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Upcomming balance changes for Necromancer


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From https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/109025/upcoming-balance-notes




The necromancer traits for signets and wells have long occupied a difficult place in most builds since they exist on the grandmaster tier and typically have not provided enough power to warrant taking over other grandmaster traits. We're moving the signet trait, removing the well trait, and replacing the grandmaster slot with new, more broadly functioning traits that we feel will be more competitive with the other options at that tier.


Shade Skills: These have been changed back to triggering at both the necromancer's location and their shade locations with each use.

Deathly Swarm: Reduced the conditions transferred per target struck from 3 to 2 in PvE only.

Vampiric Rituals: This trait has been removed and replaced with the trait Blood Bank.

Blood Bank: This new trait replaces Vampiric Rituals in the Blood Magic grandmaster slot. It causes healing over your maximum health amount to be converted into barrier. Regeneration effects do not trigger this trait.

Well of Blood: Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

Ritual of Life: Reduced recharge from 35 seconds to 30 seconds.

Well of Corruption: Reduced recharge from 40 seconds to 32 seconds.

Well of Darkness: Reduced recharge from 35 seconds to 25 seconds. This well is no longer unblockable and has a damaging strike associated with it. It now also inflicts 2 seconds of chill each pulse in addition to blindness.

Well of Power: Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds in PvE. Reduced recharge from 40 seconds to 35 seconds in PvP and WvW.

Well of Suffering: Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

Signet of the Locust: In addition to its previous effects, the active ability of this signet now also converts up to 2 boons on struck foes into additional healing.

Signet of Vampirism: The passive effect for this skill has been reworked. It now causes the necromancer to steal a small amount of health from a nearby foe every second while in combat.

Signets of Suffering: This trait has been moved to the master tier and replaces Dread. The enhanced signet effect now only activates when in shroud. The enhanced effect for Signet of the Locust has changed to be a 33% movement speed bonus. The enhanced effect for Signet of Vampirism has changed to increase the number of targets to 2 for the passive life siphon.

Dread: This trait has been moved to the grandmaster slot previously occupied by Signets of Suffering, and it has been reworked. It now grants 5 seconds of quickness and 10 seconds of fury whenever the necromancer applies fear to an enemy, with a 3-second internal cooldown. Additionally, it reduces the recharge of Shroud skill 3 by 50% whenever an enemy is killed in PvE and PvP, and by 5% in WvW.


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Its a fantastic change for Scourge to be able to have shades at your own location again. Mesmers got a similar treatment. So happy to see this reverted!


Signets of Suffering: This trait has been moved to the master tier and replaces Dread. The enhanced signet effect now only activates when in shroud. The enhanced effect for Signet of the Locust has changed to be a 33% movement speed bonus. The enhanced effect for Signet of Vampirism has changed to increase the number of targets to 2 for the passive life siphon.

Though it seems like a nerf to SoS to only be enhanced in shroud.


Dread: This trait has been moved to the grandmaster slot previously occupied by Signets of Suffering, and it has been reworked. It now grants 5 seconds of quickness and 10 seconds of fury whenever the necromancer applies fear to an enemy, with a 3-second internal cooldown. Additionally, it reduces the recharge of Shroud skill 3 by 50% whenever an enemy is killed in PvE and PvP, and by 5% in WvW.


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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Its a fantastic change for Scourge to be able to have shades at your own location again. Mesmers got a similar treatment. So happy to see this reverted!


> Signets of Suffering: This trait has been moved to the master tier and replaces Dread. The enhanced signet effect now only activates when in shroud. The enhanced effect for Signet of the Locust has changed to be a 33% movement speed bonus. The enhanced effect for Signet of Vampirism has changed to increase the number of targets to 2 for the passive life siphon.

> Though it seems like a nerf to SoS to only be enhanced in shroud.


> Dread: This trait has been moved to the grandmaster slot previously occupied by Signets of Suffering, and it has been reworked. It now grants 5 seconds of quickness and 10 seconds of fury whenever the necromancer applies fear to an enemy, with a 3-second internal cooldown. Additionally, it reduces the recharge of Shroud skill 3 by 50% whenever an enemy is killed in PvE and PvP, and by 5% in WvW.

> The second effect to reduce Death spiral with 50% on every kill in pve. That seems like an incredible buff, and appearently pushing necros to stay in shroud as long as possible instead of flashing it for soul barbs? Might make Fear of Death shine again, especially since it plays with the new Dread.


Shroud skill 3 isnt Death Spiral. Its the fear skill across the board.

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> @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > Its a fantastic change for Scourge to be able to have shades at your own location again. Mesmers got a similar treatment. So happy to see this reverted!

> >

> > Signets of Suffering: This trait has been moved to the master tier and replaces Dread. The enhanced signet effect now only activates when in shroud. The enhanced effect for Signet of the Locust has changed to be a 33% movement speed bonus. The enhanced effect for Signet of Vampirism has changed to increase the number of targets to 2 for the passive life siphon.

> > Though it seems like a nerf to SoS to only be enhanced in shroud.

> >

> > Dread: This trait has been moved to the grandmaster slot previously occupied by Signets of Suffering, and it has been reworked. It now grants 5 seconds of quickness and 10 seconds of fury whenever the necromancer applies fear to an enemy, with a 3-second internal cooldown. Additionally, it reduces the recharge of Shroud skill 3 by 50% whenever an enemy is killed in PvE and PvP, and by 5% in WvW.

> > The second effect to reduce Death spiral with 50% on every kill in pve. That seems like an incredible buff, and appearently pushing necros to stay in shroud as long as possible instead of flashing it for soul barbs? Might make Fear of Death shine again, especially since it plays with the new Dread.


> Shroud skill 3 isnt Death Spiral. Its the fear skill across the board.


That makes more sense.

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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > Its a fantastic change for Scourge to be able to have shades at your own location again. Mesmers got a similar treatment. So happy to see this reverted!

> > >

> > > Signets of Suffering: This trait has been moved to the master tier and replaces Dread. The enhanced signet effect now only activates when in shroud. The enhanced effect for Signet of the Locust has changed to be a 33% movement speed bonus. The enhanced effect for Signet of Vampirism has changed to increase the number of targets to 2 for the passive life siphon.

> > > Though it seems like a nerf to SoS to only be enhanced in shroud.

> > >

> > > Dread: This trait has been moved to the grandmaster slot previously occupied by Signets of Suffering, and it has been reworked. It now grants 5 seconds of quickness and 10 seconds of fury whenever the necromancer applies fear to an enemy, with a 3-second internal cooldown. Additionally, it reduces the recharge of Shroud skill 3 by 50% whenever an enemy is killed in PvE and PvP, and by 5% in WvW.

> > > The second effect to reduce Death spiral with 50% on every kill in pve. That seems like an incredible buff, and appearently pushing necros to stay in shroud as long as possible instead of flashing it for soul barbs? Might make Fear of Death shine again, especially since it plays with the new Dread.

> >

> > Shroud skill 3 isnt Death Spiral. Its the fear skill across the board.


> That makes more sense.


Bah, guess i overlooked something, was too good to be true. Edited the op.

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The new Dread GM trait is super redundant. Not a single viable necro build gets any value from this trait and the cooldown reduction part is just random trash you can not control in the competitive modes and so it ends up as a gimmick.


The signet rework (trait and skills) is a straight up nerf to the whole signet mechanic. But hey, we have to drop Chill of Death for a signet build now and can pick the useless Dread in exchange. Thank you for nothing!

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> @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > Its a fantastic change for Scourge to be able to have shades at your own location again. Mesmers got a similar treatment. So happy to see this reverted!

> >

> > Signets of Suffering: This trait has been moved to the master tier and replaces Dread. The enhanced signet effect now only activates when in shroud. The enhanced effect for Signet of the Locust has changed to be a 33% movement speed bonus. The enhanced effect for Signet of Vampirism has changed to increase the number of targets to 2 for the passive life siphon.

> > Though it seems like a nerf to SoS to only be enhanced in shroud.

> >

> > Dread: This trait has been moved to the grandmaster slot previously occupied by Signets of Suffering, and it has been reworked. It now grants 5 seconds of quickness and 10 seconds of fury whenever the necromancer applies fear to an enemy, with a 3-second internal cooldown. Additionally, it reduces the recharge of Shroud skill 3 by 50% whenever an enemy is killed in PvE and PvP, and by 5% in WvW.

> > The second effect to reduce Death spiral with 50% on every kill in pve. That seems like an incredible buff, and appearently pushing necros to stay in shroud as long as possible instead of flashing it for soul barbs? Might make Fear of Death shine again, especially since it plays with the new Dread.


> Shroud skill 3 isnt Death Spiral. Its the fear skill across the board.


except scourge its f4. dont think that they thought about that one?


overall, these changes wont affect necro that much, the only significant change is the shade change back and the well of darkness change.


everything else inst worth mentioning.

its even a nerf to a build that could have worked in theory by abusing dread. the new dread trait is basically not useable in pve. and i dont get why they would add even more selfish quickness instead of some group support.

same goes btw for the new bloodbank trait. i dont see any use for this trait.

i did not read a lot of other changes, but if other classes dont get nerfed for pve....


slightly lower cooldowns is nice.


i also dont get why deathly swarm gets nerfed? maybe they want to push condi reaper again with the well of darkness change?

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Shade changes are welcome for PvE. Though, could be an issue for WvW.


lel a nerf to Dagger OH in PvE


Blood Bank sounds horrible (It competes with Transfusion to boot). Also RIP one of the only sources of allied boons for Necro.


Signet of Vampirism change could be interesting. Wonder how much damage it'll do, might replace Blood Fiend for PvE if it does more damage.


Signets of Suffering is change is trash. PvE will still want Awaken the Pain as it equates to 250 power at all times vs the 90 power during Shroud that Signet of Spite will give with the trait (Other Signets are not worth using besides Signet of Undeath for Scourge). PvP/WvW gets more out of Chill of Death for that burst, Chill and boonrip.


Dread seems kind of nutty for PvP/WvW and is still trash for PvE.


Overall, it seems like PvP/WvW Necro is getting stronger (lel) while PvE Necro is unaffected (More lel)

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> The new Dread GM trait is super redundant. Not a single viable necro build gets any value from this trait and the cooldown reduction part is just random trash you can not control in the competitive modes and so it ends up as a gimmick.


> The signet rework (trait and skills) is a straight up nerf to the whole signet mechanic. But hey, we have to drop Chill of Death for a signet build now and can pick the useless Dread in exchange. Thank you for nothing!


I feel like the GM Traits where fine by themself, really. The only thing lacking was the elite Well and Signet skills to go alongside them.


Especially the new dread is really random. For reapers its straight up useless, it wont compete with reapers onslaught. For core necro it doenst really change much, especially since they gave Shroud 3 a cast time. For Scourge i guess its weird, technical speaking Shroud 3 is the barrier, which is okay but doenst make that much sense sense. If this trait applies to Shroud 4 for scourge it might be good as it increases the uptime of the healing when paired with transfusion.


Also if the passive healing from the new Signet of Vampirism is below healing signet its really bad.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> except scourge its f4. dont think that they thought about that one?

When the mechanic works as they say, then F4 procs Dread and dying creatures reduce the cooldown of F3 by 50%. So in PvE you get a full F3 recharge every 2nd trashmob that dies, ending up being able to spam F3 barriers like crazy.



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People have no idea how good the dread trait is gonna be in competitive modes. Wells buffs is questionable for wvw but we have to see. Overall its a hard buff to necro in all game-modes.


From wvw perspective:

Shades change back to original wont give much more damage as the main damage is not from shades anymore but it will make it more braindead like before, also team support will be much more easier. Still there will be some damage increase from shades.

Wells cd reduction might be tradeoff cause of blood magic well gm removal. Looks fine, just bomb will be available more often than before. Would have to test to see.

Not sure what to feel about well of darkness, have to wait and see when the patch lands with different builds. This well has no place in wvw atleast. Might be useful in pvp.

Dread is extremely good for all power roaming builds., specially reaper.

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> Dread is extremely good for all power roaming builds., specially reaper.



You get Fury in Shroud (Only if your Fear hits! Have fun when it's blinded, dodged or blocked.), which you don't need as you either run Death Perception (Soul Reaping) or Furious Demise+Target the Weak (Curses). A build that does not run any of these is not viable and won't be with Dread.


And you get Quickness in Shroud which you get anyway since Onslaught is the only viable GM trait for Power Reapers.


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> Blood Bank: This new trait replaces Vampiric Rituals in the Blood Magic grandmaster slot. It causes healing over your maximum health amount to be converted into barrier. > Regeneration effects do not trigger this trait.

> Dread: This trait has been moved to the grandmaster slot previously occupied by Signets of Suffering, and it has been reworked. It now grants 5 seconds of quickness and 10 > seconds of fury whenever the necromancer applies fear to an enemy, with a 3-second internal cooldown. Additionally, it reduces the recharge of Shroud skill 3 by 50% > whenever an enemy is killed in PvE and PvP, and by 5% in WvW.


these seem ridiculous.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > Dread is extremely good for all power roaming builds., specially reaper.

> Why?


> You get Fury in Shroud (Only if your Fear hits! Have fun when it's blinded, dodged or blocked.), which you don't need as you either run Death Perception (Soul Reaping) or Furious Demise+Target the Weak (Curses). A build that does not run any of these is not viable and won't be with Dread.


> And you get Quickness in Shroud which you get anyway since Onslaught is the only viable GM trait for Power Reapers.



If you run spite then you would run soul reaping and reaper as other traitlines, so you have no source of fury. When you have no fury you either get it from rune like firework or make very high crit chance from full marauder or take a sigil that makes you hit crits like vision which are very unreliable. Just the fact that having fury on spite is extremely good for out of shroud damage cause you always want qol things on runes and sigils. For example speed rune and energy+absorption or something else. Just having 5 f***ing secs of quickness and 10secs of fury on a single fear is extremely insane.

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InB4 this gets flooded with zomg this will be OP and this goes for all the profession changes. We should try to use our minds to try to beat these new spec changes before we start asking for nerfs. This might include changing our builds or asking for advice or even playing whatever X build is seemingly problematic.

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The only "half new" thing is dread quickness on core necro.


Its not worth the extra survivability of blood on most builds, the only 1 which took spite is the WvW signet duelist. But that one already took quickness sigils, so I guess most stuff will stay and play the same.

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > Dread is extremely good for all power roaming builds., specially reaper.

> > Why?

> >

> > You get Fury in Shroud (Only if your Fear hits! Have fun when it's blinded, dodged or blocked.), which you don't need as you either run Death Perception (Soul Reaping) or Furious Demise+Target the Weak (Curses). A build that does not run any of these is not viable and won't be with Dread.

> >

> > And you get Quickness in Shroud which you get anyway since Onslaught is the only viable GM trait for Power Reapers.

> >


> If you run spite then you would run soul reaping and reaper as other traitlines, so you have no source of fury. When you have no fury you either get it from rune like firework or make very high crit chance from full marauder or take a sigil that makes you hit crits like vision which are very unreliable. Just the fact that having fury on spite is extremely good for out of shroud damage cause you always want qol things on runes and sigils. For example speed rune and energy+absorption or something else. Just having 5 f***ing secs of quickness and 10secs of fury on a single fear is extremely insane.

If your 25s cooldown shroud3 skill hits and you leave shroud afterwards and you hopefully don't fight a build that can strip or corrupt... you get some benefit. Now that's what I call situational. A GM trait should not be situational.


For my taste this is just another dumb and clunky option that cripples me more than it offers new options. To me even Close to Death provides more value.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > > Dread is extremely good for all power roaming builds., specially reaper.

> > > Why?

> > >

> > > You get Fury in Shroud (Only if your Fear hits! Have fun when it's blinded, dodged or blocked.), which you don't need as you either run Death Perception (Soul Reaping) or Furious Demise+Target the Weak (Curses). A build that does not run any of these is not viable and won't be with Dread.

> > >

> > > And you get Quickness in Shroud which you get anyway since Onslaught is the only viable GM trait for Power Reapers.

> > >

> >

> > If you run spite then you would run soul reaping and reaper as other traitlines, so you have no source of fury. When you have no fury you either get it from rune like firework or make very high crit chance from full marauder or take a sigil that makes you hit crits like vision which are very unreliable. Just the fact that having fury on spite is extremely good for out of shroud damage cause you always want qol things on runes and sigils. For example speed rune and energy+absorption or something else. Just having 5 f***ing secs of quickness and 10secs of fury on a single fear is extremely insane.

> If your 25s cooldown shroud3 skill hits and you leave shroud afterwards and you hopefully don't fight a build that can strip or corrupt... you get some benefit. Now that's what I call situational. A GM trait should not be situational.


> For my taste this is just another dumb and clunky option that cripples me more than it offers new options. To me even Close to Death provides more value.


You wont say that when the patch lands. Fear ring+Staff5+Lich3 into autos+Shroud3+corrupts. I can already see it.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > Dread is extremely good for all power roaming builds., specially reaper.

> Why?


> You get Fury in Shroud (Only if your Fear hits! Have fun when it's blinded, dodged or blocked.), which you don't need as you either run Death Perception (Soul Reaping) or Furious Demise+Target the Weak (Curses). A build that does not run any of these is not viable and won't be with Dread.


> And you get Quickness in Shroud which you get anyway since Onslaught is the only viable GM trait for Power Reapers.



Unless one of the unlisted changes is:

Removed quickness of reapers onslaught

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