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Bring back dungeons.

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They're still fun to do!


If you don't know, there is a repeatable achievement called [Dungeon Frequenter](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dungeons_(achievements)#achievement2963) that once completed by doing 8 different dungeon paths gives 5g and a [Chest of Dungeoneering](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chest_of_Dungeoneering) which gives you 150 tokens from your choice of dungeon.


What I think would be a cool idea is to add some new token to this chest that you can then trade a number of in for something special, like ascended gear or even a precursor.


Edit: One more thing that would make dungeons much more desirable and profitable without actually adding any additional loot would be to include a Daily Dungeon, it already exists its just buried down in the long list of possible dailies. Taking it out of the cycle and adding one each day would be a good thing, like strike missions.


What do you think?

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you got strikes as replacement for it


thay can make similar strikes like steel, or dungeon like strikes if you like that type of content more


new dung culd be nice idea only if thay increst lv cap by 5/10 (maybe with next expanshion) and plac it on last map of expansion for egzemple as final fight with army of evil + villain as last boss for budget cut to wings


3 boss wuld be eazy with ultra small number of mechanics (1g per boss kill), and last one normal dificulity with 1 max 2 mechanics (2g for kill)

for more chalanging players ther culd be cm button to evry boss that add more mechanics/more patter of boss attacks

cm will drop more rewards, part to new legendarys, small chance to drop any skin from that dung that normaly you need pay with tokens, rare for infusions

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> @"Atomos.7593" said:

> I haven't tried to do a dungeon so far yet. Maybe some updated rewards would entice me into doing them.


They're quite challening until you learn the mechanics, even then they can be a challenge! You can speed clear them with a good group though. They are fun and don't take too long and you get unique skins with the tokens. Plus you need the tokens for all Gen1 legendary weapons. The only problem now is getting a group to do them, except when there is a daily dungeon.


> @"Noah Salazar.5430" said:

> you got strikes as replacement for it...


But they're not a replacement at all. Strikes have no story and take just minutes to complete with only minimal mechanics and zero in the way of the environment. It's also not a replacement because Dungeons still exist, they have just been made non-profitable from the stand-point of liquid gold. But that is actually fine if there are other carrots like the tokens for unlocking skins and as mentioned, perhaps a new token for special items.


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> @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > @"Atomos.7593" said:

> > I haven't tried to do a dungeon so far yet. Maybe some updated rewards would entice me into doing them.


> They're quite challening until you learn the mechanics, even then they can be a challenge! You can speed clear them with a good group though. They are fun and don't take too long and you get unique skins with the tokens. Plus you need the tokens for all Gen1 legendary weapons. The only problem now is getting a group to do them, except when there is a daily dungeon.


Thanks for the information. They sound interesting. I'll have to try them out. I was mostly worried that they would take a long time, but if they don't take too long apart from forming the groups I'll give them a shot.

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Having dungeons be more relevant could be cool. They can be pretty fun.


I think the issues are;


1) That they will likely end up being full of Thief/Scrapper stealth spam to just run through most of the dungeons which is honestly, really lame and defeats the entire purpose of the dungeon when all you do is zerg the bosses and ignore literally everything else.


2) Putting a reward behind Dungeon Frequenter would need to be **SUPER** valuable in order to get people to actually bother to run the 8 unique paths in order to do the achievement given that the actual dungeons themselves give nothing of value.


Honestly, a system similar to what Astellia Online has could be a way to spruce up dungeons in a way where you actually play them (Which is what newbies typically want to do anyway) **AND** you get some rewards worth the time invested.


Essentially, the way it works in Astellia, is each dungeon run has a scoring system based off time spent and number of enemies killed. So if you wanted max rewards, you'd kill like 90% of the enemies in the dungeon, while completing it quickly to get S ranks in both categories which gave you tons of loot from the final boss as a result.


As far as what the "Tons of loot" could be in the case of GW2... I dunno... Tokens for ascended gear or Legendary materials could be a good incentive.

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...but dungeons which are not rush fests D:

Nowadays if you are unfamiliar with a skip or the 'go go go', you're most likely not welcome.


I do miss the slow-paced dungeons which required some thinking and slowly beating through the mobs and other challenges, puzzles or riddles etc...traps...

Now you just skip everything D: even in Fractals.

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Id like to see them revamp some of the dungeons. Many of the objectives just feel...old and clunky.

I always thought it'd be cool to revamp them into a new like...subsection of fractals. Update them, make them easily accessible from one place, have em still drop their unique currency, but work kinda like fractals where the tier or something determines the path.


Regardless, I'd like to see something new done with them instead of them just sitting in the corner, abandoned.

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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> ...but dungeons which are not rush fests D:

> Nowadays if you are unfamiliar with a skip or the 'go go go', you're most likely not welcome.


> I do miss the slow-paced dungeons which required some thinking and slowly beating through the mobs and other challenges, puzzles or riddles etc...traps...

> Now you just skip everything D: even in Fractals.


That happens to "team work" in all MMOs. Which is to say, there is no team work, just hurrying to get the rewards. So if they make new dungeons that i can do solo, then i might do them, otherwise i'm not interested.

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I love dungeons, I really do but I never run them because it's all "gogogo" and "what do you mean you 're not running the meta config for class XYZ??"

In the end all I really want from them is the tokens to unlock weapons and armor skins and I'd never set foot in a dungeon again if I could get them some other way (that didn't involve suffering through PvP )

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> @"Harak.8397" said:

> I love dungeons, I really do but I never run them because it's all "gogogo" and "what do you mean you 're not running the meta config for class XYZ??"

> In the end all I really want from them is the tokens to unlock weapons and armor skins and I'd never set foot in a dungeon again if I could get them some other way (that didn't involve suffering through PvP )


You can do WvW reward tracks and just do the more PvE type daily activities. Like Big Spender or the one for the ruins or the one to kill a sentry. It will take some time to get the tokens doing it this way.


It's what I've been doing.

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> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> Id like to see them revamp some of the dungeons. Many of the objectives just feel...old and clunky.

> I always thought it'd be cool to revamp them into a new like...subsection of fractals. Update them, make them easily accessible from one place, have em still drop their unique currency, but work kinda like fractals where the tier or something determines the path.


> Regardless, I'd like to see something new done with them instead of them just sitting in the corner, abandoned.


I am for this like maybe use dungeons to teach ppl how to work mechanics like breakbars and such

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> I thought Anet created fractals to replace dungeons and that dungeons were content that was no longer being supported? Then, came raids and strikes which, in some ways, supplanted fractals. I don't see Anet going backward at this point.


Changing a single chest to include a token and adding an NPC that takes those tokens is hardly what I would call support, it would be achievable in a single day if they wanted to. And I don't know why you wouldn't want content you have already paid for to be more desirable.


> @"yoni.7015" said:

> The dungeons are pretty boring, fractals are way more fun. So they should concentrate on them.



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Oh man, dungeons. So much work left to rot. They're in a bad way all these years later and that will probably never change. Fractals were meant to replace them but I've never understood why so much content was allowed to wither when it could be salvaged and redeemed.


I've said this before, so excuse me if you've seen me put this out there - Dungeons should be wrapped into Fractals as a second category. You could mix in some fractal rewards into their rewards systems. They would need some work well beyond bug fixes. Some encounters/bosses need their mechanics rebalanced and some dungeons/paths probably need a good overhaul. While recycling and remastering old content is harder than it sometimes sounds, the assets are _right there,_ so a lot of old, neglected **but completed** work is ripe for exploiting.


This, sadly, will never happen.

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Yes to revamp existing dungeons. Update the mechanics to be on par with the newer systems. Add lvl 80 options/hard modes to them. Give achievements per dungeons like no-death runs, under 30 min speed clear, hard mode/cm clear and more creative achievements tied to specific dungeons such as ''Defeated X without stepping into Y''. Tie titles and dyes to them as possible rewards. Go crazy and reward a mount skin for completing all new dungeon achievements. Stuff like this.

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> @"Sigerk.2897" said:

> Yes to revamp existing dungeons. Update the mechanics to be on par with the newer systems. Add lvl 80 options/hard modes to them. Give achievements per dungeons like no-death runs, under 30 min speed clear, hard mode/cm clear and more creative achievements tied to specific dungeons such as ''Defeated X without stepping into Y''. Tie titles and dyes to them as possible rewards. Go crazy and reward a mount skin for completing all new dungeon achievements. Stuff like this.


So.... do all of this and stop working on raids and strike missions.

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