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What class do you find most fun in WvW?


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For me it's always been ele - I used to love the core ele staff meta with how much damage and utility it had, and it was super fun to play in both blobs, GvGs and roaming (it was insanely satisfying killing thieves with it - mostly thanks to old Ice Bow). Now I usually play d/f or staff tempest, I really love the cleanses d/f tempest pumps out and it's really fun playing mid/frontline ele - also insanely satisfying to tag a crumbling blob with air overload. I usually swap to zerker staff if we're defending an objective and just stand on the walls (and make the commander rage), but it's just so fun!

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I have the most fun on Thief mostly because I usually play solo or in small groups so stealth is great for avoiding bigger groups plus I can play risky and have a safety net like shadow portal if it goes bad. Though for larger fights I find I don't really help much other than picking off one or two that get left behind the blob.


A close second is Ranger, It just feels good to use. I love the long range especially when defending and having a pet by your side is always fun. Plus I'm a bit more useful when I play this class :lol:

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Staff daredevil because if your group dies while taking something you can hide and portal a mesmer in as a plan B ; when actually hitting out of position people you get large damage numbers. It's also one of the few classes that can run away when grossly outnumbered due to Unhindered Combatant and/or triple dodges.


Firebrand/scrapper/tempest are mostly support roles and to a lesser extent so are spellbreaker , scourge, and herald.


Ranger is purely roaming only more or less; mesmer is a meme even after chrono changes unless you run some power shatte mesmer or non-mirage condi type build with low burst potential.

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The elementalist is a class that is difficult to learn but fun once you get the hang of it. I've had some fun times and good stories with my Marshall's Sword Weaver, and templates let me switch to Marauder Staff DPS and Tempest Heal on a whim.


Second was Revenant. I say "was" because the profession I knew is no more. It has been nerfed into the ground, to the point where you only get one utility skill every 10 seconds and your weapons now put your utilities on cooldown. Back in pre-PoF the Rev was incredible.

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ranger . not the strongest in duel, not the fastest or the most fun to play but the feeling of roaming around with your bow and your pet is priceless. let's be honest we just do wvw because we love the feeling . not for the reward nor for the rank

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