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When You Think of a Profession, What is the First Weapon that comes to Mind

K THEN.5162

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Most would say dagger for thief but pistol is what comes to mind when I think thief.

Hammer is Scrapper but I cannot picture Engi without hammer, mostly because of the giant wrench lol.

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Warrior - Axe

I've never actually played warrior, so I only know what you get when you steal from them as a thief. And that is an axe spin. Also I like the image of a dual-axe wielding berserker.

Guardian - ~~Lootstick~~ Staff

Revenant - Hammer

~~Archer - Longbow~~

Ranger - Sword

~~Assassin~~ Thief - Dagger

Engineer - ~~Grenades~~ Pistol

Elementalist - Staff

Necromancer - Scepter

Mesmer - ~~Butterflies~~ Greatsword

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Answers without taking into account the game, just at how the name sound:


Warrior - axe

- berserker - greatsword

- spellbreaker - sword


Guardian - shield

- dragonhunter - riffle

- firebrand - torch


Revenant - focus

- herald - lance (banner)

- renegade - riffle (lorenzo lamas!)


Engineer - pistol

- scrapper - hammer (shovel)

- holosmisth - focus


Ranger - bow

- druid - staff

- soulbeast - focus


Thief - dagger

- daredevil - staff

- deadeye - riffle


Elementalist - staff

- tempest - warhorn

- weaver - scepter


Necromancer - scepter

- reaper - scythe

- scourge - warhorn


Mesmer - focus

- chronomancer - shield

- mirage - staff

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Warrior: Greatsword (even though I've mained hammer since headstart...)

Revenant: Hammer

Guardian: Longbow

Thief: Dagger (or Shortbow, because nothing says WvW like loling away from a fight you're losing)

Ranger: (that kittening) Longbow (Skill #4)

Engineer: Flamethrower

Elementalist: Staff

Necromancer: Scepter

Mesmer: Scepter


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**Warrior** - Greatsword + Axe/Shield

Good ol'-fashioned fighter that brings more weapons than he really needs. I don't picture a knight in shining armor as much as I picture a barbarian or a pit fighter when I hear the term warrior.


**Guardian** - Sword/Shield + Mace/Shield

Now here I see the knight in shining armor, carrying with him a shield heralding whatever faith, house, warband or virtue he championizes. Swords are typically knightly, but Maces always strikes a cord with Cleric/Paladin-esque classes of healers in heavy armor.


**Revenant** - Sword/Sword + Staff

They're the typical "mystic knight" of the setting, so it feels natural that they'd use a Staff of some kind, which also fits their whole "mist wanderer" theme. Furthermore, they've got all the fancy schmancy main-character traits, so of course they're gonna use the more snow-flakey Dual Swords in battle, because of the rule of cool.


**Ranger** - Sword/Torch + Longbow (Wolf Pet)

Can't get anymore archetypically adventurous than the Ranger profession. A sword for close-quarter combat, a Torch for exploring ancient ruins or dark swamps and a Longbow like they all have in order to pick off enemies at a range. Of course, the most archetypical pet will forever remain man's best friend, but in fantasy land that is almost always an actual wolf or a wolfhound rather than a common dog.


**Thief** - Dagger/Dagger + Pistol/Pistol

What else can I say but "dual wield"? Thieves always did favor shorter blades, oftentimes one in each hand with several more strapped in places where knives shouldn't really be strapped. In settings with Pistols, you can bet that the Thief will be the one opportunistic enough to put them to good use.


**Engineer** - Rifle + Grenade Kit

The engineer feels heavy-duty, as opposed to names like "alchemist" or "inventor" which sounds more refined and quirky respectively. No, the Engineer sounds like a professional who gets stuff done, one way or the other and preferably with a liberal use of firepower sprinkled over the charred remains of their enemies.


**Elementalist** - Staff

Elementalist strikes me as the most typical caster of the 3 scholarly bunches. The typical wizard or sorcerer, if you will. So naturally, they get first pick on the Staff.


**Necromancer** - Dagger/Focus + Staff

Necromancers give off a definite cultist feel, with pacts made in blood and eerie baubles used to cast spells, such as shrunken heads or ghastly lanterns. So they need a ceremonial dagger and a focus for that. But beyond that, their whole Death thematic kinda calls for a proper scythe, so Staff adds that to the mix.


**Mesmer** - Sword/Pistol + Scepter/Focus

Mesmers fill the role of unconventional casters in Guild Wars. They're a bit more martial but also very refined, finding new ways to incorporate their magic. Duelists like them of course favor the sword and the pistol, but they can fall back on common caster paraphernalia such as scepters when they need to without batting an eyelash.

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> @TheSlothArmada.6709 said:

> 90% of the people who have posted this far think of a greatsword wielding warrior or berserker.



Warrior always use greatsword as their iconic weapon to me no matter movie, comic, games, figures, and i guess i am not alone here.

Same as Ranger always use Longbow, Ele (Mage) always use staff, this is never a GW2 image anyway.

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Warrior - Hammer

Guardian - Hammer

Revenant - Hammer

Ranger - Ha... er... um... Axe.

Mesmer - what's that pointy stick called? Oh yeah... sword.

Necromancer - sickle. Um wait... maybe this is why I rarely play my Necro, something always feels missing.

Thief - pistols

Elementalist - dagger. But now sword.

Engineer - pistols, or Hammer


It's hammer time all up in this place. :)


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warrior : dual axes (Greatsword is iconic too but dual axes come 1 )

guardian : mace shield

necro : scepter and focus (to be fair Scythe comes to my mind the most)

elementalist : staff

Thief : dual daggers

Engineer: rifle

Revenant : dual swords

Mesmer : thats a hard one but i guess sword and torch

ranger : longbow

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Warrior - Greatsword (Classic Warrior)

Revenant - Axe/Sword (Like a Reaver thing)

Guardian - Mace/Shield (Classic Paladin)

Ranger - Longbow (BearBow duh)

Thief - Dagger/Pistol (Classic Rogue/Mugger)

Engineer - Hammer (Giant Wrench)

Necromancer - Axe/Torch (Bleed and Burn!)

Mesmer - Scepter/Focus (Confusion#%@#$@#$)

Elementalist - Staff (Classic Mage goes Boom!)

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Warrior - Greatsword

Revenant - Greatsword

Guardian -Greatsword

Ranger - Greatsword

Thief - Greatsword

Engineer - Greatsword

Necromancer - Greatsword

Mesmer - Greatsword

Elementalist - Greatsword


...or the majority of the players won't rest until it's possible, at the very least.

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Iconic Weapons that I connect to the image of the class, it have not to be actually weapons that the Class can use currently, or exist so far in the game.

Id asign to each Class basically two iconic Weapons basicayl as primary and secondary weapon


Warrior = Sword/ Greataxe

Guardian = Polearm (Spear/Lance/Halberd ect)/ Shield

Revenant = Shortbow/ Hammer

Thief = Dagger/ Chakram

Ranger = Longbow/ Whip

Engineer = Mace/ Pistol

Elementalist = Staff/ Scepter

Mesmer = Axe / Focus

Necromancer = Gloves (Claws/Gauntlets) / Greatsword

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