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More population unbalance under link system


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> @cpchow.7416 said:

> Anet claimed that some of the linked server have a higher population than blackgate. It seems pretty unfair to the server bg. Conclusion , it’s time to open bg in the next relink.


FIRST, release all inactive server/World relationships for players who have been inactive in WvW since.....[fill in reasonable period of time here] and keep this in place so that inactive players are released from server relationships on an ongoing basis due to extended periods of inactivity or dormancy.


SECOND, reduce population caps of maps and of servers


THIRD, require World selection by new players on entering **WvW for the FIRST time**, not at entering the game.


FOURTH, implement a system that is **highly responsive to transfers onto a World** and adjusts to population caps quickly, doesn't require manual intervention, so could adjust itself over the weekend and outside of office hours. No human intervention required.


THEN, it won't matter as much whether X-server re-opens.


In the meantime, keep the sleeping giants safely locked to more transfers for the good of the entire WvW player base.





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> @cpchow.7416 said:

> Anet claimed that some of the linked server have a higher population than blackgate. It seems pretty unfair to the server bg. Conclusion , it’s time to open bg in the next relink.


It's funny how Anet thinks raw population number is everything. How do you recruit people, establish and organise guilds when the community is changing all the time?

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> @cpchow.7416 said:

> Anet claimed that some of the linked server have a higher population than blackgate. It seems pretty unfair to the server bg. Conclusion , it’s time to open bg in the next relink.


If a linked opponent is bringing 450 during peak and BG is bringing 449, then sure, the linked servers have a higher population. But that's not a meaningful enough difference to decide that BG needs to open. That's especially true if you recognize that the reason BG remains closed is to discourage people from bandwagoning to BG.



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