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Kappa in Cantha

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I'm curious about the Naga, there's a good chance the Canthans wiped them out in one of their non human racial purges a long time ago.


Or at the very least they could have been forced back into the sea, the bulk of their race was petrified in the Jade sea so chances are they're dead too although it might be possible they could de-petrify and come back to life like the jade sea is.

That would be a really cool thing to explore since those Naga were very, very different from the evil Human hating ones we had in Gw1.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> I'm curious about the Naga, there's a good chance the Canthans wiped them out in one of their non human racial purges a long time ago.


> Or at the very least they could have been forced back into the sea, the bulk of their race was petrified in the Jade sea so chances are they're dead too although it might be possible they could de-petrify and come back to life like the jade sea is.

> That would be a really cool thing to explore since those Naga were very, very different from the evil Human hating ones we had in Gw1.


Yes so many possibilities, it's been difficult to contain my excitement.

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> @"Kadsik.9281" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > I'm curious about the Naga, there's a good chance the Canthans wiped them out in one of their non human racial purges a long time ago.

> >

> > Or at the very least they could have been forced back into the sea, the bulk of their race was petrified in the Jade sea so chances are they're dead too although it might be possible they could de-petrify and come back to life like the jade sea is.

> > That would be a really cool thing to explore since those Naga were very, very different from the evil Human hating ones we had in Gw1.


> Yes so many possibilities, it's been difficult to contain my excitement.


I know the feeling ^^

Cantha has been top of my list of locations I cannot wait to see in Gw2 since the game came out XD

8 years of waiting to see it and it's so close now.. well in terms of how long the games been out anyway, it'll probably still be a good year yet at least before we actually get to play it but still.. so close lol

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Kadsik.9281" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > I'm curious about the Naga, there's a good chance the Canthans wiped them out in one of their non human racial purges a long time ago.

> > >

> > > Or at the very least they could have been forced back into the sea, the bulk of their race was petrified in the Jade sea so chances are they're dead too although it might be possible they could de-petrify and come back to life like the jade sea is.

> > > That would be a really cool thing to explore since those Naga were very, very different from the evil Human hating ones we had in Gw1.

> >

> > Yes so many possibilities, it's been difficult to contain my excitement.


> I know the feeling ^^

> Cantha has been top of my list of locations I cannot wait to see in Gw2 since the game came out XD

> 8 years of waiting to see it and it's so close now.. well in terms of how long the games been out anyway, it'll probably still be a good year yet at least before we actually get to play it but still.. so close lol


And considering how beautiful the Elona maps looked, and the fact that they get better with each map that comes out. Cantha is gonna be great.

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I wonder if Naga will even be a thing anymore.


I always thought that they got replaced with Krait.

They share alot of similarities. Both are snake people primarily living in water.


Krait also _used_ to be different in GW1. They were snake creatures, but with a wide array of different body forms and they were able to "mutate" and change between these different forms.

In GW2, they are really exactly like the Naga from GW1.


Agree that I hope to see the original Kappa again, tho.

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> I wonder if Naga will even be a thing anymore.


> I always thought that they got replaced with Krait.

> They share alot of similarities. Both are snake people primarily living in water.


> Krait also _used_ to be different in GW1. They were snake creatures, but with a wide array of different body forms and they were able to "mutate" and change between these different forms.

> In GW2, they are really exactly like the Naga from GW1.


> Agree that I hope to see the original Kappa again, tho.


Sooner or later maybe we will get to learn about a connection between the Naga, Krait, and Forgotten. But speaking of how the Krait changed so much from Gw1 to Gw2, that's the kind of thing I dont want to happen to the Naga or Kappa if they are even still around.

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> @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> Didn't the mad regime of ministry of purity exterminate everyone and everything that wasn't canthan? So they are all dead, like everything else that didn't escape. If anything had time to escape.


I'd be ok with that story direction, but what I mean is if any of those creatures are still around, hopefully they don't change their base look too much.

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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> Well the Mascot of POF wasn't exactly cute or cuddly. Maybe the mascot for the next expand wouldn't be either.


I liked Balthazar's design, I also realize he is a god of war so hes going to be aggressive, I just felt like he was very one track-minded and not much of a tactician. But I really just meant that some of the games fauna that carried over from Gw1 tends to be a bit more simplistic even with the updated graphics.

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> @"Kadsik.9281" said:

> > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > Well the Mascot of POF wasn't exactly cute or cuddly. Maybe the mascot for the next expand wouldn't be either.


> I liked Balthazar's design, I also realize he is a god of war so hes going to be aggressive, I just felt like he was very one track-minded and not much of a tactician. But I really just meant that some of the games fauna that carried over from Gw1 tends to be a bit more simplistic even with the updated graphics.


I could be mistaken, but I think when he was talking about the PoF mascot, then he meant the Choya and not Balthazar.

Which also haven't really been cute or cuddly if you look at them closely.

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > @"Kadsik.9281" said:

> > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > > Well the Mascot of POF wasn't exactly cute or cuddly. Maybe the mascot for the next expand wouldn't be either.

> >

> > I liked Balthazar's design, I also realize he is a god of war so hes going to be aggressive, I just felt like he was very one track-minded and not much of a tactician. But I really just meant that some of the games fauna that carried over from Gw1 tends to be a bit more simplistic even with the updated graphics.


> I could be mistaken, but I think when he was talking about the PoF mascot, then he meant the Choya and not Balthazar.

> Which also haven't really been cute or cuddly if you look at them closely.


Nope you are definitely right, my mistake, thanks for pointing that out.

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> @"Kadsik.9281" said:

> > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > Didn't the mad regime of ministry of purity exterminate everyone and everything that wasn't canthan? So they are all dead, like everything else that didn't escape. If anything had time to escape.


> I'd be ok with that story direction, but what I mean is if any of those creatures are still around, hopefully they don't change their base look too much.


Only kappa i have seen was in nioh, and it surely wasn't cute or cuddly. Also, it had weird inclinations.

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> @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > @"Kadsik.9281" said:

> > > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > > Didn't the mad regime of ministry of purity exterminate everyone and everything that wasn't canthan? So they are all dead, like everything else that didn't escape. If anything had time to escape.

> >

> > I'd be ok with that story direction, but what I mean is if any of those creatures are still around, hopefully they don't change their base look too much.


> Only kappa i have seen was in nioh, and it surely wasn't cute or cuddly. Also, it had weird inclinations.


Just checked the Nioh Kappa out, jeez those are freaky looking.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> Considering Cantha has been on a "Humans Only!" racism tear for the last 200+ years, I wouldn't get my hopes too high...



Then again if you look at real world genocides even the ones that last several centuries have usually failed to be 100% 'final solutions'. They can reduce by factors like 99%, such as the Native American population of the USA, or by massive amounts like the Aboriginal population of Australia. But 100% wipeouts - those are very rare and usually only work when short in duration, like Columbus' landing on what is now Hispaniola (and there are still people there who claim to have some native blood - but that kind of hiding by mixing in would not happen with non-humans in Cantha). Quite often even in rapid intentional wipeouts it doesn't get everyone - like the Toltec & Mayan attacks on Aztec survivors after Cortez took Tenochtitlan (most people today who claim to be Aztec are actually descendants of the Indigenous people that defeated the Aztecs alongside Cortez, but a few actual Aztec people did survive the postwar purge).


I suspect we'll find pockets of people, and if the purges have ended - pockets that are slowly growing back. At the end of the 'Indian Wars' there were a little less than 200,000 Native Americans left in the USA, but we're over 6.79 million now. Still a LOT less than the estimated 10-200 million (estimates vary dramatically to an absurd degree) they used to have, but slowly growing.


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Definitely when returning somewhere we’ve been rather than an all new place there will be expectations to see familiar creatures. And that’s part of the reason for going there, too - if you want to do something totally different go somewhere else! So yeah they ought to do the kappa

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> Definitely when returning somewhere we’ve been rather than an all new place there will be expectations to see familiar creatures. And that’s part of the reason for going there, too - if you want to do something totally different go somewhere else! So yeah they ought to do the kappa


I hope so, I like the Kappa in Gw1 because of thier look of course, but they also had interesting little gurgly sound effects. And not to mention that packs of them jumped out of the water to surprise you in certain areas.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> Considering how badly necromancer minions for example turned out in gw2 while comparing the minions from gw1 I doubt it. I fear everything will be just as sugarcoated as everything else has been already. Sadly...

This is the example I was trying to think of that is exactly what I'm worried about they did it with black bears too.

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