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Hey everyone! I just started GW2 today and I was wondering if anyone had some helpful hints! I'm playing NA on Yaks Bend, made a human Necromancer. So far I'm just completing hearts and events throughout Queensdale, I've played MMO's all my life so I'm pretty savvy on figuring out what to do, but some input on what you guys think might help me out would be appreciated! If you'd like to add me in-game my display name is 'Phriickz" Thanks in advanced!

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few advises:

⇒ take your time -> don't rush to endgame pve or wvw, enjoy the journey (pvp is fine and you have access to it earlier, and gear doesnt matter, but be aware of possible toxicity)


⇒ if you ever bought the expansions, don't use your level 80 boost right away. play and level up naturally to 80, it will serve as your tutorial to the game's systems/mechanics as well as you getting more familiar with your chosen class. you will be less overwhelmed and confused this way.


⇒ find a good social guild so you can seek mentorship from more veteran players or find a leveling buddy who's equally new like you to grow up together in gw2.


⇒ explore everything and kill everything, do everything (gathering/crafting/story/etc.). you get exp for just about anything literally, even if you're just unshrouding the world map.

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Great tips and advice! I'm learning as I go, not rushing anything! I was going to save my boost regardless as I'm not an advocate for boosts in any MMO I've ever played! I'm in search for a Guild as we speak but not too much of a priority as I'm enjoying the game solo right now! Thanks so much!

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Welcome to Tyria! I hope you enjoy it. :) If you're not sure about anything please do ask, either on this forum or in-game. The community tends to be pretty good about answering questions and helping new players learn the game.


For now my advice is to remember that while there are plenty of similarities to other MMOs GW2 is also different in some important ways, and that can catch out players who expect to be able to treat it just like their last game. You've already encountered one of those differences in the form of the event system (which replaces the majority of quests) but there's others too.


One thing I know confuses a lot of people is the equipment system. On the surface it's relatively simple compared to other games: there's only 6 tiers of equipment and all items with the same level requirement and rarity are just as good. A green level 20 sword you got from a random enemy will be just as strong as one from a chest at the end of a puzzle or from a world boss. But between that and the fact that higher level characters will have their stats scaled down to match the area of the world they're in it's not possible to simply out-level or out-gear content so it's easy, and it becomes very important to get the right stats for your build and learn how to use them effectively. It's not really worth worrying about making a build until you reach level 80, but it is worth taking the time to try out different weapons and skills to see what you like using and practice with tactics like dodging and kiting, because you'll need to use them a lot.


Finally, it's also worth knowing that you can't ever really mess up in this game. It's very open-ended and there's no right way to play it, as you progress you'll find your given less and less direction by the game and will encounter things you want to try but it's not telling you to go and do. When that happens go ahead and give it a try. You can't out-level the story or areas of the world so you can't come back or won't get rewards when you do, death is annoying but has no lasting impact and eventually you'll be able to unlock all the skills and abilities your character can use and it will be relatively simple to get new equipment, so don't worry about making the wrong choices or going in the wrong direction or whatever. Just do what interests you. :)

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Here are a few tips for dealing with loot drops and inventory:

1. Buy salvage kits to break dropped gear down to its ingredients. You can use them for crafting or sell the components, usually for more than the actual dropped gear. In any case, you can store the salvage results in your material storage, saving bag space. You can see your material storage at the bank, by clicking on the tabs on the left side of the window.

2. Sell to the trading post, not the local merchants if possible. Only sell trash or non-tradable/non-salvageable items to merchants.

3. Open 'unidentified' items before salvaging: sometimes they open into higher-tier gear. This may give you cool skins to unlock, or a more valuable item to sell. If you are super lucky, you might get a drop worth hundreds of gold.

4. You can right-click on your salvage kit to 'salvage all' instead of clicking each item separately. You can right-click on stacks of luck (and some other consumables) to consume all.

5. In the upper right of your inventory window is a gear. You can pull it down to deposit all your storable materials into storage at once, freeing bag space quickly.

6. Get an invisible bag: this will allow you to preserve stuff you are saving from accidentally being sold, salvaged or stored. You will get a free eight-slot one as a level or story reward somewhere, but you will want more room than that. Inventory bags can be crafted by any armor-making craft, or bought on the trading post for gold.

7. On the lower right of your inventory window is a pile of coins. Clicking on it will show you what special map currencies you have collected. (Not too important in Central Tyria, but when you have moved on, there are a lot of keys and currencies and things to keep track of.)


Welcome to Tyria, have a great time!

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Oh, and the Wiki will save you tons of trouble. While in game chat, you can access all sorts of useful information.

/wiki (Just takes you to the Wiki)

/wiki et (Show you timers of all the big events on all the maps, so you won;t miss that boss fight you are waiting for.)

/wiki Tequatl (Takes you right to the Tequatl page: or substitute any other subject you want to look up.)

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> Oh, and the Wiki will save you tons of trouble. While in game chat, you can access all sorts of useful information.

> /wiki (Just takes you to the Wiki)

> /wiki et (Show you timers of all the big events on all the maps, so you won;t miss that boss fight you are waiting for.)

> /wiki Tequatl (Takes you right to the Tequatl page: or substitute any other subject you want to look up.)


/wiki shift+click item to look up stuff about the item

can do multiple items at once, up to the chat box's input limit

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  • 1 month later...

I learned that your username is your forum name, so people can definitely add you and message you, without having to know your username.


Here are tips I wish I'd known as a new player. These are Quality of Life you can integrate *right now* as opposed to a quality of life you have to grind for like skyscale. You're new, so it's better to give you here and now quality of life tips.


* Get more bags with more slot space from trading post


* Click two crossed swords to go to PVP Lobby (safe zone lobby, don't worry) waypoint to market waypoint. Here you have access to a merchant, a trading post and your bank. Click the two crossed swords again and press leave lobby, and you will be back at the same place you were. Useful if you want to buy something or pick up an item but don't want to lose your current position on map


* You can repair your armour in most guild halls. Click shield then click enter guild hall. When you leave you will be back in the same place


* Press the gear and select deposit all items to store crafting items in your bank


* Events - the stuff in orange circles, give you fast XP. If the event happens within range of a heart, it might progress the heart bar really fast, too


* You can press alt + left click to place a personal marker on the world map for you to head towards.


* You can press shift + left click, waypoints, points of interest to create a link for them in chat and share them with other players. This will allow other players to get your location and come help you out with a difficult event.


* /m for map chat. /s for local chat /d for squad chat /p for party chat


* You can change your keybinds in option settings.


* If you're not moving or attacking you might accidentally be typing in chat. Click out of it


* Don't buy gear before level 80. Leveling in this game is fast, and you will outgrow your gear real fast. Just stick with gear you get as drops from your story and open world. Once you hit max level, then research gear choices and options.


* Heaps of YouTube guides to help with tricky to find places


* Tekkit markers which can be added to a TACO overlay are helpful for finding your way around. The route markers assume you have a mount. Sometimes you will have to walk around, instead of leaping off a cliff because the route assumes you can fly. These can be found on Google with instructions and from what I've seen are accepted by Arena Net. If you do load it into game click the taco and untick the boxes to remove clutter. For routes tactical markers> tekkit markers are both ticked. You can tick other stuff once you know you need them. But leave them unticked for now.


* You have one waypoint unlocked in all racial starting areas. Wayfarer Foothills, Plains of Ashford, Caledon Forest, Metrica Province and Queensdale. If you aren't high enough level for the closest map, you can teleport to another starter map instead.


* Safe cities are Black Citadel, Lion's Arch, the Grove, Rata Sum, Divinity's Reach, Hoelbrak. These safe places can train your combat level through exploration, if you need that extra bit of XP. Except Lion's Arch, those capital cities are reached via a portal behind the starting waypoint of each race starting area.


* Food from trading post can give you xp bonuses and other bonuses. Use cheap xp food during casual events.


* Don't worry about eating food during some big group events like world bosses. Other players usually drop food for the whole group to eat, and the food they drop is probably better than what you can buy anyway. They usually also drop banners that can be interacted with for other buffs like improved speed, improved xp, improved gold find etc


* The more you play, the more you get a feel for which non-sellable things you can just destroy without regrets. Some things are just really easy to get on this game, and there's really no need to hoard those items. If in doubt wiki it and if it's not for anything then destroy it if you have no space in your bank or inventory for it


* For your daily login rewards, save up your mystic coins and whenever you get the loyalty chest reward, switch between choosing chest of laurels and legendary craft materials. Eventually you will get to the point where you've been here and done that, and you might want to go after crafting your own legendary weapon. The chest of legendary crafting materials really helps with that. A legendary weapon is end game goal and may be far off in your future, but that occasional chest can make a difference, especially for a goal that's in the kind of far off future. Laurels can be used and spent at the laurel merchant to give you ascended trinkets (top gear trinkets, can't wear til level 80. Don't buy two rings or two earrings with the same name. You can't wear them both. Same stats are okay but not same name).



* Going against the tip above. You can choose to sell your mystic coins instead and then buy them back if you need it, but the economy changes so you might have to pay more than what you sold them for. You can even spend your laurels on large bag of crafting materials which can be used for crafting or sold to trading post. Basically what I'm saying is do what's right for you currency wise. But also mentioning the importance of future planning.


* Dailies - you can do 3 of any kind and you will be rewarded with 2 gold and other loot. Find them by pressing H selecting achievements tab. Selecting dailies and finding any three that you're able to do. If you can't do any, then just check everyday, as it changes every day. The more of the map you unlock the more dailies you will be able to do. But some dailies are in starting areas, so it doesn't hurt to check.


* The red line underneath your skill is an out of range indicator


* When a guild mate or someone on map chat offers their home instance. If you have nothing better to do, say yes. They're basically saying 'do you want free loot.' Make sure you have gathering tools equipped. Can buy from merchant





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If you are still looking for a guild consider Followers of Ascension (FoA). We are a pretty big guild, very sociable, we have people conversant in all modes of game play, and we also use Discord quite a bit. My in game ID is the same as my name here so look me up if you are interested. I am on most mornings 8 -11 am Mountain US time...

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A lot of excellent advice was already given, so I'll just redirect you to a bunch of links that you might find helpful later on:


* https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Main_Page - the main resource for all questions GW2

* http://gw2crafts.net/ - how to efficiently level your crafting disciplines

* https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki - the best build resource

* http://gw2timer.com/ - all the big world events at a glance

* http://dulfy.net/category/gw2/ - tons of guides and walkthroughs (only use if absolutely needed, else it can spoil the fun)


Welcome to Tyria! :)

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