, the minute D4 is out and as long as it has functional PvP, I'm outtie here so fast. Blizz always did druids the best anyway, so I don't need too many excuses to leave.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> i heard mordhau is half decent. i think that side of things will be the way to go if you want twitch action combat. mmorpgs are a dying breed.


But there's no fantasy elements, no spells. It's not really in the same genre.


If ANet had any vision whatsoever, they'd take spvp, put a small team on it to expand the game modes, clean it up (simplify condis, boons, and traits), and put it out on Steam as a standalone f2p. And rake in the cash from Black Lion cosmetics.


Whatever they're doing right now is just a slow death.

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