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is it normal?


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Like... normal? No. But it is ..normal unfortunately .. not normal. Clowny teef builds still deal way too much damage while nearly uncatchable .. not all of them but.. a lot i think.. once there was a time when i had to admit i met a better player and losing was fine ..in a way at least... these days it is more like just meeting stronger builds is all you have to do for get beaten up .. balance team still got a lot of work to do imo..

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and what are the options to resist such wild damage made from invisibility in 1-2 seconds? Yes, I had a shrink, but for timely use, there must be a reaction of the monster. If you increase the armor to conditional 5000 damage, based on the formula, you will get 3900. and in addition there is zero chance of killing the thief (lower dps) who sooner or later will bite out of invincibility. we add here strong mobility, invisibility and a lot of dodge skills. what to do?


Why does a class with an element of surprise have such mobility and dodge skills? so as not to leave a chance to other classes?


I would like to understand the idea of ​​balancing

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> @"Arziki.8129" said:

> and what are the options to resist such wild damage made from invisibility in 1-2 seconds? Yes, I had a shrink, but for timely use, there must be a reaction of the monster. If you increase the armor to conditional 5000 damage, based on the formula, you will get 3900. and in addition there is zero chance of killing the thief

> who sooner or later will bite out of invincibility. we add here strong mobility, invisibility and a lot of dodge skills. what to do?


> Why does a class with an element of surprise have such mobility and dodge skills? so as not to leave a chance to other classes?


> I would like to understand the idea of ​​balancing


not to defend thieves, but there are a number of ways to reduce dmg one of which is to make sure u have access to protection which reduces incomingg dmg by 33%. you can easily do this by using rune of durability which grants protection of hit which is especially useful vs stealth players

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> @"Arziki.8129" said:

> the description of the rune says "grant nearby allies".

> does it work the same for me?

> a good option. maybe there is something else quickly coming to mind?


> p.s. nvm. in the discussion on the wikipedia page there is an answer. works for itself


in this game stuff that says "grant allies" almost always include u. I cant think of one skill that doesnt

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Damage formula doesn’t capture whole complexity:

* Were you at full HP?

* Were you vulnerable at the time?

* Did they have Assassin’s Signet on their bar?

* Was the thief alone or did they have any buffs from other external sources?

* Did you have boons like protection active?


I’d want to see more of the damage log personally.

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unfortunately I cannot answer these questions, but if we proceed from the above formula, everything is taken except vulnerability. There is only one conclusion. it is possible to kill in 2 hits a player.

3200 strength in the formula alludes to 19 power stacks. in full berserk set I have 2637 power + 19 * 30. we will assume that the power stacks in the formula


1030* 3200 * 2,4 / 1000 брони * 2,5= 19776dmg

I received about 33% less damage(12617). Most likely the defense was


it is not entirely clear to me why, in principle, death in one\two blow is permissible(all the more using the surprise effect), but that's another topic



Unfortunately, if you think well, the rune is not such a good way out of the situation. obviously skillful thieves are aware of it and can trigger with a simple hit. The duration is 1-2 seconds. Yes this gives some chance to escape. whether this is enough is another topic too.

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You are absolutely right. Even the power creep nerf some builds perform way to good. A class shouldn't be able under any circumstance to oneshot someone. Never. At least not when they have an unlimited toolkit that allows them to avoid oneshots vs. them in return. That's why you see so many of them roaming. Low risk and high reward and I really hope Anet uses the data from the event to cut those "most played builds" that it won't happen again.

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> @"Arziki.8129" said:

> unfortunately I cannot answer these questions, but if we proceed from the above formula, everything is taken except vulnerability. There is only one conclusion. it is possible to kill in 2 hits a player.

> 3200 strength in the formula alludes to 19 power stacks. in full berserk set I have 2637 power + 19 * 30. we will assume that the power stacks in the formula


> 1030* 3200 * 2,4 / 1000 брони * 2,5= 19776dmg

> I received about 33% less damage(12617). Most likely the defense was


> it is not entirely clear to me why, in principle, death in one\two blow is permissible(all the more using the surprise effect), but that's another topic



> Unfortunately, if you think well, the rune is not such a good way out of the situation. obviously skillful thieves are aware of it and can trigger with a simple hit. The duration is 1-2 seconds. Yes this gives some chance to escape. whether this is enough is another topic too.


WvW uses different coeffecients. 1.8 for backstab.


Damage = Coeffecient * Power * Weapon Strength divded by armor (Toughness + armor).


12617 = 1.8 * x * 1000 / 1967 gives us


Solve for x gives us 13,787 power. Not a very achieveable amount if I'm being honest. But we left out damage modifiers.

Let's say 250% crit chance, 5% scholar, 5% force. Divide our power by 2.5, 1.05, and 1.05.

5002 Power. Still not achieveable, but closer. Ferocious strikes for 10%, and exposed weakness for another 10%/

4133 Power. Finally a do-able number with assassin signet activated. Dunno if that's the exact number, but the answer would be to add toughness, or just have a source of protection. Would make the above completely unachievable. (protection takes it from 19k to ~12k).

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> @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> I really don't know why there has to be a discussion about the how that happens when the obvious problem is that it does.


Because the 'How' it happens is that a thief spends an in-ordinate amount of time working out the how it happens so he can do it. And then a player whines that it's unfair when the answer is to throw 4 soldiers trinkets whilst walking around in WvW or something and you essentially become immortal to them because after they do that they have -nothing- left.


It's a disparity of knowledge gap issue, not a stat issue. And quite frankly it is not a problem that it does. If you are walking around with no toughness on a class and have no passive defenses and aren't ready to fight... There should absolutely be something in the game that is capable of punishing you for that.

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I have played last +400 hours same one one hit build and there really isn't that many classes/specializations that take big crits. For example i probaly haven't never one hit holosmith, scrapper, soulbeast, waver that doesn't use staff, tempest and so on. People need to understand that some specs take +8k crit while other specs take 3k crit and still hit you like a truck. How you balance this?

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Change the modifiers on skills. Easy as that. When I run full glass and get hit for a 7k Arc Divider but my own supposed to be heavy hits for not even 3k it's a problem with the skills - based on the assumption that both have no boons and wear equal gear stats.

**That's the whole point of the discussion. When you are a glass cannon you should be squishy. But most popular roaming professions can build glass cannons without having the disadvantage from the high burst.**

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> @"primatos.5413" said:

> Like... normal? No. But it is ..normal unfortunately .. not normal. Clowny teef builds still deal way too much damage while nearly uncatchable .. not all of them but.. a lot i think.. once there was a time when i had to admit i met a better player and losing was fine ..in a way at least... these days it is more like just meeting stronger builds is all you have to do for get beaten up .. balance team still got a lot of work to do imo..


Most thiefs are running with Renegade (grouped in party), so they get boosted from having another player around vs single/solo player (or not grouped to get any priority for boons, if another friendly player are close enough).


Don't forget that vulnerability (condition) also increase all damage (both power and condition) on target, so if you have max vulnerability (max 25%) on you and thief have max Might (max +750 for both attribute in power and condition damage), that combo increase your max damage taken and combine it with a Sigil of Vision (3 next attack is critical hits), then you will see high damage.






To get high power damage a thief need to run attribute that have major attribute in power at least and enough of precision (to have enough base damage procs and Fury adds 20% when that boon is up) with Ferocity.

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> @"diomache.9246" said:

> Change the modifiers on skills. Easy as that. When I run full glass and get hit for a 7k Arc Divider but my own supposed to be heavy hits for not even 3k it's a problem with the skills - based on the assumption that both have no boons and wear equal gear stats.

> **That's the whole point of the discussion. When you are a glass cannon you should be squishy. But most popular roaming professions can build glass cannons without having the disadvantage from the high burst.**



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> @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> I really don't know why there has to be a discussion about the how that happens when the obvious problem is that it does.


Because modifiers -both offensive and defensive in form of boons, conditions and others- make a huge difference. If you just know that "something happens", but you have no information about the circumstances, then you don't really know anything valuable to base the potential changes on.

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It's a glass thief. I can regularly hit 17k+ backstabs on other glass characters on mine.


The builds are very one dimensional. They really only work against people who don't know how to fight thief, or are entirely unaware. Granted, I don't run stealth on mine so everyone can see me coming, but it's set up to do one big hit, and that's about it.

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> And then a player whines that it's unfair ....



you have some clearly wrong perception of the text and its meaning.


No one here whines. The question was "is this possible or not?". The answer is received. Yes it is possible. I'll tell you a secret, this situation does not suit me. I think it is not logical to combine invisibility(teleports\evade moves\other escapes) and oneshot (by the way, I saw how Holosmith did the same trick in 2 hits from invisibility). With regard to the measures that I personally took on this matter - they are not. It will still be lazy for me to rearrange the runes\traits\stats. In the end I go to wvw to do daily and nothing more. Those who are satisfied with such things are playing wvw. I am not satisfied with it and I am not going to waste my time on it. This is my decision and I am not asking anyone to change something, and even more so I don’t whine.



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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> Damage formula doesn’t capture whole complexity:

> * Were you at full HP?

> * Were you vulnerable at the time?

> * Did they have Assassin’s Signet on their bar?

> * Was the thief alone or did they have any buffs from other external sources?

> * Did you have boons like protection active?


> I’d want to see more of the damage log personally.


aside from the 1st question, the others doesn’t matter.

there’s no reason to die within 2 strikes in this game. no one here is playing dark souls

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