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Can we make No Down state permanent? Or have Conditions transfer over to Down State(Most Ideal)

Demon Puppet.6873

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> @"Apokriphos.7042" said:

> I am for anything that reduces the power of megazergs in the WvW meta. Downstate has a complicated history in WvW. With some small modifications (Basically just limit it to max 1 rezzer at a time) I think it would be better balanced and less helpful to the side with superior numbers.



This ^^^^^. Agree, don't have issues with people choosing to run in map sized clusters but there is no downside to it. The only downside it has is that you can be out PPT'd if the otherside is running in smaller groups getting more done at the sametime.


> @"Apokriphos.7042" said:

> I think a better solution here to WvW woes would be to address the problem of stacking - which vastly benefits the side with greater numbers. The Mistlock Instability Social Awkwardness should be applied to all competitive game modes, and PvE for that matter too.


Stacking is an issue as well, agree here too. Again no downside for doing so and all benefit. Now some might say it's more skillfull play, but is it? How hard is it to get everyone to collapse on a tag. To me it's just who can bring more people to the same spot. Size alone should not define the end of the fight.


A key to a number of the adjust downstate requests are people looking for more downsides to just zerging and more balance so that people will choose to fight versus not to because the numbers imbalance means there is no chance to slow a larger force down. If you want smaller forces to go for a fight against larger ones they need a mechanic that can thin out a larger force and make that death have some value.


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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> I think we had that vote before and small majority was for keeping the down state .

> Point is this comes up all 2-3 months and actually it is more so that many games have copied Gw 2 down state system and you can barely find any pvp game without it these days.


Don't know if I saw another one after my last but sampling was small, only 103 votes but it was 36% Keep as is vs 56% adjust in some way.



It's just there are alot of variants when talking about potential changes. The condi transfer is a new suggestion though.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > I think we had that vote before and small majority was for keeping the down state .

> > Point is this comes up all 2-3 months and actually it is more so that many games have copied Gw 2 down state system and you can barely find any pvp game without it these days.


> Don't know if I saw another one after my last but sampling was small, only 103 votes but it was 36% Keep as is vs 56% adjust in some way.

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/109954/downstate-to-change-or-not-to-change-yeah-thats-the-question/p1


> It's just there are alot of variants when talking about potential changes. The condi transfer is a new suggestion though.


I think it was this one : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/97040/new-balance-patch-time-to-change-downstate

What I also can add to the topic is light classes become unplayable through no down state which Arena.Net acknowledged by doing next after the event one without down state back then Which strangely don't stop them to do it again and again


Funny thing is at the second time it was already so that most light class players stayed away from wvw , this time it is already on the community level please stay away if you don't want a sad experience during this week. -heavy armour only zergs- + scourges

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > > I think we had that vote before and small majority was for keeping the down state .

> > > Point is this comes up all 2-3 months and actually it is more so that many games have copied Gw 2 down state system and you can barely find any pvp game without it these days.

> >

> > Don't know if I saw another one after my last but sampling was small, only 103 votes but it was 36% Keep as is vs 56% adjust in some way.

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/109954/downstate-to-change-or-not-to-change-yeah-thats-the-question/p1

> >

> > It's just there are alot of variants when talking about potential changes. The condi transfer is a new suggestion though.


> I think it was this one : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/97040/new-balance-patch-time-to-change-downstate

> What I also can add to the topic is light classes become unplayable through no down state which Arena.Net acknowledged by doing next after the event one without down state back then Which strangely don't stop them to do it again and again


> Funny thing is at the second time it was already so that most light class players stayed away from wvw , this time it is already on the community level please stay away if you don't want a sad experience during this week. -heavy armour only zergs- + scourges


Yeah I think people were thinking about not changing it at the time more since the balance patch was fresh and people hadn't had time to play it out. 5 months later and different posters and numbers swing. Both were around the same sampling size and small overall.

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down state / rally mechanic is unique to GW2, and makes the game more fun for my old self.


instead of debating whether down state / rally should be perma-removed from WvW, i would prefer that resources be diverted to stopping the stomp "exploits", such as the thief's stealth--> teleport away ---> teleport back cheat. in my opinion, teleporting away should break the stomp channel. also in my opinion, any mechanic that prevents capture-point progress should also prevent stomp progress. for example: stealth and invulnerability. if you are stealthed or invulnerable, you should not be allowed to channel a finisher.


Now, having said that, i think that an occasion no-downed-state week is acceptable, in order to shake things up for a bit. i just wish there were other events mixed in occasionally as well.... such as a) mount stomp week, b) mount combat week ( 5 new mounted skills per class to use in combat ) c) airship support week (allows players to call in air support via "flares" that cost 25 supply. the "flares" would function like siege disablers and markers... consume the inventory flare to give you the skill, then you have to ground target within range, then the airships bombard the target location with a 1200 radius. the "flare" skill would obviously need a long cooldown, or maybe instead, be a new type of "forward artillery observer" banner tactic)

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> @"diomache.9246" said:

> > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > > @"diomache.9246" said:

> > > No downstate will kill wvw for most people like it did the other times this event happened. It's unbalanced and stupid for most classes. Why not make a "no stealth" event instead? Oh, because your class relies on stealth? Bad luck, hu?

> >

> > Just fyi, he mains a necro. And as someone that now plays Scrapper for the most part, I wouldn't really care that my F5 less useful. It would now be freed up for pure superspeed, which is fine by me.


> Doesn't change the issue at all. Just because a small majority here thinks removing downstate would be good for the game it really isn't. If you remove downstate, goodbye every power build, goodbye invulnerabilites, stealth, and so on. Why? Because these skills are even more unbalanced when people die at once. I'm maining Ele, I already can get oneshot. If you remove downstate, you have to cut damage from Rangers, Thieves, Revs, Warriors and basically everyone else by at least 90% to make fights not a frag fest.

> Why do you think WvW participation drops massively when this event hits? Because it's so fun for most? No, it caters a small fanbase that likes to play builds that forgive errors, because they can hide, run or invuln their way out of (almost) everything.


in fact this event scare player away because you can't hit every enemy that dies that would be in downstate before so you do less bags. funny enough, falling in a zerg vs zerg often means death anyway. also when they try to come back to their bus, gankers/roamers often have a hard time finishing the downed when there is several pugs around that can help the downed. (not to mention mounts.). not anymore! i think alot of players coming to WvW don't realise that this should be an open PvP area and not just a karma train with zerg fest.

screw those who just come in WvW to afk brain in a bus like they are shopping.

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> @"God.2708" said:

> > @"solemn.9608" said:

> > Yeah let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater, staff ele ele would be screwed if downstate was removed permanently lol. Rallying is part of my rotation.


> Not as much now that they removed top DPS lesser lava font tho. RIP 2012-2020.


Not giving you any attitude personally, but players have been whining about lava font for years. It's still REALLY good....

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