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Why does no one talk?

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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > What are you on about? I have to turn map chat off just to get them to *stop* talking... and even that doesn't stop them, because they use /me emotes.


> Same. Very little in map chat is worth engaging in, and most legitimate questions get answered sincerely and efficiently, and tied off with a nice "thank you!" from the asker.


> The other game I play has a very, very, hyperactive map chat... and it's the worst display of human filth possible. It's literally the worst part of that game, aside from the few times it's so bad that it turns the corner to hilarious.


> Our relatively quiet chat is a godsend, imo. There when you want it, safely ignorable when you don't.


All MMO i have played have the same exact things in map chat, every time. When you have seen one map chat, you have seen them all, only diffenrece is that it might be years appart. Humans, am i right?

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I quite like the quiet. I have map chat turned it, and it means that I see the messages where players are calling out for help with a meta, or asking questions about the game, and so forth. If I want a conversation with a particular person, I take it to whisper. If I'm in a squad, I'm talking in squad chat.


Bonus: a really quiet map means I can see those mesmers advertising "ports through any jp". QoL: make an lfg area for mesmers offering non-map specific ports.


LA map chat can be annoying, particularly if it is about USA politics (I'm on an NA server, along with a bunch of ppl who aren't in the USA). Along with any other subject, just because one person wants to have a conversation about subject X in map chat doesn't mean that the rest of us are interested in that conversation.

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> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > I disagree. I think the prevalence of third-party voice chat has all but neutered in-game chat. People didn't have these options 7-8 years ago. That has nothing to do with any perception of the kind of development that the game gets.

> If you take a historical and gaming wide perspective, sure. However, I'm talking about GW2 in the span of let's say two years. It also doesn't explain why we are seeing a similar development on those voice chats in question. I have no idea how many public or semi-public voice chats there are for PvE or general gameplay these days. However, in WvW it is still pretty common for there to be semi-public voice chats on a server level (say, 500-2000 users). There is a pretty obvious pattern there with more and more players who join with their mics turned off or that administrators or people when trying to herd players towards those voice chats openly have to state "you don't have to talk, just come so you can listen". That really did not exist if you just go back a couple of years. There is a clear and present difference in how interactive the players are and how much of an identity or anonymity they have, at least in WvW.


> I'm not saying that it has to be negative to be anonymous, shy or have some sort of social anxiety or whatever else you may attribute it to, but it is a rather interesting phenomenon that we now have such a dominant majority of anonymous players there. That kind of volume does not fit into norms.




Most people don't want to talk or listen to some random peoples vapid garbage. If they do talk, it's just to be as loud as possible with all the usual disgusting trash that it is. That is what it mostly is anyway, so why bother? People here talk as if the in game chat was something special but it was just recycling memes and it STILL is, what has actually changed? Nothing, except now you can do the the same in voice chat, Yay?

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NA Divinity Reach is always chatty , ocx, EU and any NA timezone, people there talk from everything, trolls trolling, people that know each other, people asking for advice on certain classes for any gamemode , people discussing ultimate end game of shinnyness aka dresswars theres people testing combos,, etc...

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I see people talking pretty often: In Lion's Arch and in daily maps. Of course it is talk about the game - and not small talk.

Small talk happens every now and then. If people feel in the mood an a discussion takes that direction.


I guess this is the normal thing. And if it feels less than in other games ... it might only be because the people actually play the game. Or less people are in the game. (Well for certain maps there really are a low amount of players only.)

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As stated before, people usually chat in guild, saying the usual small talk of "good morning" and stuff. Map chat activity depends on the map, eg meta/farm areas won't shut up (looking at you auric basin) while mid-level areas are deserted. And of course racial cities if you want to goof around.


Also keep in mind that f2p accounts don't have access to map chat.

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> @"mikansei.5742" said:

> Discord channels like that led by a WvW commander exist so that the commander can shout out strategies and such. Even for someone who's lightning fast at typing, saying it out loud saves time and lets you keep using your keyboard for combat. Channels like that don't exist for small talk, they exist so the zerg can hear tactics quickly, so naturally there isn't much socialization and there are a ton of mic-off users.

So you think that most commanders want a quiet room that doesn't talk to them while they command?

In my experience, that too is far from the truth and I often hear commanders make note of how people are too quiet and they feel like they are talking to themselves. There have even been times where high-profile, experienced or regular commanders on a server have tagged down because they've found it too quiet, boring and antisocial to just shout orders with hardly anyone responding or confirming anything or even answering some between the fights grocery-shopping small-talk. Plus, voicecoms have always been an effective mean to communicate over the content but that "always" includes alot years when things were not this quiet so the point is rather moot. Either way, if you think complete silence as listening for orders is the norm, then you must be new.



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> So you think that most commanders want a quiet room that doesn't talk to them while they command?

Not what I said.


> Either way, if you think complete silence as listening for orders is the norm, then you must be new.

Also not what I said, and no, I'm not new.


If you've run across so many WvW commanders complaining that their discord channels are too quiet and they're lonely, why don't you try talking to them?

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> @"Orack.9756" said:

> > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > @"Orack.9756" said:

> > > > @"trixantea.1230" said:

> > > > GW2 sometimes feels more like a single player game than an MMO. Maybe this is why people do not need to talk too much in it. Aside from guild chat, it's not difficult to find someone to converse with in places like lion's arch or divinity's reach if you know how to start a good conversation.

> > > >

> > > > Anyway, it would be always be healthier for a person to try to talk with family and real life friends than talking to random strangers inside a video game.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Well, all "modern" mmorpg are like this : so easy and soloable + all tool to find group w/o speaking to anyone.

> > > I don't like these thing and still ask party in chat map and try to speak with people in meta group trying to be funny and have some fun with few people.

> > > I don't like what "mmo" have become.

> > > At this point I'm just waiting for Pantheon, seem the only mmo project what actually gonna be a true mmo.

> > > I'm always a bit sad and I look at what mmo are these day, I miss old MMO like L2 where nothing was achievable alone without speaking to other.

> > > That also a big problem from "no class role", if no role that just mean everyone can do everything alone, that a bad design imho.

> >

> > hardcore games will be niche game at best. any dev, that pumps years of work and money into a project dont really want that, they simply NEED

> > the filthy casuals to keep the dream alive. whaling is VERY lucrative, and without casuals, the PVP scene will deflate into the same few teams fighting each other, over and over.

> > wow could only make all those raids, because millions of casuals were there to pay for them

> > pantheon will end up the same place, as albion did


> That why I wait for Pantheon who specifically aim for a niche community to regroup all old player who miss the difficult world and the importance to have lot of different class to made a good party + ofc, lot of communication.

> I think it's gonna be my last hope for mmorpg, if this project didn't end well, then I'm done with mmorpg.


even if the devs make it work, you will spend much time writing reports.

a "safe space" on the net simply doesnt exist anymore, there are simply too many trolls and griefers

its like trying to find a big city without beggars

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> @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > What are you on about? I have to turn map chat off just to get them to *stop* talking... and even that doesn't stop them, because they use /me emotes.

> >

> > Same. Very little in map chat is worth engaging in, and most legitimate questions get answered sincerely and efficiently, and tied off with a nice "thank you!" from the asker.

> >

> > The other game I play has a very, very, hyperactive map chat... and it's the worst display of human filth possible. It's literally the worst part of that game, aside from the few times it's so bad that it turns the corner to hilarious.

> >

> > Our relatively quiet chat is a godsend, imo. There when you want it, safely ignorable when you don't.


> All MMO i have played have the same exact things in map chat, every time. When you have seen one map chat, you have seen them all, only diffenrece is that it might be years appart. Humans, am i right?


try APB, i am sure that will open your eyes. no other game comes close to the toxicity there.

they should get government support for keeping all those sick freaks off the streets

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I feel that the way GW2 plays, there's just alot of anonymity for open world PvE (which is mainly what I play). You don't need a party, you don't need another player to team up with, you don't even need a guild. Hop into a meta and there's 50+ people. The only times that I talked to people was when I started trying raids (or a few specific metas like Octovines where you have to coordinate kill), but outside in general PvE, there just isn't really a whole lot of reason to talk to anybody. Its like living in a big city, just another anonymous person going by their business. There's no names in the trading post either so buying/selling is also pretty much completely anonymous, you wouldn't message them to try to strike up a deal with them like in other games.







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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> Got no time to talk when you are hunting achievements, skins, events and whatnot


I was going to say that as well. It's that and to much trash talk going on.


If ANet filtered/moderated chat more and maybe had a mobile chat app tied to the game. I think GW2 suffers from not keeping up with the times bad linking web/app social media/chat to the game. A website/app that links normal social media, sharing achievements, guild chats, web cam showing in game happenings with the website and app. We can't play on mobile devices but it would be nice to be able to do those other functions. They aren't likely to spend the money on the development on these kind of interfaces.

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> If ANet filtered/moderated chat more and maybe had a mobile chat app tied to the game. I think GW2 suffers from not keeping up with the times bad linking web/app social media/chat to the game. A website/app that links normal social media, sharing achievements, guild chats, web cam showing in game happenings with the website and app. We can't play on mobile devices but it would be nice to be able to do those other functions. They aren't likely to spend the money on the development on these kind of interfaces.


a mobile companion app for gw2 would be nice. chat/whisper friends/guild from your phone. do mail/trading post etcetc.

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It's better than Destiny 2. In that game i've literally never seen anyone type anything at all and yes i had chat enabled. Lion's Arch can get chatty sometimes, but personally i'm mostly active in the guild chat (for better or for worse lol). I dont know anyone IRL that also plays GW2 so I view my guild as an extension of my friend group in this game. That said, in EU servers though there is quite a unique problem: not everyone speaks the same language. I'm Dutch, but i've met many German and French players. Yes most of them speak English, but sometimes I join a fractal group that is exclusively german and I quickly feel left out because they refuse to speak English.

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> @"jiggle puff.9347" said:

> It's better than Destiny 2. In that game i've literally never seen anyone type anything at all and yes i had chat enabled. Lion's Arch can get chatty sometimes, but personally i'm mostly active in the guild chat (for better or for worse lol). I dont know anyone IRL that also plays GW2 so I view my guild as an extension of my friend group in this game. That said, in EU servers though there is quite a unique problem: not everyone speaks the same language. I'm Dutch, but i've met many German and French players. Yes most of them speak English, but sometimes I join a fractal group that is exclusively german and I quickly feel left out because they refuse to speak English.


lol! i played Destiny 2 back when it was still on Battle.Net .. and people did type sometimes on strikes and mostly it was to add you (if they liked how you played) or something random, but this was rare... and i did see chat atleast once on the open zones but it was even rarer. i think it just has something to do with the fast paced nature of the game and the game being a first-person shooter

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PvP - hardly any chat in the map except for the usual ''hello or toxicity or gg''

Strike missions - only to complain about how damage is low or ping armor stat

Map chat - hardly anyone says anything except guild recruiting

Friends list - 75 percent is unresponsive


Idk even in 2012 launch the game didn't feel as social as gw1 did, you had outposts back then to chill then you had heroes and henchies doing most of the work you could pretty much reply with low effort but idk there's something about this game that makes you feel more introverted


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Guild Wars 2 is an introvert's haven. Sadly that's how just it ends up. Personally I chat with a lot of folks but mostly over discord, guild chat, whispers etc etc.


It's kinda boring that everyone keeps to themselves. Just sucks the fun out of the mmo in the first place. Even warframe people talk more than gw2 folks and those people have more to grind than we do.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> Guild Wars 2 is an introvert's haven. Sadly that's how just it ends up. Personally I chat with a lot of folks but mostly over discord, guild chat, whispers etc etc.


> It's kinda boring that everyone keeps to themselves. Just sucks the fun out of the mmo in the first place. Even warframe people talk more than gw2 folks and those people have more to grind than we do.


I on the other hand have never seen ANYONE say ANYTHING in warframe, at all. If you mean general chat, then it's just the usual garbage there, like in every game.


Should be pretty clear that most people used to talk only because it was required, not because they wanted to. People who wanted to joined a guild or whatever the game had and talked all day there, because they wanted to do it, not because you had to do it to get to some dungeon to progress.

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> @"Potatoface.1287" said:

> Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but isnt talking and typing 2 completely different actions? You cant really talk with a keyboard unless you have discord/TS/skype to do so, and is there a specific server for everyone to 'talk'?


Hello Mr literal. ;P

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Just curious: when you say you try to talk and everyone ignores you what do you say?


> I doubt I'm the only one who sees people saying 'hi' or 'how are you doing today?' in map chat and doesn't reply because I'm never sure if they're speaking to a specific person (maybe someone who said something before I'd loaded in the map?) or to the map in general, and even if it is the second one I don't really want to get drawn into awkward small talk with a total stranger which then leaves me feeling obligated to stay on the same map until I'm sure the conversation has died out.


> I don't mind talking to people and will happily answer questions or join in an actual conversation, but only if it seems likely to lead to an actual conversation. Otherwise it's just easier and (in my mind at least) less awkward for everyone if I don't reply.


Yeah I know exactly what you mean. I'm not that guy that's just saying Hi in Map chat. I'll specifically whisper some or try to party up. Just gets ignored :/


I get that it's done in Guilds, but I like in other MMOs sometimes just watching the random conversations that ensues. Don't really get anything like that. It's very quiet most of the time.


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> @"Orack.9756" said:

> > @"trixantea.1230" said:

> > GW2 sometimes feels more like a single player game than an MMO. Maybe this is why people do not need to talk too much in it. Aside from guild chat, it's not difficult to find someone to converse with in places like lion's arch or divinity's reach if you know how to start a good conversation.

> >

> > Anyway, it would be always be healthier for a person to try to talk with family and real life friends than talking to random strangers inside a video game.

> >

> >


> Well, all "modern" mmorpg are like this : so easy and soloable + all tool to find group w/o speaking to anyone.

> I don't like these thing and still ask party in chat map and try to speak with people in meta group trying to be funny and have some fun with few people.

> I don't like what "mmo" have become.

> At this point I'm just waiting for Pantheon, seem the only mmo project what actually gonna be a true mmo.

> I'm always a bit sad and I look at what mmo are these day, I miss old MMO like L2 where nothing was achievable alone without speaking to other.

> That also a big problem from "no class role", if no role that just mean everyone can do everything alone, that a bad design imho.


I for sure agree with the fact that there isn't enough features in this game where you need other people. Even something as simple as trading (Not mailing actually trading with individual players) or being able to have another player on your mount. Would make the game a lot more social.

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> @"SirRocket.3516" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > Just curious: when you say you try to talk and everyone ignores you what do you say?

> >

> > I doubt I'm the only one who sees people saying 'hi' or 'how are you doing today?' in map chat and doesn't reply because I'm never sure if they're speaking to a specific person (maybe someone who said something before I'd loaded in the map?) or to the map in general, and even if it is the second one I don't really want to get drawn into awkward small talk with a total stranger which then leaves me feeling obligated to stay on the same map until I'm sure the conversation has died out.

> >

> > I don't mind talking to people and will happily answer questions or join in an actual conversation, but only if it seems likely to lead to an actual conversation. Otherwise it's just easier and (in my mind at least) less awkward for everyone if I don't reply.


> Yeah I know exactly what you mean. I'm not that guy that's just saying Hi in Map chat. I'll specifically whisper some or try to party up. Just gets ignored :/


> I get that it's done in Guilds, but I like in other MMOs sometimes just watching the random conversations that ensues. Don't really get anything like that. It's very quiet most of the time.


Random party invites from strangers are something else I'll ignore because again I have absolutely no idea what they're expecting from me if I accept. Early on I used to accept them sometimes, but too often they expected me to stop what I was doing and either follow them around in case they wanted extra damage, or organise an on-the-spot tour of places to get good XP and loot, or map completion which I'm in no position to offer. Or sometimes they wouldn't say what they wanted, wouldn't come and join me and kept moving away if I tried to join them. Eventually someone explained that in some MMOs you get extra XP just for being in a party so some people will party up with anyone on the map just for the bonus and they were trying to do the same here.


Just like with talking in chat I'm happy to help out if I can, but I want to know what I'm agreeing to before I accept. Just before writing this I helped someone do a Conservation of Magic event which started not long after the hologram stampede finished, but in that case they asked in map chat if anyone would help with that event and pinged the waypoint, so I knew exactly what I was committing to by joining them, which meant I knew it was something I'd have time to do and was able to help with. Quite a few people showed up too so that seemed effective.

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> @"SirRocket.3516" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > Just curious: when you say you try to talk and everyone ignores you what do you say?

> >

> > I doubt I'm the only one who sees people saying 'hi' or 'how are you doing today?' in map chat and doesn't reply because I'm never sure if they're speaking to a specific person (maybe someone who said something before I'd loaded in the map?) or to the map in general, and even if it is the second one I don't really want to get drawn into awkward small talk with a total stranger which then leaves me feeling obligated to stay on the same map until I'm sure the conversation has died out.

> >

> > I don't mind talking to people and will happily answer questions or join in an actual conversation, but only if it seems likely to lead to an actual conversation. Otherwise it's just easier and (in my mind at least) less awkward for everyone if I don't reply.


> Yeah I know exactly what you mean. I'm not that guy that's just saying Hi in Map chat. I'll specifically whisper some or try to party up. Just gets ignored :/


> I get that it's done in Guilds, but I like in other MMOs sometimes just watching the random conversations that ensues. Don't really get anything like that. It's very quiet most of the time.



Frankly, one of the many reasons I had left WoW was for the inane chat (I think it was the Crossroads where there would be constant chats about Chuck Norris). I avoid conversations like that in real life, why would I actively seek it out in a game?

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> @"SirRocket.3516" said:

> I'm not that guy that's just saying Hi in Map chat. I'll specifically whisper some or try to party up. Just gets ignored :/


try it in /say next to them, next time. some people dont read the chatbox often enough to see a /whisper and a random party invite without them knowing might end up rejected. atleast if you talk in /say next to them there's a chat bubble up your head so they'll have better chances to see your intentions... success not guaranteed though :P

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