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Remove Commendations from the "Nearly Completed" Achievements tab

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Before the latest patch, I really like using the "Nearly Completed Achievements" tab to hunt down achievs, but since the latest content update all three tabs are now occupied by the annoying "Glory to the _____ legion/Commendations" that just never end.

It is frustrating because I have no way to hide them, and I no longer have an easy way to find out which achievements I am close to finishing.

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> @"aaron.7850" said:

> Before the latest patch, I really like using the "Nearly Completed Achievements" tab to hunt down achievs, but since the latest content update all three tabs are now occupied by the annoying "Glory to the _____ legion/Commendations" that just never end.

> It is frustrating because I have no way to hide them, and I no longer have an easy way to find out which achievements I am close to finishing.


They go away when you finish them one time mate.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"aaron.7850" said:

> > Before the latest patch, I really like using the "Nearly Completed Achievements" tab to hunt down achievs, but since the latest content update all three tabs are now occupied by the annoying "Glory to the _____ legion/Commendations" that just never end.

> > It is frustrating because I have no way to hide them, and I no longer have an easy way to find out which achievements I am close to finishing.


> They go away when you finish them one time mate.


No, they dont.

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Choosing to hide certain achievements would be ideal. The difficulty of completing different ones is also different. If I'm at 950/1000 for killing some type of creature, killing 50 of them is something I can reasonably do in an hour.

If I'm at 240/250 for completing fractals, completing 10 fractals is not something I'm likely to do in an hour.

And there are some, like PVP kills, where there are 20 levels of the achievement, each separated by 100 kills. So you are close to 1000, get that 1000 kill, but now are at 1000/1100, which may be high enough to show up in near completed (probably definitely is when at 1050, but if like me, you only do PvP for easy daily kills, it can take months to get 50 kills). So that achievement won't really stop showing until I get 2000 kills now.


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Yeah hiding would be nice. I know they are based on percentage. (The one with highest percentage completed will appear first.) But for grindy stuff it might still take long to just finish it. Especially if you don't play that type of content at that moment.

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I'd prefer to be able to hide or cycle through them. The mini collector achievements are the ones sitting at the top for me and right now I have no desire to complete them, I'd much rather see the other achievements that are almost done. That or maybe code it by zone where it shows achievements that are almost done in that zone. Might encourage people to revisit old zones as it'd be easier to see what was almost done and kinda goad them into completing it.

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Definitely agree that the nearly completed achievements should be able to be hidden individually (at least until you log out). These and "Festival Frequenter" are on mine, and the latter can't even be completed for the next month or so until Festival of the Four Winds.

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