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Do you care if the supposed " Alliance " system comes out?


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I'd rather keep playing with people regularly who choose to be on the same server. At this point I feel like the last few matchups all three servers have have sort of managed their sieging to end up with large two and three way fights, points are still being made, but I don't see alliances promoting any more functional of an atmosphere than what we have right now.


WvW mostly needs the aesthetic and rewards from the rest of the game so it doesn't feel detached. Our WvW exclusive armor would look great but then they attach bulky plastic looking chunks on them and the wvw/pvp weapons would look awesome but suffer the same problem. To get good looking new gear, we have to stop playing the mode we want to play and grind out pve. There is no relevant story or world driven reason for a lot of players who aren't primarily into WvW yet to bother, many step in for a min because WvW sounds awesome, but it's basically game launch day still in our mode with some balance changes and it gets stale if you're not on prime time.


WvW is still mostly a large arena match that's not a game mode your character can actually live in but then there's no open world pvp server to mess around on until you can see there's action building up. Alliances aren't going to save the game mode.

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"Alliances" sounds like it would mostly just automate some of the horsetrading that currently happens through clunky transfers. I don't see that really fixing the root problems of WvW.


Though if it makes it easier to invite a new player to your guild without having to explain a vestigial server system and tell them it'll cost like $15 extra to play together, that's probably for the best.

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I care.


Haven't logged in for months. I'm sure 'balance' is just as much of a clown fiesta as it's always been. I have absolute faith in the balance team to make constant fools of themselves and I have serious doubts about how much the WvW team cares/knows about their own game...


But, for some reason, I still hope that alliances will be a positive step. If they aren't, it's not like it would take any effort for me to just quit entirely.

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I'd rather see them overhaul the world structures themselves and relinking process. We need to be realistic and start looking at deleting servers so we can get people into the ones that aren't already dead.

The relinking process is broken because we, the players, can break it. As soon as the links are announced, we will do what we always do and move servers.

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It would be a good change overall but we've gone so long now, I don't know if the difference even matters anymore. Its almost to the point that if Anet said they are shutting down WvW, I'd be sad for a week and get over it. Its hard to care so much about something that others seemingly don't. I know CMC doesn't like hearing when we say devs don't care but its not entirely untrue either. Sure, they care but the point is, why the wait? Why aren't more resources pushed towards the development so it can finally come out and not be a meme anymore? Would Anet really lose that much money if some programmers (or whatever is needed) moved over for a few weeks? Keeping players in the dark is what starts memes and bad-mouthing. Communication is key to designing a product people can actually continue to enjoy.

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I doubt people will come back for the Alliance System alone, they would need to re-think WvW.

Right now it seems pointless not running around in a Zerg, solo and small-scale has no value.

You are not punished for avoiding fights and just hop from Borderland to Borderland in a Zerg.

Nightcapping is an Issue thats been overlooked since release, some Servers basically do nothing else.


WvW even tho people claim that right now its in a good state, is still to be honest in a bad state, tho what part of the game isnt?

PvP has bots, wintraders, cheaters and balance issues.

PvE has maps that are close to unplayable due to extrem ping spikes, Raids are abandoned, World Bosses are "Press 1 and go afk".

New Achievement and Items are such a grind that the casual player's the game is focused towards will never get them.


But people will defend the game no matter what, it is like trying to talk sense into someone who grew up with World of Warcraft, they wanna believe the next Content Update is magically going to change the game.

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> @"melody.2601" said:

> I doubt people will come back for the Alliance System alone, they would need to re-think WvW.

> Right now it seems pointless not running around in a Zerg, solo and small-scale has no value.

> **You are not punished for avoiding fights** and just hop from Borderland to Borderland in a Zerg.


That is not the issue and the approach the game needs. What needs to stop happening is _being punished for trying._


Right now, if you are scouting, or roaming, or in a havoc team, and you engage and lose, you get nothing. You just gave them 10 minutes on their participation timers as yours keeps ticking toward decay.


Fighting, doing damage, _win or lose_ needs to count. People are more likely to jump off the walls and engage as a delaying tactic until the backup comes if they would not get kitten screwed over for entering a fight they know they will lose but that would tactically make sense in the game otherwise. _Before participation this is what havoc and scouts did a lot._ Now it's punished.


As long as you're trying and you do some damage, conditions, stuns, back to the enemy, even if you lose when they get their 10 mins of participation, you should get 5 mins. Then you'd see some more engagement again.




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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > @"melody.2601" said:

> > Right now it seems pointless not running around in a Zerg, solo and small-scale has no value.

> That is not the issue and the approach the game needs. What needs to stop happening is _being punished for trying._

That's why people constantly mention "scoring" changes in combination with "population balance" (of which Alliances is an example). The original problem with population balance dates back to the scoring issues and how the actual system that is in place has never been reflective of its intention. We have always had matchups on a ladder but they have never been determined by who does the PPT/PPK combination the best when the mode is populated.


So the system has been there since day 1 but it has never really done with it was designed to do. Players have always played around that or have done that since year 1 when they realized that the system was broken. That's why we have seen PPT and PPK growing further separated and distanced. It is why we see small scale and large scale growing further separated and distanced etc., almost becomming their own modes with less interaction, middle-ground or cross-scale content. You still have groups of 1, 5, 15 and 50 entrenched in their own submodes, but where is 10, 25, 30 etc.? PvX, havoc/fwd-op etc. were the first to leave the game over these issues as they depended more on the system.


No scale, style or group has any value in the intended system. The reason large-scale is so much more populated is simply because its bottom end is more casual and the oldest personal rewards (WXP, bags etc.) scales up with it. It is the same reason as why, within large-scale WvW, long-ranged AoE classes are so popular. They get more bags and WXP for less risk or effort. That's why the newer systems have been designed outside of that, why pips are time/contribution based etc.


It has been said many times but, monoblobs are actually bad for PPT. It is alot more effective to be in multiple groups of 5-10 specialized in claiming objectives for PPT. It is just that it has no perceived value because of the population issues (time coverage, map coverage, transfers and server sizes). More smaller groups attacking would also lead to more smaller groups defending or roaming etc. It's there in the design but population balance + scoring ruins the entire eco system of WvW. I has done that for 8 years and will continue to do that until ArenaNet get their thumbs out.

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> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> You still have groups of 1, 5, 15 and 50 entrenched in their own submodes, but where is 10, 25, 30 etc.? PvX, havoc/fwd-op etc. were the first to leave the game over these issues as they depended more on the system.


What the heck is "PvX" in this context?

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> @"ASP.8093" said:

> > @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> > You still have groups of 1, 5, 15 and 50 entrenched in their own submodes, but where is 10, 25, 30 etc.? PvX, havoc/fwd-op etc. were the first to leave the game over these issues as they depended more on the system.


> What the heck is "PvX" in this context?

PvX guilds are guilds that are both into PvE and PvP. They are relevant to the context in how they represent guilds that are organized enough to create content but less committed to WvW to stay as resilient over rainy days (years), but help provide mid-level, mid-scale and middle-ground content while they are here. That is the content we see the least of now. We can talk about roaming dying, pickup tags growing more sparse or the GvG scene dying. However, the content inbetween that maintained the middle-ground and created connections has been in a far worse place and started to die out earlier.


My first guild in this game was such a guild. It packed up and left overnight in 2014 because WvW did not get attention. It was member-capped and played everything in the game. It easily played more PvE than WvW. However it sluiced players into WvW within the support of the guild and to the content created by the guild. It also provided public tags. Anyway, the inattention to WvW made the guild leave for the simple reason that the other modes, while played, did not require community-building. They do not require you to have and manage a guild. It didn't want guild missions to be its only content and as a PvX guild, WvW getting left in the dust just pulled players to other modes and the guild as a result to other games.


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I think the main thing pulling "PvX" guilds out of WvW is megaserver.


Megaserver was a very necessary fix for the PvE side of the game; I don't think Guild Wars would've really survived without it. But it means server identity *only* exists when WvW comes up, and caring about it in any other context (PvE guild recruitment, e.g.) would only impose a bunch of useless friction.


At release, almost every guild had a specific server identity. I remember a forum I was on organizing to join a specific server so we'd all run into each other in game. But now, every non-WvW guild just has members spread out all over. (Most of the WvW guilds, too, if they've transferred around and have inactive members that haven't followed.)


What does this mean in practice?


I was in a big, active PvE guild for a while. You'd see someone hitting up the /guild channel for an SPvP partner fairly often. And, of course, it was trivial to fish around for an experienced player or an interested newbie to fill in your Fractal group, &c. &c. But most of the WvW conversation was more like "Uhh, how do I find anyone to play with in WvW??" or "I just saw someone on another server with the same guild tag, identify yourself!! lol lol" — because the guild wasn't explicitly set up for WvW, there was no functional way for interested people to actually *play together.* I think literally two people out of 100+ active members were on the same host-link pair as me.

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Can't say that I care about the alliance system anymore.


The WvW game mode is so unique i many ways, and so much more could have been done with it. More seasons, leagues, the possibilities were endless. And it would have been an attraction to the pve and pvp game modes too if it was being developed in a more progressive manner. But they failed to see that. So we are left with a dead idea that, yeah, probably is already canned.

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Nope.im kinda done with gw2.Dont get me wrong :


* i still have the game installed,but honestly i kinda log for like 5 min just to check whats new => OOF => logs out

* as you can see i still check the forums sometimes,just when im feeling too happy so i get that right amount of sadness reminding me why i dont care anymore.




Cant even say "im waiting for gw3": its going to be the same s. show.

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