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How did you choose your main?


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What I enjoy playing and what I like aesthetics wise. First was a Human Warrior because I enjoyed the weapons, then Sylvari Engineer because you didn't see many of both around. Years later after a couple of Asura alts, I mained an Asuran condi Mirage then power Chrono and most recently, though I have a 4 year old Sylvari rev, I really enjoyed playing Renegade in open PvE and so I made an Asuran one to catch up on the story with. I do love my Charr Ranger, half kind of wish I was maining a Charr.

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I main supports in all the game modes. It's just my play style. I have all the possible heal builds with fully ascended gears. I also have alts to play DPS for flavor.


At the moment I just hit the 38k AP milestone, so I'm focusing on my boyfriend's account and my second account.

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Hard to tell since I jump between 4 chars and they all have similar hours in game and all have 100% map completion. For me it's thief, mesmer, guard, warrior.

Thief because I always loved rogue characters in MMOs.

Mesmer because I liked mesmer in GW1 and it's an interesting class for me. I like the aestethics also.

Guardian because I liked the armor(esp shoulders) they show when you create your character.

Warrior because I really like PvPing with this class and it just feels good and strong in general.

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When I first heard about the game and started looking into it, a little sylvari popped into existence, sat down, and patiently waited for me to get with the program and give him a name and a class. I tried finding a class that fit what I knew of his personality and landed on thief. And he's been my beloved main ever since. Hey, I'm a writer; I tend to think of characters as easily as breathing. (Plots, on the other hand? Let's just say there's a story I've been working on for about two and a half years and I STILL haven't gotten past the planning stage. The characters are all raring to go - I just don't know what to do with them! :))


As far as PVP goes, my usual "main" there is either a core ranger (because it's a lot of fun, simple, and effective), or a Scrapper (same reasons...and also because it's hilarious to see a tiny asura with an oversized hammer easily holding off ten-foot-tall rampaging norn and the like).

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When I started to play, I just knew that I wanted to main a Sylvari.

I love plants and playing a plant person was just awesome from the start, especially with the customization options you have like picking the color you are glowing in and the different plant hairstyles.


The very first character I created was a ranger. I just went with the most obvious choice for Sylvari, with their strong bond to nature.

But I deleted that character just 5 minutes after. It just didn't feel right, but I didn't know why.

I used to love the nature theme in the past, but over the years, I grew more interested in steampunk.


So I was looking at engineer and saw that they can build turrets, just like my Sylvari would also be able to use a plant turret with racial skills.

I thought "let's give it a try", so I created a mushroom headed Sylvari engineer (I thought the mushroom head kinda makes him look like he is wearing one of these Chinese farmer hats and I loved that).


And then it just clicked. I loved everything, that my healing skill was a potion I can drink, my weapons with pistol as a starter and later my transition to rifle. That I could run around building turrets to blow up enemies (even if every engineer main has to accept some day that turreteer is terrible). That the combination of Sylvari and engineer was pretty uncommon.


And especially the alchemy theme is something that I learned to love, I hope that we can get an alchemy focused elite spec next.


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I don't have a main, I have 13 characters. I wouldn't consider any my main, well ok, probably my necro that never dies unless I do something stupid, but even she's not really a main. My ranger is my first character and it's because it's a pet class.

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I don't have a main per say but Ranger is one profession I have played more than my other ones according to my gw2efficiency overview, followed by Guardian which was also my first chara. Outside of LS story-clearing, I tend to dabble with my other characters here and there for a few minutes or hours, like I had made a male Charr Engineer to play the last two LS4 episodes with him due to the deep voice during tense moments :lol:

Based on this, I'd say Ranger and Guardian are my "main" story-professions. Ranger because I quite enjoy the VA of female Sylvari and Guardian for the afore-mentioned reason. When I'm not playing another game after completing the latest LS, I have started to play a bit on Thief and Warrior through main-PoF story, or I do a few events here and there to toy around with Condi or Power Renegade but nothing "meaningful" in a classical sense.


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Thief is my primary main. I go back and forth enjoying the playstyle. When I first was using him, it was all Sword/Pistol and I'd just 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-. The number of times I died when originally playing drove me insane. Took a long break for the entirety of S1 and missed the first 2 chapters of S2.


Just before HoT came out when they were first announcing the Elite Specs I started getting back into it. Looking at guides and realizing that my stats and trait selections were gutting me. Ended up dagger/dagger for the longest time.


Daredevil was fun INITIALLY, but with HoT being the super hardmode I kind of fell back and started playing other professions primarily.


After another break PoF came out and I felt that Daredevil was the perfect feel of what I always felt Thieves should be. I typically went D/D and quickness on Mark trait and used that to cruise through the content. Then again started feeling stale and just couldn't get the spikes I was hoping for.


Eventually tinkered in WvW and came out with the Rifle OHKO build and omigod it has the spikes I was looking for.


Open World it suffers a lot with mobs, but on bosses it's mint.


You kind of fall in/out of love with professions over time. I always circle back around to my main eventually and try out different and new builds. Especially with Legendary equipment it's so much easier playtesting meme/non-meta builds to see if a certain playstyle out of your usual will reinvigorate a profession for you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm a bit fickle, so I made and destroyed characters repeatedly back in the first few years of the game. Eventually, I had a stable of characters, one of each profession, that had settled out as keepers I was satisfied with. I have three that I consider "main", a Sylvari mirage with blue skin, red hair, and yellow eyes that looks like Mystique from the X-Men, a Black Sylvari daredevil that is named Vashta Nerada (devouring darkness from Dr. Who), and an adorable little Asura holosmith that looks like a grumpy steampunk mad scientist.


It's a combination of enjoying how their profession/elite spec plays and a sense of their personality, so to speak, that has made them my mains.

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My main is a Sylvari Mesmer. I just fell in love with the class after I started playing and stuck with her since. I like how I can play mostly solo with clones to help me, and I like the Sylvari race xD


I do have a Sylvari Elementalist too but I don't really use her much now lol, my Mesmer is my favorite. Though I'm thinking of making a Revenant to try.

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I main a human ranger. I created her shortly after launch, and I actually intended to delete her since I just wanted to try out the class. I liked my sylvari mesmer more at the time, but I just grew fond of the way I designed her and the personality I developed in my head for my ranger. Adding to that, the bear pet was such a good tank for the early game while I ranged with longbow, so the play style ended up working best for me as I get overwhelmed in melee easily. It was just a perfect storm! I have 11 characters now, but she's the only one I really play lol.

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My main is a human female noble because i really enjoy this kind of storyline. My character apparently had no military experience when she left for Shaemoor and seeing her growing up nose-to-nose with other characters who are skilled scholars and warriors makes me happy.

I play as a FB because i like to play healer and those beautiful sparkly skills match with my character a lot. I have some others of different races and background but i cant grow attached the same way i did with my human noble.

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Mostly aesthetics (I main a dual-wield axe/greatsword/occasional gourd & board - aka mace & shield - warrior), as I'm pretty much a meat-and-potatoes, I-don't-do-fancy type player. I tend to like warriors in most other games as well, barbarian in Diabloes 2 & 3, warrior in Final Fantasy XIV as well as World of Warcraft. Otherwise, everything the class has really meshed well with me. Fast movement speed (like some other classes as well), banners & shouts (group support/healing), quick weapon swapping, and can wield ~~kitten~~ gosh golly darn gee whiz near anything, making for all kinds of different loadouts. Definitely my go-to class. :)

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> @"Joe Schmoe.6981" said:

> Mostly aesthetics (I main a dual-wield axe/greatsword/occasional gourd & board - aka mace & shield - warrior), as I'm pretty much a meat-and-potatoes, I-don't-do-fancy type player. I tend to like warriors in most other games as well, barbarian in Diabloes 2 & 3, warrior in Final Fantasy XIV as well as World of Warcraft. Otherwise, everything the class has really meshed well with me. Fast movement speed (like some other classes as well), banners & shouts (group support/healing), quick weapon swapping, and can wield ~~kitten~~ gosh golly darn gee whiz near anything, making for all kinds of different loadouts. Definitely my go-to class. :)


But to be fair, I **have** tried other classes, but they didn't pan out for one reason or another (FWIW none of these are at 80. I'm a newbie player as well, so there might be something I missed):


>! • Guardian. Haven't tried this one, but from what I hear they're extremely popular, which already soured me on playing this class. I don't like to follow the herd (although to be fair, I'm not sure how popular warrior is. But I do know that I see way more guardian buffs on me, than banners being placed around me though). Otherwise, from what little I know of them, they don't have the passive +25% movement speed buff that some others have, which is pretty much mandatory to me. I fuckittening hate base movement speed.


>!• Revenant. Love the healing spec, which plays almost like the healer monks in WoW, but got tired of switching to assassin stance just for the temporary movement speed buff. :angry:


>!• Ranger. I don't do pets. I don't do ranged either, but to be fair this has got to be the only game I've played where rangers can do melee as well. Most every other game I've played rangers **ONLY** use ranged weapons, even in melee range. :confused:


>!• Engineer. Haven't played, and probably never will. Aesthetic is too unappealing to me. Plus, apparently they can't do melee until max level so, no thanks.


>!• Thief. Stealth is a waste of a mechanic, as it only lasts 1-3 seconds. And stealing is on a 30-second cooldown :unamused: Ironically, this guy would actually be my main if it wasn't warrior, as mechanically and aesthetically I like the class. It's just those 2 issues that make go "Really?" :confused:


>!• Mesmer. Love the fencing spec, as it kinda reminds me of [Jubei Yagyu](https://imgur.com/LRt9FeA). Otherwise, . . . . . Pink butterflies. . . . . No . . . . . just no.... And the fact that they have a half-asskittened 5 seconds on, 5 seconds off movement speed buff makes this class a no-go with me.


>!• Elementalist. See ranger and engineer above. Otherwise, love the air attunement. Too bad stance-dancing seems to be mandatory, yet still has a 10 second cooldown (warrior's discipline spec cuts this down to 5 seconds, and unlike ele you don't have to be level 80 to get this).


>!• Necromancer. See engineer. Not a fan of the aesthetic, and no melee until level 80. They got signet of don't-have-to-move-at-a-fuckittening-snail's-pace though, I'll give it that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In RPG games, I always choose Rangers with bow and melee capabilites. In GW2 and also GW1, no different. I just love Rangers (nature based class) with pets or not. even in games like Dark Souls series, my first character is a bow user with melee capabilites, so fun to play even though it made the game harder sometimes.

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My original main (or the closest I ever have to a main) was a guardian because the late Mrs Cynic and I both wanted to try something that wasn't in GW1. She picked Engineer, and I picked Guardian as the closest I could get to Paragon.


But these days I prefer Minion Master Greatsword Reaper because it's monstrously tough and because it has Gravedigger.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Took me years to finally settle on a main, and now that I did, I'm super happy :) I basically combined my favorite race with my favorite profession, after trying them all.


Choosing the race was easy: I knew my main would either be human or sylvari. As much as I love the charr and the norn in terms of lore, charr and norn characters always felt too bulky for me, even after making them the shortest possible; human and sylvari characters are the ones I prefer to 'represent' me in-game because they're just about the right height for me. I ended up choosing sylvari mainly because (1) their lore is way more interesting compared to human lore (in my opinion), and (2) I think the sylvari race fits my favorite profession (Ranger) perfectly (in fact, it's a pretty "obvious" combination, and even though I tend to prefer more original choices, I can't change the fact that sylvari ranger is indeed my favorite combo).


Choosing the profession was more challenging. I had 4/5 favorites (Ranger, Warrior, Guardian, Engineer, and Thief), and in order for me to choose one for my main, I basically weighed the pros and cons of each. For example, as much as I love the concept of Thief, its playstyle always felt a bit boring to me (even if its elite specializations seem to be fun). So Thief was not an option for my main. I was left with the other four professions, which were all fun to me. I compared their concepts/themes, mechanics, elite specializations, and overall fun. Guardian was the one I excluded next because it wasn't as fun as the other three. Between Ranger, Warrior, and Engineer, it became easier to choose because Ranger was clearly my favorite. At first I struggled a little between Ranger and Warrior because with Ranger I only play Soulbeast, while with Warrior I play both Berserker and Spellbreaker, thus having a bit more variety in playstyle. Still, neither Berserker nor Spellbreaker is as fun as Soulbeast. And there are other aspects that make me prefer Ranger, such as its theme/concept and being a medium-armor profession (I prefer these classes and it's what I choose in any game).


And this is basically how I decided to main a sylvari ranger :)

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