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Mesmer is annoying.


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-IH+DE. Stop DE created clones to proc IH, this will fix the IH issue for the most part. then you can have actual counterplay to it, DE allows IH to always have value due to spawning clone on dodge.

-SoI, its just busted. It kinda carries the class into semi-viability, but its OP. Make it recharge shatters by a flat CD like 20-25s. In turn reduce its cooldown to something like 45-50s.

While offensively it will be almost the same but def no more 2x disort that is oh so annoying.

- Domination traits award 5 vulnerability for landing CC. And 3 vulnerability for interrupting. Seems kind of backwards if you ask me no? Why be rewarded for landing CC less then for interrupting someone.

- Master of fragmentation makes F2 apply 3s cripple. 3,25 with som. thats 13s worth of cripple if shatter with 3 clones, kinda much right? Keep the 3s from mesmer and reduce clone shatter cripple to 1s, so that people dont get 10s+ aids cirpples on them.

- Mirage mirrors apply 4s aoe weakness when they are picked up in an area, Im a honest believer that weakness as a condition should NEVER be aoe and ALWAYS be single target.

Remove it from mirrors honestly, I dont see a reason for it to be there.


Remove dodge when stunned ( keep dodge when immob/feared so EM can remove them.


Might look sarcastic but im dead serious

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> o/

> -IH+DE. Stop DE created clones to proc IH, this will fix the IH issue for the most part. then you can have actual counterplay to it, DE allows IH to always have value due to spawning clone on dodge.


I like your self-harm troll posts :joy:


Yes it is just not ok that Mesmers have a value from a dodge trait on every single dodge like every other class in the game. I also think that Mesmer needs to pre use other skills to create a clone before dodging or has to spec into another trait like DE to make it work on every dodge is not disadvantage enough for the annoying pink class. Mesmer should invest 2-3 dodges or maybe 2-3 other traits to get a reward from a dodge trait on every single dodge! Also agree to the weakness on mirrors, they are imo not bad enough already, and the weakness might hit in 1 out of 10 mirrors on more than zero targets, clearly op! Cripple as major gm trait is just too much of a reward, running with torment is already unhealthy enough, fully with you here too. /s


Your other points are not even that crazy tbh. Makes no sense that simple cc spam gets higher reward than interupting a target in Domination (they rly should switch the more stacks to the interrupt trait and the lower stacks to the cc spam reward trait) but Anet prefers lower skill ceiling stuff, its a casual game though.


For SoI it makes more sense to exclude f4 completely from the cd reset and leave the others f1-f3 to get fully resetted. With just a cd reduction a Mesmer can less tactical work with. Now you can time the SoI use when you rly need the shatters back. With only cd reduction you have even less to think about timing in terms of when to use SoI and in terms of when to use the shatters. Without fully reset SoI is just another cd reduction trait you just have to click yourself at some point with lower tactical uses than it is now. But neither of it should happen without giving Mirage its second dodge back.

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Be carefull there is people who don't know you.


Just my two cents to not going into endless discussion about already discussed things : the old passive of SoIl (precise SoIl because there is SoIn) has more value in the sense that thanks to the vitality bonus you in theory don't need to overproduce clone to ensure you have something to shatter.

Means on most builds mesmers need ressources. You don't have many options :

* you can pop ranged clones who will not get insta killed.

* you overproduce clones to be sure you have something to shatter.

* you have clones with enough vitality to not get instaripped on random ennemy spam.


Idealy the choice between the three has to compete to not make them stack.

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> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> > @"Tycura.1982" said:

> > Pink men no fight Tyc fair. Pink men turn into dumb pink bugs in Tyc hands. Tyc angry Tyc smash


> Yes Tyc smash little pink men. Go rampage throw big rock at tiny pink man for big hurt, hurr hurr.


> 190 IQ Warrior mains unite


6k Rush with quickness to hit the skill visibly out of range and 1 sec before the animation can keep up is the way dude. 190 IQ Warrior in your dreams!

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> > > @"Tycura.1982" said:

> > > Pink men no fight Tyc fair. Pink men turn into dumb pink bugs in Tyc hands. Tyc angry Tyc smash

> >

> > Yes Tyc smash little pink men. Go rampage throw big rock at tiny pink man for big hurt, hurr hurr.

> >

> > 190 IQ Warrior mains unite


> 6k Rush with quickness to hit the skill visibly out of range and 1 sec before the animation can keep up is the way dude. 190 IQ Warrior in your dreams!


true warrior mains get ~400ping, and use dashing skills near walls so their characters keep teleporting around. Bonus points for being asura so you cant even see animations.

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> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> > @"Tycura.1982" said:

> > Pink men no fight Tyc fair. Pink men turn into dumb pink bugs in Tyc hands. Tyc angry Tyc smash


> Yes Tyc smash little pink men. Go rampage throw big rock at tiny pink man for big hurt, hurr hurr.


> 190 IQ Warrior mains unite


Need to remind myself, to send you some gold for this. :lol

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> > > > @"Tycura.1982" said:

> > > > Pink men no fight Tyc fair. Pink men turn into dumb pink bugs in Tyc hands. Tyc angry Tyc smash

> > >

> > > Yes Tyc smash little pink men. Go rampage throw big rock at tiny pink man for big hurt, hurr hurr.

> > >

> > > 190 IQ Warrior mains unite

> >

> > 6k Rush with quickness to hit the skill visibly out of range and 1 sec before the animation can keep up is the way dude. 190 IQ Warrior in your dreams!


> true warrior mains get ~400ping, and use dashing skills near walls so their characters keep teleporting around. Bonus points for being asura so you cant even see animations.


The 400 ping lag-o-port broken Rushes are part of the strat


Mesmer isn't the only class that gets Jaunt

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> @"Tinkerer.2167" said:

> such an offensive class guys please nerf it , it outperforms nade holo and helseth got to legendary with mirage


> i just dont understand how people don't know how busted this class is even core is super strong with mantras


true, mantra of distraction alongside of F3 with SoI to reset it doesnt lep people play the game, instant no counterplay

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> @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> _"Breaks Enemy Targeting"_ Would have to be the most annoying mechanic in the game, particularly when combined with clones and stealth.


Ranger pet, Mesmer clones, and some Necro minions, Necro being the worst, as it's hard to click them over the hoard of minions.

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